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The 20th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Part of the Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry series
1–30 November 2016
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Welcome from the Chair

Welcome to the 20th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Electronic conferences on synthetic organic chemistry (ECSOC) are a series of conferences maintained through the internet since 1997, an original initiative by MDPI, and later consolidated with the contribution of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Nowadays it constitutes the first and oldest electronic conference in the world. It maintains its character of free participation, with contributions considered as preliminary reports on edge achievements, and registration as a distinctive standard of the world wide web open access character.
It covers different sections of organic synthesis:

A. General Organic Synthesis

B. Bioorganic, Medicinal and Natural Products Chemistry

C. Microwave Assisted Synthesis

D. Polymer and Supramolecular Chemistry

E. Computational Chemistry

F. Ionic Liquids

Call for Papers

Dear Colleague,

We would like to invite you to attend the 20th Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC 20), which will be held online from 1–31 November 2016.

The Electronic Conferences on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC) are a series of conferences that have been held online since 1997. Originally it was an initiative of MDPI, and was later amalgamated with the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). It now constitutes the longest running electronic conference in the world. It maintains free participation and registration in the true spirit of open access on the World Wide Web. The conference this year will cover a wide range of aspects involved in synthetic organic chemistry. A non-exhaustive list of topics that will be considered comprises:

A. General Organic Synthesis

B. Bioorganic, Medicinal and Natural Products Chemistry

C. Microwave Assisted Synthesis

D. Polymer and Supramolecular Chemistry

E. Computational Chemistry

F. Ionic Liquids

ECSOC20 offers you the opportunity to participate in this international, scholarly conference without having the concern or expenditure of travel. The conference will be completely free of charge—both to “attend”, and for scholars to upload and present their latest work on the conference platform. There will be a possibility to submit selected papers to the journal Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049, IF 2.416 in 2014;

Abstracts (in English) should be submitted by *30 September 2016* online at After the abstract is accepted by the Scientific Committee, the authors will be invited to prepare a full description of their work under the form of a PowerPoint presentation, and to upload it *before 25 October 2016* to ensure there is time for a final check.

*Important Dates*
* Abstract Submission: 10 October 2016
* Notification of Acceptance: 10 October 2016
* Submission of Presentation: 25 October 2016
* Conference Open: 1–30 November 2016

We hope you will be able to join this exciting event and support us in making it a success. The 20th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry is organized and sponsored by MDPI (, an open access publisher based in Switzerland.
We look forward to receiving your research papers and to welcome you at this 20th edition of the e-Conference.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

Kind regards,

Dr. Julio A. Seijas Vázquez
Chair of the 20th Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC 20)

Conference Chairs

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


List of accepted submissions (135)

Id Title Authors Poster PDF
sciforum-007940 Calcium Chloride/HCl An Efficient Co-catalytic System For Synthesis Xanthene Under Microwave Condition

Submitted: 01 Jul 2016

Abstract: Show Abstract
Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-008117 Semi-Synthesis and Anti-Herpetic Activity of New Riolozatrione Derivatives , , , , Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-008676 MCM-41-SO3H as Heterogeneous Catalyst for One-pot Four Component Synthesis of Highly Substituted Pyrroles , , N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-008681 Syntheses, Substitution and Cyclization Reactions of 7a,8,9,10,11a-Hexahydro-pyrido[3,2,1-jk]carbazoles With a Strychnos Alkaloids Partial Structure , , , Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-008685 CMC Catalyzed Multicomponent Mannich Reaction for Synthesis of Lawsone Family Pigments , , N/A Show Abstract

Sponsors and Partners


Proceedings & Editors

Julio A. Seijas
M. Pilar Vázquez Tato
Shu-Kun Lin

CD-ROM edition

There is currently no CD-ROM available

Scientific Committee

Dr. Benito Alcaide Unversidad Complutense de Madrid. Spain.
Dr. Mohammad G. Dekamin Iran University of Science & Technology. Iran.
Dr. Simona Funar-Timofei Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy. Romania.
Dr. Rocío Gámez Montaño Universidad de Guanajuato. Mexico.
Dr. Manik Ghosh Birla Institute of Technology. India.
Dr. M. Sameiro Gonçalves Universidade do Minho. Portugal.
Dr. Josef Jampílek Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Dr. Shahrzad Javanshir Iran University of Science & Technology. Iran.
Dr. Oliver C. Kappe University of Graz. Austria
Dr. Sachin Laddha S.N.D.T. Women’s University. India.
Dr. Javier Martínez Rodríguez University of Concepción. Chile.
Dr. Anna P. G. Nikalje Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. Dr.Rafiq Zakaria Campus, India.
Dr. Pavel Pazdera Masaryk University. Czech Republic.
Dr. Julio C. Podestá Universidad Nacional del Sur. Argentina.
Dr. Miquel Pons Universitat de Barcelona. Spain.
Dr. Claudio Santi SeS Redox and Catalysis. Italy.
Dr. Kenneth R. Seddon The Queen's University of Belfast. UK.
Dr. Gustavo Seoane Universidad de la República. Uruguay.
Dr. Miguel Angel Sierra Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ). Spain.
Dr. Anatoly D. Shutalev Moscow Technological University. Russian Federation.
Dr. Victor Hugo Soto Tellini University of Costa Rica. Costa Rica.
Dr. Wolfgang Stadlbauer University of Graz. Austria.
Dr. Thies Thiemann United Arab Emirates Univ. United Arab Emirates.
Dr. Valérie Thiéry Université de La Rochelle. France.
Dr. Jean Jacques Vanden Eynde University of Mons. Belgium
Dr. Luis Miguel Varela Cabo REGALIS. Spain
Dr. Rajender S. Varma U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. USA