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Design Thinking Applied in the Coffee Industry: With Common Sense to Unexpected Outcomes
1  University of Applied Sciences Mannheim, Paul-Wittsack-Straße 10, 68163 Mannheim
Academic Editor: Steffen Schwarz

Published: 10 August 2023 by MDPI in International Coffee Convention 2023 session Digitalisation

Design Thinking is a human-centered innovation approach that has gained increasing attention in recent years, as it promises to manage complexity and supports organizations to prepare for a competitive future. Design Thinking helps to uncover the non-obvious that might remain hidden with purely analytical thinking. As such, it serves to identify new business opportunities and to address complex social or environmental challenges. The talk will provide insights into the Design Thinking projects conducted at Mannheim University of Applied Sciences with international partners. Drawing from examples out of the coffee industry, the essential elements of the approach will be explained and the audience will become inspired to rethink their own pathways to innovation.

Proceedings: Kohler, K. Design Thinking Applied in the Coffee Industry: With Common Sense to Unexpected Outcomes. Proceedings 2023, 89, 24.

Keywords: innovation; coffee industry; design thinking
