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Enhanced usage of medical devices for public and clinicians in recent world
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1  1 Department of Zoology, Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, 731235, India 2 Ethophilia (An Autonomous Research Group), Santiniketan, 731235, India
2  Ethophilia (An Autonomous Research Group), Santiniketan, 731235, India
Academic Editor: Wataru Takeuchi


Today's biomedical innovations include several highly advanced clinical devices (both therapeutic and diagnostic) that make good use of modern robotics and artificial intelligence. These technological advancements have made the detection of certain illnesses more hopeful. Without the necessary clinical expertise, many clinical tools and biomedical kits are utilized in ordinary homes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, self-diagnostics, at-home therapies, and evaluation of the severity of the disease have all taken on a critical role in public health. Virtual therapy options were improved throughout this pandemic, which ultimately led to increased clinical awareness and fundamental therapeutics encountered by people. Since, blood oxygen saturation is a clinical indicator of corona virus infection, pulse oximeters were widely employed during the pandemic to measure blood oxygen saturation in addition to pulse rate (heart rate). Furthermore, physicians and patients began to use the fast antigen kit for COVID-19 infection detection due to its availability throughout the market. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how the public adapted to the use of more sophisticated clinical instruments in daily life and how this adaptation impacted the pharmaceutical and medical device industries.

Keywords: Medical devices; Public health; Clinical diagnostics; Healthcare; Healthcare management
Comments on this paper
kalyl cie
The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated the adoption of self-diagnostics, at-home therapies, and the evaluation of disease severity, playing a critical role in public health management. Virtual therapy options also saw significant improvements during the pandemic, leading to increased clinical awareness and accessibility to fundamental therapeutics for individuals.
During the pandemic, devices such as pulse oximeters gained widespread usage for measuring blood oxygen saturation, a crucial clinical indicator of COVID-19 infection, along with pulse rate monitoring. Additionally, Pizza Tower fast antigen kits for COVID-19 detection became widely available and were increasingly used by physicians and patients alike.

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