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3rd Conference on Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management

20–22 January 2026
Abstract Submission Deadline
15 September 2025
Abstract Acceptance Notification
30 September 2025
Full File Submission Deadline
15 December 2025

Early Bird Registration Deadline
30 July 2025
Registration Deadline
15 December 2025

City planning, Flooding risk, Built Environment, Smart Cities, Land use policy, Landscape Analysis, Nature Based Solutions, Sustainable urban mobility, Environmental Management
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Welcome from the Chairs

The 3rd international Conference on Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management will take place online from 20 - 22 January 2026 through Sciforum platform (Central European Time, although the event will include time slots to adapt to the schedules of Asia and America).
This forum is planned with a multidisciplinary approach to the subject, covering various areas of knowledge related to urban planning and territory management that serve as a meeting point for different scholars, professionals and researchers. The conference seeks to present innovative proposals and relevant case studies in the field of city planning, urban mobility, land use policies, natural hazard risks, GIS & spatial analysis, ICZM, real estate and socioeconomic issues, environmental planning, etc., among others. The chairs and the organization team are very much looking forward to welcoming you to this third edition of this forum. Let us grab this opportunity to advance the sustainability 2030 agenda!

Profs. Salvador García-Ayllón & José Luis Miralles
Conference chairs

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Event Organizers

Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT)



The Technical University of Cartagena is a public technological university in the Spain featuring degrees in multiple fields of engineering, architecture and economy.

Event Chairs

Technical University of Cartagena

Prof. Salvador Garcia-Ayllon is PhD Architecture and Civil Engineering and works as Associate Professor at the Technical University of Cartagena (Spain). He has been visiting faculty at relevant universities such as California Berkeley or MIT (Fulbright scholar awarded), and is currently principal investigator for the R&D group of Territorial Policies, Environmental & Infrastructure Planning of the Technical University of Cartagena ( and chair of Biyectiva GIS & AI professorship of the UPCT university (

Technical University of Valencia

Associate professor with 35 years of experience in research related to urban planning and territorial management. He has been director for eight years of the urban planning department of the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

Scientific Committee

University of California Berkeley

John Radke is professor emeritus of the College of Environmental Design at the University of California, Berkeley. A founding member of the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management, he conducts research in the design and development of analytical methods that assist in recognizing spatial structure, measure changes in complex landscapes, and assess exposure from future climate change conditions. He advances and integrates high-resolution spatial data within data-rich multivariate models to predict the impact on and consequences of chronic exposure of infrastructure in human habitat over vast geographic regions. Simply put, he brings science to Planning and Design. Radke was a founding member of the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management (CCRM) (, a UC Berkeley group of academic researchers and practitioners who recognize the need for interdisciplinary solutions to avoid and mitigate tragic events. Radke also directed the campus GIS Center 1996-2008. Professor Radke is currently exploring the impact of global warming and climate change on California’s infrastructure through the California Vulnerability and Adaptation Study project. Radke was a Co-Principal Investigator on the interdisciplinary team project RESIN: Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Networks project. RESIN’s mandate is to create, validate, and apply new Risk Assessment and Management (RAM) based approaches to facilitate a better evaluation and management of resilience and sustainability in interdependent, interconnected, interactive critical infrastructure systems (I3CIS).

University of Cagliari

Corrado Zoppi, civil engineer, is Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, 1997), PhD in Territorial Planning (University of Reggio Calabria, 1992) and Master of Science in Economic Policy and Planning (Northeastern University, 1990). Since I October 2015 he is Full Professor (Scientific disciplinary sector ICAR / 20 Technique and Urban Planning) at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architecture Engineering. He has held courses at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cagliari, and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and of Sassari-Alghero. He is currently the holder of the Strategic Planning Module of the Integrated Course of Strategic Environmental Planning and of the Territorial Planning Course at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Cagliari. He was Coordinator of the Evaluation and Verification Unit of Public Investments of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia from 2007 to 2013. He was Coordinator of the Council of the Engineering Studies Course for the Environment and Territory of the University of Cagliari from 2012 to 2015. He is currently President of the Council of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari

ENSA Paris-Val de Seine

Landscape architect DPLG, architect DPLG, town planner, State landscape consultant, Claire BAILLY agency, International Experimental Workshop for the Bio-digital City. In 2003, she was a founding member of the Cap Environnement network. Her work led her to sit on several juries of international town planning competitions and, in 2012, earned her the appointment of Landscaper-Council of the State. In 2007, she obtained the DPLG architectural diploma. The theme developed and deepened within the framework of a DEA "Social issues of communication technologies" aims to study the impact of new technologies on design processes in architecture, landscape and town planning. This subject is also the one she is developing as part of a doctoral thesis currently underway at the FA + U. She became co-responsible with Jean Magerand, in 2007, of the Chronique Prospectives for the online magazine Cyberarchi, then, since 2010, of the same column for the Courrier de l'Architecte. In 2009, Claire Bailly and Jean Magerand co-founded the International Experimental Workshop for the Cité Bionumérique. This collaborative structure explores the changes generated by the complex and digital paradigm, by developing experimental projects.

Cyprus University of Technology

Dr. Phaedon Kyriakidis is a Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), as well as an Affiliated Professor at the Department of Geography of the University California Santa Barbara (UCSB) in the USA. He currently serves as the Research Coordinator of the Eratosthenes Center of Excellence; he also formerly served as the Dean (2017-2020) of the School of Engineering and Technology at CUT, and as a Chair (2016-2017) of the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics at CUT. Dr. Kyriakidis was on the Faculty of the Department of Geography at UCSB -- Assistant Professor (2001-2005), Associate Professor (2005-2012) and Full Professor (2012-2015), as well as a Professor of Spatial Analysis (2009-2015) at the Department of Geography of the University of the Aegean in Greece. He obtained his BSc (1994) from the Department of Geology of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece, his PhD (1999) from the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences of Stanford University, USA, with specialization Geostatistics in the Earth Sciences. He also worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow (1999-2000) at the Earth Sciences Division of Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, where he also held a Faculty Staff appointment (2001-2013). Dr. Kyriakidis’s research interests include geostatistics, geocomputation, and geoinformatics, as well as their applications to geographic information science and systems, remote sensing, earth, atmospheric and environmental sciences, as well as public health and archaeology. He has co-authored more than 65 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and has made numerous contributions in conference proceedings and edited volumes.

Technical University of Madrid

is a Spanish urban planner architect, professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and collaborates with different administrations and international organizations as an expert on gender in urban planning, architecture, research and innovation. Since 2016, she has been the director of the UNESCO Chair on Gender in Science, Technology and Innovation at the UPM. Architect from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid in 1989, Master of Science from Columbia University (New York), where she studied with a scholarship from the Fulbright Program (1989 to 1991), and Doctor of Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Madrid ( UPM) in 1997. Sánchez de Madariaga has been a tenured professor of Urbanism and Spatial Planning at the UPM since 1999. As a visiting professor, among other universities, she has been at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Columbia (New York), the London School of Economics and the Weimar-Bauhaus School of Architecture. She participates in seminars and has given more than 300 lectures at institutions around the world. As a researcher, she has directed more than forty projects, including the European projects TRIGGER, GE-Academy, RRING and Gender-Net. She was part of the advisory committees of European projects, such as GenderAction, GEDII, GENOVATE, GENPORT, LIBRA, SAGERIP, RRITOOLS, among others.

Technical University of Catalonia

Urban Planning Architect (UPC, 1984, 1995). Extraordinary Doctorate Award with the thesis on "Project spaces in a metropolis. Changes in the spatial structure of the central metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona 1976-1992" (Cum Laude, 1998). Director and Associate Professor of the Department of Urbanism and Spatial Planning of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the Vallés of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Director of the Master in Urban and Territorial Development –management and transformation of cities in developing countries-, Director of the Postgraduate Course in Territorial Planning and Mountain Architecture of the Polytechnic Foundation of Catalonia. Director of the Master in Creative Management of the Metropolis in Mexico, managed together with the Ibero-American University and the Polytechnic Foundation of Catalonia. European Prize for Urban Planning 2010, National Prize for Urban Planning of Spain 2006 for the Transformation Plan of the La Mina Neighborhood in Sant Adrià de Besòs, Urban Planning Prize of the 11th Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urban Planning 2011 for the Municipal Urban Planning Plan of Montmeló , forming a team with Sebastiá Jornet and Joan Enric Pastor.

Universidad de Pinar del Rio, Cuba

Full Professor at Universidad de Pinar del Rio (Cuba). Research areas: environment, environmental impact assessment, solid waste management, environmental diagnoses, environmental planning.

Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil

BsC at University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (1991). Master Environmental Sciences (Hokkaido UNiversity, Japan, 1995). Doctor in Natural Sciences - Geography (Kiel UNiversity, Germany, 2003). Professor at the Federal UNiversity of Para (Brazil) since 1998.

University of Granada

Graduate in ‘Civil Engineering’ (2002) and PhD in ‘Civil Engineering and Urban Planning’ with honors in University of Granada (2008). Postgraduate Diplomas in ‘Urban, Spatial Planning and Environment’ (University of Granada, 2004) and in ‘Integrated Water Managament’ (University of Sevilla, 2005). Professor in Higher School of Civil Engineering of University of Granada, where she was Academic Director for 4 years and she currently holds the position of Deputy director of Internationalization from 2021. She participates in ‘Spatial Planning Master’ at University of Granada, Spain from 2008, in International workshop ‘Advanced integrated design project for sustainable building’ at ESITC of Caen, France from 2021, in Master in ‘Integrated Water Managament’ at University of Sevilla, Spain (2006-2016) and in Master on ‘Landscape and Open Space’ at University of Granada, Spain (2010-2016). Her research focuses on relation-ship between Urban and Spatial Planning; Sustainable Drainage Systems, Nature-Based Solutions, Resilient Cities, Rivers Basins Planning and Integrated Water Management. She has published around 80 publications including articles, conferences, books and book chapters. She has been involved in several research projects at regional, national and international level funded by public and competitive programs. In these research projects she has always worked within multidisciplinary work-team with architects, civil engineers, urban planners, economists and geographers. She has been a visiting researcher at the École Polytechnique de Montpellier, France.

Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Iran

Masoud Taghavi is head of mechanical engineering department, at faculty of Noshahr, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Iran. His research interests are mechanical engineering, energy engineering, hydrogen productions, sustainable energies and green systems, solar energy and photovoltaic, renewable energies and HVAC new technologies fields, low energy building, and CO2 capture. For more than 8 years, Masoud has been working as an HVAC engineer in buildings, researcher, and teacher for various universities in Iran. Masoud holds a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering - energy conversion. Masoud was introduced as the "Top Lecturer" and "Top Researcher" in faculty of Noshahr, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Iran, respectively in 2021 and 2020. In this moment he is also postdoctoral research fellow at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea.

University of California Berkeley

Dr. Serra-Llobet specializes in flood risk management policies. After receiving her PhD in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2011), she worked at the Water Unit of the Directorate General for the Environment at the European Commission (EU) in Brussels, analysing EU funded research on hydro-meteorological risks (floods and droughts) and vulnerability assessment in Europe. Then as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Urban & Regional Development, University of California Berkeley, she conducted comparative studies of flood management governance in the US and EU. In 2014 she was awarded a Prometeo visiting professorship to the University of Cuenca, Ecuador, where she taught and conducted research on the potential to implement green infrastructure for stormwater management in Latin American. She is now project director at the Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley, working on sustainable flood management strategies in the US and the EU.

Technical university of Cartagena

Architect by the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid, Polytechnic University of Madrid (2006). Doctor in architect (2015) by the Department of Architectural Projects of the ETSAM of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Associate Professor in Architectural Projects of the Department of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena since 2008 and Vice Dean of the Official College of Architects of the Region of Murcia. He is Principal Investigator of the research group "Strategies of the architectural project and cultural systems" of the UPCT, member of the Technical Commission of the Fundación Docomomo Ibérico and has collaborated with prestigious studios such as Aranguren Gallegos, Araujo Arquitectos, Ezquiaga Arquitectura, Ecosistema Urbano and Amid / Zero 9. His recent work has been awarded in various calls, highlighting the following, Regional Architecture Award, category "New building" in the XXI Architecture Awards of the Region of Murcia (2021), Regional Architecture Award, category "Sustainability" in the XXI Architecture Awards of the Region of Murcia (2021), Regional Architecture Award, category "Interior Architecture" in the XX Architecture Awards of the Region of Murcia (2019) and Prize Recent Exhibition of Architecture of Alicante (2018-2019) of the Territorial College of Architects of Alicante. - Regional Architecture Award, category "Disclosure" in the XVIII Architecture Awards of the Region of Murcia (2015).

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Dr. Vishal Chettry is working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture, Planning and Design, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi. He was awarded a Ph.D. from VNIT Nagpur and had earlier worked as an Assistant Professor at Manipal School of Architecture & Planning, MAHE, Manipal. He was awarded a Master's Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the School of Planning and Architecture Bhopal in 2016 and a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture from MIET Gondia, affiliated with Nagpur University in 2014. He is appointed as an Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports (SCIE indexed journal) & Discover Sustainability (Scopus& ESCI indexed journal). He has published research papers indexed in SCIE/ Scopus indexed journals, presented research papers at renowned International and National conferences, and participated in various workshops. Dr. Chettry’s research interests include vernacular architecture, heritage studies, urban sprawl, healthy communities, urban sustainability, urban heat island, wetland studies, and the application of RS and GIS in the urban and regional planning domain.

Ain Shams University, Egypt

Dr. Mohamed Salheen is a Professor of Integrated Planning & Design and the Co-founder and Director of the Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD) at Ain Shams University. Over 220 students from over 32 nationalities and from multidisciplinary backgrounds have graduated from the IUSD Master’s Program. This formed very strong research platform and strong international network of researchers focused on all facets of sustainability. He served as advisor to the minister of scientific research on Integrated Development and then with the minister of higher Education and scientific research for strategic planning and international Cooperation. He was also appointed as advisor to the minister of Housing for Development of informal areas supporting National Strategic and Action Plan. He has been supporting the ministry of Finance since 2009 leading the mission on Mass Appraisal of Egyptian Real estate. Salheen is very active in practice and consultation working with various international Agencies such as the EU, BMU, GIZ, UN-Habitat, UNEP and UNDP as well as other national and regional organizations in the fields of strategic, environmental and integrated planning and design.


In order to make an oral presentation or a poster, at least the person who makes the presentation must be registered in the conference by using Sciforum platform ( Certificates of participation at SUPTM2026 will be issued only for those authors who have registered for the conference. The offer to write an extended version of the abstract for publication in the proceedings of SUPTM2026 conference will only be made to those people who have been registered in the conference.

For this third edition, attendees who register during the early bird registration period will be exempt to pay the conference registration fee.


Early bird registration deadline: July 30, 2025
Regular registration deadline: December 15, 2025
Late registration: until January 20, 2026

Registration fees

Early bird registration fee: Free (0 €)
Regular registration fee: Students, NGO and developing countries: 25 € (regular) - 50 € (late or attendees with no submission)
Regular registration fee: Academic and professionals: 75 (regular) - 100 € (late or attendees with no submission)

Early Bird
Until 30th July 2025
Until 15th December 2025
General conference registration Free 75.00 EUR
Registration for developing countries, NGO & students Free 25.00 EUR
Cancellation policy

No refunds are accepted for registration payments.

Payment methods

Wire transfer

Instructions for Authors

Submission information for abstracts, oral/poster presentations & proceedings submission

Abstracts submission (deadline: September 15, 2025)

Participants must submit an abstract proposal between 200 - 400 words before September 15, 2023 through the Sciforum platform. The proposals accepted by the scientific committee will be published in an 4-page extended abstract format in the proceedings that will be published after the conference. The extended abstracts will be provided with individual DOI and Handle registration and will be published online, in open access, with a Creative Commons license (BY-NC-ND) in the UPCT digital repository, provided that the authors do not express their express disagreement, in order to provide the congress with the maximum diffusion, and allowing free access to all communications. A proceedings book will be also published with ISBN code in the UPCT digital repository to ensure maximum dissemination of the conference. Those proposals that are most relevant in the opinion of the scientific committee of the conference will be invited to publish free of charge in several of the scientific journals that sponsor the event. (Note: remember that registration and abstract submission are different actions, please read registration section).

Oral/Poster presentation and proceedings submission

The proposals whose abstract has been accepted by the scientific committee of the conference, will be able to make oral presentation at the event (live or asynchronously) or present it in poster format. In addition, they may submit an extended four-page version of the abstract following this template, which will be published in the conference proceedings. Extended abstracts for publication in the conference proceedings must be uploaded for review before December 15 and will also opt to be chosen to publish for free in special issues of the journals that sponsor the event.
Both the word and pdf documents with extended abstracts for the conference proceedings, as well as videos for asynchronous presentations and pdf with the posters for those researchers who have requested any of these modalities, should be uploaded through the Sciforum platform, all of which are options enabled once the scientific committee has validated the abstract. Authors who wish to make an oral presentation in asynchronous mode must upload a video of a maximum duration of 12 minutes per presentation. There is no specific template for posters and oral presentations, whose design is freely chosen by the authors. In this file you can find some recommendations on the contents to include for those authors who submit a poster presentation.

Sponsors and Partners

The following scientific journals sponsor the 3rd international Conference on Sustainable Urban Planning and Territorial Management (SUPTM 2026). The journal Land (indexed in the JCR with an impact factor of 3.2 on 2023) will publish a special issue of the conference in which the most outstanding contributions of the conference will be included. Other relevant articles will also be included in a special issue of Sustainability journal (JCR impact factor of 3.251), International Journal of Geo-Information (ISPRS-IJGI, JCR impact factor 3.099), Buildings (JCR impact factor of 3.324), Journal of Marine Science & Engineering (JMSE, JCR impact factor of 2.744), Applied Sciences (JCR impact factor of 2.679), Water (JCR impact factor of 3.530), Remote Sensing (JCR impact factor of 5.349) and Urban Science (covered by ESCI and tracked for impact factor). The most relevant articles will receive discounts for publication in Open Access format and the most outstanding will be made for free. All articles will be subjected to blind peer review according to the criteria of the collaborating journals.

Platinum Sponsors


Partnering Societies

Event Secretariat

Conference attendees and participants can send their questions and inquiries to the following mail:

Ms. Eve Li
Conference Secretariat:

* This event is managed by external organizers. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.