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2016 The 2nd International Conference on Inventions, Kenting, Taiwan

30 September–3 October 2016, Kenting, Taiwan
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Welcome from the Chairs

2016 The 2nd International Conference on Inventions

30 September–3 October 2016, Kenting, Taiwan

Organized by


ICCPE2016 & ICI 2016 Photo Gallery

Welcome from the Conference Chair

It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend the 2nd International Conference on INVENTIONS (ICI) which is initiated by a newly established international journal INVENTIONS in MDPI.

The aims and scope of the 2016 international conference on Inventions is to make researchers focus on patent based researches. An invention is a solution to a specific technological problem and is an improvement upon a machine or product, or a new process for creating an object or a result, which also could achieve a completely unique function or a radical breakthrough. However there is a very thin line between brilliant innovation and absolute failure, as some of these inventors famously found out or even face with the problems of insufficient funds. Therefore patent based researches are a form that offering a way to apprehend the ideas and advance on the projects immediately, rapidly by the successful, practical results of predecessors. We expect the conference to be a platform for successful patent inventors to share their experiences in inventing with all participants. At the same time, the conference also aims to gather and show high quality papers concerning the discovery of completely unique functions or results while even go further to advance the frontiers of science and extends the standards of excellence established by Inventions to readers. With many discussions based in patent, no matter the conference or Inventions would inspire more in all levels.

The benefits of 2016 International Conference on Inventions:

  1. Help authors to evaluate their technology license fees, based on the valuation theory and the approaches using Qcount: Intangible Asset Valuation System.
  2. Be a platform for successful patent inventors to share their experiences in inventing with all participants.
  3. Provide the lecture and the planning tutorship of innovation, invention and start up with professional consultants and consultation.
  4. Help authors to showcase their patents and technologies on a network transaction platform.

The Conference Proceedings will be sent for EI index. Furthermore, excellent papers will be recommended to journals after the chosen papers are extended and processed through at least two reviewers.

We plan to publish the selected papers of this conference in the following journals:

  1. Inventions
  2. Applied Sciences

The selected papers in ICI 2016 can also obtain 20% discount publication fee for journal Materials and 10% discount publication fee for journal Sensors, and the peer review process will be organized and managed by MDPI.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the 2nd international conference on Inventions at Kenting, Taiwan from September 30 to October 3, 2016.

Conference Chairs

Professor Shoou-Jinn Chang
Institute of Microelectronics & Department of Electrical Engineering, Center for Micro/Nano Science and Technology, Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan

Professor Jin Huang Huang
Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Professor Chien-Hung Liu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, 250 Kuo Kuang Rd., Taichung 402, Taiwan

Prof.Cheng-Chi Wang
Graduate Institute of Precision Manufacturing, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan

Conference Chairs




[Not defined]


[Not defined]


[Not defined]


Instructions for Authors

1. The official language for the conference is English.
2. Authors have to submit the abstract first through the online abstract submission system before 1 Jul. 2016
3. Upon acceptance, authors will be required to submit full paper before 1 Aug. 2016. The length of the full paper is limited to 2 or 4 pages including figures, tables and references.
4. Authors will be required to register their papers before 1 Aug. 2016.
5. Only abstract of the registered paper will be published in the conference proceedings.
  • Please write the manuscript according to the "Full paper template" before 1 August 2016.
  • Length of the full papers is limited to 2 or 4 pages.
  • The template package for the full papers: ( Click )

Sponsors and Partners


Keynote Speaker


Keynote Speaker
   Title: Ultrasensitive superresolution microscopy
   Prof. Takayoshi Kobayashi
   Advanced Ultrafast Laser Research Center
   The University of Electro-Communications, Japan  
     Chair Professor of
  • National Chiao-Tung University

     Specially appointed professor of
  • University of Electro-Communications

     Membership of
  • Optical Society of America
  • American Physical Society
  • American Chemical Society
  • Physical Society of Japan
  • Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Chemical Society of Japan
  • Spectroscopy Society of Japan

  • Outstanding Visiting Professor of Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai Institute of Optic’s and Fine Mechanics in Shanghai, 2011
  • Humboldt Award, Outstanding Research in the Development of Ultrashort Pulse Laser and Ultrafast Processes in Molecules, 2011
  • The Chemical Society of Japan Award, 2012
  • Fellow of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2013
  • Senior Member of the Optical Society of America, 2015
  • Fellow of the Laser Society of Japan, 2015
     Main research activities:
  • Ultrafast and nonlinear optical processes
  • Quantum optics
  • Quantum photobiology


Keynote Speaker
   Title:Microgrid Technologies – Research Projects and Challenges in Maritime Power Systems
   Prof. Josep M. Guerrero
   Department of Energy Technology
   Aalborg Universitet, Denmark  
     Editor for

     Associate Editor for
  • IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine

  • The best paper award of the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2014-2015
  • Awarded by Thomson Reuters as Highly Cited Researcher, 2014-2015
  • Elevated as IEEE Fellow for the contributions on “Distributed Power Systems and Microgrids”
     Main research activities:
     Energy, Microgrids.
     In details:
  • Coordinated and cooperative control of Microgrids: droop control, virtual impedances.
  • Hierarchical control of Microgrids: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary control layers.
  • DC Microgrids and DC electrical distribution systems.
  • Power Quality in Microgrids: harmonics, unbalance, flickers.
  • Communications in Microgrids


Keynote Speaker
   Dr. Ronggui Yang
   Department of Mechanical Engineering
   University of Colorado at Boulder, USA  
  • S.P. Chip and Lori Johnson Faculty Fellow for 2013-2017
  • The Sanders Faculty Fellow for 2008-2012
  • The member of ASME
  • The Vice Chair (2012-2014) and the upcoming Chair (2014-2016) of the Nanoengineering for Energy and Sustainability (NEES) Steering Committee of ASME Nanoengneering Council
  • The founding Vice Chair of the K-9 Technical Committee on Nanoscale Thermal Transport of ASME Heat Transfer Division.

  • ASME Bergles-Rohsenow Young Investigator Award in Heat Transfer, 2010
  • An NSF CAREER Award, 2009
  • The MIT Technology Review’s TR35 Award
  • The DARPA Young Faculty Award, 2008
  • The Goldsmid Award for Research Excellence in Thermoelectrics, 2005
  • A NASA Tech Brief Award for a Technical Innovation, 2004
     Main research activities:
     In details:
  • The fundamentals of nanoscale transport phenomena (thermal, electrical, thermoelectric, phase-change)
  • The applications of micro/nanotechnologies for energy conversion, storage and thermal management.


Keynote Speaker
   Title: Metal particle manipulation by laser irradiation in glasses

   Prof. Hirofumi HIDAI
   Department of Mechanical Engineering
   Chiba University, JAPAN

  • Chef secretary in Manufacturing & Machine Tool Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (2016-)
  • Board member in The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology (2015-) 

  • JSPE Best Paper Award (2015) from The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
  • Best Paper Award (2014) from Machine Tool Engineering Foundation
  • JSPE Best Paper Award (2013) from The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
  • JSAT Young Researcher Award (2012) from The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology
  • JSAT Paper Award (2010) from The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology
  • JSPE Award (2002) from The Japan Society for Precision Engineering

    Main research activities:
    Laser machining, Micromachining
    In details:

  • Particle manipulation by laser irradiation in glasses
  • Laser drilling
  • Fabrication of patterns by laser photopolymerization



Program Co-Chairmen

Prof. Chin-Chia Liu, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Prof. Ming-Tsang Lee, National Chung Hsiung University, Taiwan
Prof. Chi-Fan Liu, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Prof. Yu-Bin Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Prof. Liang Gong, China University of Pe, China

Technical Committee Chairmen

Prof. Chih-Jer Lin, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Prof. Huei-Chu Weng, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
Prof. Her-Terng Yau, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan
Dr. Hau-Wei Lee, Chiuan Yan Technology Co., Ltd., Taiwan
Prof. Tao-Hsing Chen, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan

Program Committee

Prof. Young-Long Chen, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Prof. Yunn-Lin Hwang, National Formosa University, Taiwan
Prof. Yu-Jen Hsiao, National Nano Device Laboratories, Taiwan
Prof. Si-Yu Li , National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Prof. Jia-Yang Juang, National Taiwan University,Taiwan
Prof. Ming-Chang Lu, National Chiao Tung University,Taiwan
Prof. Seung Hwan Ko, Seoul National University, Korea
Prof. Hojeong Jeon, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Prof. Ichiro Ueno, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Prof. Nico Hotz , Duke University, USA
Prof. Renkun Chen, University of California, USA
Prof. Chuanhua Duan, Boston University, USA
Prof. Heng Pan, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Prof. Coleman Kronawitter, Princeton University, USA
Prof. Irfan Jamil,Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China
Prof. Steven. D. Prior, University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Hongying Meng, Brunel University, UK
Prof. Liang Pan, Purdue University, USA
Prof. David T.W. Lin, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Prof. Josep M. Guerrero, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Prof. Ping-Hei Chen, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Prof. Jo-Shu Chang, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Prof. Chun-Liang Lin, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
Prof. Oronzio Manca, The Second University of Naples, Italy
Prof. Ruey-Shin Juang, Chang Gung University, Kwei-Shan, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Dr. Stefano Mariani, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Prof. Junyong Zhu, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, USA
Prof. Chi-Chang Wang, Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Prof. Jung-Chou Hung, Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Prof. Hao-Ting Lin, Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Prof. Hsin-Shu Peng, Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Prof. Ruei-Hung Hsu, Bachelor's Program in Precision System Design, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Prof. Yu-Ting Tsai, Bachelor's Program in Precision System Design, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Prof. Chung-De Chen, Bachelor's Program in Precision System Design, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Prof. Ying-Chih Lai, Bachelor's Program in Precision System Design, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Dr. Chih-Wen Chang, National Center for High-Performance Computing, Taiwan

VIP Guests


Prof. Takayoshi Kobayashi

The University of Electro-Communications

Prof. Josep M. Guerrero

Aalborg Universitet

Prof. Oronzio Manca

The Second University of Naples

Prof. Ronggui Yang

S.P. Chip and Lori Johnson Faculty Fellow

University of Colorado at Boulder

Prof. Shoou-Jinn Chang

Optical and Microwave Device Lab

National Cheng Kung University

Dr. Tony Wang

General Manager

SPINTECH Precision Machinery CO.,LTD

Dr. Shu-Kun Lin

Publisher of MDPI journals

President of MDPI

MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Prof. Wen-Yuh Jywe

President of National Formosa University

Prof. Jenq-Shyong Chen

Professor of National Chung Cheng University and National Chung Hsing University

Prof. Chao-Kuang Chen

Emeritus Professor & Chair Professor of National Cheng Kung University


Dr. Hung-Sheng Chiu

Director of Institute for Information Industry


Prof. Che-Wun Hong

Green Energy and Quantum Engineering Lab

Prof. Chin Pan

Convener of Energy Program, Ministry of Science and Technology

Boiling Heat Transfer and Multiphase Flow Lab

National Tsing Hua University

Prof. Chi-Chuan Wang

National Chiao Tung University

Energy and Thermal Management Lab

Prof. Chun-Liang Lin

Bioinformatic Computing & Control Lab

National Chung-Hsing University

Prof. Jyh-Horng Chou

Intelligent Automation Lab

National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Ping-Hei Chen

National Taiwan University

Prof. Jo-Shu Chang

Energy/Environment Biotechnology & Biochemical Engineering Lab

National Cheng Kung University

Prof. Sen-Yung Lee

National Cheng Kung University

Prof. David. T.W. Lin

System Optimization Lab

National University of Tainan

Prof. Woei-Shyan Lee

Dynamic Impact Lab

National Cheng Kung University

Prof. Ping-Shan Lai

Nanobio Lab

National Chung Hsing University

Huann-Ming Chou

Kun Shan University

Prof. Jin Huang Huang

Feng Chia University

Prof. Zone-Ching Lin

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Prof. Te-Hua Fang

National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Hsin-Her Yu

National Formosa University

Prof. Cheng-Kuo Sung

Precision Transmission Lab
National Tsing Hua University

Free/Optional Tour

Excursion Schedule October 2, 2016

Kenting National Park

Kenting National Park is located at the southern tip of Taiwan. With warm climate, pleasant scenery, and easy access, it is one of the most popular resorts, attracting millions of both domestic and foreign tourists every year.<More>

Optional Tour

Excursion Schedule October 3-5, 2016

Alishan National Scenic Area

Alishan is blessed with bountiful natural resources, such as sun rise views, a sea of clouds and old forests. Especially as a popular folk song goes, Alishan has amazed people with its “lush green mountains and deep blue waters.” No matter in spring, summer, autumn or winter, visitors can expect to appreciate some of its beauty. For years, Alishan has been famous for its historical forest railway and indigenous tribes, too.<More>

Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake is the largest body of water in Taiwan as well as a tourist attraction. Situated in Yuchi Township, Nantou County, the area around the Sun Moon Lake is home to the Thao tribe, one of aboriginal tribes in Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake surrounds a tiny island called Lalu. The east side of the lake resembles a sun while the west side resembles a moon, hence the name.<More>


Invited session

Technical papers on the aspects related to (but not limited to) those in the topics of interest are invited for oral presentation. The program committee encourages the submission of invited sessions with at least six manuscripts on a well-defined subject of current interest. If you are interested in it, please email us the title of the session, the name and full contact details of the session organizer, and a list of the proposed session contributions, including titles, authors, and corresponding author of each paper. All papers in invited sessions will be subject to review and assessment by the program committee.

Application form for the invited session: ( Click )

Online Registration & Payment

Registration Fees & Online Payment

*Full registration-I
13,650 NTD/ 430 USD
2670 RMB/ 400 EUR
For standard author
*Full registration-II
20,580 NTD/ 648 USD
4026 RMB/ 603 EUR
For standard author, includes Technical visit & Communication on Saturday
Additional Paper(s)
10,500 NTD/ 365 USD
2280 RMB/ 340 EUR
For standard author
Accompanying person
(Banquet, Lunches, and Coffee breaks only)
6,000 NTD/ 190 USD / 1200 RMB / 176 EUR

Registration Cancellation and Refund:
Please contact us no later than 30 August, 2016, to cancel your registration for the ICI2016. For cancellations made by 30 August, 2016, your registration fee will be refunded less a 2,100 NTD (70USD) cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations made after 30 August, 2016.

1. Only one paper is included in the full registration.
2. Full registration includes:attendance at all scientific sessions, banquet (one meal), lunches (two meals), coffee breaks, conference bag and/or conference accessories, and conference proceeding
3. Additional Papers do not include banquet, lunches, and conference proceedings.

1. You won't be charged any service fee when you pay through the paypal.
2. If you have ever received any notification of failure payment, it may be FISHING LETTER ON NET. Please don't click on the link in the email and contact with your credit card issuing bank at the same time.
3. ICI2016 will email you the notification when we received your payment.

For Taiwanese Authors
Online Registration
Paper ID & Title of Manuscript
Corresponding author and Email
For Foreign Authors
Online Registration
Paper ID & Title of Manuscript
Corresponding author and Email

Online Registration
Paper ID & Title of Manuscript
Corresponding author and Email


Contact information

Conference secretary

Ms. Huang

Tel: (+886)-4-2284-0542#153

Email: or 

Transportation Information

Transportation Information

Arrived at Sungshan International Airport:

  • Please transfer to Taipei Main Station from Taipei Mass Rapid Transit (MRT).
Single fare: 25 NTD

  • Then, please take Taiwan High Speed Rail(THSR) from Taipei Station to Zuoying Station.
The journey by Taiwan High Speed Rail(THSR) from Taipei Station to Zuoying Station takes approximately 2 hours.

  • Bus : Kaohsiung to Kenting
Take Pingtung Bus, Kaohsiung Bus or King Bus from Kaohsiung International Airport, Kaohsiung Train Station or Chung Shan Freeway to Kenting.

  • Airport Express to Kenting (Kaohsiung International Airport - Kenting)
Please reserve shuttle service 2 days ahead of your hotel check-in date.
Meeting Point: In Kaohsiung International Airport, walk out form custom area, to your left.
Fare:NT $ 400 per person (one way ticket)
TEL:+886 8 7221292#274
PHONE:+ 886 9 36189899
Or see more for the Kenting-Kaohsiung Airport Express:
Services are subject to change without notice.
Taipei Mass Rapid Transit Route Map

Arrived at Taoyuan International Airport:

  • Please transfer to THSR Taoyuan Station from Taiwan High Speed Rail Shuttle Bus.
  • Then, please take Taiwan High Speed Rail(THSR) from Taoyuan Station to Zuoying Station.
    The journey by Taiwan High Speed Rail from Taoyuan station to Zuoying Station takes approximately 1.5 hours.

  • Bus : Kaohsiung to Kenting
    Take Pingtung Bus, Kaohsiung Bus or King Bus from Kaohsiung International Airport, Kaohsiung Train Station or Chung Shan Freeway to Kenting.
  • Airport Express to Kenting (Kaohsiung International Airport - Kenting)
Please reserve shuttle service 2 days ahead of your hotel check-in date.
Meeting Point: In Kaohsiung International Airport, walk out form custom area, to your left.
Fare:NT $ 400 per person (one way ticket)
TEL:+886 8 7221292#274
PHONE:+ 886 9 36189899
Or see more for the Kenting-Kaohsiung Airport Express:
Services are subject to change without notice.
Shuttle Bus Time Table

Arrived at Kaohsiung International Airport:

  • Kaohsiung International Airport.- THSR Zuoying Station - Kenting
Please transfer to Zuoying Station from Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit (MRT).
Single trip ticket: 50 NTD
  • The conference provide the shuttle bus service between THSR Zuoying Station and Howard Hotel.

  • Bus : Kaohsiung to Kenting
    Take Pingtung Bus, Kaohsiung Bus or King Bus from Kaohsiung International Airport, Kaohsiung Train Station or Chung Shan Freeway to Kenting.
  • Airport Express to Kenting (Kaohsiung International Airport - Kenting)
Please reserve shuttle service 2 days ahead of your hotel check-in date.
Meeting Point: In Kaohsiung International Airport, walk out form custom area, to your left.
Fare:NT $ 400 per person (one way ticket)
TEL:+886 8 7221292#274
PHONE:+ 886 9 36189899
Or see more for the Kenting-Kaohsiung Airport Express:
Services are subject to change without notice.
Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit Route Map

From Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) - Zuoying Station > The Howard Hotel, Kenting


  • The fastest way is to take the Kenting Express (No.9189) from Zuoying Station (THSR) exit 2 bus station to Kenting. It has less designated stops along the route.
  • Bus frequency: every 30 mins (start at 08:30 until 19:00)
  • Travel time: about 2 hrs
  • Single trip ticket: 391 NTD


  1. Official Language
    The official language of ICCPE2016&ICI2016 is English. All presentations including Q&A will be delivered in English.
  2. Guideline for Participants
    1. Conference Venue
      Howard Beach Resort Kenting (
    2. Registration
      Time of Registration: 15:00PM ~ 18:30PM, Friday, Sep. 30th, 2016 (1F-Lobby)
      09:00AM~ 17:00PM, Saturday, Oct. 1st , 2016(1F-Lobby)
      09:00AM~ 17:00PM, Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 2016(1F-Lobby)
    3. Internet Service and International Telephone
      Computers with Internet Service at Conference Center are provided by Howard Beach Resort Kenting. Wireless is also free to use around the hotel.
    4. Conference Kit
      Conference kit, which contains final program, name badge, tickets for lunches, banquet and official receipt, will be provided to participants during check-in at the Registration/Information Desk on Friday, Sep. 30th.
  3. Guideline for Presenters
    1. The presenters and session chairs are asked to keep to the paper sequence as shown in the Final Program. By following this predefined schedule, participants can switch between sessions without missing the particular papers of interest.
    2. The presentation time for each presenter is 15 minutes including Q&A. The session chairs should allow the presenter for a 12minutes presentation and leave 3 minutes for discussions. All presenters are requested to report their attendance to the session chair 10 minutes before the session begins. If there are only 4-5 presenters in a session, then the session chair should allow the presenter for a 15minutes presentation and leave 3minutes for discussions.
    3. Notebook PCs and LCD projectors will be available in every session room. Presenters are encouraged to prepare their files in MS PowerPoint format on a USB and copy into the PC at session room before the session begins. Our session aids will assist the presenters to copy the file. If you wish to use your own notebook PC, please open the file before your presentation.
    4. For unexpected events that cannot be handled on the spot, you may request through session chairs, session aids or make a direct notification to the Conference Secretary Desk.
  4. Guideline for Posters
    Standard Poster Size: 50 cm (width) X 90 cm (length)


Kenting Howard Hotel:

Date Room Rate
September 30, 2016  Deluxe Twin Room   $3400 NTD ( Approx. 107USD) 
 Triple Room  $4100 NTD ( Approx. 129USD)
Quadruple $4800 NTD ( Approx. 150USD)
October 1, 2016 Deluxe Twin Room $6400 NTD ( Approx. 200USD)
Triple Room $7100 NTD ( Approx. 222USD)
Quadruple $7800 NTD ( Approx. 244USD)
October 2, 2016 Deluxe Twin Room $3400 NTD ( Approx. 107USD)
Triple Room $4100 NTD ( Approx. 129USD)
Quadruple $4800 NTD ( Approx. 150USD)


* Note:
˙Breakfast is included.
˙Rooms are limited and available on a first come first served basis.


The pdf file of agenda

About This Conference

About 2016 The 2nd International Conference on Inventions, Kenting, Taiwan
This conference is organized by Chien-Hung Liu. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.
2016 The 2nd International Conference on Inventions

Organized by


The aims and scope of the 2016 international conference on Inventions is to make researchers focus on patent based researches. An invention is a solution to a specific technological problem and is an improvement upon a machine or product, or a new process for creating an object or a result, which also could achieve a completely unique function or a radical breakthrough. However there is a very thin line between brilliant innovation and absolute failure, as some of these inventors famously found out or even face with the problems of insufficient funds. Therefore patent based researches are a form that offering a way to apprehend the ideas and advance on the projects immediately, rapidly by the successful, practical results of predecessors. We expect the conference to be a platform for successful patent inventors to share their experiences in inventing with all participants. At the same time, the conference also aims to gather and show high quality papers concerning the discovery of completely unique functions or results while even go further to advance the frontiers of science and extends the standards of excellence established by Inventions to readers. With many discussions based in patent, no matter the conference or Inventions would inspire more in all levels.

The benefits of 2016 International Conference on Inventions:

  1. Help authors to evaluate their technology license fees, based on the valuation theory and the approaches using Qcount: Intangible Asset Valuation System.
  2. Be a platform for successful patent inventors to share their experiences in inventing with all participants.
  3. Provide the lecture and the planning tutorship of innovation, invention and start up with professional consultants and consultation.
  4. Help authors to showcase their patents and technologies on a network transaction platform.

Conference Flyer

Conference Organizers


Conference Schedule

Important Dates for Deadline

Submission of Abstract
July 15,2016
August 15,2016
Notification of Acceptance
August 1~15,2016
Submission of Full Papers
August 15,2016
August 15,2016
* This event is managed by external organizers. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.