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The 7th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences

Adaptive Water Resources Management in an Era of Changing Climatic, Environmental and Social Conditions

Part of the International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences series
15–30 March 2023

Integrated Water Resources Management, Water Resources Policies and Governance, Hydrological Response, agricultural water, Sustainable Management
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ECWS-7 is closed. Thank you for your participation.

The winners of the ECWS-7 awards have been announced HERE ! Congratulations!

The accepted papers will be published as one dedicated volume in the MDPI journal Environmental Sciences Proceedings (ISSN 2673-4931). Publication of proceedings paper is free of charge.

All participants of ECWS-7 are also welcomed to submit the extended work to the Water(ISSN 2073-4441; IF 3.530) conference Special Issue with a 20% discount on the article processing charge.

Welcome from the Chair and the Conference Committee

We are pleased to welcome you to the 7th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences (ECWS-7), which will be held online, promoted by the open-access MDPI journal Water (ISSN 2073-4441; IF 3.530).

In recent years, six International Electronic Conferences on Water Sciences (ECWS-1, ECWS-2, ECW-3, ECWS-4, ECWS-5 and ECWS-6) have addressed a variety of important water-related issues. A seventh conference is focusing on adaptive water resources’ management, policies and governance to tackle the challenges brought about by the ongoing and dramatic climatic, environmental and societal changes. The ECWS-7 conference will be a forum to explore and discuss the following key issues: adaptive water resources management; enhancement of water security for humans, their economic activities and the environment; and the formulation of new governance structures for water resources’ management and development. The conference intends to assist in the formulation of innovative methodologies and produce recommendations for best practices and the building of institutions that can meet these recommendations.

The ECWS-7 invites researchers from academia, as well as water practitioners, to contribute original findings, novel ideas, scientific concepts and new technologies and experiences to deal with water resources management, policies and governance, with a special focus on sustainability, resilience, uncertainty, risk and adaptation, making reference to the following topics:

  • Integrated water resources’ management, policies and governance;
  • Systems modelling of global change to inform future development paths;
  • Hydrological response under climate variability and change;
  • Hydro-economic modeling;
  • Informing water policy through quantitative models;
  • Finding a balance between water availability and environmental protection;
  • Policies to enable climate change adaptation and the contribution of stakeholders to adaptive water resources' management;
  • Instruments to assess environmental impacts and climate change effects (footprints, nexus approach, impact and risk assessment, life cycle assessment, etc.);
  • Sustainable management of agricultural water and land resources;
  • The urban water cycle and its adaptation to climate change;
  • Advanced technologies to facilitate industrial and municipal wastewater reuse;
  • Hydrological extremes under a changing climate;
  • Water disasters: approaches to understanding vulnerable landscapes.

Within the framework of the ECWS-7, 3–4 webinars will be organized, inviting well-known speakers. The topics of the webinars and the speakers will be announced later.

The conference will be a solely online event, which facilitates participation from all over the world with no concerns regarding travel and related expenditures. An electronic conference provides a platform for rapid and direct exchanges on the latest research findings and novel ideas. Participation, as well as “attendance” to this online conference and the accompanying webinars, is free of charge.

Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference and selected papers will be published in the Special Issue of the Water journal: Adaptive Water Resources Management in an Era of Changing Climatic, Environmental and Social Conditions.

We hope that the water scientific community will share our enthusiasm and help make this 7th edition of ECWS a success, allowing for many more to come in the future.

The Members of the ECWS-7 Conference Committee

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Live Session Program

Session I: Extreme Hydrological Events - Impacts of Climate Change
Session Chair: Prof. Silvia Kohnova
Date: 16 March 2023
Time: 14:00 (CET) | 9:00 (EDT) | 21:00 (CST Asia)

Speaker Title Time in CET
Prof. Athanasios Loukas
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Opening Speech from the Chair of ECWS-7 14:00-14:05
Prof. Silvia Kohnova
Slovak Technical University of Bratislava

Introduction from the Session Chair

Prof. Giuseppe Aronica
University of Messina
Increasing the extremes in flooding events: climate change is the only guilty? 14:10-14:35
Dr. Peter Valent
Slovak Technical University of Bratislava
National Flood Risk Mapping – Case Study from Austria 14:35-15:00
Prof. Brunella Bonaccorso
University of Messina
Understanding Drought Risk Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing Climate 15:00-15:25
Q&A Session/Discussion 15:25-15:55
Prof. Silvia Kohnova
Slovak Technical University of Bratislava
Closing of the Live Session 15:55-16:00

Session II: Management of Water Resources Quality and Quantity
Session Chair: Prof. Hamed Assaf
Date: 23 March 2023
Time: 14:00 (CET) | 9:00 EDT | 21:00 (CST Asia)

Speaker Title Time in CET
Prof. Hamed Assaf
American University of Ras Al Khaimah
Introduction from the Session Chair 14:00-14:05
Prof. Rodrigo Maia
University of Porto
Water Resources Management in a Transboundary Context. The Iberian Peninsula Case 14:05-14:30
Prof. Carmen Teodosiu
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi
Integrated Water Resources Management: Assessment Tools and Sustainability Challenges 14:30-14:55
Prof. Alvaro Sordo-Ward
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Water Availability and Environmental Flows Trade-Off in a Changing World 14:55-15:20
Q&A Session/Discussion 15:20-15:55
Prof. Hamed Assaf
American University of Ras Al Khaimah
Closing of the Live Session 15:55-16:00

Session III: Global Climate Change and Implications in Water Resources and Society
Session Chair: Prof. Luis Garrote

Date: 30 March 2023
Time: 14:00 (CEST) | 8:00 EDT | 20:00 (CST Asia)

Speaker Title Time in CEST
Prof. Luis Garrote
Technical University of Madrid
Introduction from the Session Chair 14:00-14:05
Prof. Slobodan Simonovic
University of Western Ontario
Global Change Explorer: A Web-Based Tool for Investigating the Complexities of Global Change 14:05-14:40
Prof. Athanasios Loukas
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Climate Crisis and Justice 14:40-15:15
Q&A Session/Discussion 15:15-15:50
Prof. Luis Garrote
Technical University of Madrid
Closing of the Live Session 15:50-15:55
Prof. Athanasios Loukas
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Closing of ECWS-7 15:55-16:00

Live Session Recordings

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Conference Chair

Prof. Dr. Athanasios Loukas

Department of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Prof. Dr. Athanasios Loukas is Full Professor of Engineering Hydrology – Water Resources Management and Development in the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He is the Director of the Master Program “Water Resources” (2018–today). He served as the Director of Transportation and Hydraulic Engineering Department (2019–2021). He is a visiting professor at Colorado State University (U.S.A.) and the University of Grenoble Alpes. He has received many academic awards in his professional and academic carrier, such as the Fulbright Research Scholarship.

He has served as a Full Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece (2005–2018) and Dean of Engineering School of University of Thessaly (2015–2018). He was Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering (2008–2012). He was Director of the Laboratory of Hydrology and Aquatic Systems Analysis (2008–2018) and Director of the common Greek-French Master Program “Management of Hydro-meteorological Hazards-HYDROHASARDS”, co-organized with the Joseph Fourier University-Grenoble I (2010–2018).

He is Section Editor-in-Chief of the MDPI Water journal (Section of Water Resources Management, Policy and Governance) and Editor-in-Chief of EWRA European Water journal and an Editorial Board Member of Water Resources Management and Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences journals. He has been an active reviewer for many international journals in the fields of hydrology, water resources management, GIS and remote sensing applications, environmental modelling and management and others.

His research interests include: deterministic and stochastic hydrological modelling, analysis, modelling, and forecasting of extreme hydrological events (floods and droughts), climate change impacts on the hydrological processes and water resources, water resources’ management and modelling, and the applications of GIS and remote sensing in hydrology and water resources. He has co-ordinated and participated in many national and European research projects. He is a reviewer and evaluator of National, International and European research proposals. He has supervised and supervises a large number of undergraduate diploma theses, Master’s theses and Ph.D. dissertations. He has delivered many keynote and invited talks.

Prof. Loukas is the author and co-author of more than 400 international journal publications, conference proceedings publications and technical reports. His published work has received over 2200 citations, as indicated in the Scopus database, with an h-index=28 and over 4200 citations, as indicated in the Google Scholar database (h-index = 36, i10-index = 68).

Conference Committee

Dr. Francisco Javier Alcalá

Experimental Station of Arid Zones, Spanish National Research Council (EEZA-CSIC), Spain

Dr. Francisco J. Alcalá is a Senior Researcher at the Experimental Station of Arid Zones of the Spanish National Research Council. His research interests deal with the human and global interactions underlying problems of groundwater quantity and quality, with a special focus on techniques and computational applications at different spatiotemporal scales and in different climate scenarios. He has published 58 papers in indexed journals in the areas of water resources, geo-sciences, and computer geo-sciences; 25 papers in other peer-reviewed journals; 6 complete books as the first author; 30 chapters of books; 54 proceedings in conferences; and 23 lessons presented in conferences upon invitation. He has supervised several PhD and MSc theses and has registered five pieces of hydrological software with international rights. He has coordinated 25 R&D projects and has participated in another 25 R&D projects in different countries. He has a lot of experience in the knowledge transfer of R&D activities, representation in international committees, and the reviewing of R&D activities in different countries, as well as being a Guest Editor and Associate Editor in different indexed scientific journals. He is an Associate Researcher ‘Ad Honorem’ at the Autonomous University of Chile and a member of the United Nations Panel of Experts for the ‘Assessment of Water Resources’ in Latin America and Africa.

Prof. Dr. Giuseppe T. Aronica

Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Italy

University of Palermo (Italy) in 1991. He holds a Ph.D. in Hydraulic Engineering from University of Naples (Italy). He was a visiting researcher at the School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol (UK), Department of Environmental Science, Lancaster University (UK) and he has been a Visiting Professor (2018) at the Centre for Water Systems – University of Exeter (UK). The research activities of Prof. Giuseppe T. Aronica are related to flood risk management and flood defence design, flood vulnerability and damage evaluation, pluvial flooding, sustainable urban drainage systems, early-warning flood propagation modelling, flash floods and debris flows. He is currently the Principal Investigator of many several national and international research projects on the following topics: pluvial flooding, sustainable urban drainage systems, flood risk management and flood defence design. Prof. Giuseppe T. Aronica is author and co-author of more than 130 papers published in Italian and international scientific journals and symposium proceedings (SCOPUS metrics: 63 documents by author, 2934 citations, 28 h-index). He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Flood Risk Management, Water journal and European Water journal. He is Coordinator of the International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR) Urban Flood Modelling and Risk Management Working Group (UFMRM WG).

Prof. Dr. Hamed Assaf

Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Department, American University of Ras Al Khaimah (AURAK), United Arab Emirates

Prof. Dr. Hamed Assaf is the Interim Dean of the School of Engineering at the American University of Ras Al Khaimah (AURAK). He received his Ph.D. in civil engineering (water resources) from the University of British Columbia, Canada in 1991. Before joining AURAK, Dr. Assaf held faculty positions at the American University of Sharjah and the American University of Beirut. Before moving to the Arab region in 2003, Dr. Assaf was a senior risk analysis and water resources engineer in British Columbia Hydro Corporation (BC Hydro), the third-largest utility company in Canada. Dr. Assaf is a leading scholar in water resources management and climate change. He has conducted several studies on the impact of climate change on water resources, hydro-economic modeling, mass disasters, groundwater contamination, and life cycle assessment. Dr. Assaf has several peer-reviewed publications, book chapters, and reports focusing on sustainability issues, with particular emphasis on climate change, its potential impact on the Arab region, and adaptation options. He has collaborated with several local, regional, and worldwide scholars and convened and chaired scientific conference sessions. He has been invited by regional and international organizations, including WMO, ESCWA, UNDP and JICA, as a keynote speaker, as a panelist, and as an expert on climate change and water resources issues.

Prof. Dr. Luis Garrote

Department of Civil Engineering: Hydraulics, Energy and Environment, Technical University of Madrid, Spain

Prof. Dr. Luis Garrote is Full Professor of Hydraulic Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. His research focus is the application of hydrological and hydraulic models in water resources’ planning and management, including floods, droughts, environmental constraints and reservoir operation, with special emphasis on dealing with uncertainties, particularly those connected to global change. His professional record in integrated water resources’ management includes collaborations with national and international administrations and the private sector in water resources’ planning, the design and operation of hydraulic structures, dam operating rules and safety, hydropower and drought and flood risk management.

Prof. Dr. Silvia Kohnová

Department of Land and Water Resources Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia

Prof. Dr. Silvia Kohnová is a professor at the Department of Land and Water Recourses Water Management of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. Her research activities are focused on the analysis of hydrological processes, flood assessment methods, and the regionalisation and estimation of design values of extreme rainfall and floods. She is the author and co-author of dozens of scientific works published in domestic and foreign peer-reviewed journals. She has been the investigator of several expertise, standard-setting tasks, domestic research projects within domestic grant agencies, as well as several foreign EU projects. She has published 9 monographs, 4 chapters in monographs, 10 university textbooks and scripts. Her publishing activity covers 98 publications in indexed journals and h-index 20. Her citations in WOS or SCOPUS databases total about 2000. The results of her research are summarised, e.g., in monographs: analysis of maximum rainfall in the upper Hron River basin (2005), regional methods for prediction in ungauged basins (2006), landscape engineering (2015). She is a member of several associations, standardisation committees, and member of editorial boards of domestic and foreign scientific journals.

Prof. Dr. Elpida Kolokytha

Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Prof. Dr. Elpida Kolokytha is a full Professor in Water Resources Management and Engineering in Dept of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). She has good communication skills gained as a teacher and director of a water centre, through her expert work on scientific projects and as an EU project evaluator. She has served as the Head of Div. of Hydraulics & Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, AUTh (2019-2021), Head of AUTh Water Center (2011-2016), Director of AUTH UNESCO C2C Center for Integrated Water Resources Management (2016 -today), Chair of IAHR WRM TC Group (2019-today). Coordinator of (6) IMOU in AUTh, with Universities in Cyprus, Italy, Japan, Israel, Kazakhstan, and the USA. She has 28 years of research experience, together with coordination skills, in the field of environmental policy, integrated water resources management, social and economic aspects of water resources, national, European and international legislation of water resources, green economy/ development and transboundary river basin management and climate change adaptation issues in WRM. Prof. Elpida Kolokytha has published more than 130 papers in high-impact scientific journals and conference proceedings, and she is a member of several scientific associations related to water resources’ management and engineering. She served as a supervisor and committee member in 12 PhDs, 58 Diploma Theses and 11 Master Theses. She has also participated as an instructor in different European and Asian universities, in UNESCO seminars in the Balkans concerning environmental policy and water resources management issues and in the EU. She has been an external, expert evaluator of master’s programs and projects with EU grants (HORIZON).

Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Maia

Civil Engineering Department, Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment Division, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal

Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Maia is an Associate Professor at FEUP in the Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment Division of the Civil Engineering Department of FEUP and the Vice-President of the EWRA (European Water Resources Association). He is the coordinator of several national and international research projects in the areas of: water resources management with an emphasis on climate change and extreme events; hydrology and river hydraulics, as well as fluvial rehabilitation, namely projects included in European Union’s FP5, FP6, and FP7; and the development of a prototype for a system for drought forecasting and management for the National Water Authority in Portugal. As part of CIIMAR’s “Ocean Dynamics, Coastal and Water Systems” group, he coordinates the “Water Resources Systems” research group, focusing on the field of “Hydrology and Management of Water Resources”, “Sedimentary Transport and Fluvial Hydraulics”, as well as research and work in the field of extreme phenomena and fluvial rehabilitation. Alongside this work, he has been invited to participate as a keynote speaker in various congresses and seminars on the aforementioned themes, as well as on the assessment of the effects of climate change on the management of water resources and the planning and management of droughts, namely in international rivers (with special focus on the Iberian Peninsula). In the field of fluvial hydraulics, he has dedicated special attention to the issue of transport and sedimentary erosion in rivers, namely morphodynamical changes in riverbeds and local erosions in bridge abutments and pillars, with numerical and experimental modeling research work having been developed and published in journals indexed in these domains. He is the author/co-author of six book chapters and more than 120 publications in international journals and conference proceedings. He is the editor of a book on the implementation of conventions in transboundary rivers. Currently, he is the supervisor/co-supervisor of six doctoral theses and several master's theses.

Prof. Dr. Slobodan P. Simonovic

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Western Ontario London, Canada

Prof. Dr. Slobodan P. Simonovic is globally recognized for his unique interdisciplinary research in Systems Analysis and the development of deterministic and stochastic simulation, optimization, multi-criteria analysis, and other decision-making methodologies. His work addresses challenging system of systems problems lying at the confluence of society, technology and the environment, and has been applied with a sustainable development perspective in water resources’ management, hydrology, energy, climate change and public infrastructure. His main contributions include modelling the risk and resilience of complex systems. Professor Simonovic has influenced academia, industry and government via university teaching, the publication of leading-edge research, mentoring of young people, and by delivering stimulating research seminars at institutions around the world, carrying out joint research projects, and consulting work. He has received awards for excellence in teaching, research and outreach. Dr. Simonovic has published over 650 professional publications (over 260 in peer-reviewed journals) and three major textbooks. He has delivered over 320 keynote and invited talks. He was inducted in the Canadian Academy of Engineering in June of 2013 and Royal Society of Canada in Nov of 2020 and Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Nov of 2021. Dr. Simonovic is currently Professor Emeritus at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Director of Engineering Works at the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.

Prof. Dr. Carmen Teodosiu

Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania

Prof. Dr. Carmen Teodosiu is a Professor and Director of Department Environmental Engineering and Management from „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University Iasi (TUIASI), Romania. She obtained her Chemical engineering degree at TUIASI (1981) Post-graduate and Master’s of Science with distinction in Environmental Science & Technology (1994-1996) at the IHE Institute for Water Education Delft, Netherlands. Her Ph.D. title in Chemistry was awarded by TUIASI (1998). From 2008 to 2016, she was the Vice-Rector for research and Director of TUIASI Doctoral schools. Her research interests are: advanced wastewater treatment, integrated water resources’ management, and environmental and sustainability assessments. Prof. Carmen Teodosiu has published more than 209 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 33 books/book chapters, and 8 patents, Hirsch index=28 (Scopus and WoS) and H=33 (Google Scholar). She was involved as a coordinator/PI in 224 research projects funded by European and national agencies or industries. She is a PhD supervisor in the Chemical and Environmental Engineering domains and 15 candidates received their PhD titles under her supervision. Prof. Teodosiu received her Doctor Honoris Causa award from Pannonia University Veszprem, Hungary. She is the initiator and chairperson of the International Conference in Environmental Engineering and Management (ICEEM), with its 11th edition published in 2021 (four previous editions were organized in Hungary, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Prof. Carmen Teodosiu is member of the Editorial Boards and Subject Editor of the following international, peer-reviewed journals: Sustainable Production and Consumption, Journal of Cleaner Production, Water, Environmental Engineering and Management and Guest Editor of Special Issues of the following journals: Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Water, Sustainability, Environmental Engineering and Management.

Prof. Dr. Lampros Vasiliades

Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece

Prof. Dr. Lampros Vasiliades is an Assistant Professor in Engineering Hydrology at the Hydraulics & Environmental Engineering Sector, Department of Civil Engineering University of Thessaly, Greece. Dr. Vasiliades is a registered professional environmental scientist in Greece and a member of the Greek Committee for Water Resources Management, the Hellenic Meteorological Society, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), the European Geosciences Union (EGU), the European Water Resources Association (EWRA), the Global Network for Environmental Sciences and Technology (Global Nest), the International Environmental Modelling & Software Society (iEMSs), and other professional and scientific organizations. He is an Editor for the journals Water, Earth, and Frontiers in Environmental Science and is a regular reviewer in several international scientific journals. His research interests include: a) the analysis, modeling, and forecasting of extreme hydrological events (floods and droughts); b) the spatiotemporal analysis, estimation, and modeling of hydrometeorological and water quality data; c) climate change impacts on hydrological processes and water resources; d) water resource management; e) applications of GIS and remote sensing on hydrology; and f) the environmental impact assessment of hydro-projects. Dr. Vasiliades is the author and co-author of more than 100 publications in refereed journals, international conference proceedings, and technical reports. His published work has received over 1300 citations according to the Scopus database (h-index=19) and over 2500 citations according to the Google Scholar database (h-index=24, i-10-index=30). He has participated in several national and European research projects on hydrology, water resource management, and the use of remote sensing and GIS in hydrology and water resources, and he is a National Representative and/or Substitute Member of Greece in COST Actions.

List of accepted submissions (110)

Id Title Authors Presentation Video Poster PDF
sciforum-068132 Addressing issues in Hospital Wastewater using Algal bacterial consortium

, , ,

Submitted: 22 Nov 2022

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract

, ,

Submitted: 15 Dec 2022

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-067751 Economic feasibility of rainwater harvesting in houses in Blumenau, Brazil , , , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-067783 Automatic and Non-Invasive Monitoring of Vineyards Water Stress , , , , , , , , , , N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-068022 The role of climate change on water resources management in the Southern Caucasus in the post-conflict period

Submitted: 18 Nov 2022

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A N/A Show Abstract

Instructions for Authors

Submission Information

Submissions should be made by authors online by registering with, and using the "New Submission" function once logged into the system.

Note: Institutional email address is requested especially for the corresponding author. Please submit the abstract with the institutional email address, the submissions with the email addresses like,,, etc. will not be reviewed.

1. Scholars interested in participating in the conference can submit their abstract (about 200–300 words) online on this website until 15 December 2022.
2. The Conference Committee will notify the acceptance of the abstract by 22 December 2022.
3. In case of acceptance, authors will be asked to submit their manuscript (short proceedings paper, 3-6 pages) before 15 January 2023. Optionally, authors of accepted abstracts will be able to submit a poster, a slides presentation (in PDF) and/or a short video presentation (max. 3–5minutes) as supporting material of the paper. The material should submit with the manuscript together.
4. The manuscripts and presentations will be available on for discussion and rating during the time of the conference, from 15–30 March 2023.
5. The accepted proceedings papers will probably be published as one dedicated volume in MDPI Environmental Sciences Proceedings journal (ISSN 2673-4931). Publication of proceedings paper is free of charge.
Note: Before publication, Environmental Sciences Proceedings journal will review accepted papers using the powerful text comparison tool: iThenticate. This procedure aims to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism. Articles with a high repetition rate and lack of novelty will not be published in the conference proceedings.
6. The open access journal Water published a dedicated conference Special Issue: Adaptive Water Resources Management in an Era of Changing Climatic, Environmental and Social Conditions. Conference participants are encouraged to submit a full paper to the dedicated Special Issue and will receive a 20% discount on the Article Processing Charges (APC).
Note: The submission to the Water journal is independent of the conference proceedings and will follow the usual process of the journal, including peer-review, APC, etc. Articles with a high repetition rate and lack of novelty will not be published in the conference proceedings

Instructions for Proceedings Paper

Proceedings papers must be prepared in MS Word using the Environmental Sciences Proceedings template (see below) and should be converted to PDF format before submission. The manuscript should count at least 3 pages (incl. figures, tables and references) and should not exceed 6 pages. Carefully read the rules outlined in the 'Instructions for Authors' on the journal website and ensure that your manuscript submission adheres to these guidelines.

Manuscripts for the proceedings issue must have the following organization:

  • Title
  • Full author names
  • Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors' e-mail addresses
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • (Acknowledgements)
  • References
Instructions for Presentation Slides

Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint or similar software, to be displayed online along with the manuscript. Slides can be prepared the same way as for any traditional conference. They should be converted to PDF format before submission.

Instruction for Video Presentations

Authors are requested to submit video presentations accompany with extended submissions. Video should be no longer than 3–5 minutes and prepared with one of the following formats: .mp4 / .webm / .ogg (max size: 250Mb). It should be submitted with the full manuscript before 15 January 2023 (full submission deadline).

The accepted submissions will be shown on the conference submission page of ECWS-7 which will be open after the conference starts. Here is an example of ECWS-6:

Besides, authors that submitted presentations will have the chance to be invited to hold a presentation in the Live Session (15 minutes). This is a unique way of presenting your paper and discussing it with peers from all over the world.

Note: Exhibitors who attend/register for the Webinar are considered to agree that their images and presentation content will be publicly released.

Instruction for Posters

Posters will be available on this conference website during and after the event. Like papers presented on the conference, participants will be able to ask questions and make comments about the posters.

After acceptance, please upload a copy of the proceedings/abstract as a PDF and word, in the corresponding fields, and upload the Poster PDF in the field "Presentation PDF (optional)".

1)The poster should be in PDF format
2)The minimum size for images is 148 mm × 210 mm (horizontal × vertical) at 300 dpi.
3)The content of the poster should be a comprehensive presentation of your accepted submission.
4) No copyright issues with any elements in the poster.

For detailed instructions on how to submit a poster, please contact us at

Conflicts of Interest

All authors must disclose all relationships or interests that could inappropriately influence or bias their work. This should be conveyed in a separate "Conflict of Interest" statement preceding the "Acknowledgments" and "References" sections at the end of the manuscript. If there is no conflict, please state "The authors declare no conflict of interest." Financial support for the study must be fully disclosed under "Acknowledgments" section.


MDPI, the publisher of the platform, is an open access publisher. We believe that authors should retain the copyright to their scholarly works. Hence, by submitting a communication paper to this conference, you retain the copyright of your paper, but you grant MDPI the non-exclusive right to publish this paper online on the platform. This means you can easily submit your paper to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher (if required by that publisher).

Event Awards

To acknowledge the support of the conference esteemed authors and recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishments, we are pleased to launch the following two awards.

The Awards
Best Abstract Award

Number of Awards Available: 3

Best Abstract Award Winners

1. Title: Analysis of a new SolWat photochemical-photovoltaic system with wastewater cooling on the front surface of the photovoltaic module as a possible tertiary treatment in a WWTP
Authors: Julia Torres López, Marta Vivar García, Manuel Fuentes Conde, Ana María Palacios Villa

2. Title: A monthly water balance model for assessing streamflow uncertainty in hydrologic studies
Authors: Lampros Vasiliades, Ioannis Mastraftsis

3. Title: Automatic and Non-Invasive Monitoring of Vineyards Water Stress
Authors: Pietro Brach del Prever, Gabriele Balducci, Alice Ballestra, Carlo Ghiglione, Laura Mascheretti, Margherita Molinari, Giuseppe Nicoletti, Valter Carvelli, Chiara Corbari, Stefano Invernizzi , Stefano Mariani

Each winner will receive a prize of CHF 500, and a voucher of 400 CHF to cover the paper's Article Processing Charge in Water. The winner will be assessed by the Conference Committee.

Best Presentation Award

Number of Awards Available: 3

Best Presentation Award Winners

1. Title: Optimized chlorine bulk decay models and a machine-learning-guided water quality responsive kinetic model for residual chlorine prediction
Authors: Iman Jafari, Rongmo Luo, Fang Yee Lim, Szu Hui Ng, Jiangyong Hu

2. Title: Prediction and classification of flood susceptibility based on historic record in a large, diverse, and data sparse country
Authors: Heather McGrath, Piper Norah Gohl

3. Title: Enhancement of Atmospheric Water Harvesting via Salt-Infused Sponges and Peltier Devices
Authors: Jaewoong Lee, Eric Jobiliong, Timothy Bastiaan, Darren Johanes Manua, Ezekhiel Taniara, Eden Steven

Each winner will receive a prize of CHF 300, and a voucher of 300 CHF to cover the paper's Article Processing Charge in Water. The winner will be assessed by the Conference Committee.

Terms and Conditions:

1. Full paper must be submitted to ECWS-7.
2. The quality of the paper.
3. The scientific content of the paper

1. Each Evaluation Committee member will give an assessment for each paper in terms of the criteria outlined above.
2. The score for each paper will be ranked, from highest to lowest.
3. If two or more papers get the same score, further evaluation will be carried out.
4. All decisions made by the Evaluation Committee are final.

Sponsors and Partners


Conference Secretariat

Ms. Shanika Zhu
Ms. Fionna Fu
Ms. Veakie Jia
Mr. Russell Wang

