The spaceborne lidar dataset from Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat-2) provides highly accurate measurements of heights for the Earth's surface which helps in terrain analysis, visualization, and decision making for many applications. TanDEM-X 90 (90m) and CartoDEM V3R1 (30m) elevation are among the high-quality openly accessible DEM datasets for the plain regions in India. These two DEMs are validated against the ICESat-2 elevation datasets for the relatively plain areas of Ratlam City and its surroundings. The mean error (ME), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean square error (RMSE) of TanDEM-X 90 DEM are 1.49m, 1.62m, and 0.21m respectively. The computed ME, MAE, and RMSE for CartoDEM V3R1 are 3.23m, 3.28m, and 0.36m respectively. The statistical results reveal that TanDEM-X 90 performs best in plain areas than CartoDEMV3R1. The study further indicates that these DEMs and spaceborne LiDAR datasets can be useful for planning various works requiring height as an important parameter such as the layout of pipelines or cut and fill calculations for various construction activities. The TanDEM-X 90 can assist planners in quick assessments for the terrain for infrastructural developments, which otherwise need time-consuming traditional surveys using a theodolite or a total station.
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Accuracy assessment of TanDEM-X 90 and CartoDEM using ICESat-2 datasets for plain regions of Ratlam city and surroundings
01 November 2021
in 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications
session Smart Cities
Keywords: Spaceborne LiDAR; DEM; DEM accuracy