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OHOW 2023 – The 2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World

6–8 December 2023, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

urban safety, Disaster Mitigation, Infrastructure Management, Sustainable Built Environment, Climate Change, Green recovery, Public Health
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Welcome from the Chairs

Recognizing the importance of urban safety and urban environmental management, Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), the University of Tokyo and Regional Network office for Urban Safety (RNUS), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) had organized an “International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia” (USMCA) since 2002 in Asian cities.

Recent outbreak of COVID-19, phenomena such as species loss, habitat degradation, pollution, invasive alien species, and global climate change are recognized as fundamentally altering life on our planet from terrestrial wilderness to the most densely populated cities. The concept " One Health, One World (OHOW)" addressed as Manhattan principles in 2004 has been well recognized which is a comprehensive science of human and animal health, and the global environment along with urban safety and urban environmental management.

The 2nd OHOW symposium will be jointly organized by One Health One World Research Initiative, the University of Tokyo, Japan and Dhaka University, Bangladesh. The OHOW symposium will include the topics such as climate change and green recovery, international public health research in Asia, infrastructure management and sustainable built environment, and urban safety & disaster mitigation. Beyond the academic program, we have curated networking opportunities, social events, and cultural experiences that will provide a platform for meaningful interactions, collaborations, and the forging of lifelong connections. We encourage all participants to take full advantage of these moments, as they often lead to serendipitous encounters and spark innovative ideas.

Conference email:

Venue, Travel and Accommodation

Venue: Dhaka University (

Dhaka University

Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban (map)Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban

Map around

1. Senate Building (Venue), Dhaka University (Registration, Opening Ceremony, Lunch, Closing Ceremony)

2. Institute of Education and Research (IER) Conference Room 1, Dhaka University (Sessions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11)

3. Institute of Education and Research (IER) Conference Room 2, Dhaka University (Sessions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12)

4. Crystal Ballroom, Hotel InterContinental Dhaka (Gala Dinner on 19:00PM, December 6, 2023)

5. Arts Building, Dhaka University (Farewell Dinner on 18:30PM, December 7, 2023)


Please check your visa requirement at the below website.

If you need an invitation letter for a visa application, please contact the conference secretariat via e-mail (

Event Chairs

Dhaka University, Bangladesh


Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Wataru Takeuchi is a Professor at Institute of Industrial Science at The University of Tokyo, Japan where he has been a faculty member since 2007. He is the Group Leader of Remote Sensing of Environment and Disaster Lab. He has served as the Senior Policy Analyst for Energy and Environment at the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan from 2017 to 2019 and a director of Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Bangkok office from 2010 to 2012. Dr. Takeuchi's research interests lie in developing methodology to measure and evaluate the environmental changes of city, agricultural area and forested area focused on human activities in Asian countries.

Steering Committee

Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Department of disaster science and climate resillience, Dhaka University, Bangladesh

Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh

Technical Committee

Tsukasa Mizutani

Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Shakwat Md. Hossain

Associate Professor, Dhaka University, Bangladesh

Shamima Ferdousi Sifa

Lecturer, Dhaka University, Bangladesh

Chaitanya Krishna

Assistant Professor, AIT, Thailand

Khin Myat Kyaw

Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan | Adjunct faculty, AIT, Thailand

Yasmin Bhattacharya

Project Researcher, The University of Tokyo, Japan | Adjunct faculty, AIT, Thailand


Registration and payment of authors with an accepted paper should be made by October 27, 2023 to be retained in the final program. All accepted papers must be presented at the symposium.

Until 27th November 2023
Supported documents
International delegates 250.00 USD
International students 150.00 USD Scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID is required.
Local delegates 100.00 USD
Local students 30.00 USD Scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID is required.
Cancellation policy

The registration is not refundable. No refunds are given for no-shows.

Payment methods

Wire transfer, Credit card

Instructions for Authors

Abstract Submission

Abstract Deadline: October 30, 2023

Authors who wish to present at OHOW2023 are requested to submit the abstract via online.
The email submissions will NOT be considered.

Abstract Submission Rules

Submission of an extended abstract implies that the presenting author has the consent of all authors and has obtained necessary institutional clearances.

The presenting author agrees to register, attend the symposium, and present the abstract as scheduled. The presenting author must register by November 20, 2023.

The Technical Program Committee will review all submitted abstracts. The reviewing process is confidential, and decisions are final.

Information Required for Abstract Submission

Author(s) information: type of author, name(s), organization, country, email.
Abstract information: presentation type, the most appropriate two topics, title, and keywords(at least 3 keywords).

Notification of Acceptance

Notification of acceptance for the abstract will be sent by e-mail to be corresponding authors by November 6, 2023.

Extended abstract submission

After the abstract is accepted by your event, authors are requested to submit an entended abstract (template download) by November 13, 2023. An extended abstract will be published on the official OHOW2023 website.

Presentation instruction

All presentations are in oral sessions

Please check your presentation schedule in the program and identify yourself to the session char at the room 10 mins before the session starts. Please carry your PC (laptop) with your presentation file.

Presentation time

Keynote speaker:15 mins
Special lecture:10 mins
Ordinary speaker: 8 mins presentation + 2 mins Q&As

Young award

There will be four awards to young participating presenters younger than 35 and students. This award is to recognize upcoming researchers in the domain of One Health and One World.

List of Authors (196)

List of accepted submissions (105)

Id Title Authors
sciforum-083725 Challenge for Developing “Four-Dimensional Transparentization” Technology of Road Infrastructures Using Ground Penetrating Radar

Submitted: 01 Nov 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
Show Abstract

sciforum-083608 Mitigating Aquifer Stress: A Case Study of Rainwater Utilization as an Alternative Source in Textile Wet Processing in Narayanganj, Bangladesh

, ,

Submitted: 30 Oct 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , Show Abstract

sciforum-083604 Investigating the recent advancements in healthcare, considering COVID-19 pandemic era


Submitted: 30 Oct 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
, Show Abstract

sciforum-083601 A comparative account on human immune response against alpha, delta and omicron strains of SARS-CoV-2


Submitted: 30 Oct 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
, Show Abstract

sciforum-083591 Discussing recent paradigms of technical advancements in healthcare


Submitted: 30 Oct 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
, Show Abstract


Timetable and program

Timetable and program (as of December 6, 2023).

Those who have not completed a registration and payment will be removed from the final program.

Young awards

  1. Eligible who are younger than 35 yrs old and students.
  2. 79 papers were carefully reviewed by three peer reviewers.
  3. Evaluation criteria
    Research quality: 1) originality of the content, 2) methodology and research design, 3) results and derived conclusions
    Presentation: 1) time management, 2) oral speech quality, 3) ppt quality/visual aids, 4) performance in the discussion
  • [83448] Sara Sultana (Bangladesh)
    Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure the Health Literacy of Parents/Caregivers of Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN)
  • [83457] Md. Shahoriar Sarker (Bangladesh)
    Land Subsidence Monitoring using InSAR Technique in the Southwestern Region of Bangladesh
  • [83490] Khin Myat Kyaw (Myanmar)
    Instability Mapping of Dhaka-Kasiani-Gopalganj Railway Line in Bangladesh with InSAR Timeseries Analysis
  • [83526] Md. Sahil Rafiq (Bangladesh)
    Sustainable Treatment of Textile Processing Wastewater in Resource Challenged Economies: Utilizing Calcium Hypochlorite Oxidation Followed by Sand Filtration with Waste Blast Furnace Iron Slag for Repurposing Treated Effluent in Wet Processing
  • [83536] Nanami Yagishita (Japan)
    Analysis of natural disaster risk perception and disaster education focused on The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste


Technical tour

Sonargaon – a medieval capital of Bengal (cancelled)

National parliament

The Bangladeshi Parliament - the Jatiya Sangsad (or House of the Nation) - is a 350-member unicameral Parliament; 300 members are elected directly and 50 seats are reserved for women.

Sponsors and Partners



* This event is managed by external organizers. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.