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"Exploring Self-Care Management Practices among Patients Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) at a District General Hospital in Chilaw, Sri Lanka"
1 , * 2 , 1 , 1 , 3 , 1 , 1 , 4
1  Faculty of Nursing, KIU, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka.
2  Department of Medical Science in Acupuncture, Faculty of Health Sciences, KIU, Sri Lanka
3  Faculty of Nursing, KIU, Battarmulla, Sri Lanka.
4  Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
Academic Editor: Maria-Luz Fernandez


This research delves into Nutriomics Approaches in Precision Nutrition through an exploration of self-care habits among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, carried out at District General Hospital Chilaw, Sri Lanka. The study aims to uncover the factors shaping these practices, assess their prevalence, and establish their correlation with blood sugar levels. Analyzing 187 participants in a cross-sectional manner, the study reveals intriguing findings. The majority (80.9%) of patients are male, primarily aged 56-65 (35.6%), with a prevailing educational attainment of primary education (29.8%). About 51.1% have been living with diabetes mellitus for 1-5 years. Examination of self-care practices demonstrates limited adherence to healthy eating plans (1.1%) and daily physical activity (8%). While a fraction (5.7%) incorporate fruits/vegetables, a significant portion (23.4%) do not follow a health regimen. Consumption of high-fat diets is observed among 13.8%. While rare, some engage in specific exercise sessions beyond routine activities (0.5%). Blood sugar testing frequency is infrequent (1.6%), and only 10.6% perform daily foot examinations. A considerable portion administers insulin shots 1-2 times daily (26.1%), while 37.2% rely on diabetes pills for sugar control. These outcomes underscore inadequate self-care behaviors among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, emphasizing the demand for precision nutrition interventions rooted in nutriomics insights. The study underscores the vital role of dietary choices and consistent self-care in maintaining stable blood sugar levels, revealing a complex interplay between these behaviors and blood sugar control. By illuminating this relationship, the research contributes to the broader theme of the conference, offering valuable perspectives for precision nutrition strategies aimed at managing type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: glucose regulation, dietary adherence, insulin management, lifestyle modifications, healthcare compliance
