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Development of jaw controlled wireless navigation governing system for wheelchair to empower person with impaired upper limb
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1  Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, India
Academic Editor: Cosimo Trono


The central focus of this work is to implement an effective and cost-friendly wheelchair motion control system for individuals with impaired upper body movements by utilizing the mandibular movement of an individual. The initial part of the system is the signal-gathering system that is built of two functional blocks, the magnet and sensing block. A magnet is affixed to the inferior region of the user's mandible, and the sensing block, which incorporates two static HMCL 5883L sensors, quantifies the magnetic field intensity modulated by the magnet's displacement. The processing unit deciphers these sensor signals to ascertain the wheelchair's trajectory, while the mechanical unit effects the movement directives. The methodology is embedding the HMCL 5883L sensor into the microcontroller to detect the required motion for the wheelchair. The HMCL 5883L sensors are incorporated to identify each change in the orientation of the magnet. HMCL 5883L is a sophisticated and budget technology. In order to trace the magnet in the user’s jaw region, the sensor partitions the magnet’s strength’s path into three hypothetical axes. The magnet’s configuration in the mandibular region won’t create any unease, and a user jaw action isn’t something new that requires a certain level. This development empowers the mobility of patients with Quadriplegia and because of the device’s smaller footprint and feasible modules, it infuse sustainable development and availability.

Keywords: Mandibular; Wheelchair; Jaw; HMCL 5883L; Upper body