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Fast method for the measurement of dispersion of integrated waveguides utilizing Michelson interferometry effects
* 1, 2 , 2 , 3 , 2
1  Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A I-43124 Parma, Italy
2  Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Ørsteds Plads Bygning 3402800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
3  imec-NL, High Tech Campus 31, 5656 AE Eindhoven, Netherlands
Academic Editor: Anna Lukowiak



We demonstrate a method for measuring the dispersion of a device under test (DUT), which utilizes light reflections at the edge and within an integrated waveguide to create a Michelson interferometer. The interference fringes of the Michelson interferometer depend on the group delay experienced in it.


In the DUT, the reflected power is recorded during a single, fast laser sweep. For an optical cavity with a free spectral range of Δf, the group delay (τ) is inversely proportional to Δf [1]. By finding the local period in the reflected spectrum, τ can be found as a function of frequency, and from this, the dispersion as the slope of τ.


The DUT is a linearly chirped Bragg grating designed to generate a dispersion of -45.9 ps2. We took nine different measurements of the same device. From the experimental data, τ was found to be noisy at low frequencies and only the linear portion of τ was considered. We found the dispersion to be (-45.5± 11.2) ps2.


Our step-by-step data analysis confirms that, analyzing interferometric fringes from DUT light reflections offers a fast method for measuring photonic iIntegrated circuit dispersion, which aligns well with design values. This approach could serve as an alternative to established methods [2], which we will further verify in the future.


  1. Schwelb, J. Light. Technol. 22, 1380 (2004). Journal of Lightwave Technology.
  2. Costa, IEEE Trans. on Microw. Theory Tech. 30, 1497 (1982)
Keywords: Group Delay; Michelson Interferometer; Dispersion; Photonic Integrated Circuit
