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Integrating Lean Six Sigma with Sensors and IoT Monitoring Technologies to Optimize Efficiency in Construction Projects.
* 1 , 2
1  Engineering Faculty, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Hatfield Campus, 0028, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
2  Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Pretoria, Pretoria Hatfield 0028, South Africa
Academic Editor: Stefano Mariani


This research has addressed workflow efficiency of construction projects through the hybrid scheme of Lean Six Sigma and the use of monitoring sensors. The study showed how real-time data and automated monitoring was used to improve project timeframes through detection and elimination of wastes and inefficiencies. The research further utilised a virtual CiteOps software in combination with IoT sensors and soft robotics in the monitoring of important project parameters which allowed for dynamic modifications and increased efficiency.

The outputs obtained, showed that project delays were mostly caused by long lead times, delayed order placements, and job rework which resulted in a process control variation of 103.83%, which exceeded the acceptable threshold by 63.83%. The delays were dramatically reduced by installing a sensor-enhanced EOQ model and using CiteOps software, which includes real-time monitoring for better accountability and planning. The findings highlight the significance of continual technology integration in attaining long-term efficiency and sustainability in building projects.

This novel presentation of Lean Six Sigma methodologies, monitoring and IoT sensors solutions, have been successfully deployed to measure and manage project delays most optimally. The proposed research method has provided a new framework which supports real-time monitoring, automated task execution, and improved decision-making for the improvement of efficiency in construction works leveraging on features of 4IR for smart solutions.

Keywords: Lean Six Sigma; Monitoring Systems; IoT Sensors; Workflow Efficiency; Construction Project Management.
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