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Instrumental and sensory properties of cowpea and whey protein concentrate-fortified extruded rice snacks.
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1  Department of Wine, Food and Molecular Biosciences, Lincoln University, P.O. Box 84, Lincoln, Christchurch, 7647, New Zealand (registering DOI)

Consumers are being encouraged to increase the protein and fibre consumption through convenient and healthy food products. In this study, six samples of extruded rice snacks were developed by substituting rice flour with cowpea flour and whey protein concentrate. The instrumental texture, colour and sensory analysis were performed by seventy untrained individuals who answered an overall liking question using the 9-point hedonic scale and a CATA (Check-All-That-Apply) question with 37 attributes and emotions. Hedonic scores were significantly different with texture, taste and overall liking (p<0.05). The crispy and crunchy CATA attributes were associated with 15-20% cowpea and 5-10% WPC incorporations. Results of the instrumental and sensory analysis were compared, and a correlation between mechanical and sensory texture and the colour was observed. A principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that significant positive correlation between the groups, crispiness and L* value, and hardness b* and a* values, respectively. The results of the present study will help guide for innovative high protein and fibre plant food design and formulation.

Keywords: Extruded snacks; cowpea; whey proteins; texture, colour, sensory
