The creation of lightweight materials with precisely selected combinations of the required topological, mechanical, thermal and other physical and chemical properties is the "Holy Grail" of materials science. The extreme lattice metamaterials with unique topological and physicochemical properties represent a new type of matter that not normally does not exist in nature and can be considered as promising nanoscale building blocks. Multi-functional lattice structures utilizing metamaterials have the potential to radically change the future of products that we use in our daily lives and the way in which industries like aerospace and the medical field operate. Important vibrational, mechanical, thermal, electronic and transport characteristics of nanomaterials are controlled by phonons: by the propagating atomic vibrational waves. We propose a game-changing approach for additively manufactured extreme lattice metamaterials predictive performance improvement and unlocking the new functionalities through fine-tuning atomic vibrational inter-layer interactions within the transition domains of multilayer nanocomponents. The proposed approach is based on the recently discovered fundamental phenomenon of collective atomic vibrations, manifested within transition domains of multilayer nanostructures. For predictive excitation and adjustment of this phenomenon, we propose incorporation the multilayer low-dimensional carbon-based nano-enhanced interfaces into the transition domains of nanocomponents through the multistage technological chain, including conversion of all components into the nanoscale, the plasma-driven functionalization and assembling with multilayer nano-enhanced interfaces, the resonant acoustic mixing of all nanocomponents and growing the high-end elements by selective high-precision additive manufacturing.
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Fine-Tuning Collective Atomic Vibrations in Low-Dimensional Nanocarbon-based Multilayer Transition Interfaces for 3D Printed Extreme Lattice Metamaterials Performance Improvement
05 May 2023
in The 4th International Online Conference on Nanomaterials
session Carbon Nanomaterials, Graphene and 2D Materials
Keywords: Extreme lattice metamaterials; Low-dimensional nanocarbon allotropes; 2D-ordered linear-chain carbon; Multilayer nano-enhanced interfaces; Collective atomic vibrations; Ion-assisted pulse-plasma-driven assembling; Heteroatom doping; Additive manufacturing