Water is an essential requirement for all, and is particularly critical in urban areas like Virar's Chikhaldongari, where the demand is significant. The water distribution network plays a crucial role in supplying water to all users amidst the city's growing population. To meet increasing demands, advanced computing systems, including modern hydraulic modeling and design software, are essential. In this study, WaterGEMS software was employed to evaluate and enhance the water distribution system's serviceability in Chikhaldongari. This includes steady-state analysis to determine hydraulic parameters such as pressure, velocity, head loss, and flow rate. Rapid urbanization exacerbates the pressure on existing networks, necessitating a forecast-based assessment of future water requirements. Therefore, to account for the growing population, this study also projects a population of approximately 28,783 by 2031 using arithmetic and geometric methods, growing to 39,773 and 40,189 by 2061, respectively. These data notify the need to design a new distribution system to meet future demand, assess current flaws, and optimize system efficiency. The WaterGEMS model incorporates 94 pipes covering 17.917 km and 94 demand nodes serving 17,792 end users. The simulation identifies critical areas with inadequate water supply pressure, guiding targeted infrastructure improvements. The main achievement of this research is that the new distribution system not only satisfied the anticipated water demand, but also made sure that the water delivery system would be durable and long-lasting. The research's novelty is characterized by its use of sophisticated modeling tools, dynamic simulation, comprehensive network analysis, future demand forecasting, focus on safety and sustainability, and targeted infrastructure improvements. In conclusion, the application of advanced modeling tools like WaterGEMS is pivotal in enhancing water distribution networks, ensuring they meet evolving demands sustainably. This proactive approach not only addresses current challenges but also prepares the infrastructure for future growth, thereby supporting the community's well-being and development.
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The Design and Analysis of a Water Distribution Network Using WaterGEMS in an Urbanised Area
11 October 2024
in The 8th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences
session Hydrodynamics, Hydraulic Transients, Hydropower and Pumped Storage in Water-Energy Nexus
Keywords: Chikhaldonagari Yazoo park, WDN (water distribution networks) EPS (Extended period simulation), Pressure driven system, Zoning. Water GEMS, Hydraulic Parameters.