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Plants 2025: From Seeds to Food Security

31 Mar–2 Apr 2025, Barcelona, Spain
Abstract Submission Deadline
1st December 2024
Abstract Acceptance Notification
10th January 2025

Early Bird Registration Deadline
31st January 2025
Covering Author Registration Deadline
21st February 2025
Registration Deadline
24th March 2025

Abiotic Stress, Climate Change, Plant Nutrition, Plant Health, Breeding, Plant-Microbiome Interactions
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Join us in picturesque Barcelona, Spain, from March 31 to April 2, 2025, for a inspiring conference on the future of plant science. Led by Prof. Dr. Dilantha Fernando, Dr. Fermín Morales, and Prof. Dr. Oscar Vicente, Plants 2025 will feature cutting-edge research and innovative approaches to fostering a greener planet. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with leading minds in the field—mark your calendar today!

Welcome from the Chairs

Dear Plant Scientists,

We are thrilled to announce an international conference organized by Plants (an open-access Q1 journal), to be held in Barcelona, Spain, from March 31st through April 2nd, 2025. This global event, under Plants 2025: From Seeds to Food Security, is significant as it will bring together plant scientists worldwide to discuss and share their latest research and findings. The world population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, just 25 years from now. This calls for a more concerted effort by scientists to increase agricultural production to feed the growing population and maintain a sustainable agroecosystem while increasing crop yields and quality. Also, preserving waterways from contamination due to excessive use of agrochemicals (herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers) and maintaining and increasing forest cover are essential issues. This conference addresses these topics through keynote talks and seven different sessions for presenting innovation and prospects for the future.

As we know, the existence of people is related to the existence of plants, whether they are crops, forests, or wild species. We hope to cover several key areas over the three days of the conference, so we will get the most current scientific discoveries presented by scholars from around the world and discuss the topics addressed. There will be oral and poster presentations, with poster presenters given an opportunity for a 2-minute flash talk before each poster session.

We will have seven main themes at this conference, where presenters can make their scientific discoveries known. Session 1 will deal with plant responses to abiotic stress and climate change; Session 2 will be on plant-microbe interactions; Session 3 on emerging technologies in plant health; Session 4 on emerging technologies in plant breeding; Session 5 on emerging technologies in biotechnology and molecular research; Session 6 on seed technologies and seed enhancement; and Session 7 on plant nutrition.

The conference organizers look forward to having experts in the field deliver keynote talks and invite other experts, postdoctoral scientists, graduate students, and anyone interested in plant research and innovation to attend this conference. They expect world researchers to convene and meet in small groups or roundtable discussions to develop future collaborations to advance plant research.

The conference will be held in Barcelona, a picturesque city where scientists worldwide can unwind and enjoy Spanish culture, food and the seaside. We, the conference chairs, look forward to welcoming you to Plants 2025 in Barcelona.

Professor Dr. Dilantha Fernando, Editor-in-Chief of Plants
Professor Dr. Fermin Morales, Section Editor-in-Chief of Plants
Professor Dr. Oscar Vicente, Section Editor-in-Chief of Plants

Follow the conversation on Twitter/X with #Plants2025

Conference Secretariat

Dr. Ana Sanchis
Ms. Raquel Sellés
Dr. Laura Perez

Event Chairs

University of Manitoba, Canada

Dr. Dilantha Fernando, Department of Plant Science, is a professor, plant pathologist, and Dean at the University of Manitoba. Dilantha is an internationally renowned host-pathogen interaction (i.e., canola-blackleg, canola-Verticillium, canola-Sclerotinia, wheat-fusarium head blight) researcher specializing in the epidemiology and spread of the pathogen on canola and cereals (9186 citations; 51 H-Index; 147 i-10-Index; 203 publications). Prof. Fernando’s core research area is sustainable agricultural systems through disease management. Dilantha studies the host-pathogen interaction at the field and molecular level using traditional and advanced (omics) methods. Dilantha has been associated with the naming of R-genes in canola, introducing a new disease management strategy in Canada. Dilantha has trained 15 PhD students and 17 Masters students who have graduated and found excellent employment in academia, industry, and government research institutions. Dilantha is a frequent keynote and plenary speaker at conferences and grower meetings and sits on several boards nationally and internationally. In 2024, Dilantha was named a Fellow of the Canadian Phytopathological Society (CPS). In 2023, Dilantha received the highest honor, the Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability. In 2022, Dilantha was named a Fellow of the Asian PGPR Society. In 2021, Dilantha received the Merit Award for Excellence in Research and Service from the University of Manitoba. In 2020, Dilantha received the highest award for research the 2020 CPS Outstanding Research Award. In 2019, Dilantha was named a Fellow of the American Phytopathological Society (APS), USA. Also, in 2019, Dilantha received the highest award for excellence in research on plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Dilantha is the founding editor-in-chief of Plants (MDPI) and sits on several other editorial boards in the world.

Instituto de Agrobiotecnología (IdAB) - CSIC, Spain

Fermín Morales Iribas holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Navarra (Spain) and a PhD in Sciences from the University of Zaragoza (Spain). He completed his PhD Thesis at the Experimental Station of Aula Dei (EEAD) of the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC), under the direction of Drs. Javier Abadía and Anunciación Abadía, studying the changes induced by environmental stresses (iron deficiency, salinity, drought) in the photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants. After a brief stay in the laboratory of Prof. Peter Horton (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom), he carried out a postdoctoral stay of about three years in the laboratory of Prof. Ismael Moya, at the CNRS, France, working on discerning which molecules are responsible for the blue-green fluorescence of plants, and their use, together with the fluorescence of chlorophyll and the reflectance of plants, in remote sensing of stress situations. He was National Prize (Francisco Sabater) in Plant Physiology of the Spanish Society of Plant Physiology (SEFV, currently Spanish Society of Plant Biology, SSPB) in 1999. He is currently Researcher Professor of the CSIC and works in the field of sustainable agriculture and climate change. In particular, he is focused on investigating, using physiological, biochemical and genetic variability approaches, how different crops respond to the increase in atmospheric CO2 and in their interactions with the increase in temperature and water availability, all associated and in a context of climate change. He leads at the Agrobiotecnology Institute (IdAB-CSIC) a line of viticulture and climate change. Within this context, prototypes for measuring grape/bunch transpiration and respiration (both CO2 and O2) have been developed and are routinely used for a non-destructive monitoring of the ripening process in grapes.

Department of Biotechnology, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Dr Oscar Vicente is a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Professor in the Department of Biotechnology and a research group leader at the Institute of Conservation and Improvement of Valencian Agrodiversity (COMAV), Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain. He earned his PhD in Sciences in 1983 from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Following a three-year postdoctoral period at the Friedrich Miescher Institute in Basel, Switzerland, Dr. Vicente moved in 1988 to the Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, University of Vienna, Austria, where he established a research group working on plant reproductive biology and its biotechnological applications, and on the molecular characterisation of pollen allergens and plant MAP kinases. In 1996, Dr. Vicente returned to Spain to join the UPV faculty, where he currently teaches various courses in molecular biology and biotechnology to Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering students. He has supervised 12 PhD Theses (another two are at present in progress) and the work of many undergraduate, master and exchange students, and visiting scientists His research is centred on the study of plant responses to abiotic stress and stress tolerance mechanisms within the context of climate change, using different crops, crop relatives, and wild species naturally tolerant to stress (e.g., halophytes) as experimental materials and integrating field and laboratory/greenhouse work with physiological, biochemical, and molecular approaches. Dr. Vicente has published approximately 190 indexed scientific papers, predominantly in the Plant Sciences category (Web of Science; h-index: 39). He serves as vice president and coordinator for Spain of the European Biotechnology Thematic Network Association (EBTNA) and is included in the ‘Top-100’ Spanish scientists in Plant Science and Agronomy ( In 2017, the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, awarded him the Doctor Honoris Causa degree.

Event Committee

Plant Physiology and Morphology Laboratory, Crop Science Department, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

Head of Plant Physiology and Morphology Laboratory; Head of Postgraduate Studies Programme on Integrated Crop Nutrition, at AUA; Head of PlanTerra Institute for Plant Nutrition and Soil Quality, at AUA. Elected Member of the Greek Agricultural Academy (Presidium member); former Vice President (2019-2024), now Meritorious Member of the International Scientific Centre for Fertilizers (CIEC) in Shenyang, P.R. China. Expertise - Thirty-three years’ experience in teaching, organization, and coordination of undergraduate and MSc courses on plant physiology and plant nutrition physiology. Expertise and experience in crop nutrition dynamics, diagnosis & prognosis; oxygen, sulfur, iron, nitrogen and phosphate deficiency; plant responses to rhizosphere engineering and phytoremediation; stomatal functioning; cell wall metabolism; plant redox biology. The recent years, his scientific interests focus on the physiology of crop agronomic biofortification through foliar application.

Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Italy

Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna professor and member of the Georgofili Academy (Florence). Member of the Società Italiana di Patologia Vegetale, American Phytopathological Society, International Organization for Mycoplasmology, International Society for Horticultural Science, International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICSP) Subcommittee on Taxonomy of Mollicutes, EASIN boards. Invited speaker and chairperson at many national and international meetings and seminars, member of scientific committees of international meetings on biotechnology and plant pathology, referee for numerous scientific international journals. Emmy Klienenberger-Nobel award for distinguished research in mycoplasmology. Research devoted to detection and epidemiology of phytoplasma-associated, bacteria and virus plant diseases. Author of about 400 peer reviewed publications and 60 books or book chapters. Founder and leader of the International Phytoplasmologist Working Group (IPWG) having collaborations with about 40 Countries worldwide. Partner in five EU founded projects and coordinator of the H2020 TROPICSAFE project and of the EUPHRESCO network PhyFor.

Independent Researcher, 73529 Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany

Andreas graduated in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Hohenheim (1976), Stuttgart, Germany and obtained his PhD with distinction at the Institute for Fruit and Vegetable Production and Viticulture (1980) from the same University. He dedicated his entire professional life to agricultural research for development in the tropics and subtropics. He worked for the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) from 1981 to 2002 on various development projects in Brazil, the Philippines, West Africa, Malawi, and China. From 2002 to 2008, he directed CATIE’s regional genebank in Costa Rica and served as Professor at CATIE’s Graduate School. From 2008 until his retirement in December 2015, he was Genebank Manager and Global Theme Leader – Germplasm at the World Vegetable Center’s headquarters in Taiwan. He is passionate about the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources—key resources for crop improvement and adaptation to climate change. His publications can be found on ResearchGate:

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Systems / Faculty of Engineering / Faculty of Medicine QuinoaLab UC Director

Francisco Fuentes is a researcher in quinoa breeding, affiliated with the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. His work focuses on the genetic diversity, breeding, and sustainable utilization of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), a crop known for its exceptional nutritional qualities and adaptability to diverse environmental conditions. Fuentes has contributed significantly to understanding the genetic makeup and breeding potential of quinoa. His research includes the use of advanced molecular tools and techniques to enhance quinoa’s tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. This work highlights the importance of integrating traditional knowledge with modern breeding techniques to improve quinoa’s yield and resilience. He has also explored the nutritional and functional properties of quinoa, emphasizing its role in food security and sustainable agriculture. Francisco Fuentes’ research aims to promote quinoa as a viable crop for marginal environments, contributing to global efforts in combating hunger and malnutrition through sustainable agricultural practices.

Keynote Speakers

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka

Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: A Double-Edged Sword for Global Food and Nutrient Security
Professor Saman Seneweera is the Chair of Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Technology at the University of Ruhuna's Faculty of Agriculture. He is a leading expert in climate change biology, with a distinguished career spanning over three decades. His pioneering research focuses on the effects of rising CO2 levels, water scarcity, and temperature changes on plant physiology, positioning him at the forefront of global agricultural sustainability efforts. After earning his Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the University of Ruhuna, Professor Seneweera pursued a Ph.D. in Plant Physiology at the University of Western Sydney. His early work on photosynthetic carbon metabolism under elevated CO2 conditions laid the foundation for his subsequent research addressing the impact of climate change on global food and nutrient security. Professor Seneweera has held prestigious academic positions worldwide, including roles at the University of Melbourne, the University of Southern Queensland, Australia and Tohoku University -Japan. He was also director of the National Institute of Fundamental Studies, one of the premier research institutes In Sri Lanka. Professor Seneweera has published over 250 peer-reviewed articles, with an h-index of 49, and is recognised among the top 2% of scientists globally. His leadership extends to mentoring over 40 PhD students and securing over $10 million in research funding, significantly advancing agricultural practices and policies. His contributions continue to shape the future of sustainable agriculture and global food security

Invited Speakers

COMAV Institute, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Modern tools for unveiling the genetic basis of prickliness in plants and their application in breeding
Jaime Prohens holds a PhD in Agricultural Engineering (1997) and is Full Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) since 2009. His research deals with crops breeding and enhancement, including assessment of diversity, hybridization, molecular markers, genomics, phenomics, quality, resistance to stresses, and evolution. He has co-authored over 200 papers in JCR journals in the subject. He has been senior editor of the Handbook of Plant Breeding series (Springer). In recent years his research has mostly focused in increasing crops resilience for adaptation to climate change and improving water and fertilizer use efficiencies in different crop following multidisciplinary approaches, ranging from improvement of sustainable agronomic techniques to breeding. During the period 2004-2008 he served as president of the European Association for Research on Plant Breeding (EUCARPIA).

School of Biological Sciences, University of Western Australia, Australia

Learning from Nature, feeding the planet: halophytes as untapped resource for improving salinity stress tolerance in crops
Sergey is a UWA Chair in Plant Physiology at University of Western Australia. His area of expertise is plant stress physiology and mechanisms of their adaptation to harsh environmental conditions such as drought, salinity, waterlogging, oxidative stress, and nutritional disorders. Over his research career, Sergey has published over 460 peer-reviewed papers and successfully supervised to completion 58 PhD students. He is an ISI Highly Cited researcher for the eight consecutive years and was ranked as most cited researcher in the field of Botany in the world in 2019. His H-index is 112, and his work has been cited over 44,000 times.


In-Person Registration

The conference will be held fully in person; it is not possible to participate online. The registration fee includes attendance at all conference sessions, morning/afternoon coffee breaks, lunches, a conference bag, and a program book. You need to register to the Conference dinner if you plan to attend. Participation in the conference is considered final only once the registration fees have been paid. The number of participants is limited: once the number of paid registrations reaches the maximum number of participants, unpaid registrations will be canceled.

When registering, please provide us with your institutional email address. This will accelerate the registration process.

Important Information

Please note that abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes. During registration, please provide us with the same email address you used to submit your abstract(s). Otherwise, leave us a comment in the registration form, providing the email address used during the submission process. In addition, please use your institutional email address for both processes.

In order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by any of the authors, denoted as the Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. The Covering Author registration deadline is 21 February 2025. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.

Participants of the event will be able to download an electronic Certificate of Attendance by accessing their dashboards on once the event is concluded. The certificates will be found under the "My Certificates" category.

Group Registration: Groups of five or more attendees are offered a 10% discount on the registration fees. To enjoy this discount, you need to complete one multiple registration by selecting the number of people attending in each category (type of registration) during the first step of the registration process. Please note that no other discounts will be applicable.

Certificate of Attendance: Participants of the event will be able to download an electronic Certificate of Attendance by accessing their dashboards on once the event is concluded. The certificates will be found under the "My Certificates" category.

Reduced fees

If you are affiliated with a university in a low- or middle-income country, you are automatically eligible for a price reduction. However, please note that the reduced price will only be added to your registration when it is processed. This means that you do not have to pay the stated price immediately upon registration, and you will receive an invoice with the price adjustment after you have registered. Below, you can find the list of low- and middle-income countries.

Registration Fees
Registration Options
Early Bird
Until 31st January 2025
Until 24th March 2025
Supported documents
Academic – Research Institutions 500.00 EUR 600.00 EUR
Early Career Researcher (PhD completed within the past five years) 350.00 EUR 450.00 EUR Please include proof of graduation date (Diploma, University profile page screenshot, etc.)
Student 300.00 EUR 400.00 EUR Scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID is required.
Topical Advisory Panel/Guest Editor/Board Member of Plants 400.00 EUR 500.00 EUR
Non-Academic 800.00 EUR 900.00 EUR
Registration Options
Start date - End date Price
Conference Dinner 1st September 2024-21st March 2025 60.00 EUR

Free Registration Options
Chairs, Invited Speakers, MDPI Guests

Active discounts

Group of 5: 10% discount

Note: Group size refers to the number of registered attendees in the same registration order.

Cancellation policy

Cancellation of paid registration is possible under the terms listed below:
> 2 months before the conference Full refund but 60 EUR is retained for administration
> 1 month before the conference Refund 50% of the applying fees
> 2 weeks before the conference Refund 25% of the applying fees
< 2 weeks before the conference No refund


In the unlikely event that MDPI deems it necessary to cancel the conference, all pre-paid registration fees will be reimbursed. MDPI shall not be liable for reimbursing the cost of travel or accommodation arrangements made by individual delegates.

Beware of unauthorized registration and hotel solicitations

Note that Sciforum is the only official registration platform to register to Plants 2025 and that we are not associated with any hotel agency. While other hotel resellers and travel agencies may contact you with offers for your trip, they are not endorsed by or affiliated with Plants 2025 or Sciforum. Beware that entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies can have costly consequences.


The organizers do not accept liability for personal accident, loss, or damage to private property incurred as a result of participation in Plants 2025. Delegates are advised to arrange appropriate insurance to cover travel, cancellation costs, medical, and theft or damage of belongings.

MDPI Conference Admissions Policy
  • All registered conference delegates are asked to always wear their badges throughout the conference.

  • Conference sessions, the catering area, and the poster area are solely restricted to badge holders. Any person attending these areas without a badge will be asked to leave the premises.

  • Badge holders must not allow their badges to be worn by anyone else. Any failure to do so is likely to lead to the badge holder and the person wearing the badge being removed from the premises.

  • Press badges are restricted to publishers, editors, journalists, broadcasters, and web bloggers associated with the conference subject area. Members of the press may be asked to produce accreditation in the form of a photocopy of a recognized press or media card, a business card, a letter from the editor, or an official web address linking to a press release in order to verify their position.

  • Photographs and videos may be taken during the conference. Anyone attending the conference consents to such photography and filming without compensation and confirms that the organizers shall be entitled to use such photographs and videos, which may include photographs and videos of visitors, for the purpose of marketing the conference in the future and for exploitation in any and all media, without liability.

Payment methods

Wire transfer, Credit card

Currencies accepted by this event

Swiss francs (CHF) ,  Euros (EUR) ,  US dollars (USD) ,  Pounds sterling (GBP) ,  Japanese yen (JPY) ,  Canadian dollars (CAD) and Singapore dollars (SGD)

Instructions for Authors


Plants 2025 will accept abstracts only. The accepted abstracts will be available online on during and after the conference. Moreover, participants will have the opportunity to contribute with a full manuscript to a Special Issue related to the conference in the open-access journal Plants.

The conference will be held fully in person; it is not possible to participate online.

Please note that abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes. Please use your institutional email address for both processes.

To present your research at the event

  • Create an account on Sciforum if you do not have one and then click on ‘New Submission’ in the upper-right corner of the window; or, click on ‘Submit Abstract’ at the top of this webpage.
  • Choose a session that is best suited for your research.
  • Submit an abstract in English—the word limits are a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 300 words.
  • The deadline to submit your abstract is 1 December 2024.
  • Upon submission, you can select if you wish to be considered for oral or poster presentation (or both). Following assessment by the Chairs and Scientific Committee, you will be notified by 10 January 2025 whether your contribution has been accepted for oral or poster presentation.
  • Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by any of the authors, denoted as the Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. The Covering Author registration deadline is 21 February 2025. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.

Oral Presentations

Invited talks will be 30 minutes long, including questions (25 minutes oral presentation + 5 minutes Q&A). Short talks will be 15 minutes long, including questions (10 minutes oral presentation + 5 minutes Q&A). Please ensure that your slides are formatted in widescreen (16:9) aspect ratio.

Flash Poster Presentations

Flash poster presentations will take place in a special session in the main conference room, lasting 3 minutes each. Presenters can prepare two to three slides featuring the main figures of their poster, or display their entire poster on the screen. There will not be a Q&A segment following the flash poster presentations. Additionally, a vertical poster board for the poster session will be provided. Further details about poster presentations can be found below.

Poster Presentations

Each presenter will be provided with a vertical poster board. Maximum poster size is limited to A0: 84 x 120 cm / 33 x 47 in (width x height) in the vertical orientation (portrait). Please print your poster prior to the conference. A plan for the poster session will be circulated later. For suggestions on poster design, click the button below.

Publication Opportunities

Visa Information

Please note that you must apply for your own visa application. MDPI is not responsible for any visa application. However, MDPI can provide a Visa Support Letter. To be eligible for such a document, the criteria below must be fulfilled.

Visa Support Letter
  • Applicants must have paid for registration and submitted an abstract in order to get a letter of support.
  • Applicants must provide us with a scan of their valid, in-date passport that contains a photo of them.
  • Applicants must provide us with an academic CV, two references from their institution (contact information including institutional email and phone), and a letter of support from their institution to confirm that they support the delegate attending the meeting.
  • This must be carried out in good time before the meeting; “last minute” requests will not be processed.

More useful information on visa application

Venue, Travel and Accommodation


Barcelona is the capital and largest city of Catalonia and is Spain's second-largest city, with a population of over one and a half million people.

Located on the northeastern Mediterranean coast of Spain, this city has a rich and diverse history, with its roots dating back to Roman times. The fruitful medieval period established Barcelona's position as the economic and political center of the Western Mediterranean. The city's Gothic Quarter bears witness to the splendor enjoyed by the city from the 13th to the 15th centuries.

The 20th century ushered in widespread urban renewal throughout Barcelona city, culminating in its landmark Eixample district, which showcases some of Barcelona's most distinctive Catalan art-nouveau, or modernista, buildings. The Catalan Antoni Gaudí, one of the most eminent architects, designed buildings such as La Pedrera, the Casa Batlló, and the Sagrada Família church, which have become world-famous landmarks.

In 1992, Barcelona gained international recognition by hosting the Olympic games, which brought about a massive upturn in its tourism industry. For visitors, this has translated into the very modern yet incredibly old city you see now in the 21st century, where new elements work to both preserve and celebrate the city’s heritage and origins.

Barcelona has plenty of outdoor markets, restaurants, shops, museums, and churches. The city is also very walkable, with an extensive and reliable Metro system for more far-flung destinations.

For a complete overview, see or visit


Barcelona School of Management (BSM) is situated in a bustling area of the city, near the heart of Barcelona, with easy access to both urban and suburban regions. Located on C/ de Balmes, BSM is in close proximity to several of the city's most iconic landmarks. Just a short walk away, you can find the renowned architectural masterpieces La Pedrera and Casa Batlló, both designed by the famous architect Antoni Gaudí. Additionally, the prestigious Passeig de Gràcia, known for its high-end shopping and vibrant atmosphere, is nearby, making BSM an ideal location for experiencing the rich culture and dynamic energy of Barcelona.

Address: C/ de Balmes, 132, 134, 08008 Barcelona, Spain

By plane:
The international airport of Barcelona is called Barcelona-El Prat and is located 10 km from the city center. The airport is well connected to airport hubs in Europe and several locations around the world. For more information about the airport and flights, please visit the official website at Once you get to the airport, you have several options to reach the venue.
  • By train: TRAIN R2 NORD ( You should get off at “Barcelona Sants” station. From there, you can take METRO L5 (get off at Diagonal). Alternatively, you may take a taxi just outside the station. The train from the airport costs EUR 4.60, and the metro costs EUR 2.55. You can buy the tickets at the train station and metro stops, respectively. The taxi from the train station to the conference venue costs about EUR 10.

  • By metro: LINE L9 ( This metro line connects Barcelona Airport (Terminal 1 and Terminal 2) with the city (get off at Collblanc). From here, you can take METRO L5 (get off at Diagonal). The metro from the airport costs EUR 5,50 and the city metro EUR 2,55.

  • By taxi: Taxis just outside the arrival area. The taxi from the airport to the conference venue costs approximately EUR 30–35. VTC apps that work in Barcelona are Bolt and Cabify and might offer cheaper rates.

By train:

Barcelona Sants station is Barcelona's largest train station and provides rail services both in and around Barcelona and for the whole of Spain and beyond. For more information about the station and train service, please visit the official website at Once you get to the station, you have the following options to reach the venue:

  • By metro: LINE L5 (, get off at Diagonal.

  • By taxi: Taxis just outside the station. The taxi from the station to the conference venue costs about EUR 10.


We want your stay in Barcelona during the conference to be as comfortable as possible. With that in mind, we have agreed on a discount with several hotels to make your choice of accommodations easier. Please book your accommodation online and contact the hotels directly with any issues or requests related to accommodation bookings.

We are delighted to announce that the following hotels will offer a discounted price for all Plants 2025 attendees:

How to book

A 3-star boutique hotel located next to the emblematic Avenida Diagonal and Paseo de Gracia, the city's most chic shopping area and just 5 minutes on foot from the conference venue.

The hotel has a terrace with outdoor swimming pool and gym, parking, restaurant and a museum room dedicated to the Catalan illustrator Ricard Opisso.

Click below to complete your booking and add the 5% discount code ‘MDPI’.

Stay in the heart of Barcelona's Eixample district at the Catalonia Diagonal Centro hotel. just a 1-minute walk from the conference venue.

Located next to Passeig de Gràcia and close to the city's Modernist architecture route, the hotel offers excellent connections to various public transport options, making it easy to explore Barcelona for both tourism and business.

Click below to make a reservation with a 10% discount in Catalonia Diagonal Centro or use the code "CATALONIA10".

These accommodations have been carefully chosen to provide comfort and convenience for our guests while ensuring affordability through negotiated rates. Prepare to make the most of your conference experience with our exclusive lodging options designed to enhance your stay.

Beware of Unauthorized Registration and Hotel Solicitations

Note that Sciforum is the only official registration platform to register to Plants 2025 and that we are not associated with any hotel agency (other than those listed above). While other hotel resellers and travel agencies may contact you with offers for your trip, they are not endorsed by or affiliated with Plants 2025 or Sciforum. Beware that entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies can have costly consequences.

Conference Dinner

We are excited to announce that the Conference Dinner will be held at the prestigious Gallery Hotel, located in the heart of Barcelona. Enjoy a delightful evening in a vibrant setting next to iconic landmarks such as La Pedrera, Passeig de Gràcia, Casa Batlló, and Plaça Catalunya.

Time: 1 April 2025, 20.00h
Location: Gallery Hotel. C/ del Rosselló, 249, 08008 Barcelona
Menu: 60€
Main course options: meat, fish or vegetarian

Please let us know in your registration your main course preference and any allergies or relevant dietary restrictions.

Join us for an unforgettable dining experience in one of Barcelona's most renowned locations. We look forward to seeing you there!

Event Awards

In order to recognize the works presented during the conference in the format of posters and presentations, four awards will be offered to our conference participants, sponsored by the journal Plants. The award winners will be selected by the Chairs and Scientific Committee after evaluation of all selected talks and posters presented at the conference.

We will be offering the following four awards to our conference attendees:

The Awards
Best Oral Presentation Award

Number of Awards Available: 2

Prize: EUR 300 each

Best Poster Award

Number of Awards Available: 2

Prize: EUR 250 each

Partnership Opportunities


As organizers, we are excited to create an immersive and insightful conference, and we invite you to be a vital part of Plants 2025. Explore our sponsorship opportunities and join us in shaping the future of plant-related research and innovation.

Find the perfect sponsorship package tailored to your budget and desired exposure in our sponsorship brochure. Simply click on the icon below to access it.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email at We appreciate your consideration!

Society Collaboration

Are you part of a society that isn't partnering with the conference? Contact us via email at to discuss a possible partnership! Noteworthy detail: Members from partnering societies are granted a 20% discount on all registration fees.

Sponsors and Partners


Media Partners
