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Challenge for Developing “Four-Dimensional Transparentization” Technology of Road Infrastructures Using Ground Penetrating Radar

In Japan, the maintenance and renewal costs of the extensive road infrastructure, including bridges and tunnels, are estimated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism to be able to save 85 trillion yen over the next 30 years if addressed through 'preventive maintenance' before any malfunctions occur, as compared to 'reactive maintenance' after problems arise. To achieve this preventive maintenance, I propose to use electromagnetic waves to visually inspect the internal structure of infrastructures in three dimensions dynamically, a technique I have named 'Four-dimensional Transparentization.' The key to this technology is a device called 'ground-penetrating radar.' Recently, vehicle-mounted radars that can acquire high-density three-dimensional information of the road interior and the inner walls of structures in the direction of travel, perpendicular to the direction of travel, and depth, at intervals of several centimeters, while traveling at speeds of over 80 km/h, have become more accessible, and we are actively utilizing them. In this presentation, I will introduce the latest developments in transparentization technology using ground-penetrating radar.

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Mitigating Aquifer Stress: A Case Study of Rainwater Utilization as an Alternative Source in Textile Wet Processing in Narayanganj, Bangladesh

The textile sector stands as a cornerstone of Bangladesh's economy, contributing significantly to the nation's export revenue, accounting for approximately 83.4% of the total. Within the textile industry, several processes necessitate substantial water usage, which often leads to heavy reliance on groundwater due to its accessibility. However, this dependence on groundwater poses a looming threat to the availability of safe drinking water for the local community. Narayanganj, located southeast of the capital, Dhaka, hosts many textile factories. The extensive exploitation of groundwater resources has precipitated a swift decline in the groundwater table, diminishing at an average rate of 1-2 meters annually. This study's core objective is to investigate the viability of utilizing rainwater as an alternative water source for textile wet processes in Narayanganj, where the yearly average precipitation amounts to 2,047 mm. The rainwater complies with the required physicochemical standards for use in textile wet processing. This research places its focus on integrating rainwater alongside groundwater for wet processing in the textile industry, thereby contributing to the realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 9, and 12. Cotton fabrics underwent dyeing and washing procedures using harvested rainwater, after which the samples underwent evaluation through tests for colour fastness during washing and rubbing (under both dry and wet conditions). The obtained results, falling within the 4-5 Grade range, unequivocally affirm the viability and efficiency of rainwater harvesting as a water resource for textile wet processing. This approach possesses the potential to meet a significant portion, ranging from 40% to 60%, of the water demands within the textile industry. The adoption of this alternative water source will alleviate the strain on groundwater reserves, presenting a sustainable solution to address the pressing concerns related to groundwater aquifer depletion. These findings are anticipated to deliver advantages to the Greater Dhaka residents, as well as relevant water management authorities, while concurrently fostering a positive impact on the environment.

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Investigating the recent advancements in healthcare, considering COVID-19 pandemic era

Advanced usage of computational methods in public health has increased in the last decade. Healthcare decision-makers are highlighting on the functional implementation of advanced technology in the system. During the COVID-19 pandemic era, Electronic Health Records (EHR) of the infected patients has created huge biomedical data for infection biology researchers. Depending on the pattern of infection, in respect to its pathophysiology and demographic array, innovative public health management protocols were applied in several healthcare centers and hospitals to tackle huge number of infected patients in highly populated counties like India. In fact, healthcare units have developed novel methods to combat sudden pandemic threats. Expert trained medical taskforce with rigorous safety measures have worked as the frontliners in this situation. Our research broadly includes the analysis of novel healthcare models, which are being designed and proposed to manage excessively large number of patients mainly in the urban area. We propose application of fundamental life-saving clinical policies and effective healthcare human resources in terms of pandemic management with a hybrid mode (digital and personal) of diagnostic-therapeutic processes in healthcare centers and along with preventive self-treating initiatives.

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A comparative account on human immune response against alpha, delta and omicron strains of SARS-CoV-2

Global public health faced a havoc turbulence in last couple of years due to SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 pandemic. During the period numerous outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 mutants took place. However, as per epidemiological paradigms like infectivity and mortality, Variants of Concern (VOC) alpha (B.1.1.7), delta (B.1.6172) and omicron (B.1.1.529) turned out to be of pivotal importance. We have systematically analyzed human immune response considering these VOC infections, assessing diverse pathophysiological manifestations and corresponding perplexing mechanisms. Since the pandemic, the evolutionary interaction of different virus strains has significantly changed how corresponding human immune responses have developed. During the early waves, accumulating mutation and hypervariability at spike proteins were linked to enhanced virulence and infectivity. Later, though, other mutations helped to lessen pathogenicity while making up for it with noticeably higher transmissibility. This has greatly aided in the human population's ability to deal with the severe clinical symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 and has helped to restore global social protocols that were disturbed by the epidemic. Therefore, a thorough grasp of the evolutionary concepts underlying both the host and parasite systems was much appreciated to develop clinical interventions that effectively address global public health concerns.

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Discussing recent paradigms of technical advancements in healthcare

The healthcare sector operates as a dynamic and interdisciplinary system, wherein the progressive integration of computational technologies has led to substantial advancements in electronic therapeutic modalities. Healthcare decision-makers are increasingly prioritizing the pragmatic implementation of digital technology to enhance healthcare services by mitigating human error, reducing workloads, and augmenting the system’s capacity to serve multiple patients concurrently. Sophisticated medical instruments now incorporate advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI), thus enhancing precision and efficacy. Additionally, the healthcare landscape witnesses the proliferation of virtual treatments and self-diagnostic tools, driven by continual technical innovations. A pivotal aspect of this transformative landscape is the accumulation of Electronic Health Records (EHR), which serves as an extensive repository of biomedical data in terms of information. This reservoir of data empowers healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and execute interventions with precision. Our research precisely concentrates on the impact of technological advancements for public health improvements, and how information technology helps to manage huge clinical data for public health welfare, thus helping to tackle both routine and exceptional clinical challenges.

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A study on erratic mental status in a young human population in respect to mate choice

Human reproductive perspectives and its behavioural aspects is considered as an important area in today’s public health research which encompasses complex psychological procedure in humans, depicting the brain-behaviour axis. Recent paradigms of human mating associated behavioural patterns manifests a complexity thus demonstrating mental stress in the young population. Through this research, we hypothesize that external factors like social media, plays critical role in provoking erratic behavioural expositions in respect to healthy state of brain-behaviour interface thus creating ‘confusion’ causing clinical depression, anxiety, impatience etc. The multifaceted alteration in the objective of reproduction is increasing at an alarming rate. This ‘indecisive nature’ in terms of mating has become a crucial parameter, which may initiate abnormality or unorthodox behaviour in younger adults. Our case study in randomly based in West Bengal, India, where we have noticed that diverse availability of potential mates is manipulating sexual desires, emotional inclination, reproductive perspectives thus misbalancing our socio-psychological standpoint. We predict that with the human evolution process, several alterations are occurring in the reproductive process in the light of anthropogenic factors which are ultimately responsible for the upbringing of unusual sexual desires notably. Our aim is to elucidate future direction of human mate selection protocol and current opinions due to unstable thought process and a perplexed brain-behaviour circuit.

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Enhanced usage of medical devices for public and clinicians in recent world

Today's biomedical innovations include several highly advanced clinical devices (both therapeutic and diagnostic) that make good use of modern robotics and artificial intelligence. These technological advancements have made the detection of certain illnesses more hopeful. Without the necessary clinical expertise, many clinical tools and biomedical kits are utilized in ordinary homes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, self-diagnostics, at-home therapies, and evaluation of the severity of the disease have all taken on a critical role in public health. Virtual therapy options were improved throughout this pandemic, which ultimately led to increased clinical awareness and fundamental therapeutics encountered by people. Since, blood oxygen saturation is a clinical indicator of corona virus infection, pulse oximeters were widely employed during the pandemic to measure blood oxygen saturation in addition to pulse rate (heart rate). Furthermore, physicians and patients began to use the fast antigen kit for COVID-19 infection detection due to its availability throughout the market. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how the public adapted to the use of more sophisticated clinical instruments in daily life and how this adaptation impacted the pharmaceutical and medical device industries.

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Enhancing Sustainability in Textile Wastewater Treatment: Anaerobic Acetogenic Pretreatment and Aerobic Polishing for Efficient Reuse

In this research endeavor, we introduce a novel and innovative approach that incorporates anaerobic acetogenic pretreatment in conjunction with aerobic polishing to address the issue of textile processing wastewater. This approach deviates from the commonly employed traditional extended aeration methods within the industry by setting itself apart through its notably heightened energy efficiency. Our study thoroughly investigated the efficacy of deploying a fusion of anaerobic acetogenic pretreatment and aerobic polishing within the realm of textile processing wastewater treatment, placing a specific emphasis on its potential for large-scale implementation to repurpose the treated effluent in wet processing applications. This comprehensive research was conducted in a two-phase process, commencing with bench-scale experimentation and subsequently scaling up for practical industrial application. The experimental procedure entailed the utilization of wastewater sourced from the equalization basin of a textile wastewater treatment facility. The experimental reactors were meticulously operated on a laboratory scale, with stringent control over specific conditions. The acetogenic reactor operated continuously in a washout mode, experiencing daily episodes of sudden aeration, while the aerobic reactor maintained continuous aeration. Significantly, the anaerobic acetogenic pretreatment process exhibited remarkable efficacy in the removal of color, whereas the aerobic process excelled in the reduction of the majority of COD. By amalgamating these anaerobic acetogenic pretreatment and aerobic processes, substantial reductions in COD, BOD, color, and TDS were achieved, with reductions of up to 95%, 94%, 96%, and 87%, respectively. The treated wastewater found efficient repurposing within the denim and knit manufacturing facility, predominantly serving wet processing needs. The implementation of the anaerobic acetogenic pretreatment method not only fosters a more environmentally conscious approach to wastewater treatment but also assures a diminished carbon footprint. This aligns perfectly with the overarching objective of efficient wastewater treatment and the promotion of sustainable development, rooted in the fundamental principles of a circular economy.

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Finding the Best Geothermal Reservoirs in Bangladesh for Commercial Development: An Analysis of Barapukuria Coal Mine Area.

Geothermal energy uses the abundant heat of the Earth's subsurface to provide heat and electricity. In contrast to wind and solar, it can run throughout all seasons and times with close to zero emissions of greenhouse gases. Today, it contributes to ~ 13000 MW of electrical and ~70000 MW of thermal power to global grids. However, most of the current studies related to geothermal energy in Bangladesh focus on the status of the energy resource and the identification of some of the potential locations. This study plans to fill the gap with a systematic approach to calculate the total available power in the potential geothermal fields in Bangladesh. The northwest region's geological studies show that producing geothermal energy is feasible because deep wells there can achieve temperatures above 100°C at depths of two to three kilometers. Notably, the Thakurgaon area includes a thermal exploratory well, and the Barapukuria coal basin has a temperature gradient of 48.7°C/km. At 500 meters deep, a gradient of 34.2°C/km was discovered. This study focuses on the Barapukuria Coal Mine Area and aims to conduct an in-depth analysis to find the most suitable geothermal reservoir in Bangladesh while taking advantage of the available geotechnical data found for a specific area with a high geothermal gradient. Barapukuria Coal mine area provides the necessary confidence considering the fact that it has been well studied and documented previously as part of the mining projects. The study will help to assess project lifetime, gross geothermal energy, and gross power capacity. The amount of thermal energy contained in a geothermal pool is a function of reservoir and fluid properties. To estimate the percentage of the total thermal energy that can be recovered at the wellhead, a recovery factor is applied. Results from this work will allow the models of the geothermal systems in Bangladesh to be validated with empirical, data-based evidence. Despite the ongoing attempts to diversify Bangladesh's energy sources, there is no operational or planned geothermal plant in the country. The approach here is an attempt to introduce systemic and data-driven models to assess the geothermal potential of a reservoir. The initial results for the Barapukuria coal field are encouraging as it retrofits the field for a cleaner and baseload energy option.

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Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure the Health Literacy of Parents/Caregivers of Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN)
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Health literacy of parents/caregivers of children with special health care needs is an important factor because the holistic management of the condition of these children is complex. The aim of this study is to develop and validate a scale that will assess the health literacy of parents/caregivers of CSHCN so that knowledge and awareness can be properly defined for better management. Initially, based on the literature review, 27 items categorized into 5 domains were generated in the native language ‘Bengali’ along with a translation into ‘English’. On evaluation by 10 experts, face validity and content validity were conducted. After deletion of 4 items and a new addition of 5 items, it led to 28 items which were used for conducting a study with a convenience sampling of 140 participants actively engaged in managing CSHCN. Responses were analyzed to determine the exploratory factor analysis and reliability of the scale. The I-CVI and CVR values showed good content validity. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value of 0.846 indicated a significant sample adequacy and Bartlett’s sphericity test (p-value <0.01) revealed a significant correlation between items. The factor analysis showed 7 factors explaining 69.93% of the total variance however the hypothesized 5 factors also showed a satisfactory result, explaining 61.86% of the total variance conforming with the minimum acceptable target of 60%. As the item loading in the extracted 7 factors did not align with the theory, the hypothesized 5 factors with the items were retained for the scale. More importantly, the Cronbach’s alpha values of these 5 hypothesized factors were 0.79, 0.74, 0.85, 0.86, 0.77 which are >0.7, indicating overall very good reliability of the scale. From this study, the demographic characteristics, observations, domain score analysis as well as correlation with education and gender were also obtained. The demographic data came up with the most prevalent condition “Autism” in “Male” children with ‘hyperactivity’ being one of the common symptoms in many of the children. Mothers were mostly found taking care of the child and in some cases reported not to have proper support from spouse and family. There was also found to be a significant correlation of education (p-value <0.001) with health literacy. All the findings from the tests demonstrated this scale to be a valid and reliable instrument to measure the health literacy of parents/caregivers of CSHCN about their condition. Additional analysis is recommended for further refinement as scale development and validation is a trial-and-error process.
