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  • Open access
  • 40 Reads
From "Network Neutrality" to "Algorithm Neutrality": Idea Changes and Enlightenment

Since algorithmic recommendation has been widely adopted in information distribution, as a new concept of "network neutrality", "algorithmic neutrality" has come into the public view. Thus, from an initial requirement only to Internet Service Providers providing wire or wireless services, restricting their controlling of the application and content providers, "network neutrality" requirement has extended to contain content providers, service providers and terminal equipment manufacturers, until covers all the upstream and downstream industries’ technologies around fixed or mobile networks. Nowadays, it has further become a requirement of platishers represented by social media to recommend information to users by algorithm.

  • Open access
  • 52 Reads
Analysis of the internet development based on the complex model of the discursive space

This paper aims to present a new way of understanding and elaborating the current state of the reality which remains in the substantial dependency on the technology. An example of such a relatively mature technology is the internet. This paper shows the coherent descriptive schema of it based on the idea of discursive space which has two essential ingredients: complexity as a generic model and discourse as its direct substance. Abstract discursive space is created according to the idea of the physical state (phase) space. Discursive space lets further to describe the knowledge phenomenon.

  • Open access
  • 56 Reads
Augmented reality and perception of analogue and digital images and maps

The idea of combining information from a database with information derived directly through the senses is termed augmented reality. Augmented reality (AR) is that organically, in real-time and dynamically overlaying virtual images created by computers and other information on real environment which the observer sees. And when the observer moves in real environment, virtual information changes according to the movement, just like those virtual information truly exists in real world.
AR is used with the mobile devices with GPS and WiFi connections. The user gives the system information to identify the desired destination, and the system then generates sufficient information. The disadvantages reveal themselves when there is no WiFi connection or there is no space in the storage of mobile device to maintain the image of the whole map. Then the traditional ways of recognition of localization must be used, most often with analogue (paper) map or image.
The presentation of coding of some data and metadata on an image or a map (both in digital and analogue form) permits inter alia the inclusion of e.g. paper map or analogue image into the chain of digital devices use. Some solutions, remarks and comments concerning functioning of the digitally augmented (printed) map within the information society are presented.

  • Open access
  • 74 Reads
Social media materialities and political struggle: Power, images, and networks

This research investigates activists’ social media tactics and how these tactics materialize at the intersection of social media materialities and protest. The argument is based on a case study of social media communication by activists involved in the Blockupy action against the opening of the new European Central Bank headquarters in March 2016 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. We conclude by empirically and conceptually discussing the tension between activist agency and social media materialities.

  • Open access
  • 64 Reads
Autonomy, Testimony and Informational Diversity

I’ll follow a line of thought that suggests to intend “personal autonomy” in a social sense. The urgency to undertake this move arises because of the wide variety of informational sources we are exposed which influence our behavior. Social background represents the basis for autonomy; at the same time, interaction with others (real or virtual) enlarges the possibility for autonomous judgements.  My attempt is to try to elucidate the connection between autonomy, knowledge by testimony and the exposition to informational diversity.

  • Open access
  • 100 Reads
Characteristics of Information and Its Scientific Research

The purpose of this paper is to prove the basic law of information and its application in logic, mathematics and translation by expounding the ecological characteristics of information and its scientific research. The first is to explore the essence of information from the diversity, and then to explore the way of information science research from multiple perspectives. Finally, through the social-ecological characteristics of the phenomenon information, at the same time, through the logical-mathematical characteristics of essential information, Ultimately, reveal the basic law of information. The result is that the basic law of information and its application is proven in logic, mathematics and translation. The significance of the phenomenon is that the characteristics of the phenomenon information are highlighted in a variety of forms. The existence of the essential information is known in the order of its order and position in the generalized text gene and its combination form system. Since the machine translation is essentially the translation memory in the vocabulary , Phrases, sentences, paragraphs and chapters are more satisfied with the bilingual pair of levels, therefore, they are in logic, mathematics and language in three aspects to follow the basic principles, namely: this article reveals the three basic laws of information.

  • Open access
  • 105 Reads
Fundamental Law of Information: Proved by Both Numbers and Characters in Conjugate Matrices

Its purpose is to prove information law by logic, mathematics and translation. The method involves: the generalized bilingual logic established on both Aristotle 's formal logic and Frege' s mathematical logic, the linkage function established on both Turing's strong artificial intelligence using numbers and Searle's weak artificial intelligence using characters, the ontological knowledge established on both Saussure's general linguistics and Chomsky's formal linguistics. The result is that the basic law can be proved by digital and textual twin matrices. Its significance lies in that the global positioning system should be regarded as a special case of the generalized bilingual system.

  • Open access
  • 82 Reads
Information: Subjective or Objective?

The target of this paper is to draw a comparison between information in living systems and information in inorganic contexts. The two representative contexts we will refer to are those of an organism and of solid state physics. We have published extensively elsewhere on the properties of a model hierarchy (e.g. Cottam et al, 2003; and most recently Cottam et al, 2016; Cottam et al, 2017), and to reproduce the entire derivation would be inappropriate for this extended abstract. Consequently, we will restrict ourselves to the brief sketch which follows, in the hope that this attenuated version is sufficiently comprehensible.

  • Open access
  • 62 Reads
The ladder of cyber-subsidiarity as a mediation between the autonomous citizens and the commons

The process of globalisation leveraged by digital technologies has dramatically increased the capacities of the capitalist milieu and its homogenisation momentum. This indeed endangers the preservation of cultural and community identities and their related capacities to act, including the capacity to sustainably adapt to their environments. Before this global issue, the author proposes the subsidiarity principle as a kind of fundamental ground for the Global Information Society, based on Stafford Beer’s Viable system model.

  • Open access
  • 55 Reads
Structural Realism, Structural Information, and the General Concept of Structure

The main goal for this paper is to revisit and rehabilitate structuralist methodology based on the idea of invariance and symmetry for the purpose of the discussion of structural realism and its consequences for ontology of information. This paper continues the earlier work of the author carried out in this spirit. In the present paper the focus is on the general concept of a structure, not necessarily in terms of information, but with important consequences for the study of structural information. The conceptual study of the general concept of a structure is followed by an outline of the mathematical formalism suitable for the development of its theory.
