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Is the Internet-of-Things a burden or a leverage for the human condition?
* 1, 2, 3 , 3
1  Universidad de León (Spain)
2  Munich University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
3  National University of Santa Elena (Ecuador)


The very common Internet citizen has a very restricted autonomous capacity to move through the network which is becoming the ever stretching milieu where our lives take place. At the same time, the capacity to manage relevant information from ourselves and the environment we are living in offers new avenues to deal with healthcare, sustainability issues and problems of many different kinds and significant social concern which were previously insufficiently attended. While the actual structure of the Internet, geared by big-data technologies, exhibits a network topology highly concentrated, the authors propose a cyber-subsidiary model which may solve the conundrum where the human condition seem to be trapped in a blind alley.

Keywords: Internet-of-things, network theory, cyber-subsidiarity, Viable System Model, autonomous agency