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Formulation Development of Patient Friendly Dosage Form for Eye Drug delivery: Kajal
* 1 , * 1 , * 1 , * 2 , 3 , 4 , 4
1  Research Scholar, Kokan Gyanpeeth Rahul Dharkar College of Pharmacy & Research Institute, Karjat University of Mumbai
2  Professor & HOD, Department of Pharmaceutics, Kokan Gyanpeeth Rahul Dharkar College of Pharmacy & Research Institute, Karjat University of Mumbai
3  Research Student, Hon’ble Loksevak Madhukarrao Chaudhari College of Pharmacy, Faizpur, Dist: Jalgaon; Maharashtra, India
4  Assistant Professor, Konkan Gyanpeeth Rahul Dharkar College of Pharmacy and Research Institute, Karjat, Dist-Raigad University of Mumbai


Traditionally Kajal is known as Surma or Kohl which is used as an eye liner. Designing Herbal Kajal with medicinal plants as a cosmetic product for beautification was thought of as a novel and an innovative technique.

The main advantages of these cosmetic products are more patient compliance, water resistant property, stability and of course economical to formulate.

Looking at that the present study was carried out with the aim of formulation of Herbal Kajal with the help of two medicinal plants viz. Rosa rubiginosa and Triphala and evaluate their potential for sustained ocular delivery.

Standardization of the herbs was performed based on different physiochemical parameters and revealed the values were within the prescribed limits. The Herbal kajal was evaluated on selected parameters and its anti-microbial potential was compare with comparator products.

Keywords: Herbal kajal, Rosa rubiginosa, Triphala, ocular delivery
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