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Children Webinar | Development of Sexuality Education in China

Part of the Children Webinar series
10 January 2023, 07:00 (CET)

Sexuality Education, comprehensive sexuality education, sexual knowledge, Sexual behavior, adolescents and children
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2nd Children Webinar

Development of Sexuality Education in China

As Chinese adolescents are becoming more sexually liberal and active, increasing social attention has been paid to their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Sexuality education, as an important means to bridge the knowledge and attitude gaps of human sexuality among Chinese children and adolescents while protecting their rights, has increasingly become critical and urgent. Sexuality education can help adolescents and children to acquire knowledge, skills, and motivation to make healthy decisions and life choices. Over the past few decades, multiple efforts have been made by diverse stakeholders to deliver sexuality education, with varying degrees of success and challenges. However, there still remain major policy, operational, and social–cultural bottlenecks which prevent children and adolescents from accessing high-quality sexuality education in China.

Through the Special Issue of Children we collected 11 papers that address the relevant critical research topics regarding sexuality education in China from different professional fields, including but not limited to education, cultural and media studies, sociology, psychology, and public health. This webinar will showcase the findings of these research papers and instigate discussions around the various topics and issues around sexuality education in China.

Date: 10 January 2023

Time: 7:00 am CET | 1:00 am EST | 2:00 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 836 0712 0577

Webinar Secretariat:


Vanke School of Public Health, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Dr. Kun Tang is currently working as associate professor at Vanke School of Public Health, Tsinghua University. Prior to his current functions, he was the Founding Director of the China Youth Network, a first-ever youth NGO working to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights in China. He served as the National Standing Council Member of the China Family Planning Association, and the Governing Council Member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. He was a member of the XVI International AIDS Conference Scientific Programme Committee, and the Chair of the Youth Committee in the 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. He now serves as the global health adviser of the Chinese Delegation to the World Health Organization Executive Board and the World Health Assembly. He has extensive working experience on a number of global health projects in Zimbabwe, Papua New Guinea and Myanmar. He obtained my M.B.B.S. from Peking University, a Master’s in Global Health from Harvard University, and D.Phil. from the University of Oxford.

UNFPA China Office

Justine Coulson is the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Representative to China and Country Director for UNFPA in Mongolia. She joined UNFPA in 2016 as the Deputy Regional Director for East and Southern Africa. Prior to this, she spent over 10 years with MSI Reproductive Choices in a number of country leadership positions and finally as the Regional Director for Asia. Ms. Coulson began her career in international development as the Social Development and Gender Adviser in the Global Urban Research Unit at the University of Newcastle, UK before moving to the Economic Policy Unit at Save the Children, UK. She has worked in Asia, Latin America and Africa across a broad portfolio of development issues, always with a focus on addressing inequality and upholding the rights of women and girls. She holds a Ph.D. in Gender and International Development from the University of Newcastle, UK and a Bachelor of Arts in Latin American Studies from the University of Liverpool, UK.

Invited Speakers

Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Peking University, China

Dr. Fan Zhu is now studying at the Institute of child and adolescent health, Peking University for a Ph.D degree. She focuses on health promotion and common disease prevention for school aged children. She is a core member of the UNESCO-Peking University joint project on Health Education for Girls in Africa. She also works for the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education at Peking University.

Department of Public Health and Policy, Shanghai Institute for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Technologies, Shanghai, China

Mr. Yuhang Fang graduated from Fudan University in China with a master's degree in Epidemiology and Health Statistics in 2020. His research areas include sexual and reproductive health, mental health, and sexuality education among adolescents. He has participated in the Global Early Adolescent Study (GEAS), survey on reproductive health status among vocational school students, and evaluation of effectiveness of sexuality education programs for disabled adolescents.

School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, UK

PhD candidate in Sociology and Social Policy researching sexuality education and social stratification in China

Tsingua University, School of Humanities

Associate Professor, her research field is health communication and intercultural communication.

School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing Normal University, China

Dr. Binli Chen is an Associate Professor at School of Social Development and Public Policy at Beijing Normal University. Her research interests include sociology of education, children studies, and gender stratification in education. She is currently working on the topics of parenting values and practices of middle class and migrant workers in urban China.

Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China

Zhenying Zhang is currently a Ph.D. student in the Institute for Education Theories, Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degree in education administration from the same university. She is interested in children development, divorce, parenting, and gender equality.

Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China

Xie Yang is a doctoral candidate at the Institute for Education Theories, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, and received her master's degree from the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Nanjing University.

Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong, China

Dr. Diana Kwok is Associate Professor with the Department of Special Education and Counselling at the Education University of Hong Kong. With a background as social worker, counsellor supervisor, and sex therapist for years, her recent research and teaching interests include sexuality education, LGBTQIA+ students, sexuality education for students from ethnic minority and disability groups. Dr. Kwok received research grants and Early Career Award from the Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Hong Kong SAR Government. She published numerous research articles in international journals, and transfer the research results into educational and therapeutic mental health practices.

Department of Public Health and Policy, Shanghai Institute for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Technologies, Shanghai, China

Dr. Chunyan Yu majored in Child & Adolescent health. She has worked in the research area of adolescent sexuality for over a decade. Her research focuses on the impacts of gender norms, health risk behaviours and mental health problems among early adolescents.

School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Nanjing University, China

Huina Dong received her Master’s degree of Law from Nanjing University, and continues to pursue a Ph. D. Her areas of research include poliitical sociology and the study of nonprofits.

Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Dr. Wang Xiying is a professor in Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University, Harvard- Yenching Scholar 2019-2020. Her research interests include gender-based violence, sex education, school bullying, women live with HIV/AIDs, Education of Sociology, Youth Studies, Gender Studies, Qualitative Research Methods. She has written and published around 100 research papers, including journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers and reports. Her articles have been published widely in international peer–reviewed journals including Modern China, Violence Against Women, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Smith College Studies of Social Work, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare etc., and gained a lot of attention, both locally and internationally. Her book, Gender, Dating and Violence in Urban China, published by Routledge in 2017. She has been the principal investigator of different projects funded by Ministry of Education, Ministry of Civil Affairs, UNFPA China office, UNWomen China Office etc. Her contact information is

Department of Public Health and Policy, Shanghai Institute for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Technologies, Shanghai, China

Prof. Xiaowen Tu received her Ph.D in Epidemiology and Health Statistics from Fudan University in 2005. Her research work focuses on sexual and reproductive health of young people including non-disabled and disabled young people, migrant young people and left-behind children, and gender-based violence of disadvantaged women. She has published more than 140 papers in peer-reviewed academic journals.

Beijing Normal University, China

Prof. Dr. Wenli Liu is a professor at Beijing Normal University. Her main research areas are child development and education, children’s sexual development and sexuality education. She is a member of the Editorial Committee of Sex Education and other Chinese academic journals. She authored a series of sexuality education readers for pre-school children and primary and college students. She led the development of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education Guideline in China by adapting the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education. She is a member of the think-tank of the National Working Committee for Children and Women of the State Council of China, and Chairs the Family Sexuality Education Committee of China Sexology Association.

Webinar Content

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Time in CET

Time in CST Asia

Dr. Kun Tang & Dr. Justine Coulson

Chair Introduction

7:00 - 7:10 am

2:00 - 2:10 pm

Ms. Fan Zhu

The influencing factors of comprehensive sexuality education capacity and its correlation with subjective social status among Chinese junior high school students

7:10 - 7:18 am

2:10 - 2:18 pm

Mr. Yuhang Fang

Sexual-related knowledge, school and family sexuality education and its association with experience of sexual intercourse among vocational secondary school students in China

7:18 - 7:26 am

2:18 - 2:26 pm

Ms. Chong Liu

Secondary education and class stratification: understanding the hierarchy of sexuality education in a Chinese Vocational High School

7:26 - 7:34 am

2:26 - 2:34 pm

Dr. Jing Su

Gender differences in sex education in China: a structural topic modelling analysis based on online knowledge community Zhihu

7:34 - 7:42 am

2:34 - 2:42 pm

Dr. Binli Chen

Does friend support matter? The association between gender role attitudes and school bullying among male adolescents in China

7:42 - 7:50 am

2:42 - 2:50 pm

Ms. Zhenying Zhang

Bullying perpetration and homophobic teasing: mediation through gender role attitudes

7:50 - 7:58 am

2:50 - 2:58 pm

Ms. Yang Xie

Gender differences in the effects of BMI on school bullying and victimization in China: comparing normal weight, underweight and overweight secondary school students

7:58 - 8:06 am

2:58 - 3:06 pm

Dr. Diana K. Kwok

Chinese sexuality minority students experiencing microaggressions: implications for sexuality education

8:06 - 8:14 am

3:06 - 3:14 pm

Dr. Chunyan Yu

Comparing the perceptions of gender norms among adolescents with different sibling contexts in Shanghai, China

8:14 - 8:22 am

3:14 - 3:22 pm

Ms. Huina Dong

Promoting sexuality education for children and adolescents on a large scale: program design, organizational cooperation network and administrative mobilization.

8:22 - 8:30 am

3:22 - 3:30 pm

Panel Discussion and Q&A

Moderators: Dr. Kun Tang & Dr. Justine Coulson

Panelists: Prof. Dr. Xiying Wang, Prof. Dr. Xiaowen Tu, Prof. Dr. Wenli Liu & Dr. Diana K. Kwok

8:30 - 9:25 am

3:30 - 4:25 pm

Closing of Webinar
Dr. Kun Tang

9:25 - 9:30 am

4:25 - 4:30 pm

Relevant SI

Development of Sex Education in China
Guest Editors: Dr. Kun Tang, Dr. Justine Coulson & Ms. Hongyan Li
Deadline for manuscript submissions: closed (15 July 2022)

Global and Public Health
A section of Children (ISSN 2227-9067).

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