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  • Open access
  • 38 Reads
Meaning generation for animals, humans and artificial agents. An evolutionary perspective on the philosophy of information

Meanings are present everywhere in our environment and within ourselves. But these meanings do not exist by themselves. They are associated to information and have to be created, to be generated by agents. The Meaning Generator System (MGS) has been developed to model meaning generation in agents following a system approach in an evolutionary perspective. The agents can be natural or artificial. The MGS generates meaningful information (a meaning) when it receives information that has a connection with an internal constraint to which the agent is submitted. The generated meaning is to be used by the agent to implement actions aimed at satisfying the constraint. We propose here to highlight some characteristics of the MGS that could be related to items of philosophy of information.

  • Open access
  • 97 Reads
The shaping of the public opinion: social media between populism and convivialism. A comparative study of Austria, Sweden, and the UK

Social, political and economic features of Austria as well as Sweden and the United Kingdom show similarities such that they can be examined in parallel and compared. Cultural differences in these countries are transmitted in a variety of situation, but they do not necessarily refer to the same social distinctions. Moreover, our observation of common features among these three countries will target the rise of right-wing political parties, invoked by the “crises” from Middle East. Furthermore this study aims to observe the reaction of the citizens of these three countries respectively, the sympathizers as well as those who disagree with such populistic proclamations.  Such social and cultural issues arise attention and, at the same time call upon the empirical focus in anthropological studies. We are suggesting this parallel examination with regard to the anthropological science and its methods that will help to carry out our research.

This research will contribute results with a critical discourse analysis in combination with empirical research methods and analysis.

  • Open access
  • 33 Reads
Philosophical Analysis on the Nature and Forms of Information —From the perspective of Marxist philosophy

The aim of this research essay attempt to reveal the nature of information form the perspective of Marxist Philosophy. The nature of Information is the first question that philosophy of information science and technology research must be answered, thus the problem is still debated. According to Marxist dialectical materialism method to the essence of information has made the analysis and argumentation, points out the essence of information between what is and its internal contact things, and this contact information is presented. Due to the connection between the protean and endless things, thus produce the endless, full of beautiful things in eyes, each are not identical information. To grasp the nature of information, must pay attention to and the specific form of information and information processing, the reorganization, transmission, storage, use and so on.

  • Open access
  • 87 Reads
Philosophy of Information Leading to the Fundamental Transformation of Philosophy

Philosophy of information should not be taken as the study of philosophical problems in information science and information technology, nor it should be considered as a certain philosophy branch which is affiliated to or can be summed up into any existing traditional philosophy. “Partition of existential field” is the highest paradigm of philosophy; and only changes in the highest paradigm can constitute the revolution of philosophy. Philosophy of information has triggered radical changes in the highest paradigm of philosophy for the first time, so it will certainly bring about the revolution of philosophy.

  • Open access
  • 30 Reads
Problems in the System of Scientific Knowledge

Problems play a crucial role in science. However, to correctly understand this role, it is necessary to have an adequate model of scientific knowledge. Here we use the most advanced and complete model called the modal stratified bond model of comprehensive knowledge systems. According to this model, problems are a specific kind of knowledge called erotetic knowledge generating the extensive erotetic system (modality) of scientific knowledge. Here we give a brief exposition of this system analyzing properties and aspects with the aim to determine the best form of problem description.

  • Open access
  • 67 Reads
Is the Internet-of-Things a burden or a leverage for the human condition?

The very common Internet citizen has a very restricted autonomous capacity to move through the network which is becoming the ever stretching milieu where our lives take place. At the same time, the capacity to manage relevant information from ourselves and the environment we are living in offers new avenues to deal with healthcare, sustainability issues and problems of many different kinds and significant social concern which were previously insufficiently attended. While the actual structure of the Internet, geared by big-data technologies, exhibits a network topology highly concentrated, the authors propose a cyber-subsidiary model which may solve the conundrum where the human condition seem to be trapped in a blind alley.

  • Open access
  • 48 Reads
Agogic Principles in Trans-human Settings

The contribution addresses agogic principles and related situation-aware behavior of actors in trans-human settings. When an actor’s time perspective changes from postponed application of experiences and knowledge to immediacy of application, accordingly, orientation to acting shifts from subject-centered activities to focused interaction in co-creative settings. It needs to be discusses whether in social settings of this kind agogic principles apply:

  • Activities are set in accordance with the needs of participating actors under the given conditions and capabilities to act
  • Each actor has certain resources that are not only the starting point, but rather design entities. They are accepted to be limited.
  • Actors determine their way and pace of developments, as development needs to in balanced with the current conditions. Both, active participation, and retreat are part of development processes.

It is the latter principle that is of crucial importance for triggering actor development and bringing it to life in a co-creative setting. Agogic actors need to embody, and thus self-manage

  • Empathy as sensitive understanding of others
  • Appreciation of another personality without preconditioning acceptance and respect
  • Congruence meaning the authenticity and coherence of one’s person and behavior

The first two behaviors are based on the flow from outer systems to the inner one(s), whereas congruence is decisive in making visible inner system values and their attributes to other, and thus, part of the outer space. Authenticity refers to meet a person ‘as a person’, to the equal of a person, experiencing a situation with the entire spectrum of channels (perceived impulses, feelings, impression etc.). Coherence includes judging in how far or at what point in time the inner space can be shared with others, i.e. becoming visible in an outer space. An essential part of congruence is that all participating actors have the same, transparent understanding of the co-creative system, including preset conditions and irreversible process design, e.g., normative or role-specific behavior. Each behavior researched in social systems will be discussed in the context of evolving trans-human systems.

  • Open access
  • 42 Reads
Some Sociological Issues of Information and Internet Engineering

In contemporary age, the information-internet engineering has been expanding to a global scale, and its deeply social embeddedness is characterized with the digital/material imbrications, cyberspace/user mediating practices, where a new network society emerges. In the network society, newly regional centers are made in the reconstruction of geographical space, personal growth becomes a cyber-action, and unadorned social structure now turns into the network structure. This new network society is a risk society, giving rise to both the disorganized actions (online mass incidents) and the deviant actions(telecommunication frauds). These actions violate the modest standards of public morality, influences on and even ruins the social life. In the face of so many social problems as well as challenges produced by the information-interwork engineering, it is emphasized that the engineering innovations(developing anti-hacker technologies) should play a panopticon-like role in the social governance of network, with its certain synopticon-like management as self-control(the supervision from the public via network) and legal management as external force.

  • Open access
  • 43 Reads
The Practice and Value Reconstruction of Modern Information Ecological Ethics : Beliefs, Argument and Strategy

As a kind of thinking mechanism that grasps motion, change and development of objects on the whole, systematic thinking contains a whole set of thinking principles, methods and operation procedures. With the uprising popularity of studies on informational system science and complexity theory, information reveals a new field that the philosophy of the past has not discovered. Wu’s works are putting forward a wholly new scientific thinking way: the Informational Thinking. We can conclude rationally from Wu’s explanations of information that the character of informational thinking way can include and surpass the basic idea of systematic thinking way. So far as the whole process of scientific cognition is concerned, functions of informational thinking are expanded in several aspects.
