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Enhancement of Power Quality Using Voltage and Hall Effect Current Sensors Applied on Controlled Single-Phase Active Power Filter.
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1  Botucatu College - UNIBR


Switched-mode power supply and semiconductor devices have been gaining more and more applicability in the industrial scenario. With the massive use of these devices, several problems related to power quality and equipment degradation have been arising, caused mainly by the harmonic content present in current and voltage. Power quality problems have direct implications for business productivity, causing high economic losses. Therefore, it is mandatory to develop solutions that mitigate these problems. Active Power Filters (APF) are power electronic equipment capable of compensating power quality problems and present the ability to dynamically adjust their modes of operation in response to changes in load or the power systems. Active power filters have the economical advantage of using the same current and voltage sensors already existing in a power system. Aiming to develop an APF for single-phase applications, this work proposes a shunt controlled active power filter using hall effect current and voltage sensor aiming to compensate harmonic currents provided by nonlinear loads. It was proposed two proportional-integral compensators, where the external loop is responsible for link-CC control and the inner loop is responsible for current compensation. The results show the applicability of the proposed APF since all harmonic content was filtered.

Keywords: Active Power Filter; Hall Effect Current Sensor; Nonlinear Loads
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