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The 28th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Part of the Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry series
15–30 November 2024
Event's Timezone: Central European Time

Polymer, Computational Chemistry, Biorganic, Natural Products, Microwave Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Supramolecular Chemistry
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Important Updates:


Thank you for your participation!
You may still access features like the poster gallery and recorded presentation. Only participants, who had registered to ECSOC-28 before the deadline will have access to these features on the ECSOC-28 conference website.

1. Publications in the Molecules journal
Participants of this conference are cordially invited to contribute a full manuscript to a dedicated
Special Issue in the journal Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049, IF 4.2). Papers presented at the conference will be granted a 20% discount in the Special Issue. Kindly note that submission to the Molecules journal is independent of the conference proceedings and will follow the usual process of the journal, including peer-review, APC, etc.

For more information and queries on publication opportunities for special issues, please contact:

2. Proceeding Paper Publication
The free publication of the proceedings paper (3-6 pages) in the Chemistry Proceedings journal (ISSN 2673-4583) is currently under process.

For more information and queries regarding publications in Chemistry Proceedings journal, please contact:

Download your Certificate of Participation
Please access this link here to download the certificate of participation for ECSOC-28:

Kindly note that only participants who had previously registered for the conference by the registration deadline will have access to the participation certificates. For registered participants, please log-in with the email which you had registered with to your sciforum account to access the certificate of participation.

Conference Awards
The evaluation of the ECSOC-28 awards is still pending, and an announcement will be made shortly.

Award Winner Annoucement

After careful deliberation and on behalf of the event chair and scientific committee of ECSOC-28, we are pleased to announce the winners of the Best Paper Award and Best Poster Award.

Congratulations on the outstanding submissions!

We will be directly contacting the selected winners regarding the next steps. Please note that we will be emailing the "submitting users" for each of the awarded sciforum IDs.

The Best Paper Award has been awarded to:

Sciforum ID



sciforum-102096 Organocatalytic Cascade Reactions for the Synthesis and Diversification of Privileged Structures. Alberto Medina-Ortíz
David Cruz-Cruz
Clarisa Villegas-Gómez
sciforum-099958 Impact of AgNP on the Inhibition of Fecal Coliforms by 3DP-modified Chitosan Membranes Anthony C. Ogazi
Peter. O. Osifo
sciforum-102088 Synthesis of Peptide-NSAID Hybrid Compounds and their Selectivity in Inhibiting the Dual Cox-Lox System Described through Docking and Molecular Dynamics Juan Carlos Jiménez-Cruz
Ramón Guzmán-Mejía
Pedro Navaro-Santos
Hugo A. García-Gutiérrez
Julio Cesar Ontiveros-Rodríguez
Rafael Herrera-Bucio
Judit A. Aviña-Verduzco
sciforum-096945 A Novel Method of Iodination and Azo Bond Formation by Nitrogen Triiodide Branislav Pavilek
Dušan Bortňák
Viktor Milata
Daniel Végh
Michaela Halinkovičová

The Best Poster Award has been awarded to:

Sciforum ID




Study of the Interaction of Benzene-1,4-Dicarboxamide with Methylmalonyl Dichloride

Anastasia Andreevna Varvarkina
Denis Andreevich Kolesnik
Polina Olegovna Levshukova
Igor Pavlovich Yakovlev
Egor Vyacheslavovich Morozov


Synthesis of Triazolyl Derivatives based on Thiazolo [3,2-a] Pyrimidine Propargyl Ethers

Elina Gabitova
Artem Agarkov
Mariya Mailyan
Anna Nefedova
Alexander Ovsyannikov
Igor Litvinov
Svetlana Solovieva
Igor Antipin

Welcome from the Chair

The Electronic Conferences on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC) is a series of conferences held online since 1997. Originally, it was an initiative of the MDPI and later merged with the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. It is currently the longest running electronic conference in the world. It keeps participation and registration free in the true spirit of open access on the World Wide Web.

In 2024, as in previous editions, the congress will cover a wide range of aspects involved in synthetic organic chemistry. A non-exhaustive list of topics to be considered includes:

  1. General Organic Synthesis;
  2. Chemistry of Bioorganic, Medicinal and Natural Products;
  3. Microwave Assisted Synthesis;
  4. Polymers and Supramolecular Chemistry;
  5. Computational Chemistry.
ECSOC-28 offers you the opportunity to participate in an international academic conference without having to worry or spend money on travel. The conference will be completely free, both to “attend” and for academics to upload and present their latest work on the conference platform.

We hope you can join this exciting event and support us in making it a success. We look forward to receiving your research papers and welcoming you to this 28th edition of the electronic conference.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Dr. Julio A. Seijas
President of the 28th Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-28)

Conference Certificates

On behalf of the ECSOC-28 organizing committee, we thank you for your participation.

Please click on this link here to access and download your certificate of participation:

Kindly note that only participants who had previously registered for the conference by the registration deadline will have access to the participation certificates. For registered participants, please log-in with your sciforum account to access the certificate of participation.

Event Chair

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Scientific Committee

Dr. Julio A. Seijas (President)

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Dr. M. Pilar Vázquez-Tato (Secretary)

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Dr. Enrique Cabaleiro Lago

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Dr. Magdalena Cid Fernández.

Universidade de Vigo, Spain

Dr. Noureddine Choukchou-Braham

University Aboubakr Belkaid, Algeria

Dr. Yazid Datoussaid

L’Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Appliquées d’Alger, Algeria

Dr. Roman Dembinski

Oakland University, USA

Dr. Viviana Dorn

Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina

Dr. Narine Anzhelo Durgaryan.

Yereban State University, Armenia

Dr. Rosario F. Fernández.

Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Dr. Carlos M. Fernández Marcos.

Universidad de Extremadura, Spain

Dr. Rocío Gámez Montaño.

University of Guanajuato, México

Dr. Manik Ghosh.

Birla Institute of Technology, India

Dr. Josef Jampílek.

Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia

Dr. Zahira Kibou.

University of Tlemcen, Algeria

Dr. Montserrat Martínez Cebeira.

Universidade da Coruña, Spain

Dr. Jaime Mella Raipan

Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile

Dr. Anna P. G. Nikalje.

University of Mumbai, India

Dr. M. Manuela M. Raposo.

University of Minho, Portugal

Dr. Juan M. Ortigueira Amor.

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Dr. Claudio Santi.

University of Perugia, Italy

Dr. Thies Thiemann.

United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates

Dr. Erick Cuevas Yañez

Universidad Autonoma del Estado de, México

Dr. László Hegedűs

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Invited Speakers

RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany

Rapid Assembly of Complex 3D Heterocycles from Simple Enamide Building Blocks
Research Keywords
Stereoselective Synthesis, Multicomponent Reactions, Photo- and Electrochemistry, SO2-Fixation, Medicinal Chemistry

University of Porto, Portugal

Optimizing Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of a Novel FRET-Based Rhodamine Sensor for Hg(II) Ion Detection
Research Keywords
Organic Synthesis, Rhodamine-Based Sensors, Response Mechanisms, Spectroscopy

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Cytochrome P450 Compound I: Reactivity and Bonding

Keynote Presentations

To view this content, you need to be logged in to Sciforum platform and registered to this specific event.


Registration for ECSOC-28 will be free of charge!

When registering with several people under the same registration, please do not use the same email address for each person, but their individual university email addresses. Thank you for your understanding.

Please note that the abstract submission and registration are two separate parts. Only those who have registered will have access to the recorded presentations in the conference website during the event. The deadline for registration is 13th November 2024.

Instructions for Authors

Submissions should be made by the authors online by registering with and using the "New Submission" function once logged into the system.

Note: Institutional email address is requested especially for the corresponding author.
Please submit the abstract with the institutional email address, submissions with the email addresses like,,, etc. will not be reviewed.

  1. Scholars interested in participating in this conference can submit their communication abstracts (about 200–250 words, not including references) online on this website until 1 July 2024 26 July 2024. Only the preliminary communications of research results (containing introduction, results and discussion, experimental part and references) will be considered.
  2. Abstracts will be evaluated based on their scientific quality and suitability for the conference sections. The abstracts submitted to this conference must be original and novel, without prior publication in any journals or it will not be accepted to this conference. All authors will be notified by 25 July 2024 23 August 2024 regarding the acceptance of their abstract for the 28th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry.
  3. Once the abstract has been accepted, the author is requested to submit their manuscript (short proceedings paper, 3–6 pages) before 30 August 2024 20 September 2024. To supplement their manuscripts, authors of accepted papers will be able to submit a poster (refer to an example of a poster template here), a slides presentation (in PDF) and/or a short video presentation (max. 3–5 minutes) as supporting material for the paper. Please note that only the proceedings paper (3-6 pages) will be published in the MDPI Chemistry Proceedings journal (ISSN 2673-4583). You can submit the full paper by accessing My Submission.
    The text in the abstract must match that presented in the full communication. Those abstracts that are not completed with full communication will be withdrawn by the editors. PowerPoint presentations or videos are complements to the full communication and cannot be presented as a substitute for it.
  4. The conference proceedings papers and presentations will be available on for discussion and rating during the time of the conference, from 15–30 November 2024.
  5. All submissions will be reviewed using the powerful text comparison tool iThenticate. This procedure aims to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism. Submissions will then be peer-reviewed by conference committees based on originality/novelty, quality of presentation, scientific soundness, interest to the readers, overall merit and English level.
Presentation Slides
Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint or similar software, to be displayed online along with the manuscript. Slides can be prepared the same way as for any traditional conference. They should be converted to PDF format before submission.

Video Presentations
Authors are also encouraged to submit video presentations. This is a unique way of presenting your paper and discussing it with peers from all over the world. Videos should be no longer than 3–5 minutes and prepared with one of the following formats: .mp4 / .webm / .ogg (max size: 250Mb). They should be submitted with the full manuscript before 30 August 2024 20 September 2024 (full submission deadline).

28th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry Microsoft Word template file and LaTex template file:
[ECSOC-28, 2024] MDPI_latex_template
[ECSOC-28, 2024] chemproc-template

Potential Conflicts of Interest
All authors must disclose all relationships or interests that could inappropriately influence or bias their work. This should be conveyed in a separate "Conflict of Interest" statement preceding the "Acknowledgments" and "References" sections at the end of the manuscript. If there is no conflict, please state "The authors declare no conflict of interest." Financial support for the study must be fully disclosed under the "Acknowledgments" section.

MDPI, the publisher of the platform, is an open-access publisher. We believe that authors should retain the copyright to their scholarly works. Hence, by submitting a communication paper to this conference, you retain the copyright of your paper, but you grant MDPI the non-exclusive right to publish this paper online on the platform. This means you can easily submit your paper to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher (if required by that publisher).

Publication Opportunities

Proceedings Paper
After the conference, only the proceedings paper (3-6 pages) will be published in the MDPI Chemistry Proceedings journal (ISSN 2673-4583).

Proceedings papers must be prepared in MS Word or any other word processor and should be converted to PDF format before submission. The manuscript should count at least 3 pages (incl. figures, tables and references) and should not exceed 6 pages. Carefully read the rules outlined in the 'Instructions for Authors' of the Chemistry Proceedings journal and ensure that your manuscript submission adheres to these guidelines.

Manuscripts for the proceedings issue must be organized accordingly:
Full author names
Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors' e-mail addresses
Results and Discussion

The 28th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry Microsoft Word template file and LaTex template file:
[ECSOC-28, 2024] MDPI_latex_template
[ECSOC-28, 2024] chemproc-template
You can also access these files from the Chemistry Proceedings website here:

Special Issue

Participants of this conference are cordially invited to contribute a full manuscript to a dedicated Special Issue in the journal Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049, IF 4.2). Papers presented at the conference will be granted a 20% discount in the Special Issue.

Note: The submission to the journal is independent of the conference proceedings and will follow the usual process of the journal, including peer review, APC, etc.

Event Awards

To acknowledge the support of the conference's esteemed authors and recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishments, Molecules is pleased to announce that the conference will provide up to 6 Awards for Best Paper Award and Best Poster Award.

Considering that there have been significant posters submissions vis-a-vis the number of presentation videos, the committee (in consult with event chair) will assess and award the "Best Poster" award to outstanding uploaded posters.

The Awards
The Best Paper Award is given to the Paper Submission judged to have made the most significant contribution at the conference.
The Best Poster Award is given for the uploaded Poster judged to have made the most significant contribution at the conference.

There will be up to six winners selected across these awards. Winners will receive a certificate and 200 CHF each. The number of awards selected for each category will be determined by the committee based on the number of submissions received.


1. Full paper/poster must be submitted to ECSOC-28;
2. The quality of the paper/poster;
3. The scientific content of the paper/poster

Sponsors and Partners

For information regarding sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please click here.



Partnering Societies

Media Partners

Conference Secretaries

Mr. Parker Hou
Mr. Benjamin Tay

For inquiries regarding submissions and sponsorship opportunities, please feel free to contact us.
