The effective management of water resources requires the precise distribution of streamflows in both temporal and spatial terms. In areas where direct measurements are lacking, data on average flows are often limited. This research aimed to evaluate the semi-distributed hydrological modeling of streamflows in the Huancané River using Hydro-BID. The model evaluation was conducted through qualitative analyses, such as time series graphs, and quantitative indicators, including Nash--Sutcliffe efficiency (NS), the correlation coefficient (r), the modified correlation coefficient (Rmod), and the overall volume error (OVE). The validation results showed good model performance and adequate representation of the seasonal dynamics of streamflows. For daily flows, the OVE was -12.48, the correlation coefficient (r) was 0.82, the modified correlation coefficient (Rmod) was 0.62, and the NS was 0.67. For monthly flows, the values were 12.52 for OVE, 0.90 for r, 0.68 for Rmod, and 0.79 for NS. The application of the calibrated parameters to data from the Putina station also showed good results, with an OVE of 14.29, an r of 0.85, an Rmod of 0.82, and an NS of 0.69 for monthly flows. In conclusion, the model demonstrates good performance in simulating flows in basins with limited information and can be useful for transferring flow information and assessing water availability in unmeasured areas, facilitating appropriate water resource planning in the Huancané River basin.
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Semi-distributed hydrological modelling of streamflows in the Huancané river using Hydro-BID
14 October 2024
in The 8th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences
session Water Resources Management, Floods and Risk Mitigation
Keywords: Hydro-BID; semi-distributed hydrological modeling; water resource planning; Putina river