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1  Department of Civil Engineering,Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,BUET
2  Climate Modeling and Risk Management ( CMRM) ,Institute of Water and Flood Management ( IWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Academic Editor: Simeone Chianese


The crisis of safe drinking water is a major global issue, with millions of people around the world lacking access to clean and potable water. This is due to a range of factors, including poor infrastructure, environmental degradation and natural disasters.As a result, there is a growing need for technologies that can purify water and make it harmless for consumption. Water filters and other purification technologies are becoming increasingly important in solving this issue, as they can remove contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals from water.The thesis explores the comparative analysis of five types of water purification technologies. Water is commonly consumed in Bangladesh from sources including WASA tap water, boiled water,water from reverse osmosis filter,WASA water booth, candle filter, pureit filter.The study examines the effectiveness and competence of each technology to provide clean and safe drinking water. The background and motivations of the study include the large number of people in Bangladesh who lack access to safe drinking water, the importance of water filtration in preventing water borne diseases and the need for economic and environment friendly water purifying systems. The thesis aims to promote the use of effective, affordable and sustainable water purification systems and to apprise the readers of the identified drawbacks in certain water purification technologies.The results showed that micro-organism, iron and lead concentration level of WASA tap water exceeded the limit set by Bangladesh standards. Water collected from water vending machine contained micro-organisms and boiled water contained considerable level of iron.All the other water purifying technologies could effectively remove contaminants from water.

Keywords: Analysis of Purifying Capacity
