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Ceratonia siliqua L. A Promising Functional Food for Chronicle Diseases Related to Gastrointestinal System: Diabetes, and Lactose Intolerance †
* 1 , 1 , 2 , 2
1  Université frères Mentouri-Constantine 1, Laboratoire d'Obtention de Substances Thérapeutiques (LOST), Campus Chasbet Ersas, 25000 Constantine, Algérie.
2  25000 Constantine, Algeria.


The present study contributes to the promotion of a tree widely cultivated in the Mediterranean area, especially in our country Algeria; the carob tree "Ceratonia siliqua L."; by a bibliographic review which lists the chemical, nutritional, biochemical, biological, and biotechnological properties of carob and its by-products expressed by the evaluation of their activities: antioxidant, anticancer, anti-hyper-lipidemic, anti-diabetic, anti-reflux, anti- diarrheal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer and enzymatic, noted in the literature for few years.

The presence of the main primary and secondary metabolites: polyphenols, fibers and sugars; give these products very interesting properties and benefits for human health by making it dietetic product and a raw material of choice in food, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, in this perspective we developed in our laboratory a Ceratonia siliqua L. fruit aqueous extract based vegetal milk as a functional food for chronicle diseases related to digestive disorder: diabetes, and lactose intolerance.

Keywords: Mediterranean local products, Ceratonia siliqua .L, Carob, functional food, nutraceuticals.