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Resonance condition leading to the dumbbell-shaped aneurismal rupture
* 1 , 2, 3
1  Kansai \University
2  Neurosurgery, Kamagaya General Hospital, Japan
3  Institute of Ujiie Neurosurgical and Medical Clinic, Japan
Academic Editor: Stephen Meriney


The Solitonic Windkessel model [1], which is successful for explaining the intracranial aneurysmal rupture based on the Windkessel-type hemodynamic circulation modeling, is employed for explaining intracranial aneurysmal rupture, as well as several kinds of hemorrhage. In this paper, much attention is paid to the appearance of resonance, and the hemorrhage is shown to arise from the resonance.

[1] H. Ujiie, Y. Iwata, Solitonic Windkessel model for intracranial aneurism, Brain Sciences, in press, 2022.

Keywords: intracranial aneurism, Windkessel model, resonance, soliton