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Water Webinar | Sewage Screening as an Early Outbreak Alert Tool and SARS-Covid-2 Fate in the Aquatic Environment

9 Jul 2020, 00:00

SARS-Covid-2, Sewage Screening, Aquatic Environment
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1st Webinar on Water Series - an Open Access Journal

Sewage Screening as an Early Outbreak Alert Tool and Sars-Covid-2 Fate in the Aquatic Environment

This scientific webinar aims to share and discuss the latest findings on Sars-Covid-2 in the aquatic environment and, particularly, in wastewater and recreational waters. Fecal-oral transmission has been already demonstrated for the new Coronavirus, but very little is known on the role of sewage as a pool for viral RNA or for intact viral infectious particles. Moreover, one of the potential ways to reach the aquatic environment is through the discharge of both treated and untreated urban sewage, but we are far from understanding how the viral genetic information may disseminates within the aquatic system. As the summer period in the Northern Hemisphere approaches, the potential risk in recreational waters (inland and costal) should be mastered.

Chair: Prof. Dr. Adriano A. Bordalo

Date & Time: 9 July 2020 16:00 pm (CEST) | 10:00 am (EDT) | 10:00 pm (CST Asia)

Webinar ID: 862 9233 3117

Webinar Secretariat:

The following experts will present and speak:

Prof. Dr. Adriano A. Bordalo Dr. Erica Gaddis Dr. Jennifer Weidhass Prof. Dr. Jim VanDerslice

Prof. Dr. Adriano A. Bordalo

Dr. Erica Gaddis

Dr. Jennifer Weidhaas

Prof. Dr. James VanDerslice

Prof. Dr. Adriano A. Bordalo is an Associate Professor with 40 years of experience in the field of Environmental Microbiology (including bacteriology, virology and parasitology), Clinical Chemistry and Public Health. He has published over 130 peer reviewed papers and book chapters on different fields of Life and Health Sciences. He has served as a scientific consultant in West and East Africa, and in universities in Eastern Europe, and Central and SE Asia.

Dr. Erica Gaddis is the Director of the Utah Division of Water Quality and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Utah. She has worked in the water resources and water quality sector for 15 years with 10 peer reviewed publications relating to the interface between science and policy.

Dr. Jennifer Weidhaas is an Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering at the University of Utah in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She has 15 years of experience in environmental microbiology and waterborne pathogen detection and 16 peer reviewed publications in this research area.

Prof. Dr. James VanDerslice is a Professor in the Division of Public Health, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of Utah. He is an environmental epidemiologist who has focused on water quality, fecal-oral disease transmission and surveillance of environmental diseases. In previous work he has used sampling human wastes in latrines as a means of assessing community infections with antibiotic-resistant enteric organisms.


The webinar will start at 16:00 pm (CEST) and last maximum 2 hours:



Prof. Dr. Adriano A. Bordalo

Introduction: "SARS-Covid-2 in the Aquatic Environment - What We Know so Far"

16:00 pm (CEST)

Dr. Erica Gaddis

"Use of Wastewater Surveillance in Utah's Coordinated Response to COVID-19"

16:20 pm (CEST)

Dr. Jennifer Weidhass

"Methods for Assessing SARS-CoV-2 Through Wastewater Epidemiology"

16:40 pm (CEST)

Prof. Dr. James VanDerslice

"Trends in SARS-CoV-2 RNA in Wastewater with COVID-19 Disease in Utah"

17:00 pm (CEST)


17:20 pm (CEST)


In order to attend the webinar, please register by clicking on the button below.

This is a FREE webinar. The number of participants to the live session is limited but the recording will be made available on Sciforum shortly afterwards. Registrations with academic institutional email addresses will be prioritized. People can send in their questions by email to

Webinar Content

The 1st webinar of Water Series - Sewage Screening as an Early Outbreak Alert Tool and Sars-Covid-2 Fate in the Aquatic Environment, held on July 9, 2020 and was chaired by Prof. Dr. Adriano Bordalo was a success. With over 250 enrolled from all over the world, the 4 presenters went deep into a subject of extreme importance, to be used as an early alert tool in the wake of a second SARS-CoV-2.

The SARS-Covid-2 pandemic has fostered a unanimous response from the scientific community to find answers regarding the origin, the dissemination and the possible early detection of this virus, in order to control its spread. Fecal-oral transmission has been already demonstrated for the new Coronavirus, but very little is known on the role of sewage as a pool for viral RNA or for intact viral infectious particles, and how the presence of these particles can influence the development of new infection cases. In this webinar, the topic of wastewater epidemiology as a valid approach to tackle these problems will be covered.

Prof. Dr. Adriano Bordalo introduced the topic with his presentation "SARS-Covid-2 in the Aquatic Environment - What We Know so Far". Dr. Erica Gaddis followed with a presentation on the "Use of Wastewater Surveillance in Utah's Coordinated Response to COVID-19". After her, Dr. Jennifer Weidhaas presented her research on "Methods for Assessing SARS-CoV-2 Through Wastewater Epidemiology". Prof. Dr. James VanDerslice was the final speaker and discussed about ‘"Trends in SARS-CoV-2 RNA in Wastewater with COVID-19 Disease in Utah". All presentations were followed by a discussion and Q&A session moderated by the chair.

The webinar was offered via Zoom and required registration to attend. The full recording can be found below.

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