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Development of a Fully Integrated Color Detection Biosensor for Agricultural and Biomedical Applications
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1  South Dakota State University
2  Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering Department, South Dakota State University Raven Precision Ag Building 112 Ag & Biosystems Engineering-Box 2100 University Station Brookings, SD 57007, United States
Academic Editor: Benoît PIRO


Colorimetric strips have a wide range of applications in medical and agricultural fields. There are many test kits available for measuring these analytes. These tests kits typically comprise of several activated test strips with a color-matching legend printed on the label of the bottle. The test process typically involves dipping the test strip in the sample, then comparing the changed color of the test strip against the color samples printed on the label and finding the closest match. While this method is good enough for determining the approximate value of the concentration of the analyte, in addition to being prone to human error, it can never provide precise concentration due to the limited number of color samples that can be printed on the label.

Therefore, there is a need to develop a biosensor that can provide a precise measurement of the concentration of the analyte. In this research, we propose the design of a fully integrated and standalone biosensor that can read out a color strip and provide a value in the actual units such as ppm or percentage. Using this biosensor, the user tests the sample by dipping a colorimetric strip in the sample, and finally puts the strip next to the color sensor. The micro-controller reads out the developed color of the strip, determines the concentration of a particular analyte present in the test sample, and displays the concentration in ppm. Since the aim is to design a universal sensor that can be adapted to various applications, therefore, an AI model is being developed and trained for various known concentrations of several analytes. These samples are pre-tested in the lab to fully calibrate the biosensor. Since this biosensor can be fully calibrated in different lighting conditions, human error can be eliminated from the color-matching part of the process.

Keywords: Color sensors, Colorimetric analysis, Test strips, Biological analytes, Agricultural onsite testing, Rapid tests, Point-of-care devices
