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  • 68 Reads
Open Peer Review in Life
Published: 27 January 2015 by MDPI in 1st Electronic Conference of MDPI Editors-in-Chief session Running a Journal
Life introduced open peer review in 2014. The linked presentation is an editorial published at providing an introduction. An accompanying blog post can be found at, and the first paper published with open peer review at Since then, the authors of 19 out of 59 papers have opted to have the review reports published, although only a small number of reviewers agree to identify themselves with the published review reports.
  • Open access
  • 61 Reads
Approaches to Peer Review
Published: 28 January 2015 by MDPI in 1st Electronic Conference of MDPI Editors-in-Chief session Running a Journal
Peer review is the most widely accepted model for setting a threshold of published scholarly material. With the move to digital publishing, it has come under attack with suggestions that it is 'broken', overloading reviewers and possibly no longer fit for purpose. This presentation discusses the challenges for peer review and some emerging new models. Ultimately, we may need to take a step back to ask what peer review is for and how these aims can best be achieved.
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