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The 4th International Electronic Conference on Antibiotics

Challenges and Strategies for the Antibiotic Resistance Crisis

Part of the International Electronic Conference on Antibiotics series
21–23 May 2025
Event's Timezone: Central European Summer Time
Abstract Submission Deadline
21 February 2025
Abstract Acceptance Notification
21 March 2025

Registration Deadline
16 May 2025

Antibiotics Stewardship, Antimicrobial Use, Antibiotics Resistance, Novel Antimicrobial Agents, Multidisciplinary Antimicrobial Strategies, Antibiotic Clinical Studies, Artificial Intelligence Strategies
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Abstract Submission Deadline has been Extended!

New submission deadline: 21 February 2025
Join us today to register and submit your abstract, and be part of cutting-edge discussions and networking opportunities!

Welcome from the Chairs

On behalf of Antibiotics, I would like to welcome you to the 4th International Electronic Conference on Antibiotics (ECA2025). The objective of this event is to bring together researchers and scholars to discuss a wide range of topics covering the aim and scope of Antibiotics. We envision this conference as a highly interactive forum open to diverse forms of interaction between its participants. Currently, Antibiotics serves as a platform covering a broad range of topics, publishing papers on all aspects of antibiotics, and encompassing the general fields of biochemistry, chemistry, genetics, microbiology, and pharmacology. Antibiotics is the journal of choice for researchers who need a quick turnaround time in reviewing and publishing their papers. We can be proud of the fact that we have a high number of repeat contributing authors, which sends a strong message to the research community that Antibiotics is recognized as a high-quality service provider with an impeccable reputation because of its peer review and revision process.

We expect that participants of this conference will be able to exchange novel, provocative ideas by presenting short oral presentations on research and development and discoveries, as well as emphasizing challenges facing antibiotic resistance as a public health crisis.

Download the conference banner and share it with your colleagues!

Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Manuel Simões,
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Dr. Marc Maresca,

CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, Centrale Marseille, iSm2, Marseille, France
Chairs of the 4th International Electronic Conference on Antibiotics

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Event Chairs

Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal

keywords: antimicrobial agents; emerging antimicrobial strategies; antimicrobial resistance; biofilms; plant secondary metabolites
Manuel Simões has a PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering and is currently Associate Professor with Habilitation at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, where he is Pro-Director. He has more than 180 papers published in journals indexed in JCR (h-index = 48), 4 books (1 as author and 3 as editor) and more than 40 chapters in books. His research focusses on biofilms and antimicrobial action and resistance. He has been highlighted as a highly cited author in 2020 and 2021 by Clarivate Analytics. SCOPUS ID: 55608338000; Orcid ID: 0000-0002-3355-4398.

CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, Centrale Marseille, iSm2, Marseille, France

keywords: mycotoxins; fungal metabolites; antimicrobial; anticancer; antinflammatory; antioxidant
Dr. Marc Maresca is currently a researcher at Aix-Marseille Université. He received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Université Paul Cézanne (France, 2003) working on food contaminants named mycotoxins. In 2003, he moved to England to work on enteropathogenic E coli in Brendan Keny’s lab. Then, he moved back to France to continue his work on mycotoxins and their effects on human health. He is currently working at Aix-Marseille Université and his research aims to identify and develop new molecules—natural, synthetic, or bio-inspired—with antimicrobial properties. He focuses on antimicrobial peptides and their mimics as well as on plant derivatives and evaluates, in addition to their antimicrobial effects, additional activities such as anti-inflammatory and anti-tumorigenic effects.

Event Committee

School of Food Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

S3. Epidemiology, Prevalence and Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance and Cross-Resistance biofilm
Dr. Xu obtained a B.S. and Ph.D. from South China University of Technology in 2005 and 2011, respectively, and has worked as an Assistant Professor since 2011. Dr. Xu was awarded a Top 100 National Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in 2014. His major research interests include microbial biofilm, antimicrobial resistance, polymicrobial interaction, and rapid detection. Dr. Xu is the co-founder and co-president of Asia-Pacific Biofilms (previously known as ChinaBiofilms). Dr. Xu has published more than 100 manuscripts as first or correspondence author, with the total IF > 260, citation > 5,000, H-Index as 42, and I-10 Index as 82. Professor, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. Assistant Visiting Scientist, University of Maryland, College Park, United States. Distinguished Visiting Professor, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, Bangkok, Thailand. Adjunct Professor, National Institute of Fundamental Science, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Research Keywords
foodborne microorganisms; antimicrobial resistance; pathogenicity and virulence; stress response; quorum sensing; polymicrobial interacti

Operations Manager, JMI Laboratories, A Subsidiary of Element Materials Technology, North Liberty, USA

S3. Epidemiology, Prevalence and Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance and Cross-Resistance
Dr. Papp-Wallace is the Operations Manager at JMI Laboratories in North Liberty, Iowa. JMI Laboratories is a CLIA-certified clinical microbiology reference laboratory that provides support for preclinical drug development, surveillance studies, and bacterial and fungal phase I – IV clinical trials. She completed her doctorate in Pharmacology at Case Western Reserve University, followed by postdoctoral training in microbiology and antimicrobial resistance at Veterans Affairs Northeast Ohio Healthcare System in Cleveland, Ohio under the direction of Dr. Robert A. Bonomo. Her research interests include understanding mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in Gram-negative bacteria and identifying strategies to overcome resistance. As Research Scientist at the Veterans Affairs Northeast Ohio Healthcare System and tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine at Case Western Reserve University, she led projects that focused on structure-function relationships of clinically important β-lactamases from Gram negatives using microbiological and biochemical testing as well as structural biology with >80 peer-reviewed manuscripts. Dr. Papp-Wallace is Section Editor-in-Chief for Section "Mechanism and Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance" for Antibiotics. She is also an editor for Microbiology Spectrum and serves on the editorial board for Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
Research Keywords
serine β-lactamases, β-lactams; β-lactamase inhibitors; Burkholderia; carbapenem-resistant gram negatives; structure-activity relationships; enz

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Philosophy, Science and Letters at Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto 14040-901, SP, Brazil

S4. Novel Antimicrobial Agents: Discovery, Design, Synthesis and Action
Prof. Miller Crotti is an associate professor at the Department of Chemistry, held at the Faculty, Philosophy, and Letters of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Brazil. His research is focused on the biological activities of synthetic and natural products, especially antimicrobial activity and antiparasitic, as well as on the use of mass spectrometry for the fast identification of organic compounds in biological matrices. Prof. Miller-Crotti contributed more than 160 papers and serves as an editorial board member of Chemistry & Biodiversity and Antibiotics.
Research Keywords
natural products; organic synthesis; biological and pharmacological activities; mass spectrometry; structural elucidation; reaction mechanisms

Department of Biochemistry, Aix-Marseille University, France

S4. Novel Antimicrobial Agents: Discovery, Design, Synthesis and Action
Jean-Marc SABATIER is a Director of research at the French CNRS, with PhD and HDR degrees in Biochemistry and Microbiology. He has headed several academic research teams (CNRS, INSERM and University), as well as a combined academic–industry research laboratory devoted to the engineering of therapeutic peptides (ERT62, Marseilles, France). He was also a Director of Research for several French private companies as well as a Canadian public company. He acts as a consultant for top pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies. Dr. Sabatier works in the field of animal toxins and microbes. He so far contributed to several books in toxicology and virology, and more than 180 scientific articles, 180 communications, and 55 patents in both biology and chemistry. He acts as the Editor-in-Chief of the journals Coronaviruses, Infectious Disorders – Drug Targets, and Venoms and Toxins. He is a member of 66 Editorial Boards of scientific journals, such as Peptides, Molecules, Antibiotics, Frontiers in Pharmacology, and the Journal of Biological Chemistry. He also reviewed articles submitted for publication in >100 international journals and acts as an expert for numerous national and international institutions. He won the ‘Citizen of the Year Award’ from The Nouvel Economiste (1994) for his work on antivirals. He is a member of a dozen scientific societies, such as the ‘American Peptide Society’ (charter member), ‘European Peptide Society’, ‘American Society for Microbiology’, ‘Biochemical Society’ and ‘New-York Academy of Sciences’.
Research Keywords
antimicrobial peptides; antibacterial; antibiotics; structure-activity relationships; bacteriocins; drug design; peptide engineering

LMI CNRS UMR 5615, Université Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France

S5. Multidisciplinary Antimicrobial Strategies: Materials, Peptides, Bacteriophages and Repurposing
Dr. Anthony W. Coleman studied at Huddersfield New College and qualified by competitive examination for admission to the University of Oxford. He was affiliated to Jesus College from 1972-76 obtaining an Honours degree in Chemistry. Publications 260 in Science Citation Index, 150 Invited and Plenary Talks and 22 Patents (3 licenced).
Research Keywords
biomechanics; silver nanoparticle antibiotic action; metal ions in epigenetics; bioactive supramolecular systems; 3D printing and biofi

Université de Lille, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, U1019 - UMR9017 - CIIL - Center for Infection and Immunity of Lille, Lille, France

S5. Multidisciplinary Antimicrobial Strategies: Materials, Peptides, Bacteriophages and Repurposing

Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, The University of the West Indies (The UWI), St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago

S5. Multidisciplinary Antimicrobial Strategies: Materials, Peptides, Bacteriophages and Repurposing
Milena Mechkarska is currently a Senior Lecturer at The University of the West Indies (The UWI), St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago. She obtained her MSc in Biotechnology with a Major Genetic and Cellular Engineering from Sofia University (Bulgaria) and holds a PhD in Biochemistry from Wageningen University (The Netherlands). She joined The UWI in 2016 where she established a new research direction focused on development of nature-inspired therapeutic agents at the Department of Life Sciences (DLS), Faculty of Science and Technology (FST). During the last 14 years she has maintained a close collaboration with Professor J Michael Conlon (Ulster University) working on characterization of multifunctional host-defence peptides from frog-skin secretions, as well as scorpion and snake venoms (view her ORCID and Google scholar profiles). Additionally, she collaborates with researchers from France, Italy, Spain, Austria, United Arab Emirates and Bulgaria. She is a member of the Editorial Board of Antibiotics and serves as a reviewer for several other journals, such as Peptides, Toxicon, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, The Protein Journal, Biochimie and Nature Communications. Dr. Mechkarska is currently International Ambassador of the Biochemical Society UK at The UWI, facilitating involvement of both undergraduate and postgraduate students in research and outreach.
Research Keywords
antimicrobial peptides; bioactive host-defence peptides; immunomodulators; venoms; novel therapeutics; drug development; host-pathogen

Department of Chemistry, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Dublin, Ireland

S5. Multidisciplinary Antimicrobial Strategies: Materials, Peptides, Bacteriophages and Repurposing
arc Devocelle completed his PhD at the University of Lille (France) and subsequently joined RCSI (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland) in 1999. In 2000, he established, and led since, the Peptide Synthesis Laboratory at RCSI, a national facility for the synthesis of peptides and their modifications. He is currently an Associate Professor of Chemistry at RCSI. His research is focused on (cationic) Antimicrobial Peptides, developing various derivatives tailored to different applications.
Research Keywords
antimicrobial peptides; prodrugs; peptidomimetics

Departamento de Biologia, CESAM - Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Campus Universitário de Santiago, Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal

S5. Multidisciplinary Antimicrobial Strategies: Materials, Peptides, Bacteriophages and Repurposing
Adelaide Almeida is a Full Professor of Microbiology at the Department of Biology (DBio) of the University of Aveiro (UA), where she got her PhD degree, in 2001, and her Habilitation, in 2015. Over the last years she placed great emphasis on the development of alternative technologies to conventional antimicrobial methods to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms, namely phage therapy and photodynamic therapy, relevant for clinic, food, agriculture and aquaculture areas. More recently, she has also been involved in the evaluation of the beneficial effects of natural plant extracts on health, mainly as antimicrobials. She has published in these fields and her publications can be found in
Research Keywords
phage therapy; antimicrobial photodynamic therapy; alternative approaches to antibiotics

Local Unit of Imola, Department of Public Health, Health Service of the Emilia—Romagna Region, 40026 Imola, Italy

S6. Antibiotic Clinical Studies, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
He graduated in Chemistry in 1996 and then specialized in Analytical Chemistry. Ph.D. in Medicine in 2002, since then he works for the Public Health Systems in Italy as a Biochemist and Analytical Chemist (Toxicology and Pharmacology Lab). He has conducted Research in Biochemistry, Biomedicine, Nanotechnology and Pharmacology at the University of Bologna and in Public Healthcare Institutions abroad.
Research Keywords
anticancer antibiotics; tumor microbiota; pharmacokinetics of anticancer drugs and antibiotics; therapeutic drug monitoring; chromatography-mass spectrometry; analytical chemisty

Emergency Medicine, Fondazione Policlinico, Universitario A. Gemelli, IRCCS, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy

S6. Antibiotic Clinical Studies, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Marcello Covino has a PhD in Fisiopatology of Metabolism and Nutrition in 2025. He is currently Emergency Physician at Emergency Department, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli and Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, and also is responsible in charge of First Aid Service (UOS).
Research Keywords
medical and surgical emergencies in older adults; acute diverticulitis; acute pancreatitis; sepsis, infection in emergency; procalcitonin; trauma; head trauma; early warning scores; COVID-19; COVID-19 in the elderly

LEPABE, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Rua Dr Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal

S7. Clinical and Environmental Impact of Bacterial Biofilms
Nuno Filipe Azevedo is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) and a Senior Researcher at LEPABE. His main research interests are to explore the potential of nucleic acid mimics (NAMs) for the rapid diagnosis and treatment of bacteria and multispecies biofilms. He was the PI of the EU-funded project DelNAM, a project that started employing vectors such as liposomes for the delivery of antibacterial NAMs into bacterial cells and biofilms. Currently, he is involved in the e.Biofilm project, that aims to characterize, engineer and model multispecies biofilms taking into account the spatial structure of the microbial community. For further information, please visit:
Research Keywords
Nucleic acid mimics; antisense oligonucleotides; multispecies biofilms

Department of Health Cluster/ Nanomedicine, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Braga, Portugal

S7. Clinical and Environmental Impact of Bacterial Biofilms
Dr. Sanna Sillankorva holds a PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering from the University of Minho and is since 2024 a tenured Staff Researcher at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory in Braga, Portugal. She has devoted her work to bacteriophages, particularly for biofilm control of antimicrobial resistant pathogens, having authored more than 80 publications, 15 book chapters, and edited the book "Phage Therapy: from Lab to clinical practice", along with Dr. Joana Azeredo. In the last years, her research has focused on utilizing bacteriophages and lysins to combat antibiotic-resistant pathogens, particularly within biofilm populations. She is involved in developing innovative topical bacteriophage delivery systems and exploring transdermal and transtympanic permeation methods, employing both in vitro and ex vivo biofilm models.
Research Keywords
bacteriophages, nanobiotechnology, bacterial biofilms, phage therapy, antimicrobial resistance, antibacterial, clinical pathogens, foodborne pathogens

Session Chairs

Prof. Dr. Reza Nassiri

Department of Pharmacology/Toxicology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

antibiotics in clinical practice; antibiotic resistance; antibiotic stewardship; nosocomial infections; global health; infections diseases; SARS-CoV-2 infection

Dr. Efstathios Giaouris

Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of the Environment, University of the Aegean, Greece

food hygiene and safety; natural antimicrobials; sustainable microbial control; beneficial microorganisms; biofilms; intercellular interactions and communication; bacterial stress adaptation; virulence and pathogenesis

Prof. Dr. Nicholas Dixon

Molecular Horizons and School of Chemistry and Molecular Bioscience, University of Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia

bacterial DNA replication; protein-protein interactions; protein-DNA interactions; enzymes; antibiotic drug discovery

Prof. Dr. Jordi Vila

Department of Clinical Microbiology, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain

multidrug gram-negative bacteria; design new antibiotics; mechanisms of resistance; acinetobacter baumannii

Prof. Dr. Serena Riela

Department of Chemistry, University of Catania, Via Andrea Doria, 6, 95125 Catania, Italy

organic chemistry; synthesis; drug delivery; coniugates; hallosyte nanotubes; carrier systems; nanomaterials; biocompatible materials

Prof. Dr. Stefano Di Bella

Clinical Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences, Trieste University, Trieste, Italy

antibiotics; synergism; pharmacokinetic; Clostridioides difficile; antimicrobial stewardship

Prof. Dr. Manuel Simões

Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal

antimicrobial agents; emerging antimicrobial strategies; antimicrobial resistance; biofilms; plant secondary metabolites

Dr. Marc Maresca

CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, Centrale Marseille, iSm2, Marseille, France

mycotoxins; fungal metabolites; antimicrobial; anticancer; antinflammatory; antioxidant

Keynote Speakers

Presidential Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Cesar de la Fuente is a Presidential Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. He has pioneered computational approaches that have greatly accelerated antibiotic discovery, yielding numerous preclinical candidates. He has received over 80 major awards, has published over 160 papers including in Science, Cell, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Cell Host Microbe, and PNAS, and is an elected Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), becoming one of the youngest ever to be inducted.

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Genômicas e Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brasília, Brazil,
S-Inova Biotech, Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Campo Grande, Brazil

Octávio Luiz Franco holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Ceará (1998) and a PhD in Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology) from the University of Brasília (2001). He conducted his initial post-doctoral research in 2001 at Embrapa, followed by another at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He has undertaken work missions in numerous countries, including Australia, Israel, Portugal, Cuba, the Netherlands, and others. Dr. Franco completed his first sabbatical at the University of Wisconsin (USA) and the second at the University of British Columbia (Canada), focusing on infectious disease control. Currently, he serves as a professor at Universidade Catolica de Brasilia and University Catolica Dom Bosco. Additionally, he coordinates the National Institute of Science and Technology Bioinspir for bioinspired products. Dr. Franco holds the position of Researcher 1A and serves as a consultant to the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Furthermore, he is a member of the Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SBBq), The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), ASM (American Society of Microbiology), and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). His research is concentrated on developing bioproducts and bioprocesses, with a particular emphasis on controlling pathogenic microorganisms. Dr. Franco has authored nearly 500 papers, advised hundreds of students, and held dozens of patents for products that have entered the cosmetic and animal health markets.

NMR Spectroscopy, Department of Chemistry, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Markus Weingarth (1982) is Associate Professor of NMR Spectroscopy at Utrecht University with a fundamental interest in the molecular mechanism of antibiotics. Employing integrative structural biology approaches, firmly anchored in the core expertise solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Weingarth’s group dissects the action of antimicrobials that attack bacterial cell envelopes. His team has discovered novel supramolecular killing mechanisms, which has shifted the conventional ‘1 drug : 1 target’ paradigm. In addition, Weingarth has spearheaded the development of solid-state NMR methods to study the truly native action of antibiotics directly in intact bacteria and at high-resolution, i.e., in medically relevant conditions. For his antibiotics research, Weingarth has received several distinctions, including an ERC Consolidator grant (2022) and the ‘Founders’ Medal’ (2022) of the ‘International Council on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems’.

Invited Speakers

Unit Emerging Infectious Disease, Ospedali dei Colli, P.O. D. Cotugno,Naples, Italy

Highly experienced Infectious Disease Specialist with over 20 years in clinical and academic settings. Currently serving as the Director of the Infectious Disease Unit at Regional Center of Infectious Disease P.O.D.COtugno at AORN Monaldi-Cotugno-CTO, Naples, Italy. Extensive expertise in infectious disease management, antimicrobialstewardship and epidemiology, with a particular focus on high-contagion diseases, viral hepatitis, healthcare-associated infections and AI and ML applied to Infectious Disease and Epidemiology. Proven leadership in regional and national health initiatives, including COVID-19 response and antimicrobial resistance strategies based on innovative strategy as AI and ML algorithms.

Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy

Elena Maria Varoni graduated cum laude in Dentistry from the University of Milan (Italy), in 2008. She, then, obtained her PhD in "Biotechnologies for human health" in 2012, at the University of Eastern Piedmont (Novara, Italy), mainly focusing in preclinical research on innovative biomaterials and drug delivery systems. She had important experiences abroad as visiting scholar at the Universidad de Granada (Granada, Spain) and at the University of Laval (Quebec City, Canada). In 2012, she worked as postdoc at McGill University (Montreal, Canada), where she came back, in 2016, as visiting scientist, after becoming a researcher the University of Milan. Since 2020, she has been Associate Professor at the University of Milan. Here, she divides her activity between teaching, healthcare support and research activities. Since October 2023, she has been appointed as President of the Degree Course in Dental Hygiene at the same University. She has been former spokesperson of the Young Scientists Forum of the European Society of Biomaterials. She co-authored more than 100 publications on international journals. During her career, Prof. Varoni has received important scientific awards, including the "Henry Goldman Prize” of the Italian Society of Periodontology (2013), the “Young Scientist/Clinician Prize” of the European Association of Oral Medicine (2010) and "The medical and dental Futureshapers challenge" award from the Dental and Medical Board of Milan (2019).

Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Universitat de Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain

Research Keywords
drug discovery; metallodrugs; antimicrobial resistance; biofilm; gold complexes


The registration for ECA2025 will be free of charge! The registration includes attendance to all conference sessions.

If you are registering several people under the same registration, please do not use the same email address for each person, but their individual university email addresses. Thank you for your understanding.

Please note that the submission and registration are two separate parts. Only scholars who registered can receive a link to access the conference live streaming. The deadline for registration is 16th May 2025 .

Instructions for Authors

Procedure for Submission

ECA2025 will accept abstracts only. The accepted abstracts will be available online on during and after the conference.

Important Deadlines
Deadline for abstract submission: 21st January 2025 21st February 2025
Announcement of oral and poster abstract results: 21st March 2025. You will be notified of the acceptance of an oral/poster presentation in a separate email.
Certificates of Participation are available in your logged-in area of, under “My certificates” after the conference.
Abstract Submission
Abstract submissions should be completed online by registering with and using the "Submit Abstract" function once logged into the system. No physical template is necessary.
1. The abstract structure should include the introduction, methods, results, and conclusions sections of about 200–300 words in length.
2. All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear, publication-ready English with accurate grammar and spelling.
3. You may submit multiple abstracts. However, only one abstract will be selected for oral presentation.
4. The abstracts submitted to this conference must be original and novel, without prior publication in any journals or it will not be accepted to this conference.
Detailed Requirements:
1. The submitting author must ensure that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract.
2. Please select only one presenter for each submission. If you would like to change the presenter after submission, please email us accordingly.
Note: We only accept live presentations.
Oral Presentation and Slides Submission
The slot for the oral presentation is 15 mins. We advise that your presentation lasts for a maximum of 12 mins, leaving at least 3 mins for the Q&A session.
Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint or similar software, to be displayed online along with the abstract. Slides, if available, will be displayed directly on the website using the proprietary slide viewer at Slides can be prepared in exactly the same way as for any traditional conference where research results are presented. Slides should be converted to PDF format prior to submission so that they can be converted for online display.
Poster Gallery
1. Should include the title, authors, contact details and main research findings, as well as tables, figures and graphs where necessary.
2. File format: PDF (.pdf).
3. Size in pixel: 1,080 width x 1,536 height–portrait orientation.
4. Size in cm: 38.1 width x 54.2 height–portrait orientation.
5. Font size: ≥16.
Examples of successful submissions can be viewed here at the following links: (1), (2), (3)
You can use our free template to create your poster. The poster template can be downloaded here.

Authors who wish to present a poster are invited to upload it to the conference website. Once your submission is accepted, you can upload your poster in the 'My submission' section by selecting the correct conference and submission, then clicking the upload button. For specific submission steps, please refer to the poster submission guidelines. If you encounter any difficulties during the upload process, please contact for assistance.
All accepted posters will be permanently displayed online in the Poster Gallery.
Potential Conflicts of Interest

It is the author's responsibility to identify and declare any personal circumstances or interests that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of clinical research. If there is no conflict, please state "The authors declare no conflicts of interest." This should be conveyed in a separate "Conflict of Interest" statement preceding the "Acknowledgments" and "References" sections at the end of the manuscript. Any financial support for the study must be fully disclosed in the "Acknowledgments" section.


MDPI, the publisher of the platform, is an open access publisher. We believe authors should retain the copyright to their scholarly works. Hence, by submitting an abstract to this conference, you retain the copyright to the work, but you grant MDPI the non-exclusive right to publish this abstract online on the platform. This means you can easily submit your full paper (with the abstract) to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher if required.

Publication Opportunities

Antibiotics Journal Publication
Participants in this conference are cordially invited to contribute a full manuscript to the conference's Special Issue, published in Antibiotics (ISSN 2079-6382 , Impact Factor 4.3), with a 20% discount on the publication fee. Details of the special issue will be announced here later. Please note if you have IOAP/association discounts, conference discounts will be combined with IOAP/association discounts. Conference discounts cannot be combined with reviewer vouchers. All submitted papers will undergo MDPI’s standard peer-review procedure. The abstracts should be cited and noted on the first page of the paper.

Proceeding Paper Publication
All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference report of ECA 2025 in Medical Sciences Forum journal (ISSN 2673-9992 ) after a quality check. If you wish to publish an extended proceeding paper (5-9 pages), please submit it to the same journal after the conference. Publication of the proceedings will be free of charge.
Authors are asked to disclose that it is a proceeding paper of the ECA2025 conference paper in their cover letter. Carefully read the rules outlined in the 'Instructions for Authors' on the journal’s website and ensure that your submission adheres to these guidelines.
Proceedings submission deadline: 7th July 2025

Manuscripts for the proceedings issue must be formatted as follows:
Full author names
Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors' e-mail addresses
Results and Discussion

Event Awards

To acknowledge the support of the conference's esteemed authors and recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishments, we are pleased to announce that the conference will provide 5 awards including the Best Oral Presentation Award and Best Poster Award.

The Awards
Best Oral Presentation Award and Best Poster Award

Number of Awards Available: 5

The Best Oral Presentation Award is given to the paper judged to make the most significant oral contribution to the conference.
The Best Poster Award is given to the submission judged to make the most significant and interesting poster for the conference.

There will be five winners selected for these awards. Best Oral Presentation Award will receive a certificate and 300 CHF and Best Poster Award will receive a certificate and 200 CHF.

Sponsors and Partners


Media Partners

Conference Secretariat

Ms. Riley Liu
Ms. Cheryl Han