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A case study about the perception of food safety in consumers of fresh produce from local and small farms in the North of Portugal
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1  Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF - Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina – Laboratório Associado, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Rua Diogo Botelho 1327, 4169-005 Porto, Portugal
Academic Editor: Antonello Santini



The consumption of fruit and vegetables from small and local producers has increased over the years, due to the benefits associated with this type of supply chain.

Due to this increase in consumption, there has been an increase in foodborne outbreaks associated with this type of market.

Consumers are increasingly concerned about the food they eat and how it is produced, and this type of market allows consumers to access this information more easily and directly. But is food safety one of their concerns?

The aim of this study was to understand what these consumers think about food safety both in general and in relation to this type of market.


A survey was conducted in the North of Portugal among consumers of fresh produce from local and small farms to understand their awareness of food safety in fresh produce, as well as their confidence in the products they consume.


Only 25% of respondents admitted to having little knowledge about food safety, while 46.9% said they had a good level of knowledge about the subject and 25% replied that they knew a lot about it. In total, 50% said they had obtained this information through individual research and 36.4% said they had obtained it through professional practice. A total of 76.7% did not believe that these products could pose a risk to their health and 16.7% said they did not know whether the products are hazardous or not.


The majority of consumers perceived that they have a general understanding of food safety and also that the fruit and vegetables they consume from small and local producers do not pose a risk to their health. Given that 50% of consumers have obtained information about food safety on an individual basis, is this information sufficient for them to make informed choices when purchasing? This question remains to be answered.

Keywords: Food safety; small farming; fresh produce; consumers