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Phosphoric ligands immobilized on polymeric resins
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1  Center for synthesis at sustainable conditions and their management Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Kamenice 5, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic

Abstract: Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) addition is chemical reaction taking important part in chemical industry over the world. HCN addition reactions are one the most used synthetic routes leading to cyano compounds which are indispensable materials for pharmaceutical industry and chemical industry itself as well. The key role in HCN additions is represented by the catalytic system present in reaction mixtures, which increases yields and purity of desired product and decreases energetic and material demands of the reaction at the same time. It is known that Ni(0)-complexes stand as the most used catalysts in such mixtures having high efficiency and selectivity, although catalytic system may be rather complicated and the resulting product can be dependent on many factors. Some disadvantages of such homogenous catalytic systems could be eliminated using immobilized Ni-complexes as catalysts. First step in this approach is to prepare phosphoric ligands immobilized on suitable polymeric resin.
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