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Contentious jurisdiction and voluntary jurisdiction
1  University of San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia


Jurisdiction is a word that derives from the Latin expression jus- dires that means to say the right, it is the power of the State to desire and apply the right to particular cases, exercised through the judges, who have been invested to administer justice. The jurisdiction in its actions is indivisible, it is the interest of the State and its obligation, for the peaceful coexistence of its inhabitants, to apply the law for the maintenance of the legal order created by it. Jurisdiction is a function in which state activity is manifested in the sphere of social relations, which are established in connection with the administration of justice, by bodies created for that purpose. Within this jurisdictional function of the State is the so-called civil jurisdiction, which is that part of the jurisdiction that has as its function the knowledge, investigation and decision of the claims on personal and patrimonial rights, acted by the courts in accordance with the provisions of the substantive and procedural law in a timely manner.

Keywords: Jurisdiction
