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Modeling of acetylene pyrolysis under vacuum carburizing conditions of steel in a tubular flow reactor
* , , ,
1  Engler Bunte Institute,University of Karlsruhe,76131-Karlsruhe, Germany

Abstract: In the present work, the pyrolysis of acetylene was studied under the conditions of vacuum carburizing of steel in a tubular °ow reactor. The pyrolysis temperature ranges from 650oC to 1050o C . The partial pressure of acetylene in the feed mixture was 10 mbar and 20 mbar respectively while the rest of the mixture consisted of nitrogen. The total pressure of the mixture was 1.6 bar. A kinetic mechanism which consists of 7 species and 9 reactions has been used in the commercial CFD code Fluent. Species transport and reaction model of Fluent was used in the simulations.The comparison of simulations and experimental results is presented in this paper.
Keywords: Acetylene, Pyrolysis, Modeling, Simulation, Carburizing
