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Autonomous radio frequency spectrum tracker robot
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1  Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba 060108, Ecuador
Academic Editor: Francesco Arcadio


Frequency-follower robots are devices designed to detect, identify, locate, or follow radiofrequency signals. These robots are equipped with antennas and receivers calibrated to receive specific frequency ranges. Many of these robots are designed for specific purposes, such as identifying interference frequencies or analyzing the coverage of a transmitter. In this context, to provide a versatile solution for tracing frequency signals in the field or remote areas, this work presents the development of a small, easily implemented robotic vehicle that facilitates the identification of specific, pre-calibrated radio frequencies. The robot is designed with a four-wheeled configuration similar to a standard line-follower robot, allowing for stable and precise movement. It is equipped with a controlled receiver and a microcontroller that processes incoming signals and directs the robot’s movements accordingly. This setup enables the robot to autonomously navigate and trace frequency signals, even in challenging environments. To ensure the robot’s effectiveness, a thorough characterization process was conducted. This involved calibrating the detection frequencies and fine-tuning the robot’s trajectory-tracing capabilities. The robot was tested in various field conditions, including areas with difficult access, to evaluate its performance. The characterization process confirmed the robot’s ability to detect frequencies in the ranges of 10 to 100 MHz, 10-50 MHz, and 200-500 MHz. Additionally, the robot demonstrated its capability to track frequency coverage in peripheral and high-mountain areas for its versatility and adaptability.

Keywords: Autonomous robot; frequency tracker; Internet of Things
