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Geographical differentiation of honeys from Entre Ríos (Argentina) through physicochemical analysis: a scientific approach for the characterization and authentication of regional honeys
1, 2 , * 1, 2 , 1, 3 , 1, 2
1  Facultad de Bromatología, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos UNER.
2  Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos de Entre Ríos, ICTAER (CONICET-UNER)
3  Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)
Academic Editor: Susana Casal


Argentina holds a prominent position in the global honey industry due to its significant honey production and exports. The argentinian vast agroecological diversity offers a unique opportunity to obtain honeys with distinct organoleptic profiles and nutritional properties. Therefore, a study was conducted to assess the impact of geographical origin on the physicochemical characteristics of honeys from the southeast region of Entre Ríos. Additionally, chemometric methods were employed to discriminate and classify the honey samples based on their origins. The study involved the analysis of 104 honey samples collected between 2020 and 2022, representing three departments in Entre Ríos: Gualeguaychú (GU), Islas del Ibicuy (II), and Concepción del Uruguay (CU). The results of the analysis revealed significant differences (p<0.05) in all the studied parameters among the different departments. Specifically, honeys from II exhibited lower acidity, color, and pH, while GU honey had the lowest humidity. Moreover, the conductivity and ash content also displayed significant differences among the three departments. Chemometric analyses were applied to the data to gain deeper insights. The PCA effectively explained 76% of variability using the first two components. Additionally, the LDA successfully classified 80% of the honey samples, enabling the prediction of their geographical origins. By recognizing and understanding the specific characteristics of honeys from different areas, producers can better differentiate their products and enhance their value in the market. Furthermore, this research provides a foundation for future studies aimed at improving quality control measures and preserving the unique qualities of honey from this region of Argentina.

Keywords: Physicochemical honey analysis; geographical origin of honey; principal component analysis; linear discriminant analysis.