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1  Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
2  USC


Density, speed of sound, and derived magnitudes of two diethylmethylammonium ILs against temperature have been studied in this work. The chosen ILs were diethylmethylammonium trifluoromethanesulfonate, [C2C2C1N][OTf], and diethylmethylammonium methanesulfonate [C2C2C1N][MeSO3]. In order to analyse the influence of water content, saturated and dried samples of these ILs were studied. ILs were dried using a vacuum pump, and the saturation level (28% and 6% in weight for [C2C2C1N][MeSO3] and [C2C2C1N][OTf], respectively) was achieved by keeping the ILs in an open bottle at ambient temperature. Direct measurements of density and speed of sound were taken with an Anton Paar DSA 5000. Linear equations were used to express the correlation with temperature of both properties and the thermal expansion coefficient, and the adiabatic bulk modulus constant have been obtained using expressions proposed in the bibliography [1-3].

The effect of water content is different on both properties. Thus, the density of the samples slightly increases when water is removed whereas opposite behaviour was found with regard to the speed of sound, which decreases when the water content was completely removed.

Keywords: density, sound velocity, adiabatic bulk modulus constant, thermal expansion coefficient