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Enhancing Forest Inventory with Cost-Effective Videogrammetry: A Case Study Using Insta360 Pro 2

Assessing the forest's capacity to mitigate climate change and enable multi-functional management strategies for biodiversity and ecosystem service provision requires vast knowledge about the forest on a large scale. Traditional forest inventory methods can be labor-intensive and lack detailed enough measurements for large forest areas. To enable scalable forest inventories, a reliable and replicable approach for estimating key forest features with minimal manual effort and maximum impact is needed.

While terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is considered the most precise method for generating point clouds in forestry, it can often be expensive and impractical for complex forest conditions, such as dense understory and steep slopes. In contrast, digital sensors like mass-produced cameras have become popular for data collection due to their availability and lightweight design. Additionally, videogrammetry, a method that creates 3D models from digital camera videos, has emerged as an efficient and low-cost approach for point cloud generation. However, its potential in the heterogeneous forest environment remains to be fully explored.

We propose a videogrammetry approach for reconstructing 3D point clouds in forest environments, leveraging a cost-effective and user-friendly Insta360 Pro 2 acquisition setup. This setup, incorporating six fish-eye cameras within a single camera body, allows the simultaneous capturing of six fish-eye videos and the complete coverage of a 360-degree field of view. Compared to more cumbersome alternatives, this setup simplifies and enhances data collection in various forest conditions.

We compared two videogrammetric approaches for building a point cloud in a forest environment using Insta360 Pro 2. The multi-rig approach, using videos from the six fish-eye lenses, outperformed the approach based on the stitched spherical video in reconstruction accuracy. While it required a longer computational time, the multi-rig system yielded a ground control point error of 2 mm, compared to 5 cm for the spherical point cloud, demonstrating its superiority.

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The Impact of Extreme Weather conditions on the forest dieback in the Polish Mountains

In the last decade (2011-2020), forests in the Sudetes Mts. (Poland) have shown a marked increase in the release of deadwood and an acceleration of the process of tree dieback. One of main tree species in the Sudetes is spruce, which quickly disappears from this area. The aim of the work was to determine the impact of climatic conditions on this process. The research used two measures characterizing the tree dieback process: the tree dieback intensity index and the tree species dieback intensity index. The following bioclimatic variables were used to estimate the impact of climatic conditions: air temperature, precipitation, hydrothermal Sielianinow index (HTC), forest aridity index (FAI), and the frequency of hurricane winds. Since 2015, there has been a very significant acceleration (10 times on average for the area) of tree dieback; the intensity coefficient of this process in 2015-2020 was several times higher than in 2011-2014. The greatest intensity of stand decay occurred 300-600 m above sea level, mainly coniferous species die, especially spruce, and to a lesser extent deciduous species. The intensification of the dieback process began after the extreme drought in August 2015. Another extreme spring–summer drought in 2018 and summer heat waves intensified this process. An additional factor weakening tree stands was the more frequent occurrence of strong winds (e.g., the hurricane ‘Grzegorz’ in 2018). The high volume of deadwood in 2017 and 2018 was augmented by quite a high volume of wind-broken and wind-fallen trees. These weather conditions constituted an important factor in the development of secondary pests. The weakened spruces were attacked by the bark beetles, the outbreak of which caused a massive dieback of spruce stands. In the last two years, mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. album) has become an increasing threat to forests in the Sudetes.

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Monitoring the biotic stressors in a Mediterranean Holm oak forest: outcomes of the project SpecFor
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Holm oak forests are currently a key element in the ecological and socio-economic sustainability of forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean area, but over the last few decades, extensive dieback and mortality episodes of Quercus ilex L. have been documented after severe drought events.

The project “SpecFor” focused on a typical Mediterranean forest ecosystem located along the southern coast of Tuscany (Parco Regionale della Maremma) where severe holm oak declines have recently been reported (Summer 2017). The goal is to develop an accurate and high-throughput framework for detecting forest damage and monitoring forest responses to biotic stresses based on the use of satellite imagery: hyperspectral and optical data.

A climatological analysis from 1950 to 2023 has been carried out, involving the analysis of temperature and precipitation variables extracted from the ERA5 Land dataset produced and distributed by ECMWF (Copernicus Climate Service). The climatological analysis allowed us to derive the anomaly time series of temperature and precipitation, both annual and monthly, and the most scientifically used drought index (SPEI—Standardised Precipitation--Evapotranspiration Index).

Three plots characterized by low, medium, or high degrees of three decline, were evaluated by phytopatological surveys (visual inspection and fungal identification by culturomic approach), and the ecological role of the fungal communities was investigated using Next-Generation Sequencing metabarcoding. Then, the assessment of forest health and tree growth was correlated with the vegetation index (NDVI) derived from satellite images. By combining advanced remote sensing techniques with traditional field methods and molecular analysis, the project aimed to develop a comprehensive approach to understanding the complex interactions between environmental factors, tree health, and fungal communities in Mediterranean Holm oak forests.

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Quantitative wood anatomy of Scots pine over 270 years in the foothills of the Western Sayan, Siberia

With the advancement of methods for measuring the cell anatomical structure of conifer tree rings, dendroecology now possesses a robust methodological arsenal for analyzing previously inaccessible information about environmental dynamics during wood formation (xylogenesis). Key stages in this process are represented by quantitative parameters: the number of cells in the radial row (N) indicating production, tracheidograms (intraseasonal curves) of the radial cell diameter (D) reflecting growth by expansion, and cell wall thickness (CWT) representing secondary wall deposition. These parameters serve as promising proxies, offering detailed insights into the processes of seasonal wood growth and its internal and external regulation.

In this study, we utilized long-term (approximately 270 years) cell chronologies of average and maximum D and CWT for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the subtaiga zone characterized by moderate moisture deficiency. We identified their nonlinear dependencies on cell production in the cambial zone, expressed by N. By indexing those parameters, we excluded these dependencies, thereby minimizing the legacy effects, including inherited external signals. Subsequently, we analyzed the influence of intra-seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation, with daily time resolution, on the anatomical structure of tree rings using the indexed cellular chronologies. Our analysis revealed intraseasonal key intervals during which these climatic factors significantly influence the radial size and cell wall thickness of pine tracheids.

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Evaluating the effects of thermal pretreatment of bamboo fibers on characteristics of bamboo–polypropylene thermoplastic composites
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This study investigates the influence of thermal pre-treatment on the properties of bamboo fiber-reinforced polypropylene composites (BPCs). Reinforcement with bamboo fibers (BFs) is known to enhance mechanical performance but typically leads to hydrophilicity, restricting the use of bamboo–polypropylene composites (BPCs) for indoor applications. To overcome this, Dendrocalamus stocksii (Munro) BFs were subjected to vacuum-assisted thermal pre-treatment at 160°C, 180°C, and 200°C before incorporation into a thermoplastic polypropylene (PP) matrix. The primary objective was to augment hydrophobicity and chemical compatibility by diminishing the presence of free hydroxyl groups. Additionally, the impact of a coupling agent, maleic anhydride-polypropylene (MAPP), on the composites was also assessed. The BPCs were fabricated using a twin-screw extruder, maintaining a 40% BFs to 60% PP ratio. This study comprehensively evaluated the physical, mechanical, and morphological characteristics of the BFs pre-heat treatment, including density, water absorption, flexural and tensile properties, and Scanning Electron Microscopy analysis (SEM), to investigate their synergistic effects on composite performance. The results indicated that thermal treatment temperature positively correlated with improvements in the density and water absorption of the BPCs. Notably, after 2000 h of water absorption, improvements ranged from 0.67% to 38.30% through the various temperature treatments. The incorporation of MAPP into composites with thermally modified fibers (BPCT) collectively enhanced the flexural and tensile strength. Specifically, the BPCTs' flexural strength at 180°C demonstrated a 21.9% increment compared to untreated BFs, while tensile strength at the same temperature increased by 31.92%. Although most mechanical parameters improved with thermally modified bamboo, elevating the temperature beyond 180°C adversely impacted the strength properties. SEM micrographs revealed improved compatibility between the thermally modified BFs and the PP matrix, further enhanced by MAPP addition, as evidenced by void-free mechanical interlocking. With desirable improvements in quality parameters, thermally treated bamboo-reinforced polypropylene thermoplastic composites exhibit a strong potential as substitutes for chemical pre-treatments.

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Effect of Gastrodiae Rhizoma cultivation under forest stands on runoff, erosion, and nutrient loss

Abstract:(1) Background: Understory planting of Chinese herbal medicine is a common soil and water conservation farming measure, and this approach makes full use of the natural conditions of the understory, but a large number of studies on soil erosion have focused on the simulation of natural conditions indoors, and there are very few investigations on soil erosion caused by understory planting in the field, and the present study aims to provide theoretical references and data support for the sustainable development of understory Chinese herbal medicine.(2) Methods: To reveal the nutrient loss characteristics of understory planting of Gastrodiae Rhizoma, runoff plots were set up in the field, and three surface slopes (5°, 15°, 20°) were designed to collect runoff sediments and compare the soil and water loss between the natural slopes and the slopes planted with Gastrodiae Rhizoma, to investigate the flow and sand production characteristics of understory planting on sloping cropland with different slopes and the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients carried by it, to provide a basis for the restoration of vegetation cover and the enhancement of soil fertility.(3) Results: The loss of soil and water and nitrogen and phosphorus in forested land planted with Gastrodiae Rhizoma increased significantly compared with that in natural forested land, and the greater the slope, the greater its loss.(4) Conclusions: Planting Gastrodiae Rhizoma should be avoided in areas with large slopes and serious soil erosion, and some soil and water conservation engineering measures can be taken, such as the construction of retaining walls, drainage ditches, minimize the scouring and erosion of the soil by rainwater.

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Potential of Plantation Forest for Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation in Essera District, Dawro Zone, South West Ethiopian People Regional Government
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A nondestructive sampling method was utilized to evaluate the above-ground carbon stock of a tree plantation forest by laying 10 plots of size 25m*25m. All trees within the sample plot were recorded and DBH and height were measured by a caliper and a clinometrer, respectively. To determine the above-ground biomass of trees, the formula IPCC = 0.0673(ρHD2)0.976 was applied. To obtain the below-ground biomass, the above-ground biomass was multiplied by 20 percent. To convert biomass into carbon quantity, biomass was multiplied by 47 percent. To see the relationship between variables, SPSS version 20 was used and one-way ANOVA and t test were used. In the plantation forest in this study, an area of 110 tree/ha was found, which indicated that the trees were sparsely populated or its density was very low. The total above-ground biomass was 902.377 tons and the below-ground biomass was 180.46 tons. There was no significant relationship between quadrat and number of trees, as r2 is 0.262 and the Durbin–Watson coefficient is 2.825. The results of ANOVA showed p values of 0.130b, which is also not significant. Diameter at breast height (DBH) and height have very strong relationship because ANOVA indicated p=.000b. These three factors had a very strong correlation, according to sample tree correlation. R-Squared (R²) =0.994 indicated that the above-ground biomass, height and DBH had a strong positive and linear relationship. The total carbon density was 508.8972 tons. Cupressus lusitanica could accumulate a larger amount of biomass than others at a proportion of 36.78 percent; followed by Eucalyptus camaldulensis, which covered 32.72 percent; while Grevillea robusta had 30.5 percent of the total accumulation. There was a significant difference between the biomass accumulations of the three investigated plant species because the t value for above-ground biomass was 0.006 and that for below-ground biomass was 0.009.

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A Comprehensive Analysis of Castel Volturno's Pinus pinea L. Forest Dieback Using Land-Based and Remote Sensing Techniques

Climate change is seriously threatening forest ecosystems, affecting their structure and functioning. Rising temperatures and reduced precipitation lead to prolonged droughts, which weaken the natural defences of trees and affect their photosynthetic and stomatal activities, making them vulnerable to other stresses, including pest attacks. Identifying the most vulnerable forest areas and understanding the mechanisms of tree decline are therefore crucial to developing effective management strategies.

This research combined dendrochronological and isotopic analyses with remote sensing to detect the early signs of dieback in a population of Pinus pinea L. in southern Italy affected by Toumeyella parvicornis parasite outbreak. Moreover, a comparative analysis of the methods was conducted to identify the most effective data processing techniques for detecting forest decline.

The study showed that the pest outbreak, which started in 2014, caused progressive tree defoliation from 2015, reaching a critical point in 2020, leading to a severe tree carbon deficit and triggering a significant decline in growth. Despite attempts to rebalance carbon metabolism through stomatal opening, as indicated by the intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) data, the pine forest did not recover. Indeed, these trees, particularly stressed by the climatic conditions of the area, died in 2023.

Although all satellite indices tested were able to detect defoliation dynamics, EVI and EVI2 proved to be particularly sensitive to changes in canopy cover, more than NDVI. The integration of additional indices, such as NDMI, improved the monitoring of canopy moisture and provided valuable insights into decline dynamics. Finally, dendrochronological analyses showed that detrended growth chronologies (BAI and TRW-I) were more sensitive in detecting dieback signals than raw tree-ring chronologies.

In conclusion, the data collected in this study not only provide information on the dynamics of forest dieback, but also highlight the importance of integrating different detection methods for the effective management of forest ecosystems.

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Landscape Breeding
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Introduction: Traditional forest tree breeding involves a lengthy process of crossing, testing, and selection, known as the breeding cycle, which requires significant logistical efforts and faces limitations like experimental trial sizes and the precision of measurements. The advent of genomics introduced the possibility of developing molecular tools to accurately identify the genome shared among individuals, forming the basis of the Breeding without Breeding (BWB) approach. This method aims to bypass artificial mating but has been limited by the need for structured open-pollinated trials. Recent advances in remote sensing technology now offer a way to phenotype trees accurately and extensively, considering environmental factors and enabling the assessment of various tree attributes at a landscape scale.

Methods In Sweden, a significant portion of commercial Norway spruce forests are regenerated from improved progenies, making it an ideal setting to combine molecular pedigree reconstruction with remote sensing. This integration forms the basis of Landscape Breeding, a novel strategy aimed at enhancing genetic diversity and improving seed orchards by selecting superior trees directly from commercial forests, thereby expediting forest enhancement for sustainable biomass production.

Results and Conclusion We developed a method that merges genetic, genomic, and remote sensing data to scan Norway spruce stands, covering a clonal archive, a progeny trial, and commercial forests. Preliminary data processing is underway, with remote sensing data being used for genetic analysis. This method demonstrates the efficacy of remote sensing in evaluating tree genetics on a landscape level, marking a significant advancement in forest breeding strategies.

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Study on the effects of soil and water and nitrogen and phosphorus loss in forest land planted with Gastrodiae Rhizoma under natural rainfall conditions

(1) Background: Understory planting is a common soil and water conservation farming practice, that makes full use of the natural conditions of the understory, such as soil, climate, and ecosystems, to improve the efficiency of agricultural production.(2) Methods: To reveal the nutrient loss characteristics of understory planting of Gastrodiae Rhizoma, runoff plots were set up in the field, and three surface slopes (5°, 15°, 20°) were designed to collect runoff sediments and compare the soil and water loss between the natural slopes and the slopes planted with Gastrodiae Rhizoma, to investigate the flow and sand production characteristics of understory planting on sloping cropland with different slopes and the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients carried by it, to provide a basis for the restoration of vegetation cover and the enhancement of soil fertility.(3) Results: The loss of soil and water and nitrogen and phosphorus in forested land planted with Gastrodiae Rhizoma increased significantly compared with that in natural forested land, and the greater the slope, the greater its loss.(4) Conclusions: Planting Tianma should be avoided in areas with large slopes and serious soil erosion, and some soil and water conservation engineering measures can be taken, such as the construction of retaining walls, drainage ditches, minimize the scouring and erosion of the soil by rainwater.
