Automated damage detection in Carbon-Fibre and Fibre Metal Laminates is still a challenge. Impact damages are typically not visible from the outside. Different measuring and analysis methods are available to detect hidden damages, e.g., delaminations or cracks. Examples are X-ray computer tomography and methods based on guided ultrasonic waves (GUW). All measuring techniques are characterised by a high-dimensional sensor data, in the case of GUW that is a set of time-resolved signals as a response to a actuated stimulus. We present a simple but powerful two-level method that reduces the input data (time-resolved sensor signals) significantly by a signal feature selection computation finally applied to a damage predictor function. Beside multi-path sensing and analysis, the novelty of this work is a feed-forward ANN posing low complexity and that is used to implement the predictor function that combines a classifier and a spatial regression model.
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Spatial Damage Prediction in Composite Materials using Multipath Ultrasonic Monitoring, advanced Signal Feature Selection and combined Classifier-Regression Artificial Neural Network
01 November 2021
in 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications
session Ultrasonic Monitoring of Fibre Metal Laminates
Keywords: Structural Health Monitoring, Fibre Lamninates, Feature Selection, Neural Networks