The paper presents research of production possibilities of miscanthus (Mischantus x giganteus Greef et Deu) in agroecological conditions of Serbia. For that purpose, an experiment was set up in Srem on the site of Podunavlje village of Surduk. The soil on which the plantation was established in 2012 belongs to the type of carbonate chernozem on a loess plateau, at an altitude of 150 m. Morphological characteristics and yield of dry miscanthus stalks during five years, from 2015 to 2019, as well as the content of cellulose in dry stalks depending on agroecological conditions and variants of fertilization without top dressing and with spring top dressing of 30 kg ha1 of nitrogen fertilizer were analyzed. The highest recorded yield of dry stalks was in 2019 (34,525 kg ha1), and the lowest recorded yield in the dry year of 2017 (17,980 kg ha1) both in the variant with top-dressing.
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Production characteristics of miscanthus (Mischantus x giganteus Greef et Deu) under agroecological conditions of Serbia
15 February 2022
in 1st International Online Conference on Agriculture - Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology
session Crop Production
Keywords: Key words: miscanthus, agroecological conditions, morphological characteristics, dry stalk yield