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Smart Sustainable Cities 2025: Pioneering Novel Frontiers for Green Urban Living

5–7 March 2025
Event's Timezone: Central European Time
Abstract Submission Deadline
3 December 2024
Abstract Acceptance Notification
10 January 2025

Early Bird Registration Deadline
17 January 2025
Covering Author Registration Deadline
24 January 2025
Registration Deadline
4 March 2025

Digital Cities, Big Data, Urban Planning, Intelligent Transportation, Digital Construction, Infrastructure Development, IoT, Remote Sensing, Sustainability
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We look forward to welcoming you to SSC 2025!

Welcome from the Chairs

Dear esteemed colleagues and conference attendees,

We are delighted to announce the Smart Sustainable Cities 2025 Conference, an event dedicated to pioneering novel frontiers for green urban living. As the Chairs of this conference, we are honored to host a diverse meeting of opinion leaders, researchers, industry experts, and policymakers around the globe.

The rapid evolution of cutting-edge technologies (artificial intelligence, networks, sensors, vehicles, metaverse…) presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges for urban environments. Our mission is to explore these frontiers, fostering innovative solutions that improve the sustainability, efficiency, and habitability of our cities. This conference serves as a platform for the exchange of front-line research, groundbreaking ideas, and practical insights that will shape the future of urban living.

Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with a rich program that includes five technical tracks covering the most relevant topics of Smart Sustainable Cities: Digital, Urban Operations, Mobility, Infrastructure, and Community. These tracks will include keynotes from renowned experts, panel discussions, and technical sessions.

The first conference’s theme, ‘Pioneering Novel Frontiers for Green Urban Living,’ underscores the critical role of technology in addressing urban challenges and promoting sustainable development. By harnessing the power of smart technologies, we can create cities that are not only more resilient and inclusive but also more responsive to the needs of their inhabitants.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we wish you a productive and inspiring experience at the Smart Sustainable Cities 2025 Conference. Together, let us chart a course toward a brighter, more sustainable urban future.

The Conference Chairs,

Javier Prieto and Pierluigi Siano
Smart Sustainable Cities 2025 Chairs

Conference Secretariat

Mr. Timothy Lee
Ms. Carmen Ruiz

Sponsoring Opportunities

For information regarding sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please contact us.

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Event Chairs

BISITE Research Group, University of Salamanca, Spain

Prof. Prieto earned his PhD in Information and Communication Technologies and the Extraordinary Performance Award for Doctorate Studies from the University of Valladolid in 2012. Since 2007, he has worked in different public and private research centers such as the Foundation Center for the Development of Telecommunications of Castilla y León (CEDETEL), the University of Valladolid (Spain), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Prof. Prieto has also served as a distinguished researcher at the University of Salamanca. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Automation of the University of Salamanca. He is also a member of the Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL).

Prof. Prieto serves as the Editor-in-Chief for the IoT Section of the Smart Cities journal and as an associate editor for the IEEE Communications Letters, Frontiers in Public Health, and Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing journals. Senior Member of the IEEE, he is the chair of the IEEE Communications Society and Signal Processing Society Joint Chapter, and the Coordinator of the IEEE Blockchain Spain Local Group.

Department of Management and Innovation Systems, University of Salerno, Italy

Pierluigi Siano (M’09–SM'14) received his M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering and his Ph.D. in information and electrical engineering from the University of Salerno, Italy, in 2001 and 2006, respectively.

He is a Full Professor of Electrical Power Systems and the Scientific Director of the Smart Grids and Smart Cities Laboratory with the Department of Management & Innovation Systems, University of Salerno.

His research activities are centered on demand response, energy management, the integration of distributed energy resources in smart grids and electricity markets, and the planning and management of power systems.

In these research fields, he has co-authored more than 800 articles, including more than 400 international journals that received more than 22800 citations in Scopus with an H-index equal to 73. In 2019, he was announced as a Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering by the Web of Science Group. He has been the Chair of the IES TC on Smart Grids.


Event Committee

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India

Prof. Datta Gupta received her M.Tech. degree from Jadavpur University, India, in 2007, and her Ph.D. degree from Jamia Millia Islamia, India, in 2015. She is currently working as a Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, New Delhi. Her research interests include deep learning, IoT, data communication and networking, mobile computing, and wireless networks.

The Department of Organization Engineering, Business Administration and Statistics, Technical University of Madrid, Spain

Prof Morillas Guerrero obtained his doctorate in Applied Economics from the University of Almería, his Law degree and Master’s in e-learning from the University of Granada, his PhD in Business Administration at the Université Paris XII, as well as his Master’s in Digital Transformation and Business Development and his specialization in Technology Entrepreneurship at Stanford University.

Prof Morillas Guerrero is currently an Associate Professor at the Higher Technical School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He was an Associate Professor at UNIR in the field of teaching and methodology of economics. He is a member of the Spain and European Network of Mentors and is a Doctoral Professor and the Academic Coordinator of Business Practices in the area of Economics, Creation, and Development of Digital Businesses and Businesses at U-tad.

He has directed or collaborated in competitive research projects in the field of entrepreneurship and business creation, as well as in sustainability, the digitalization of cities and entrepreneurship, e-learning, local development, food security, and educational innovation. His current research focuses on entrepreneurship, analysis of digital transformation, aeronautical and space startups, and adaptation to the new industrial demands of information and communication technologies.

Information Systems Department, School of Information Systems, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia

Dr. Wiputra is a dedicated lecturer and researcher with a focus on crypto assets and blockchain technology. He is passionate about advancing the understanding and application of these innovative fields and strives to educate and inspire the next generation of technologists and researchers. His research interests lie in the development and integration of blockchain and crypto assets to push the boundaries of blockchain and cryptocurrency studies.

Department of Computer Science, Polytechnic of Guarda, Portugal

Prof. Vieira is an Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic of Guarda, Portugal, as well as the Director of the Degree in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and the Director of the High Course in Data Analysis at the Polytechnic of Guarda.

Prof. Vieira has a degree in Pure Mathematics from the University of Porto, a Master of Science with a Mathematics specialization in Algebra from the University of Lisbon, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Salamanca. He is a mathematician and a computer scientist with research interests in the areas of data science, artificial intelligence, and blockchain.

Department of Communication Control Systems, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Spain

Prof. Pastor Vargas has been granted two six-year research periods by the Spanish government. He has contributed to numerous R&D projects of international scope financed in public calls. The national "Integration of open services for distributed, reusable and secure remote and virtual laboratories" project of the Ministry, was one such project in which he was the main researcher. His current active international projects are ECoVEM (2020-2024), SFinLit, and I4EU (2019-2022). He has also participated in many papers published in international journals (20 JCRs, 7 SJRs, 2 Lecture Notes, 2 Emerging Citation Index, etc.) and conferences (5 GGS 2-class, 18 GGS 3-class, 17 GGS work-in-progress, etc.).

Prof. Pastor Vargas is a member/reviewer in numerous international scientific societies, JCR journals, and conferences. He has been a member of the I4Labs and G-TAEI teaching innovation groups since September 2016 and the teaching innovation group for cybersecurity CiberGID since June 2018. He has been a Senior Member of the IEEE since September 2020, participating in the directive of the Spanish chapter of the IEEE Education Society.

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, Italy

Roberta Di Pace (Member, IEEE; Board Member of the Intelligent Transportation System Society - Italian Chapter; Board Member of the IEEE WIE AG Italy) received her MSc. and Ph.D. degrees in Transportation from the University of Naples “Federico II”, in 2005 and 2009, respectively. Since 2010, she has been a member of the Laboratory of Transport Systems Engineering and Sustainable Mobility (ISTMoS) within the Dep. of Civil Eng. at the University of Salerno (DiCiv- UniSA), Italy. Since 2021, she has been an associate professor in Transportation Engineering with the DiCiv- UniSA. Her research and teaching activities focus on connected cooperative and automated mobility; intelligent transportation systems; advanced traveller information systems; traffic flow modelling and control; network optimization; transportation networks modelling and simulation; and smart/sustainable mobility. She serves as an Academic Editor for Journal of Advanced Transportation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, and Smart Cities.

Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Prof. Olszewski studies the extraction and acquisition of spatial information using artificial intelligence methods, as well as the subjects of smart city, cartographic generalization, geostatistics, gamification, and social geoparticipation. The results of many years of his scientific work have been published in several monographs and more than one hundred articles. He has been a Professor at the Department of Geodesy and Cartography at the Warsaw University of Technology since 2011, and Head of the Chair of Cartography since 2015.

Prof. Olszewski is a member of the Rector's team of innovative forms of education — INFOX, and conducts interdisciplinary project classes for students at Warsaw University of Technology using the Design Thinking methodology. He works with businesses and government in the implementation of R&D projects and commercialization of interdisciplinary research in the field of geoinformation, computational intelligence, spatial data services, social geoparticipation, gamification, smart city, and spatial data mining. He is also the co-founder of the CONIUNCTA geoparticipation platform.

Data Science and Big Data Lab, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain

Prof García Torres is an associate professor in the Escuela Politécnica Superior of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide. He received his BS degree in physics and his PhD degree in computer science from the Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, in 2001 and 2007, respectively. After obtaining his doctorate, he held a postdoc position in the Laboratory for Space Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics at the National institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA). There, he joined the Gaia mission from the European Space Agency (ESA) and started to participate in the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) as a member of “Astrophysical Parameters”, Coordination Unit (CU8). He has been involved in the “Object Clustering Analysis” (OCA) Development Unit since then. His research areas of interest include machine learning, metaheuristics, big data, time series forecasting, bioinformatics, and astrostatistics.

Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University, Finland

Dr. Anttiroiko is a faculty member and an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Management and Business (MAB), Tampere University, Finland. He holds a PhD (Administrative Sciences) and MPhil and Licentiate (Philosophy) degrees. He has conducted and directed research projects on the development of local government, collaborated with academics and experts all over the world, conducted expert work in Namibia and Vietnam, and contributed to the World Bank’s Shanghai 2050 Project with a focus on the building of a global city brand. He has memberships on several editorial boards of international journals.

Dr. Anttiroiko’s major edited work is Electronic Government: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, published in six volumes (IGI Global 2008). His co-edited books include Innovations in Financing Public Services (Palgrave 2010), Innovations in Public Governance (IOS 2011), Innovative Trends in Public Governance in Asia (IOS 2011), and Organizational Innovation in Public Services (Palgrave 2013). His latest authored books include The Political Economy of City Branding (Routledge 2014), New Urban Management: Attracting Value Flows to Branded Hubs (Palgrave 2015), and Wellness City: Health and Well-being in Urban Economic Development (Palgrave 2018).

Faculty of Management, Czestochowa Institute of Production Engineering, University of Technology, Poland

Dr. Rosak-Szyrocka is the Erasmus+ coordinator at the Faculty of Management, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland. She specializes in the fields of quality of life, renewable energy aspects, digitalization, industry 4.0, society 5.0, and distance learning. She is a review editor of Environmental Economics and Management, an associate editor for Cogent Business and Management, Taylor & Francis, and a guest editor of MDPI’s IJERPH, Energies, Sustainability, and Frontiers. She is also on the Editorial Board of the journal IJQR and the Reviewer Board of IJERPH.

Dr. Rosak-Szyrocka is also a reviewer for a number of prestigious journals and publishers, including IEEE Open Access, Elsevier, MDPI, Frontiers, Sage, and Emerald. She completed a research internship at the University of Żilina, Slovakia, as well as at the Silesian University of Technology, Zabrze, Poland. Dr. Rosak-Szyrocka has been a participant in multiple Erasmus+ teacher mobility programs in Italy, the UK, Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and France.

Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Prof. Di Somma received her Ph.D degree in Mechanical Systems Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II in 2016. From 2015 to 2023, she served as a Research Scientist and Project Manager at ENEA in Italy. In this context, she managed and coordinated several European and National projects on multi-carrier energy systems optimization and control, and she held representative roles within the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and Mission Innovation initiatives. Moreover, she was the Project Coordinator of the Horizon2020 project eNeuron for the optimization of local integrated energy communities, and was the vice Project Coordinator of the Horizon2020 project INTERPLAN for operation planning of the integrated grid.

Since 2023, she has been an Associate Professor of Applied Thermodynamics at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II. Her main research interests focus on the design and operation optimization of distributed energy resources in the context of local multi-carrier energy systems, including energy communities, through a multi-objective approach. She is also involved in EERA JP Energy Systems Integration in representation of UNINA.

Editor of three books on integrated energy systems published by Elsevier and Wiley and a chair of scientific international conferences, she is the author of more than 80 highly cited scientific contributions published in international journals and the proceedings of international conferences.

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calabria, Italy

Prof. Guido (MSc in Civil Engineering, PhD) is an Associate Professor of Transportation Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Calabria. His research interests include road traffic simulation, road safety, information and communication technologies for traffic analysis, intelligent transportation systems, transit systems, mobility management, mobility modeling, and user behavior modeling. He has authored and co-authored more than 120 international journal papers. He is a member of the Italian section of the IEEE, the IEEE ITSS Italian Chapter, the Italian Society of Transport Engineering Professors, and the Italian Association for Traffic and Transport Engineering.

Prof. Guido is the co-founder and member of the Working Group on Systems Engineering for Infrastructure and Building Systems, as well as the Mobility Manager at the University of Calabria and the coordinator of the working group for sustainable mobility of the University of Calabria in the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS). He is co-founder and CEO of the academic spin-off Smart-Oriented Mobility Solutions (SOMOS), a company offering innovative solutions for transport and logistics.

Research Group in Sustainable and Renewable Electrical Technologies (PAIDI-TEP023), Department of Electrical Engineering, Higher Technical School of Engineering of Algeciras, University of Cadiz, Spain

Prof Fernández-Ramírez obtained his M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Seville in 1997 and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Cadiz in 2004. In 2000, he joined the University of Cadiz, where he is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Head of the Research Group in Sustainable and Renewable Electrical Technologies (PAIDI-TEP-023).

Prof Fernández-Ramírez's research interests include smart cities, smart grids, microgrids, renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, hydrogen and fuel cells, electric vehicles and smart mobility, power electronics, and control and energy management systems. He is the author of 90 papers in JCR-SCI journals, 90 papers in international conference proceedings, and 5 book chapters. He has been involved in national and international research projects. He is an IEEE Senior Member, Editorial Board Member, and Guest Editor of Special Issues in several JCR-SCI journals, a Scientific Committee Member of several IEEE international conferences, and a national and international Research Project Evaluator.

Bioinformatics, Intelligent Systems, and Educational Technology (BISITE) Research Group, University of Salamanca, Spain

Dr La Delfa is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Salamanca, Spain, within the Bioinformatics, Intelligent Systems, and Educational Technology (BISITE) Research Group. He earned his PhD in Computer Engineering, specializing in methodologies and technologies for indoor localization. He held numerous research fellowships focused on IoT-based smart systems and smart cities and served as a fixed-term researcher at the University of Catania, Italy.

Dr La Delfa’s current research focuses on optimizing last mile delivery using IoT and machine learning. His research interests include indoor localization technologies, IoT-based smart systems, and smart cities.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing, Florida International University, USA

Dr. Chang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Florida International University (FIU). He serves as the President of the International Society of Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transportation Infrastructure (iSMARTi), Chair of the International Road Federation (IRF) Asset Management Task Force, and secretary of the Florida Engineers in Education committee. He is also the former Chair of the ASCE Infrastructure Systems Committee.

Dr. Chang’s research is dedicated to advancing innovative concepts, methodologies, and practical tools for the management and engineering of infrastructure systems. His work seeks to balance economic, environmental, and social dimensions through approaches that include multi-criteria decision analysis, statistical modeling, simulation, optimization, and risk analysis. With leadership in over 30 research projects, Dr. Chang’s contributions are reflected in more than 250 publications, focusing on smart cities, bridges, and pavements.

Department of Environmental Protection and Development, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland

Dr. Wdowczyk is a researcher at the Department of Environmental Protection and Development at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. She obtained her Ph.D. based on the thesis “Selected properties of landfill leachate in terms of biological treatment”. Her research interests include waste management, sewage treatment, and soil pollution. She is an editor and reviewer for 30 scientific journals.

Keynote Speakers

AETHON Engineering, Athens, Greece

Mr. Papacharalampous has been working in the field of transportation data analysis and transportation engineering research since 2012, publishing numerous scientific papers and participating in many international conferences as a presenter. His thesis at Delft University of Technology was one of the first to utilize commercial GSM datasets for transportation analysis.

In 2016, he founded AETHON Engineering, an engineering firm specializing in research and innovation projects for smart cities, sustainable mobility, public transport, logistics, traffic safety, and automated vehicle technologies, where he currently serves as CEO. They have built and worked projects in Europe and Greece, as well as privately funded initiatives including several Horizon Europe projects, collaborating with partners across the continent.

Prior to this, Mr. Papacharalampous was a researcher at TUD performing transportation modeling for TOYOTA in the field of automatic vehicles (application of ADAS) and data analytics at the Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Studies.

FIDESOL ICT Technological Center, Granada, Andalusia, Spain

Prof. Benítez is the Innovation Director of FIDESOL and a political scientist specializing in Digital Transformation, institutional and corporate governance, and process management. He is a consultant in governance and digital change management for the development of smart environments through disruptive innovation, and furthermore, is a consultant for the IURC-Asia Program for EU–China and EU–Thailand joint technological projects.

Prof. Benítez is a member of the Advisory Board of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (AIR) of the University of Salamanca and the IoT Digital Innovation Hub of Castilla y León. He also serves as the editor, publisher, and executive committee member of “Libro Verde sobre Políticas Culturales Europeas para la Red de Ciudades y Regiones Europeas por la Cultura” (Les Rencontres), and is TPC Chair of the International Congress on Blockchain and Applications.

In 1997, he obtained a scholarship from the US Secretary of State at the request of the US Embassy in Spain for the program “Current U.S. Social, Political, and Economic Issues for Young European Leaders”.

Prof. Benítez is also an avid blogger, receiving the award for the Best Blog on the Future of Europe and the Strategy for 2020 in 2010 from the Spanish Representation of the European Commission.

Invited Speakers

Erasmus Initiative 'Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity’, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Prof. de Jong is the Scientific Director of the Erasmus Initiative’ Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity’, one of Erasmus University Rotterdam’s (EUR) flagship research initiatives.

Given his 25-year international experience in research, education, and entrepreneurship on public policy, decision making, urban studies, infrastructure development, and cross-cultural management, it is his goal to make the initiative both locally relevant through knowledge dissemination in the Randstad Area and to give it strong global exposure by establishing partnerships in a number of leading universities around the world.

In addition, he is a professor at both ESL and RSM (each for 50% of his time) and has a part-time professor position at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA) of Fudan University, Shanghai. He has been an advisor to the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Dutch national gas enterprise, Eurocities, the Nordic Road Federation, the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communication, the Chinese cities of Shenzhen (Guangdong province) and Jingmen (Hubei province), and a host of other organizations.

Department of Communications and Information Engineering, University of Murcia, Spain

Prof Sánchez Iborra is an Associate Professor at the University of Murcia, Spain. He received his BSc degree in telecommunication engineering in 2007 and his MSc and PhD degrees in information and communication technologies in 2013 and 2015, respectively, from the Technical University of Cartagena, Spain. He served in the position of Assistant Professor at the University Center of Defense, San Javier Air Force Base, Spain.

Prof Sánchez Iborra’s main research interests include QoE in multimedia services, management of wireless mobile networks, 5G slicing, and IoT/M2M architectures. He has published more than 60 papers in international journals and conferences.

University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal

Prof Pinto is an Assistant Professor at UTAD (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) and a senior researcher at INESC-TEC. He is also the Chair of the IEEE PES Working Group on Multi-Agent Systems and the Vice-Chair of the IEEE PES Task Force on Open Data Sets. He has participated in or is currently active in more than 45 national and international research projects, and has published over 70 papers in international journals, 16 book chapters, and 8 edited books. He has also published more than 200 papers in international conferences.

Prof Pinto has extensive experience in the organization of conferences, workshops, special sessions, tutorials, and panel sessions in multiple relevant international congresses, such as IEEE PES-GM, IEEE SSCI, AAMAS, IJCAI, ECAI, and of special issues edition in international SCI journals. He is the recipient of 19 prizes and awards. His main research interests are in Artificial Intelligence (multi-agent systems, machine learning, game theory, automated negotiation, metaheuristic optimization) in the domains of Power and Energy Systems (manly electricity markets, smart grid, and building energy management) and Industry and mobility (including the development of intelligent solutions for enhanced productivity, management and operation of factories, and the development of innovative solutions for electric vehicles).

Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Prof. Di Somma received her Ph.D degree in Mechanical Systems Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II in 2016. From 2015 to 2023, she served as a Research Scientist and Project Manager at ENEA in Italy. In this context, she managed and coordinated several European and National projects on multi-carrier energy systems optimization and control, and she held representative roles within the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and Mission Innovation initiatives. Moreover, she was the Project Coordinator of the Horizon2020 project eNeuron for the optimization of local integrated energy communities, and was the vice Project Coordinator of the Horizon2020 project INTERPLAN for operation planning of the integrated grid.

Since 2023, she has been an Associate Professor of Applied Thermodynamics at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II. Her main research interests focus on the design and operation optimization of distributed energy resources in the context of local multi-carrier energy systems, including energy communities, through a multi-objective approach. She is also involved in EERA JP Energy Systems Integration in representation of UNINA.

Editor of three books on integrated energy systems published by Elsevier and Wiley and a chair of scientific international conferences, she is the author of more than 80 highly cited scientific contributions published in international journals and the proceedings of international conferences.

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Strathclyde, UK

Dr. Chen serves as Lecturer in Construction Management, Academic Leader (2018–) for the Digital Construction research unit, Supervisor for PhD students, Course Director (2020–2023) for MSc Advanced Construction Technologies and BIM, and Convener (2019–2023) of the Departmental Research Ethics Committee in the Architecture Department at Strathclyde.

Dr. Chen’s research interests lie in the built environment, and he has professional experience from serving at companies, organizations, and universities worldwide. He has developed expertise in engineering and management for Design, Construction, and Operation with regard to constructability, dependability, and sustainability.

He has engaged in more than 80 funded research projects, and made contributions to over 300 academic publications and over 100 plenary lectures and presentations at national and international events.

Dr. Chen was the Founder and Leader (2012–2016) of the Megaproject Management research team at Heriot-Watt University for the Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Design. He serves on technical committees at ADS, ASCE, BSI, CEN, CIBSE, IPMA, ISO, and TRB. He is the Specialty Chief Editor in Construction Management at Frontiers in Built Environment.

Enel X Global Retail, Rome, Italy

Dr. Gambacorta is an Innovation Manager with over 15 years of expertise in steering Smart Cities and Digital Innovation initiatives across corporate, public, and start-up sectors.

Since 2017, he has been Head of Smart City and Business to Government Innovation at Enel X Global Retail, overseeing the ideation, design, and development of digital solutions to enhance urban living through innovative technologies. Since 2014, he has also contributed as an independent expert in smart cities and digital innovation with the European Commission Research Executive Agency.

Dr. Gambacorta has spearheaded groundbreaking projects in the Smart Cities sector, focusing on Big Data for Urban Planning, Decision Support Systems, smart public lighting infrastructures, Intelligent Transport Systems, Mobility as a Service, Artificial Intelligence, and Digital and Internet of Things solutions. He has led digital and innovation programs for multinational corporations in Internet, OTT, Media, Telco, Energy, and Public Administrations, which have been instrumental in driving transformative growth strategies, expanding service reach, and significantly enhancing operational efficiency.

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy

Dr. Pincheira is a computer/software engineer with over a decade of experience in software design and development for public and private institutions. He has served in a range of roles, from being a full-stack developer to a software architect using several technologies, frameworks, and languages. He is also a DIY enthusiast passionate about hardware, particularly for developing robots and Internet of Things sensors, leading to his co-founding nixLabs.

Dr. Pincheira is currently a postdoctoral researcher with the OpenIoT Unit of FBK, exploring integrating blockchain and robotics into Internet of Things domains for applications in agriculture in Industry 4.0. He previously served as a full-time lecturer on Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Hardware Architectures, and Agile Software development, among other applied topics, as well as a tutor for the Robotics group at the University of Bío-Bío, where he guided student teams in robotics competitions and technology transfer projects with public schools.

Institute of Informatics Sciences/Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Hungary

Prof. Molnár is an Associate Professor of the information systems department at the Faculty of Informatics of Eötvös Loránd University, ELTE, Hungary. He teaches the methodologies of information system development, ERP and integrated systems, web technologies for enterprise information systems, and service science. His research interests include information systems modeling, ERP systems, complex information systems, business process modeling, semantic web, enterprise architectures, SOA, service science, formal and mathematical methods for information systems modeling, and application of data science methods in the world of information systems.

Prof. Molnár has published his research prolifically and has served as a consultant and project manager for the Hungarian Public Administration. He is a member of the editorial board of The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation and the European Journal of Applied Economics, also serving as a regular reviewer for numerous scientific conferences and journals such as CENTERIS, CIT, IEEE Access, etc. He is a member of several professional bodies/organizations, including the János Bolyai Mathematical Society, Neumann Janos Computer Science Association, Hungarian Chapter of ISACA, and ISACA Academic Relations Committee, Academic Advocate, ISACA.

Department of Computer Science and Automation, University of Salamanca, Spain

Dr. Carrera holds a PhD from the University of Valladolid (2013), previously graduating in Telecommunication Engineering (2008) and Electronic Engineering (2010) from the same institution. He worked there from 2008 to 2015, focusing on research in rehabilitation technologies, human–machine interfaces, and exposure to electromagnetic fields. From 2015 to 2023, he moved to private industry, focusing on electronics research, design, and development. His work then was related to ultra-low power IoT devices, precision agriculture, battery-free devices, and CNC machines for cutting and engraving. In 2023, he started working at the AIR Institute, focusing on research and project management in the fields of IoT and AI. In 2024, he joined the University of Salamanca, furthering his teaching and research activities there.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing, Florida International University, USA

Dr. Chang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Florida International University (FIU). He serves as the President of the International Society of Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transportation Infrastructure (iSMARTi), Chair of the International Road Federation (IRF) Asset Management Task Force, and secretary of the Florida Engineers in Education committee. He is also the former Chair of the ASCE Infrastructure Systems Committee.

Dr. Chang’s research is dedicated to advancing innovative concepts, methodologies, and practical tools for the management and engineering of infrastructure systems. His work seeks to balance economic, environmental, and social dimensions through approaches that include multi-criteria decision analysis, statistical modeling, simulation, optimization, and risk analysis. With leadership in over 30 research projects, Dr. Chang’s contributions are reflected in more than 250 publications, focusing on smart cities, bridges, and pavements.

School of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA

Prof. Gershenson joined the Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering at Binghamton University as a SUNY Empire Innovation Professor in 2023. Prior to that, he was a research professor at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México from 2008–2023, and he was also a visiting professor at MIT, Northeastern University, and ITMO University.

He has over 150 scientific publications in books, journals, and conference proceedings, which have been cited more than 7000 times. Prof. Gershenson’s research interests are varied, and include artificial intelligence, complex systems, self-organization, artificial life, and philosophy of science with applications to healthcare, transportation, governance, education, and cybersecurity.

He is editor-in-chief of Complexity Digest and member of the board of advisors for Scientific American, and has received numerous awards, including a Google Research Award in Latin America and the Audi Urban Future Award. He is a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences and the Mexican Academy of Informatics.


The conference will be held fully online. The registration fee includes attendance at all conference sessions. Participation in the conference is considered final only once the registration fees have been paid. Access to the online conference platform will only be possible for registered attendees. Further details regarding the conference platform will be released shortly through our newsletter and on this page.

Please note that abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes. During registration, please provide us with the same email address you used to submit your abstract(s). Otherwise, leave us a comment in the registration form, providing the email address used during the submission process. In addition, please use your institutional email address for both processes. If you are registering several people under the same registration order, please do not use the same email address for each person but rather their individual institutional email addresses. Thank you for your understanding.

Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by any of the authors, denoted as the Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. The Covering Author registration deadline is 24 January 2025. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.

Group Registration: Groups of five or more attendees are offered a 10% discount on the registration fees. To enjoy this discount, you need to complete one multiple registration by selecting the number of people attending in each category (type of registration) during the first step of the registration process. Please note that no other discounts will be applicable.

Certificate of Attendance: Participants of the event will be able to download an electronic Certificate of Attendance by accessing their dashboards on once the event has concluded. The certificates will be found under the "My Certificates" category.

Reduced fees

If you are affiliated with a university in a low- or middle-income country, you are automatically eligible for a price reduction. However, please note that the reduced price will only be added to your registration when it is processed. This means that you do not have to pay the stated price immediately upon registration, and you will receive an invoice with the price adjustment after you have registered. You can find the list of low- and middle-income countries by clicking the button below.

Early Bird
Until 17th January 2025
Until 4th March 2025
Supported documents
Academic 60.00 CHF 100.00 CHF
Student 35.00 CHF 50.00 CHF Scanned copy or photograph of your current Student ID Card.
Non-academic 100.00 CHF 150.00 CHF
Chairs, Invited Speakers, and Committee Members Free Free
Cancellation policy

Cancellation of paid registration is possible under the terms listed below:
> 3 weeks before the conference Full refund
< 3 weeks before the conference No refund


MDPI and its partners will endeavor to present the program advertised, but reserve the right to alter or cancel, without prior notice, arrangements, timetables, plans, or other items relating directly or indirectly to Smart Sustainable Cities 2025. MDPI and its partners are not liable for any loss or inconvenience caused as a result of such cancellation.

Beware of unauthorized registration

Note that Sciforum is the only official registration platform for registering to Smart Sustainable Cities 2025. Beware that entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies can have costly consequences.


The organizers do not accept liability for personal accidents, losses, or damage to private property incurred as a result of participation in Smart Sustainable Cities 2025.

MDPI Conference Admissions Policy
  • Photographs and videos may be taken during the conference. Anyone attending the conference consents to such photography and filming without compensation and confirms that the organizers shall be entitled to use such photographs and videos, which may include photographs and videos of attendees, for the purpose of marketing the conference in the future and for exploitation in any and all media, without liability.
  • The Conference will be recorded, and the recording will be made available only to users with completed registrations. Please notify if you are a presenter and would like to exempt your presentation from the recording.

Payment methods

Wire transfer, Credit card

Currencies accepted by this event

Swiss francs (CHF) ,  Euros (EUR) ,  US dollars (USD) ,  Pounds sterling (GBP) ,  Japanese yen (JPY) ,  Canadian dollars (CAD) and Singapore dollars (SGD)

Instructions for Authors

Smart Sustainable Cities 2025 will accept abstracts only. The accepted abstracts will be available online on during and after the conference.
The conference will be held fully online; further meeting details will be announced. Please note that abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes. Please use your institutional email address for both processes.
To present your research at the event
  • Create an account on Sciforum if you do not have one and then click on ‘New Submission’ in the upper-right corner of the window; or, click on ‘Submit Abstract’ at the top of this webpage.
  • Choose a session that is best suited for your research.
  • Submit an abstract in English—the word limits are a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 300 words.
  • The deadline to submit your abstract is 3 December 2024. You will be notified about its acceptance by 10 January 2025.
  • Upon submission, you can select if you wish to be considered for oral or poster presentation (or both). Following assessment by the Chairs and Scientific Committee, you will be notified by 10 January 2025 whether your contribution has been accepted for oral or poster presentation.
  • Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by any of the authors, denoted as the Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. The Covering Author registration deadline is 24 January 2025. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.
Oral Presentations
Selected talks will be 15 minutes long, including questions (10-minute oral presentation + 5-minute Q&A). Invited speakers will have a 30-minute slot, including questions (25-minute oral presentation + 5-minute Q&A).
Please ensure that your slides are formatted in a widescreen (16:9) aspect ratio.
Poster Presentations
Your poster should be in the following format:

• Includes title, authors, contact details, and main findings of your research, as well as tables, figures, and graphs where necessary.
File format: PDF
Size in pixels: 1080 width x 1536 height—portrait orientation
Size in cm: 38,1 width x 54,2 height—portrait orientation
Font size: ≥16

Publication Opportunities
  • All accepted abstracts will be available online in Open Access form on during and after the conference.
  • Participants of this conference are cordially invited to contribute a full manuscript to the Special Issue in the journal Smart Cities, with a 20% discount on the publication fees.
  • Smart Cities is indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), Inspec, AGRIS, and other databases, and has an Impact Factor of 7.0 (Q1) and a 5-year Impact Factor of 6.1 (2024).

Conference Special Issue

A reminder to all our guests that participants of SSC 2025 are cordially invited to contribute a full manuscript to the conference's Special Issue in the journal Smart Cities, to be published after the event!

Smart Cities is indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, MEDLINE, PMC, Reaxys, Embase, CaPlus / SciFinder, MarinLit, AGRIS, and other databases, and has an Impact Factor of 7.0 (Q1) and a 5-Year Impact Factor of 6.1 (2024).

20% Discount on Publication Fees for Attendees of Smart Sustainable Cities 2025

Attendees are eligible for a 20% reduction in publication fees when submitting to the Special Issue.

Further information on the submission process will be detailed here shortly. Keep an eye out as well for communications about it from the Sciforum system and the SSC 2025 Secretariat!

Please note that other discounts will not be applicable after claiming the conference's fee reduction.

Reserve your Spot at the Conference Now

Attendees will only be able to access this special rate if they have a completed registration; register now to secure your spot at SSC 2025!

Please note that registration after the Registration Deadline will not be possible.

How to Use the Conference Platform

SSC 2025 will be held on the comprehensive online conference platform, ClickMeeting.

How do I Join the Conference?

Once you are registered for the conference, you will receive your personalized join link through email, with the subject Your online event invitation for "Smart Sustainable Cities 2025".

Joining the conference will be as easy as clicking the "Join" button and entering the password enclosed in the same email.

You can also join directly from the SSC 2025 main page you are on now—scroll up to find the SSC 2025 Conference Room (You will need to be logged in to an account with a completed registration to see it).

How Do I Set Up My Camera and Microphone?

After joining the event and choosing to use either the browser or app version of ClickMeeting, you will see the following screen:

  1. Select the correct video and audio device you want to use from the dropdown menu. The video device is your webcam, and the audio device is your microphone.

  2. Once your devices are correct, click the red camera and microphone buttons to turn on your camera and mic for testing.

What Are the Buttons on the Main Interface?

Here are some of the main features of the primary interface when you join the conference:

  1. Settings: This is where you are able to change your video and audio device if you become unmuted as an attendee.

  2. Reactions: You can raise your hand for a question, react with an emote, or indicate that you need assistance with something here.

  3. Chatbox: This is where you can chat with your fellow attendees, ask questions to the presenter, or reach out to the Organizing Team.

If you encounter any issues whatsoever, let the event staff know in the chat box!

When you are given speaker permissions (for example, when asking a question live or if it is your turn to present), the interface will change to give you new options. Important features of these are:

  1. Camera/Microphone: These buttons toggle your camera and microphone on or off, respectively.

  2. Share Screen: Click this to bring up a window where you select which application you would like to share to the audience; presenters will use this to share their presentations.

Presenters, always check to make sure your camera and mic aren't off!


Reserve your Spot at the Conference Now

Attendees will only be able to access the conference if they have a completed registration; register now to secure your spot at SSC 2025!

Abridged Program

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

9:00 – 17:45 CET (Check-In: 8:30 CET)

Thursday, 6 March 2025

9:00 – 17:30 CET

Friday, 7 March 2025

9:00 – 12:45 CET

Please note that the program is subject to change.

5 March 2025
6 March 2025
7 March 2025

Opening Ceremony
S4. Infrastructure
(Part 2) & S2. Urban Operations (Part 1)
S5. Community
(Part 2) & S3. Mobility
(Part 1)
S1. Digital
(Part 1)
Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
S1. Digital
(Part 2)
S2. Urban Operations
(Part 2)
S3. Mobility
(Part 2)
Lunch Break Lunch Break Awards and Closing Ceremony
S1. Digital (Part 3) S2. Urban Operations (Part 3) Lunch & Networking Session

Poster Session A

Poster Session B

Coffee Break Coffee Break
S4. Infrastructure (Part 1) S5. Community
(Part 1)

Detailed Program

Kindly note:
    • All times are in CET.
    • Presentations will be screen-shared to attendees from your own device.
    • The Meeting will be recorded, and the recording will be made available only to users with completed registrations to SSC 2025. Please notify us at if you would like to exempt your presentation from the recording.

Day 1 — Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Opening Ceremony
09:15–10:00 Alex Papacharalampous
Keynote Speaker
Mass Transit—Modern Solutions and Post-modern Problems

S1. Digital (Part 1)

10:00–10:15 Juan Hernandez Explorations and a Framework of Smart Building and City Integration Systems
10:15–10:45 Ramón Sánchez Iborra
Invited Speaker
Smart Campuses as Multidisciplinary Testbeds for Smart Cities: Opportunities and Success Stories
Coffee Break

S1. Digital (Part 2)

11:00–11:30 Miguel Pincheira
Invited Speaker
AgriClima: Evaluating Data Spaces with Pontus-X for Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Smart Cities
11:30–11:45 Claudia Abbas Revolutionizing Waste Management: The Smart Autonomous Electronic Trash Bin Initiative
11:45–12:00 Juan Manuel Núñez Velasco Edge Aiot-Based Monitoring and Optimization System to Improve Efficiency in Photovoltaic Generation Systems
12:00–12:15 Pavel Kogut Using a Local Digital Twin to build a Positive Energy District in Aarhus
12:15–12:30 Jorge Herrera Santos Smart Water IoT Monitoring System for Domestic Consumption Optimization Using Edge AI
Lunch Break

S1. Digital (Part 3)

13:30–14:00 Bálint Molnár
Invited Speaker
Enterprise Architecture for Smart Cities Considering Distributed Ledger and Information Technology Including AI
14:00–14:15 María Verónica Alderete Do Smart Cities Help Drive Economic Growth in Latin American Countries?
14:15–14:30 Tom Narock Predicting Urban Heat Islands With Uncertainty Estimation Using a Community Sensor Network and Machine Learning

Poster Session A

Coffee Break and Poster Session Q&A

S4. Infrastructure (Part 1)

16:30–17:00 Carlos Chang
Invited Speaker
An Infrastructure Management Humanistic Approach for Smart Cities Development, Evolution, and Sustainability
17:00–17:30 Carlos Gershenson
Invited Speaker
Cybernetic Cities: Designing and Controlling Adaptive and Robust Urban Systems
17:30–17:45 Ferial Ahmadi Estimating Electrical Energy Generation in Urban Spaces Using Piezoelectric Materials: Insights from a Qualitative Study

Day 2 — Thursday, 6 March 2025

S4. Infrastructure (Part 2)

09:00–09:30 Zhen Chen
Invited Speaker
Smart Cities: Policies, Digital Twins, and Project Management
09:30–09:45 Chandana Parida Evaluating the Cooling Effects of Urban Parks to Mitigate Urban Heat Islands in Bhubaneswar, India: Insights for Tropical Mid-Sized Cities
09:45–10:00 Leiron Mark De Guzman Smart House: An Innovative and Green Design of a Single-Storey Residence in Dasmarinas City, Philippines
10:00–10:15 Narinjanahary Andriamananjatovo Vegetation Dynamics in Antananarivo Over the 21st Century

S2. Urban Operations (Part 1)

10:15–10:45 Marialaura Di Somma
Invited Speaker
Planning and operating Integrated Local Energy Communities for a successful energy transition
10:45–11:00 Anisa Azharunnisa Vulnerability Assessment of Urban Flooding in Emergent Cities: A case of Bhubaneswar city
Coffee Break

S2. Urban Operations (Part 2)

11:15–11:45 Sergio Gambacorta
Invited Speaker
Building Smart and Sustainable Cities: Energy Efficiency, Decarbonization, and Platformization Leveraging Data and Digital Technologies
11:45–12:00 João Carlos Bittencourt Data-driven Urban Vulnerability Assessment in Smart Cities
12:00–12:15 Mufeed Ehsan Revitalizing Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development in Old Cities
12:15–12:30 Rafsana Yeamin Waste to Opportunity: Decentralizing Waste Management Systems in Urban Areas through Social Enterprise Models
Lunch Break

S2. Urban Operations (Part 3)

13:30–13:45 Nahin Iqbal Chowdhury Transforming Gabtoli: A Model for Multimodal Transit in Rapidly Growing Cities
13:45–14:00 A Myat Aging Buildings to Net-Zero Buildings: Retrofitting Parametric Intelligence for Smart Cities
14:00–14:15 Sai Manoj Simhadri Developing Resource-efficient Nitrogen Removal Systems for Urban Wastewaters
14:15–14:30 Veera Gnaneswar Gude Sustainable Cities—Wastewater Circular Economy for Resilient and Climate-focused Urban Systems


Poster Session B

Coffee Break and Poster Session Q&A

S5. Community (Part 1)

16:30–17:00 Albano Carrera González
Invited Speaker
The Importance of Data in City Development
17:00–17:15 Kevin Geng Cross-Sectional Industrialization Factors’ Contribution to Heatwave Risk Classification
17:15–17:30 Sofia Shwayri Seoul’s Smart City Evolution: Citizen-Centric Approaches and Global Leadership

Day 3 — Friday, 7 March 2025

S5. Community (Part 2)

09:00–09:30 Martin de Jong
Invited Speaker
09:30–09:45 Hussaen Kahachi Decision Making for Future Cities: A Review of Factors, Stakeholders, Phases, and Mechanisms for Sustainable Development
09:45–10:00 Sudha Panda Understanding the Role of Built Up Density in Creating Urban Heat Islands: A Decadal Study of Bhubaneswar City

S3. Mobility (Part 1)

10:00–10:30 Tiago Pinto
Invited Speaker
How Artificial Intelligence is Leveraging the Future of Urban Green Mobility
10:30–10:45 Shahriar Iqbal Raj Transit-Oriented Development in Dhaka: Enhancing Urban Mobility and Infrastructure at Kazipara Metro Station
Coffee Break

S3. Mobility (Part 2)

11:00–11:15 Thomas Anthony Cabredo Ortiz Smartphone Sensing for Road Anomaly Detection in Bicycle Transportation
11:15–11:30 Stathis Devves Assessing the Future Energy Demand of Greece’s Transportation Sector
11:30–11:45 Paul Adeke Commuters’ Perception of Travel Impedances and Management Strategies in Makurdi Metropolis amidst Fuel Price Increase
11:45–12:30 Francisco Luis Benítez
Keynote Speaker
Designing a new concept of Smart Cities based on Digital Twins
Awards Ceremony and Closing Remarks
Lunch and Networking

Poster Sessions

Kindly note:
    • Posters will be screen-shared to attendees from your own device.
    • Poster Presenters will have their own timeslot to present their posters to the audience during the Poster Session, with Q&A opportunities every few posters.
    • Posters will be displayed shortly on this page to only users with completed registrations to the conference; please send your poster presentations to
    • Please check the List of Posters below for your specific presentation time during your Poster Session.
Poster Session A
Posters: A1 – A14
Wednesday, 5 March 2025 | 14:30–16:00 CET

Poster Session B
Posters: B1 – B13
Thursday, 6 March 2025 | 14:30–16:00 CET

Please ensure that your poster abides by the following guidelines:

• Includes title, authors, contact details, and main findings of your research, as well as tables, figures, and graphs where necessary.
Size in pixels: 1080 width x 1536 height—portrait orientation
Size in cm: 38,1 width x 54,2 height—portrait orientation
Font size: ≥16

The session for each poster, along with the poster numbers, titles, and presenting author, can be found below. Please contact us if there are any details for your presentation that need to be changed (last updated on 20 February 2025).

Click on the icon below to view and download the List of Posters.

Book of Abstracts

To view this content, you need to be logged in to Sciforum platform and registered to this specific event.

Event Awards

In order to recognize the works presented during the conference in the format of posters and presentations, two awards will be offered to our conference participants. The Awardees will be announced during the Award Ceremony on the last day of the conference.

The award winners will be selected by the Selection Committee after evaluation of all selected talks and posters presented at the conference.

We will be offering the following two awards to our conference attendees:

The Awards

Best Oral Presentation Award

Number of Awards Available: 1
Prize: CHF 500

Best Poster Award

Number of Awards Available: 1
Prize: CHF 400

Sponsors and Partners

Want to showcase your brand to a diverse audience of professionals? We invite you and your company to become a vital part of SSC 2025! From branding in highly visible conference materials and events to an exclusive presentation opportunity, there's sure to be a sponsorship package tailored to your needs.

Find all the information you need in our Sponsorship Agenda by clicking the button below. If you have any questions or wish to discuss any further options, please do not hesitate to contact the Conference Secretariat. Connect with us today to secure your spot and maximize your impact!

Society Collaboration

Are you part of a society and interested in SSC 2025? Contact us at to discuss a media partnership where your society members can access a 20% discount on all registration fees!



Partnering Societies
