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Synthesis of functionalized biaryls using iminophosphorane palladacycles as Suzuki catalysts
* , , , , , ,
1  University of Santiago de Compostela, Department of Inorganic Chemistry


The Suzuki-Miyaura cross coupling reaction is a very powerful tool for making of C–C bonds from organic halides and organoboron compounds [1]. This reaction, for which palladacycles have shown great catalytic activity [2] is widely employed in academic laboratories as well as in pharmaceutical industries to synthesize organic compounds or drugs such as Losartan [3], an antihypertensive medicine.

Iminophosphoranes are organic compounds of general composition R3P=NR and can be used as in coordination and in organometallic chemistry [4]. The aim of this work is to study the catalytic activity of new palladium organometallic compounds derived from iminophosphorane ligands.


[1] N. Miyaura, K. Yamada, A. Suzuki; Tetrahedron Letters, 1979, 20, 3437 

[2] W.A. Herrmann, C. Brobmer, K. Öfele, C.-P. Reisinger, T. Priermeier, M. Beller, H. Fischer; Angew. Chem., 1995, 107, 1989

[3] Smith, G. B.; Dezeny, G. C.; Hughes, D. L.; King, A. O.; Verhoeven, T. R. J. Org. Chem. 1994, 59, 8151.

[4] Pingrong Wei, Katie T. K. Chan and Douglas W. Stephan; Dalton Trans., 2003, 3804


We wish to thank the financial support received from the Xunta de Galicia (Galicia, Spain) under the Grupos de Referencia Competitiva Programme Projects GRC2015/009.

Keywords: Iminophosphorane, catalysis, Suzuki, palladacycle, organometallic