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The 9th World Sustainability Forum

Part of the World Sustainability Forum series
13–15 September 2021, Online, International

Sustainable Development, Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals
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Welcome from the Chair

The 9th World Sustainability Forum - WSF2021

13-15 September 2021, Online

September 2021 marks the sesquianniversary of much of the world entering into various forms of lockdown or pandemic management as well as the 6th anniversary of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The pandemic has challenged our expectations for the future and has prompted a re-evaluation of the relationships between society, politics and the commercial world. In the 9th World Sustainability Forum, we will consider all aspects of these new and evolving relationships and their impact on sustainability. Although all topics are welcome, we will have major sessions on the topics of Business & Finance, Climate, Health & Medicine, Water, and Education.

The health crisis and its consequences will not guarantee a more sustainable future but it certainly provides a narrow window of opportunity to rethink outdated economic, social, and environmental arrangements. It is encouraging to note the widespread calls for a sustainable “new normal”.

We hope that this forum will contribute to the global debate as the world contemplates returning to a new normal and will contribute to establishing platforms and networks among stakeholders including lawmakers, commerce, the general public and academic disciplines. The aim is to bring structure to the vision of a sustainable world which deals fairly and transparently with the multifold issues of sovereignty, governance and society that have arisen in the pandemic.

Following the initiative in WSF 2020 of making an event on sustainability more sustainable, the 9th World Sustainability Forum will be an online global event.

Abstract Submission is open until 13 July 2021. For further details on how to submit, please click here. Please note that the abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes. If you wish to simply participate as an attendee, you can register here.

The World Sustainability Award and the Emerging Sustainability Leader Award, funded by the MDPI Sustainability Foundation and the Sustainability journal respectively, will be conferred during the conference. Both the World Sustainability Award and the Emerging Sustainability Leader Award are endowed with a sum of USD 100'000 and USD 20’000 respectively.

The 9th World Sustainability Forum will take place from 13 - 15 September 2021.

We, the chair and the organization team, are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the 9th World Sustainability Forum. Let us grab this opportunity to advance the sustainability agenda!

Prof. Dr. Ed Constable
Conference Chair

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Conference Secretariat
Charlotte Gardini
Sara Ottolini
Ana Sanchis
Elena Gonzalez
Cédric Spinnler
Etta Shen


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SDG Publisher's Compact

2021 World Sustainability Award Recipients

Volans, UK

Professor Elkington is a world-renowned author, advisor, and entrepreneur who has advocated and promoted sustainability for more than four decades. He is Visiting Professor at the Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility, Cranfield School of Management, Imperial College, and University College London (UCL). Over the years, he has promoted sustainable development as an advisor to many governments, business, and civic institutions around the world. In 2008 he became the Co-founder and Chairman of Volans, a think tank and “future-focused business working at the intersection of sustainability, entrepreneurship and innovation”. One of his most significant contributions to the field of sustainability was the introduction of the triple bottom line in his 1997 book entitled Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business. The concept of the triple bottom line, which promotes the idea that business should balance economic pursuits with social and environmental outcomes, has by now become a gold standard within the field of sustainability. Notably, it has been used as the benchmark for the development of global initiatives such as The UN Global Compact, the Global Reporting Initiative, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability, Michigan State University, USA

Jianguo “Jack” Liu is a world leader in systems integration and sustainability (e.g., integrating ecology with social sciences, policy, and technologies for understanding and promoting global sustainability). He holds the Rachel Carson Chair in Sustainability, and is University Distinguished Professor and founding director of Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability at Michigan State University (USA). He has translated many research findings to effective policy and management for global sustainability, especially in China. Furthermore, he has amplified the impacts through helping numerous others. Liu’s pioneering research has opened up new frontiers in sustainability and greatly advanced the fundamental understanding of global challenges. He coined the integrated concept of telecoupling (socioeconomic-environmental interactions over distances), and has been leading the development and applications of the award-winning telecoupling framework. This framework helps disentangle the complexity of globalization and systematically expand sustainability science from focus on specific places separately to human-nature interactions across distant places. It provides a powerful tool to uncover hidden impacts of human activities within specific places on sustainability elsewhere. Many of his research findings have been translated into effective policies and management interventions, which have helped the recovery of a global wildlife icon (giant pandas), improved management of protected areas, and revolution of China’s environmental protection.

2021 Emerging Sustainability Leader Award Recipients

Prof. Dr. Anet Režek Jambrak

Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Anet Režek Jambrak is a Professor from the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology of the University of Zagreb, Croatia. She is also a scientific advisor in food engineering (biotechnical sciences). From 2019, she founded the Laboratory for Sustainable Development at the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology. She is member of Global Young Academy (GYA), European Union of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) and International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST). Her field of research is food chemistry, food physics, nonthermal processing, advanced thermal processing, sustainability, food processing, Industry 4.0, digitalization, etc.

Dr. Lela Mélon

1) ESCI-UPF: Academic director of the Postgraduate Course in Sustanability Transition Management and Climate Emergency; Professor of Sustainability in Business Law 2) UPF: Executive Director of the Planetary Wellbeing Institutional Framework.

From the beginning of her academic career, Dr. Mélon has been focusing on path-breaking insights into corporate sustainability, arguing against a noncritical application of the shareholder primacy in the light of environmental and social sustainability challenges the corporate sector poses. With the SCOM project, Dr. Mélon achieved a remarkable impact with her work in academia and beyond, connecting the private and the public sector, opening science to broader society and created far-reaching strategic connection, which have been further fostered all up to today. She devoted her time and efforts to place sustainability as a guiding principle in the field of higher education and brought together the private and public sector through her work, assuring that the scientific findings are aligned with the needs of the society as a whole.

Keynote Speakers

Canada Research Chair in Building Science and Professor, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

Dr. Berardi is Canada Research Chair in Building Science and Director of the BeTOP center at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. Moreover, is a Professor at Politecnico di Bari, Italy, and visiting professor at Tsinghua University, China. His main research interests are related to the study of innovative solutions and new materials for improving the performance within the built environment. Dr. Berardi has an extensive publication record, including 130 peer-reviewed journals, 130 international conference papers, and five books. Dr. Berardi’s publications have received 10,000 citations. Dr. Berardi has a body of funded research comprising over $2.5 M in government and private sector sponsored research.

Department of Geography, Portland State University, Portland, USA

Heejun Chang is a Professor of Geography and interim associate for research and graduate studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Portland State University. He holds a BA and an MA from the Seoul National University and obtained a Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Chang has led transdisciplinary water research from a coupled natural and human system lens across the Pacific, in studying future climate change impacts on water quantity and quality, flood hazards, and water-related ecosystem services using spatial statistics, social surveys, and process-based modeling. Dr. Chang is the editor of The Professional Geographer, published by the American Association of Geographers. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed manuscripts with over 7,000 citations by google scholar.

ESA Business School, Beirut, Lebanon

Beverly Dawn Metcalfe is Professor of Women, Leadership and International Development at ESA Lebanon, Before moving to the Middle East in 2016 Beverly worked at the Global Development Institute at Manchester University a QS top ten ranked center. Her research is policy focused, and explores women's development, especially political and economic empowerment, primarily in the Middle East and Africa ; women's social movements including Islamic Feminisms, and women's entrepreneurship and development. Her recent research projects focus on women, work organization and human rights. She has published in leading journals including inter alia International HRM, Gender Work and Organization, and HRD International. She published a text in 2012 on Leadership Development in the Middle East, and two new titles Women, Entrepreneurship and Development in the Middle East, and Feminism, Diversity and HRD will be out in 2022, both Routledge. She is currently involved advising a UNIDO women's organization setting up a Centre for Excellence on Women's Empowerment in India. Professor Metcalfe has held Visiting Professor positions at Monash University and Griffith University in Australia, Helwan University and AUC in Egypt, AUB in Lebanon and St Petersburg State University Russia. She has worked in Bahrain, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore in myriad roles including teaching, research and in advisory capacities to development institutions.

Department of Biology and Chemistry, University of Bremen, Institute for Science Education (IDN) - Chemistry Education, Bremen, Germany

University of The Bahamas, The Bahamas

Prof. Vik Nair is currently the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, and Professor in Sustainable Tourism at the University of The Bahamas (UB). Prior to joining UB in August 2017, he was at Taylor’s University, Malaysia, for 19 years as a full Professor of Sustainable Tourism, at the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts; Programme Leader for the Responsible Rural Tourism Network; Research Fellow of the Centre for Research and Innovation in Tourism (CRiT) and the founding Director of the Centre for Research and Development at the University. A consultant with many national and international projects, Prof. Vik Nair’s exceptional research achievements with more than 350 publications to his credit have earned him many international and national awards. He completed his first consultancy work in The Bahamas when he led the project in writing the country report for The Bahamas for UNDP’s Sustainable Development Goals in 2017. Currently he is working on numerous consultancy projects in The Bahamas with Tourism Development Corporation and the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection to develop community based tourism and ecotourism. His research specialisation is in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism, Rural Tourism, Ecotourism Management, Environmental Management, Community-based Tourism and Green Tourism.

Conference Chair

Department of Chemistry and former Vice-Rector for Research, University of Basel, Switzerland - Website

In 1974 Constable began studying chemistry at St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford, where he earned his BA in chemistry in 1978. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge, where he became University Lecturer and Fellow of Robinson College in 1984. He remained at Cambridge until 1993, when he became full professor of inorganic chemistry at the University of Basel. In 2007 he became Dean of Research at the Faculty of Philosophy and Natural Sciences and in 2011 Vice Rector for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists. Constable is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a member of the American Chemical Society. He is a member of the editorial board of numerous journals including Chemical Communications, Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, New Journal of Chemistry, Polyhedron and Supramolecular Chemistry.

Scientific Committee

Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization (DEIM), Tuscia University of Viterbo, Viterbo, Italy - Website

Barbara Aquilani is Full Professor of Management in the Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization (DEIM) at the ‘Tuscia’ University of Viterbo (Italy) where she is responsible for Management and Marketing courses. She has also been the coordinator of the master’s degree course in Marketing and Quality at this University. From 2005 to 2009 she worked as Assistant Professor at Siena University, Communication Department, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, where she held Marketing and Marketing Communication courses. She has been involved, as presenter, in several national and international conferences and as member or scientific coordinator in various national/international research projects. Her research interests are: (1) firm management, especially firm growth and corporate governance; (2) marketing (among others she has published papers on university marketing and online marketing); (3) innovation and open innovation; (4) co-creation of value; (5) sustainability.

Chemical Engineering Section, Faculty of Engineering, Sohar University, Oman - Website

Dr. Mostafa completed his Ph.D in Chemical Engineering Department of the National University of Malaysia (UKM) at 2012. He served as a Postdoctoral fellow (for a few months) and as a Senior Lecturer/Research Fellow at UKM until 2016. His manuscript at Chemical Engineering Journal, has become, one of the top cited papers at 2011 and 2012 and he has been selected as one of the Iranian Elite in Malaysia at the 5th Iranian Elite Talks at 2013. At 2016, he joined to the Petroleum Engineering Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) and spent about 4 years prior to joining Sohar University. Since December 2019, he is an Associate Professor in the Chemical Engineering Section at Sohar University. He is a leading researcher in the field of biological fuel cells and wastewater treatment. He published over 80 peer-reviewed manuscripts in the international refereed journals. His research interests are in the field of fuel cells and production of clean energies, water and wastewater treatment and desalination. Moreover, He is doing some editorial tasks at the journals of Springer, Springer Nature Applied Sciences (SNAS), MDPI and Frontiers in Energy Research.

Institute of Logistics, University of Miskolc, Hungary - Website

Tamás Bányai is currently an associate professor in the Institute of Logistics at the University of Miskolc. He has more than 25 years of teaching and research experience in the design and control of materials handling systems and supply chain management, with special emphasis in heuristic optimization of large scale systems. Tamás has published over 150 research papers, book chapters and conference proceedings. Away from academia, his other interests include playing the piano.

Social Research and Methodology Group (SRaM), University of Basel, Switzerland - Website

Prof. Manfred Max Bergman is Chair of Social Research and Methodology at the University of Basel, Research Councilor of the Swiss National Science Foundation, member of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global initiative for the United Nations. He is President of the Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology, Section Editor in Chief of Sustainability, and Editor in Chief of World. He chairs the World Sustainability Forum and the Basel Sustainability Forum. He studied at the Universities of California (BA), Geneva (MA), and Cambridge (PhD). Previous academic affiliations include the Universities of Cambridge, Florence (European University Institute), Geneva, Loyola Chicago, Notre Dame, Oxford, Stellenbosch, St. Gall, Texas A&M, the Witwatersrand, and Zurich. His research is on sustainability and the business-society nexus in India and China.

Haifa School of Business Administration, University of Haifa, Israel - Website

Michal Biron (PhD) is an Associate Professor at the School of Business Administration, University of Haifa (Israel). Michal is a member of the board at the European Academy of Management. She served as a member of the HR Division Executive Committee of the Academy of Management between 2017 and 2020. Her current research interests include alternative work arrangements, job rotation and adjustment, and leader-member relations in times of change. Michal was recently awarded the Humboldt Foundation Fellowship for Experienced Researchers. Her articles have appeared in Human Resource Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Human Relations, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, among others. A former associate editor of the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Michal is currently on the editorial boards of several academic journals.

Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy - Website

Michele Biasutti, Full Professor at Padova University, is scientific Director of research projects financed by EU Institutions and worked in project evaluation for international organisations such as UNESCO. He built quantitative tools that were published in impact factor journals such as Environmental Education Research, Computers & Education, Creativity Research Journal and others. Member of the editorial board of journals (Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, Frontiers in Psychology, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education; Sustainability), he was conference director and author of eight books and 250 articles, chapters and conference proceedings papers. More infos at:

Department of Maritime Studies, University of Piraeus, Greece - Website

Dr. Maria Boile is Professor and Director of the MSc in Shipping at the University of Piraeus, Department of Maritime Studies; and Head of Unit on Transport Economics and Environment, Maritime and Air Transport, at the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH). She is an affiliated faculty with the Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation at Rutgers University in the US and Visiting Lecturer at the Galilee International Management Institute in Israel.

Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia - Website

Associate Professor Magnolia Cardona is an Australian health services researcher with general practice experience in chronic diseases and international health. Her recent work has focused on reducing low-value care and overtreatment of the elderly in hospitals, by developing and validating a screening tool for risk of death, encouraging prognostic disclosure, promoting advance care planning, deprescribing non-essential medicines, and shared decision-making to achieve a good natural death.

Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore - Website

Lynette Cheah is an Associate Professor of Engineering Systems at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Sustainable Urban Mobility research laboratory, which develops data-driven models and tools to reduce the environmental impacts of passenger and urban freight transport. She is currently Associate Editor for the Journal of Industrial Ecology and Review Editor for the UN IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report.

Department of Physics, University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain - Website

Professor Jordi Colomer is a member of the Departament of Physics at the University of Girona (UdG). He also develops research as Head of the Teaching Innovation Networks on Reflective and Cooperative Learning, at the Institute of Sciences Education (UdG). His research mainly focuses on determining the relationships between instructional pedagogical approaches and sustainable competences, in all education systems, especially for tertiary students. He has been invited as guest Editor, to three special issues by the Sustainability journal, in which is formally engaged as a member of the Editorial Board. Professor Colomer is a reviewer for several international journals as well as a panel member for the accreditation for several Higher Education institutions. He has published +100 paper in international refereed journals, and his research is associated with national and international living projects (Horizon20120).

Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) - Research Centre for Food and Nutrition, Rome, Italy - Website

Alessandra Durazzo was awarded a Master’s degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology cum laude in 2003, a PhD in Horticulture in 2010. Since 2005, Researcher at the CREA-Research Centre for Food and Nutrition. The core of her research is the study of chemical, nutritional and bioactive components of food, with particular regard to the wide spectrum of substances classes and their nutraceutical features. For several years, she was involved in national and international research projects on evaluation of several factors (agronomic practices, processing, etc.) that affect food quality, the levels of bioactive molecules and the total antioxidant properties, as well as on their possible impact on the biological role played by bioactive components in human physiology. Her research activities are addressed also towards the development, management and updating of Bioactive Compounds, Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements databases; particular attention was given towards the harmonization of analytical procedures and classification and codification of food supplements.

Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences, University of Palermo, Italy - Website

Antonino Galati is Associate Professor of “Agricultural economics and valuation” at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences, University of Palermo (Italy, EU). He holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economic and Policy from the University of Palermo and a Postgraduate Specialization Diploma in “Politique et choix publique in agriculture et alimentation” from the Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier. He is the Italian country director of the EuroMed Academy of Business (EMRBI) and a Co-Chair of its Research Interest Committee in Agribusiness. His research interests include agribusiness, value chain analysis, consumer research, market analysis, and wine policy. His research has been published in a wide range of international peer-reviewed journals.

Department of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand - Website

Michael is currently Professor in Marketing in the Department of Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, joining the department at the start of 2007. He is also currently Docent in Geography, University of Oulu, Finland; a Visiting Professor in the tourism program, Business School, Linneaus University, Kalmar, Sweden; and a Guest Professor in the Department of Service Management at the Lund University Helsingborg campus, also in Sweden. He is also a frequent visitor to the geography department at Umeå University in Umeå, Västerbotten, Sweden. Prior positions in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere include Professor in Tourism at the University of Otago where he was also head of department for six years; Professor of Tourism and Service Management at Victoria University of Wellington; Visiting Professor at Sheffield Hallam University, UK and Centre for Tourism Studies, University of Eastern Finland; and Honorary Professor in the Department of Marketing, Stirling University, Scotland. His doctorate is in geography from the University of Western Australia, from which he also received an honours degree in politics. His masters is from the faculty of environmental studies at the University of Waterloo, Canada, in geography/resource management. He has honorary doctorates from the Universities of Umeå in Sweden (2008), Oulu in Finland (2012) and Lund University, Sweden (2016). According to Google Scholar analysis for the category of tourism he is currently the most cited scholar in the subject area and is also highly cited in geography, regional development, sustainability and global environmental change. In 2009 he was named the Elsevier ScienceDirect ‘For Great Thinking’, Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences category winner.

School of Engineering and Architecture, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Ireland, UK - Website

Prof Gregorio Iglesias is Professor of Marine Renewable Energy at University College Cork and Honorary Professor of Coastal Engineering at the University of Plymouth. He has over 25 years of experience in ocean energy (wave and tidal stream energy), offshore wind energy and coastal engineering, including: resource characterisation, impact assessment, design and development of wave energy converters, economics of renewable energy systems, coastal structures and morphodynamics. He held a Marie Curie individual fellowship focused on the effects of wave farms on coastal processes (WaveImpact), and recently acted as an expert witness on behalf of Spain’s State Ports on the new, €500M breakwater at the Port of Gijon (Spain). He coordinated numerous laboratory tests of breakwaters and wave energy converters. In addition, he pioneered the application of Artificial Intelligence to coastal engineering. Prof Iglesias patented a wave energy converter (WaveCat), a hybrid wave-wind system and an Artificial Vision system for laboratory use. He contributed to the IEC standards for wave energy device development (scale-model testing) and the Spanish Standards for Maritime Works (ROM). Prof Iglesias regularly acts as a reviewer for a number of international journals and research councils, is a member of various Editorial Boards and the Subject Editor of Energy (Elsevier) for wave, tidal and hydropower. He has published over 100 journal papers and attracted over €25M of research funding. His h-index is 48. With 7117 citations, he is the top-cited academic in Ocean Energy and Offshore Wind Energy on Google Scholar.

Institute of Comparative Economic Studies, Faculty of Economics, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan - Website

Mihajlo Jakovljevic is Professor and Founding Head of Global Health, Economics and Policy Department at The University of Kragujevac situated in a historical capital of Serbia. His Center’s output and its scientometrics have detrimentally contributed to the pioneering listing of his home University among the Top 200-300 Shanghai ARWY global specialty ranking in public health since 2019. Being a professional health economist and clinical pharmacologist, his expertise focuses on Emerging Markets and sustainability of health financing across LMICs countries worldwide. So far he is holding JSPS funded Visiting Professorship in Health Economics at the Institute of Comparative Economic Studies, Hosei University Tokyo Japan; being an Expert affiliate of the Center for Health Trends and Forecasts, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation University of Washington and used to hold FORTE funded Visiting Research Fellow at Lund University, Sweden, Division of Health Economics. From a historical perspective he established some of the oldest Pharmaeconomics and Health Economics Curricula at large state-owned universities of Balkans. Back in 2014 acting as an Editor-in-Chief he compiled and published the first complete university textbook of Health Economics in Western Balkan languages. Over the past decade he has been a Principal Investigator - Grant holder of the largest budget-financed health economics Grant in Serbia. For his deeds and professional standing, in spring 2015 he was the first-ever nominated candidate for IHEA (International Health Economics Association) Board of Directors Elections, based in Eastern Europe. Elected an Affiliate at the Academy of Medical Sciences Belgrade of The Serbian Medical Society (established 1872) he became the youngest member in Academy’s history. Since 2018 he continues being appointed WHO EACHR Committee member in advisory capacity to the Cabinet of WHO Regional Director for Europe, based in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) - Research Centre for Food and Nutrition, Rome, Italy - Website

Massimo Lucarini got a master Degree in Industrial Chemistry "cum laude" of the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy (1992) and a PhD in Chemistry ( University of Rome "La Sapienza"). He works as researcher, at CREA – the Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economics Analysis, the leading Italian research organization on agri-food., with 12 research centres, more than 1500 reserchers and technologists, and with 500 ongoing research projects and 66 experimental fields. The research activity is mainly aimed at the evaluation of nutrient content, molecules with biological and anti-nutrient activity in foods and diets, studies of stability to technological treatments of food products using specific process markers. Particular interest is addressed to the evaluation of the nutritional quality of foods, the bioavailability of nutrients and bioactive components and their interaction with the food matrix (using in vitro models and cellular models), and to applications in the nutraceutical field; recent attention in the exploitation of waste from the agri-food industry, with a view to sustainable agri-food production. In relation to the study of bioactive molecules, the experience gained in this field is wide ranging from carotenoids to phenolic substances, from caseinophosphopeptides (CPP) to the components of dietary fiber. An integral part of the research carried out is linked to institutional activity, including: Food Composition Tables, Guidelines for Healthy Nutrition, evaluation of fraud risk in the agri-food system. In relation to the production system, the effects of technological treatments on molecules of nutritional interest are also evaluated. He is also interested in using natural substances with strong antioxidant properties to improve the shelf-life of food products. The research activity is also aimed at the development of new analytical methods, the exchange of scientific information and the acquisition of new skills both at national and international level, through training courses, participation in congresses and seminars. The di

Biosecurity Group, The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand - Website

Adriana has a BSc in Biology and an MSc and PhD in Insect Ecology and Behaviour (UQ, Australia). Also two years’ experience as a Postdoctoral fellow and six years’ experience as Team Leader in Chemical Ecology from ETH Zurich (Switzerland). Her 18 years of experience in Entomology includes work on Pest Management, Biological Control, Insect Ecology and Behavior, Genetics, Physiology, Neurobiology and Chemical Ecology. Her research has addressed invasive insect pests (lepidopterans, aphids and thrips), native insects and invasive weeds, and have concentrated on major forest pests on several crops including potatoes (Colombia), cotton (Australia) and vegetables and fruits (Germany, Spain, Italy Switzerland and New Zealand). She currently works as a Senior Scientist for the New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research and her focus is on Biosecurity Research. Her expertise and research interests are as follows: (1) sustainable insect pest control, (2) Chemically-mediated plant-insect-natural enemy interactions, (3) the effect of climate change on such interactions, (4) the role of ultrasound on insect communication and pest control, (5) associations between endosymbionts and insect host fitness and host-plant range, (6) genetic effects of inbreeding and their role on olfaction, (7) pesticide mode of action and semiochemical development, (8) multimodal insect sensing (olfaction, hearing and vision), (9) neural processing of olfactory information by insects.
Research Keywords
chemical ecology; plant-insect-natural enemies interactions; climate change; insect sensing; biosecurity; integrated pest management

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa, Japan - Website

Tomonobu Senjyu received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of the Ryukyus in 1986 and 1988, and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Nagoya University in 1994. Since 1988, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, where he is currently a professor. His research interests are in the areas of stability of AC machines, power system optimization and operation, advanced control of electrical machines, and power electronics. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan and IEEE.

School of Accounting, Information Systems and Supply Chain, RMIT University, Victoria, Australia - Website

Richard Tay is a Fellow of the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, and a Senior Fellow of the Economic Society of Australia. His expertise is in multidisciplinary theory and evidence-based approaches to improving transportation safety, efficiency, accessibility and sustainability. He serves on the editorial board of many transportation journals, and as an expert in many government taskforces and committees.

Session Chairs

Prof. Dr. Barbara Aquilani

Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization (DEIM), Tuscia University of Viterbo, Viterbo, Italy

Barbara Aquilani is Full Professor of Management in the Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization (DEIM) at the ‘Tuscia’ University of Viterbo (Italy) where she is responsible for Management and Marketing courses. She has also been the coordinator of the master’s degree course in Marketing and Quality at this University. From 2005 to 2009 she worked as Assistant Professor at Siena University, Communication Department, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, where she held Marketing and Marketing Communication courses. She has been involved, as presenter, in several national and international conferences and as member or scientific coordinator in various national/international research projects. Her research interests are: (1) firm management, especially firm growth and corporate governance; (2) marketing (among others she has published papers on university marketing and online marketing); (3) innovation and open innovation; (4) co-creation of value; (5) sustainability.

Prof. Dr. Lynette Cheah

Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore

Lynette Cheah is an Associate Professor of Engineering Systems at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Sustainable Urban Mobility research laboratory, which develops data-driven models and tools to reduce the environmental impacts of passenger and urban freight transport. She is currently Associate Editor for the Journal of Industrial Ecology and Review Editor for the UN IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report.

Prof. Dr. Jordi Colomer Feliu

Department of Physics, University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain

Professor Jordi Colomer is a member of the Departament of Physics at the University of Girona (UdG). He also develops research as Head of the Teaching Innovation Networks on Reflective and Cooperative Learning, at the Institute of Sciences Education (UdG). His research mainly focuses on determining the relationships between instructional pedagogical approaches and sustainable competences, in all education systems, especially for tertiary students. He has been invited as guest Editor, to three special issues by the Sustainability journal, in which is formally engaged as a member of the Editorial Board. Professor Colomer is a reviewer for several international journals as well as a panel member for the accreditation for several Higher Education institutions. He has published +100 paper in international refereed journals, and his research is associated with national and international living projects (Horizon20120).

Professor Kiran Fernandes

Durham University Business School

Professor Kiran Jude Fernandes is the Associate Dean for Internationalisation and Professor of Operations Management at the Durham University Business School. Professor Fernandes is also the Executive Director of the Northern Powerhouse Innovation Observatory, Fellow of University College Durham and the Wolfson Research Institute. He held academic positions at the Universities of Warwick and York and is a Professeur Invité at EMLyon (France) and Special Advisor and Consulting Professor at the Cabinet Office’s Civil Contingencies Secretariat. He was recently appointed by the Chief Analyst of the Department of Transport to serve as an expert Panel member to the Joint Analysis Development Panel. He is also an advisor to the World Smart City Forum and one of the Directors of the Brussels Council. Prior to these roles, he was appointed by the UK Secretary of State for International Development as a Non-Executive Director of the UK National Commission (UKNC) for UNESCO with special responsibility for Higher Education, and in 2017 was elected vice-chair of the UKNC. In 2017, Professor Fernandes was invited by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (SFDFA) to lead a Global study on measuring the impact of UNESCO Chairs on UN SDG 2020 agenda. He currently sits on a range of advisory panels covering various aspects of Operations and Innovation Management, Academic Advisory Council member of the Chartered Management Institute, and is member of a variety of editorial boards.

Ms. Regula Keller

ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Institute of Natural Resource Sciences

Regula Keller holds a master’s degree in Environmental Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH). She has been working as a life cycle assessment analyst for 7 years. She holds a position as a research associate at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) in the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Research Group at the Institute of Natural Resource Sciences in Wädenswil, Switzerland, since 2016. Her LCA focussed research covers a broad range of topics including the environmental impact of cocoa production, the use of digital devices, lifestyle choices, canteen meals, and health care. She is leading the project “Green Hospital” supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, and recently published her results on the environmental impact of Swiss hospitals. Furthermore, she is teaching LCA to environmental engineers in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programme at ZHAW. She also contributed to a publication on teaching life cycle assessment in higher education as a member of the Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation (FSLCI).

Prof. Dr. Hamid Doost Mohammadian

FHM German Institute of SMEs (F-GISI) at University of Applied Sciences (FHM)

Prof. Dr. Hamid Doost Mohammadian (Germany) is a Professor for international management and sustainability and senior Futurist. He is director for international management, consultant to president and head of FHM German Institute of SMEs (F-GISI) at University of Applied Sciences (FHM) in Germany. He is also an external Professor and supervisor at some international high rank universities like: the TU-Campus EUREF gGmbH (TU Berlin) in the field of sustainable business, building, energy, mobility, and engineering management. Prof. Hamid Doost Mohammadian is a visiting professor at Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) in Berlin and PhD supervisor/examiner of FHM joint doctoral programs powered by two British State Universities. In addition, he is Professor and Board Member at London Institute of Skills Development (LISD), UK and Board Member at Swiss Institute of Cultural Diplomacy. Since 2017, he has been contributing as an academic leader to Erasmus + project named: ”Internet of Energy (IoE)-Education/Qualification” in Germany. Besides he is a Futurist and Theoretician for the 5th Wave/Tomorrow Age Theory (Theory of Comprehensive Everything), i-Sustainability Plus Theory and DCT (Doost Cultural Theory). He has invented, introduced, and developed several models, concepts, methods and theories in Hybrid Knowledge which were reflected in several books, scientific articles and speeches. Professor Hamid Doost Mohammadian held more than 550 speeches, workshops, webinars, participated in various international conferences, dedicated to sustainability, culture, management, CSR, blue-green economy, entrepreneurship, innovation, and digitalization. Finally, he as a writer, a conference chairman, keynote speaker and member of editorial board at more than 20 high ranked international scientific journals, including Swiss and US ones.

Prof. Dr. Donato Morea

Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Cagliari, Italy

Donato Morea, Ph.D., is Professor (Assistant) of Economic and Management Engineering at University of Cagliari, in Italy. He is Adjunct Professor at University of Rome Tor Vergata, Sapienza University of Rome, University of Rome Three, Luiss University of Rome, and Tuscia University of Viterbo, in Italy. Member of International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE). He is the scientific coordinator of research projects and groups. Editorial Board Member of Sustainability, Energies, Agricultural Economics (Czech Republic), Open Agriculture, International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing and Guest Editor of Computers & Industrial Engineering and Sustainability. He reviewed many articles for prestigious journals, such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, The Energy Journal, Management Decision, Sustainability, Energies. His research interests mainly concern the sustainable development, renewable energy, project financing, public-private partnership, islamic finance, corporate social responsibility, circular economy, innovation, social innovation, performance measurement, business models. He is the author of many scientific articles on peer review international journals (including Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Cleaner Production, Management Decision, Sustainability, Energies), books, and other publications


Although free, registration to the event is mandatory. When registering as an "Academic" for the virtual conference, please register with your institutional/business email address. If you are registering several people under the same registration, please do not use the same email address for each person, but their individual institutional/business email addresses. Thank you for your understanding.

Instructions for Authors

Submission Instructions

For the 9th World Sustainability Forum, we seek proposals for session streams, sessions, and presentations of papers and posters. Submissions should aim to foster research, networking, and debates in science and technology, the life sciences, and the social sciences, as well as fruitful exchanges between academia and the public, civic, or private sectors.

Submissions can be made for four types of contributions:
1) Session stream
2) Session
3) Paper presentation
4) Poster presentation

Submission deadline: 13 July 2021

All panel abstracts, paper abstracts, posters, and presentations will be listed in the conference programme as open access on Accepted abstracts submitted after the deadline may not appear in the final programme.

How to Submit a Session Stream
A session stream consists of at least two sequential sessions. Submit a 500-word abstract in English that includes the title, focus, and purpose of your session stream. Also include the focus, title, and purpose of each session. For each session, provide the names of at least two presenters and their email addresses. Include your name, institutional affiliation, phone number, and email address. Submit your session stream abstract to

Please note that you will handle the technical aspects of your proposed Session/Session stream. Your session can be held on the platform of your choice (i.e. Zoom, Teams, etc.). However, the sessions have to be held during the 3 days of the conference (from 13 September to 15 September 2021).
How to Submit a Session
A session consists of between three and six papers, and it lasts between 40 and 90 minutes. Submit a 300-word abstract in English that includes the title, focus, and purpose of your proposed session. Provide the names of at least two presenters and their email addresses. Session applications without paper presenters will not be considered. Include your name, institutional affiliation, phone number, and email address. Submit your session abstract to

Please note that you will handle the technical aspects of your proposed Session/Session stream. Your session can be held on the platform of your choice (i.e. Zoom, Teams, etc.). However, the sessions have to be held during the 3 days of the conference (from 13 September to 15 September 2021).
How to Submit a Paper Presentation
Create an account on and follow the link “Submit a new abstract” in User Home. Submit a 300-word abstract in English that includes the title, focus, and main contributions of your paper. For empirical presentations, include methodological details. Provide your name, institutional affiliation, phone number, and email address.
How to Submit a Poster Presentation
Create an account on and follow the link “Submit a new abstract” in User Home. Submit a 200-word abstract in English that includes the title, focus, and main contributions of your poster. For empirical presentations, include methodological details. Provide your name, institutional affiliation, phone number, and email address.
Publication Opportunities
The open access journal Sustainability will publish a special issue on the World Sustainability Forum 2021, entitled "Looking beyond Sustainability: Selected Papers from the 9th World Sustainability Forum (WSF 2021)".

The journal is indexed by both SCIE and SSCI in Web of Science (WoS). Its Impact Factor was 2.576 as of 2019, which ranks Sustainability as 120 out of 265 (Q2) journals in the field of Environmental Sciences and 53 out of 123 (Q2) in the field of Environmental Studies. So far, Sustainability has been listed as Q1 journal in major indexation databases like Scopus, and Simago and also received an increased IF of 3.251 in WoS database and increased CiteScore 3.9 in Scopus (

The journal Sustainability will grant up to 20% discount on APCs for all WSF participants and exceptional discounts (above 30%) can be eligible for feature papers pre-assessed by the conference Special Issue managing team. For further information on the SI itself and how to submit, please click here. If you have any inquiries, please contact the editorial office directly.


The Preliminary Program for the WSF2021 is now available! (last updated 24.08.2021)

Program at a Glance

Monday 13 September 2021

Time in CEST

Main Stream Program

Time in CEST

Satellite Sessions Program


Welcome from the Chairs and MDPI


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Beverly Dawn Metcalfe


Health & Medicine Session


IAU | Higher Education and Research – How universities around the world engage with Sustainability and build partnerships for the SDGs


AI4DA | Technological Innovation for Sustainable Development


Food, Agriculture & Soil Sciences AND Transport & Mobility Session


World Sustainability Award Ceremonies

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Time in CEST

Main Stream Program

Time in CEST

Satellite Sessions Program


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ingo Eilks


Education Session


7479c | Using Blockchain to Reduce Electronic Waste and Boost Recycling to Become Commercially Viable


Energy Session


Business & Finance Session


KAUST | Circular Carbon Economy: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Vikneswaran Nair

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Time in CEST

Main Stream Program

Time in CEST

Satellite Sessions Program


AGEn | Achieving Energy Excellence through Comprehensive Management System


‘Other’ Session


NAHGAST | Enabling Sustainable Food Choices Out-of-Home


Climate Session


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Umberto Berardi


Introducing the SDG Book Series


ESEIA | Sustainable use of Bioresources


Water Session


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Heejun Chang


Closing Ceremony

Detailed Program

Monday 13 September 2021

Time in CEST

Main Stream Program

Time in CEST

Satellite Sessions Program


Welcome from the Chair


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Beverly Dawn Metcalfe - Topic: Women, Sustainably and International Development: A Critique of Social Progress and Ongoing Challenges for Female Empowerment


Health & Medicine Session

Chaired by Regula Keller


IAU | Higher Education and Research – How universities around the world engage with Sustainability and build partnerships for the SDGs


sciforum-032073 – Diana Benjumea Mejia | Evidence of Community Urban-Farming Activism in Natural Spaces and its Impact in the Health and Well-Being of Medellin informal Communities


sciforum-032016 – Evelyne de Leeuw | Healthy Cities Today and Other “Theme cities” Networks: A Survival Guide


sciforum-031079 – Regula Keller | Green Hospitals - Environmental Hotspots and Best Practice in the Health Sector


sciforum-048287 – Sanjoy Chanda | Using the Theoretical Domains Framework to Identify Sociocultural Barriers and Facilitators to Access and Use of Primary and Maternal Healthcare Services by Rural Bangladeshi Women


sciforum-030869 – Roderick Lawrence | Responses to Urban Health Challenges in the Context of Rapid Urbanization


sciforum-033632 – Ashok Vaseashta | Impact of Microplastics on Marine and Freshwater




AI4DA | Technological Innovation for Sustainable Development


Food, Agriculture & Soil Sciences AND Transport & Mobility Session

Chaired by Lynette Cheah


sciforum-048272 – Shilpa Mishra | Anticipating Sustainability of Smart Energy Network for Electric Vehicles in Delhi: Responsible Innovation Approach


sciforum-037460 – Farcas Anca | Sustainable Approaches for Reintegration of Cereal Waste Into Valuable Products


sciforum-048322 – Julia Velte | A Quantitative Cost-Benefit Analysis of Pesticide Use in German Agriculture


sciforum-046298 – Tamás Bányai | Optimisation of Sustainable in-Plant Supply in a Cyber-Physical Production System


sciforum-048480 – Thomas Chen | Integrating Social Media Data for Computer Vision-Based Applications for Autonomous Driving and a Safe, Energy-Efficient Future


sciforum-048263 – Héctor Mojica-Zárate | Sustainable Agropolis: Integrated Strategic Management Instrument in the Face of Global Challenges in Arid Territories of Mexico




World Sustainability Award Ceremonies

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Time in CEST

Main Stream Program

Time in CEST

Satellite Sessions Program


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ingo Eilks - Topic: The Incorporation of Sustainability into Chemical Education


Education Session

Chaired by Jordi Colomer Feliu


sciforum-048026 – Ya-Ching Chang | Developing Key Competencies for Sustainability: A Preliminary Study on the Effective Group Learning for College Students


sciforum-048492 – Satyendra Nath Mishra | Mindful Consumption and De-growth: A Tool of Systemic Change for Sustainable Future


sciforum-048327 – Stella Apostolaki | Promoting Education on SDGs via Enhanced Partnerships and Collaborative Structured Actions at Undergraduate Level Across Three Institutions Located in Three Continents


7479c | Using Blockchain to Reduce Electronic Waste and Boost Recycling to Become Commercially Viable


sciforum-048459 – Viktorija Mangaroska | Sustainable Architectural Education, the Case Study of Green Design in the Architectural Design Studios in North Macedonia


sciforum-031975 – Martin Bascopé | A Crucial First Step: Early Childhood STEM Education for Sustainable Futures


sciforum-048405 - Kyra Wang | Evaluating the Effectiveness of PEAR, an Augmented Reality Serious Game Promoting Individual Environmental Action




Energy Session

Chaired by Hamid Doost Mohammadian


sciforum-048286 – Phuang Zhen Xin | Large Scale Solar or Palm Biodiesel? A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment for Renewable Energy Landscape in Malaysia


sciforum-031387 – Volker Stelzer | Optimizing Sustainable Energy Planning due to Sustainable Energy Balances and SDG-Based Indicators


sciforum-047919 – Caroline Gebara | National SDG-7 Performances in an Absolute Sustainability Perspective


sciforum-048386 – Hamid Doost Mohammadian | Smart Ubiquitous Sustainable Blue-Green Energy Management Towards a New Concept Sme 5.0/Hybrid Sme Through the 5th Wave Theory


sciforum-032043 – David Cook | A Cascade Model and Initial Exploration of Co-Production Processes Underpinning the Ecosystem Services of Geothermal Areas


sciforum-048338 – Lucas Cesilla de Souza | Technoeconomic and Environmental Assessment of Marine Biofuels




Business & Finance Session

Chaired by Kiran Fernandes


KAUST | Circular Carbon Economy: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future


sciforum-030492 – Kiran Fernandes | Estimating the Wider Value Generated by UNESCO’ s Designations in the United Kingdom


sciforum-048268 – Harsha Sheelam | Waste-to-Resource Industry and its Contribution to Sustainability


sciforum-047287 – Rizwan Shabbir | Sustainability Barriers and Firm Performance: A Case of Textile Supply Chains


sciforum-031941 – Joachim von Heimburg | A Collaborative Ecosystem for Responsible Innovation to Create more Sustainable Businesses


sciforum-047433 – Christian Walter | Sustainable Financial Risk Modelling: The Case of Solvency II


sciforum-048467 – Selma Oliveira | We Need to Talk About the Digital Capabilities on Sustainable Value Creation




Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Vikneswaran Nair – Topic: The rural tourism sector in the Bahamas, post COVID-19

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Time in CEST

Main Stream Program

Time in CEST

Satellite Sessions Program


AGEn | Achieving Energy Excellence through Comprehensive Management System


‘Other’ Session

Chaired by Barbara Aquilani


NAHGAST | Enabling Sustainable Food Choices Out-of-Home


sciforum-048335 – Vindya Hewage | Natural vs Cultural Tourism Development: Modeling Sustainability Concerns and Residents’ Perceived Support


sciforum-031091 – Marwan Elmubarak | Beyond Tokenism: Rethinking the Approach to Sustainable Urban Development and Architecture in Cities of the Developing World


sciforum-048131 – Jana Hilal | Evaluating Alternative Policies Aimed at Reducing Pollution From Disposable Plastics Using Topsis


sciforum-031205 – Linda Tesauro | Sorting Organic Waste: The Impact of New Infrastructures


sciforum-031266 – Elizabeth Kempen | We Aren’t There Yet: Female Consumers’ Unintentional Sustainable Apparel Behaviour Impacting on Sustainable Development Goal 12


sciforum-032044 – David Cook | Synergies and Trade-Offs in the Sustainable Development Goals – The Implications of the Icelandic Tourism Sector




Climate Session

Chaired by Donato Morea


sciforum-048289 – Puja Ray | Ecological Interactions and Impact of Biological Control Agents of Aquatic Invasive Plants Under Changing Climatic Conditions


sciforum-047516 – Nina Danilina | Adapting Cities to Climate Change: Case Study of International Experience in Jean Monnet Project Cleux


sciforum-031276 – Natalia Odnoletkova | Data-Driven Analysis of Climate Change in Saudi Arabia Over the Last Four Decades


sciforum-030886 – Mariarosaria Angrisano | Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials for Circular Design of Buildings and the Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Heritage


sciforum-031950 – Helmuth Kreiner | A Multi-Interdisciplinary Approach to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals - The Pathway to Sustainable Cities and Communities in Austria


sciforum-048343 – Godwin Obi | Carbon Footprint Estimates for the Grid-tied Nigerian Power Sector




Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Umberto Berardi - The future of the built environment in face of Climate Changes and global challenges


Introducing the SDG Book Series


ESEIA | Sustainable use of Bioresources


Water Session

Chaired by Friedrich Port


sciforum-047690 – Chaima Ouled Amor | Preparation and Characterization of Photocatalytic Dysprosium-Doped TiO2 Nanoparticles for Water Treatment: Solar Photodegradation of Methylene Blue Dye


sciforum-047872 – Calvin Jose Jol | Treatment of Tropical Brackish Peat Water with Continuous Electrocoagulation


sciforum-048305 – Ria Ghosh | Alternanthera Phyloxeroides: Do We Need to Be Concerned About This Freshwater Weed in Approaching Decades?


sciforum-048316 – Fabio Sporchia | Global Rice Consumption and Water Scarcity: Refining the Assessment by Using Crop-Specific and Country-Specific Factors


sciforum-048347 – Friedrich Port | Providing Clean Pathogen-Free Water to Remote Villages Lacking Electricity Is Feasible, Inexpensive and Sustainable


sciforum-048478 – Thomas Chen | Computer Vision-Based Remote Monitoring of Ocean Salinity for a Sustainable Future




Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Heejun Chang – Topic: Water security and spatial equity in a changing climate and urbanization


Closing Ceremony

Book of Abstracts

Please find below the Book of Abstracts for the 9th World Sustainability Forum (last updated on 13.09.2021)

World Sustainability Award Ceremony

The Ceremony of the World Sustainability Award can be found below. Enjoy!

WSF2021 Recordings

To view this content, you need to be logged in to Sciforum platform and registered to this specific event.

Satellite Sessions Recordings

To view this content, you need to be logged in to Sciforum platform and registered to this specific event.

World Sustainability Award - Emerging Sustainability Leader Award

Open for Nominations

The World Sustainability Award and the Emerging Sustainability Leader Award are funded to encourage new initiatives and developments in sustainability with the ultimate aim to foster the transfer from sustainability research to sustainable practices and societies. In this spirit, sustainability is understood as the interdependence between economic, social, and environmental concerns for mutually beneficial regional and global development. Sustainability is associated with a multitude of academic disciplines, and it is circumscribed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The World Sustainability Award, funded by the MDPI Sustainability Foundation, will be conferred upon individual researchers or research teams who have made an outstanding academic or societal contribution to sustainability in general, or to a sustainability-relevant issue in particular. A joint award, shared by up to three recipients, is possible. The award includes a monetary prize of USD 100'000.

The Emerging Sustainability Leader Award, funded by the MDPI journal Sustainability, will be conferred upon an individual researcher aged 40 or under at the time of the submission deadline, who has made an outstanding academic or societal contribution to sustainability in general, or to a sustainability-relevant issue in particular. The award includes a monetary prize of USD 20'000.

For more information, see

Sponsors and Partners

We are happy to share with you our Sponsorship Agenda, and invite you and your company to participate in and sponsor our WSF2021 conference!

Information on sponsorship levels and the benefits can be found directly in the Agenda itself. If you have any questions or wish to discuss options further, please do not hesitate to contact the Conference Secretariat. We thank you for your consideration!



Partnering Societies

