The main objective of the research is to determine the synoptic and mesoscale conditions that favor the occurrence of locally intense rain in Cuba under the influence of Upper Cold Lows (UCLs). From the outputs of the Rapid Refresh (RAP) model, the characteristics of two UCLs with four cases of locally intense rain associated with them are analyzed. The variables that are studied are: relative humidity, temperature, geopotential height, vertical speed, wind force, divergence, and vorticity. Mesoscale conditions are analyzed using the Weather Research and Forescat System (WRF) model. Vertical cuts, numerical soundings, and analysis of radar observations and satellite images were performed. The CAPE shows extreme values higher than 6000 J/Kg near the center of both systems and the LI reached -13 . The intense rain events develop in an environment of weak vertical wind shear in the surface layer - 500 hPa and moderate to strong in the upper troposphere. High relative humidity values are indentified at low levels, a dry layer at medium levels and an increase in relative humidity at the 300 - 200 hPa layer.
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Study of two Upper Cold Lows and their relationship with locally intense rain.
22 June 2021
in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Atmospheric Sciences
session Meteorology
(registering DOI)
Keywords: Upper Cold Low, locally intense rain
Comments on this paper
Anthony Lupo
30 July 2021
PDF - powerpoint
Very good case study - I enjoyed examining this work. Not all dangerous heavy rains are TC.