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16th International Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology & Applications 2021

26–28 October 2021

infrared thermography, Smart and fiber-optic sensors, Biomedical applications and spectroscopy, Remote sensing and Environmental monitoring, Aerospace and industrial applications, Non-destructive tests and evaluation, Systems and applications for the cultural heritage, Image processing and data analysis, Near-, mid-, and far infrared systems
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Welcome from the Chairs

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
regretfully, the AITA Organizing Committee has made the decision to postpone the face to face conference in Venice due to the persisting problems caused by the pandemic. However, we welcome your contributions for this online edition that is intended to keep the flame of the AITA Conference alive. We are looking forward to hearing from you about the latest scientific advances and technological applications in the Infrared bands.

The AITA Conference 2021 will be held online

from 26/10/2021 to 28/10/2021

and it will be focused on the following topics, but not limited to:

  • Advanced technology and materials
  • Smart and fiber-optic sensors
  • Thermo-fluid dynamics and energy
  • Biomedical applications
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Aerospace and industrial applications
  • Nanophotonics and Nanotechnologies
  • Astronomy and Earth observation
  • Non-destructive testing and evaluation
  • Systems and applications for the cultural heritage
  • Image processing and data analysis
  • Near-, mid-, and far-infrared systems
  • Vibrational spectroscopies
  • Terahertz imaging and systems
  • Hyperspectral and multispectral imaging
  • UAV Drones infrared systems
The Proceedings of the Workshop will consist of the extended abstracts of all the papers, including those selected for the Special Issue, and will be published electronically in a dedicated issue of MDPI Engineering Proceedings; each extended abstract will be provided with a digital object identifier (DOI) and will be submitted to relevant indexing databases.

Best selected contributions will be proposed to submit a full-length article to a Special Issue of Infrared Physics & Technology, which in the past has already published selected papers of the conference. Articles will undergo the reviewing process of the Journal.

AITA 2021 Conference is organized by:

Final Programme

AITA 2021 Marathon

In case you missed something, you have another chance to see all AITA 2021 presentations. A continuous broadcast of all presentations will start one last time. Use the same Zoom link to connect to the streaming of pre-recorded sessions with the following schedule.

  • Run 1 from 18:00 (28th October) to 02:00 h CEST (29th October)
  • Run 2 from 02:00 to 10:00 h CEST (29th October)
  • Run 3 from 10:00 to 18:00 h CEST (29th October)

Each session will start thrice at different times:

  • Session 1 - Under 35 Best paper award: 18:00 h CEST (28th October) - 02:00 h CEST (29th October) - 10:00 h CEST (29th October)
  • Session 2 - NDT: 20:11 h CEST (28th October) - 04:11 h CEST (29th October) - 12:11 h CEST (29th October)
  • Session 3- Remote sensing and environmental monitoring: 21:49 h CEST (28th October) - 05:49 h CEST (29th October) - 13:49 h CEST (29th October)
  • Session 4- Materials: 22:47 h CEST (28th October) - 06:47 h CEST (29th October) - 14:47 h CEST (29th October)
  • Session 5- Bio-Medicals: 00:05 h CEST (29th October) - 08:05 h CEST (29th October) - 16:05 h CEST (29th October)
  • Session 6- Image processing: 01:04 h CEST (29th October) - 09:04 h CEST (29th October) - 17:04 h CEST (29th October)

Thanks for your participation, and we look forward to meeting you (this time in person) at the next edition of AITA in 2023 in Venice.

The Conference will be held online between 26th October and 28th October 2021. Each day, the Conference will be divided in a pre-recorded session and a live session. The daily pre-recorded session presentations will be streamed thrice to accommodate the different time zones. Participants can freely choose a replay (run 1, run 2, or run 3) at the most convenient streaming time. All times are listed in Rome Time (CEST, UTC+2).

Each day of the Conference, a live panel discussion will take place at 13:30 CEST (20:30 Japan Standard Time, 07:30 Eastern Daylight Time) , including keynotes, question and answers (Q&A), sponsor presentations. Authors are expected to answer to question about their presentation on the same day of the pre-recorded streaming. At the end of the live panel discussion, the sponsor rooms will be opened.

DAY 1: Session 1 (Under 35 Best Paper Award)

  • run 1 from 18:00 to 22:00 h CEST (25th October)
  • run 2 from 00:00 to 04:00 h CEST (26th October)
  • run 3 from 09:00 to 13:00 h CEST (26th October)
  • live plenary session from 13:30 to 15:00 h CEST (26th October): Opening Ceremony, Sponsors presentations, Q&A Session 1 (Under 35 Best Paper Award)

DAY 2: Sessions 2 and 3 (NDT, Remote sensing and environmental monitoring)

  • run 1 from 18:00 to 22:00 h CEST (26th October)
  • run 2 from 00:00 to 04:00 h CEST (27th October)
  • run 3 from 09:00 to 13:00 h CEST (27th October)
  • live plenary session from 13:30 to 15:00 h CEST (27th October): Plenary Lecture, Patronage, Q&A Sessions 2 and 3 (NDT, Remote sensing and environmental monitoring)

DAY 3: Sessions 4,5, and 6 (Materials, Bio-Medical, Image Processing)

  • run 1 from 18:00 to 22:00 h CEST (27th October)
  • run 2 from 00:00 to 04:00 h CEST (28th October)
  • run 3 from 09:00 to 13:00 h CEST (28th October)
  • live plenary session from 13:30 to 15:00 h CEST (28th October): Under 35 Best Paper Award Ceremony, Q&A Sessions 4,5, and 6 (Materials, Bio-Medical, Image Processing), Final Ceremony

Plenary lecture

An online live plenary lecture will be held by Professor Jean-Christophe Batsale. The title of the plenary lecture is Multispectral and multiscale infrared imaging for the study of heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous media.

Plenary lecture abstract

Generally the IR images are related to the transient temperature field related to the emission of a black surface in response to an external or internal heating (active IR thermography). The first applications were devoted to the so called thermal Non-Destructive Evaluation methods with a uniform flash or periodic front face heating for the detection of delaminations in composite multilayered samples. The main assumption was then to consider a thin sample and 1D transient heat diffusion through the sample (transverse diffusion). With simplified assumptions related to the transverse diffusion the in-plane diffusion and transport phenomena can be also considered. A general equation can be applied in order to balance the heat transfer at the pixel scale or between groups of pixels in order to estimate several fields of thermophysical properties (heterogeneous field of in-plane diffusivity, flow distributions, source terms).

Pre-recorded sessions programme

Session 1 – Under 35 Best Paper Award – Virtual Cochairs Paolo Bison and Monica Volinia
Jue Hu, Hai Zhang, Stefano Sfarra, Carlo Santulli, Xavier Maldague: 3D non-destructive inspection using novel infrared-terahertz fusion approaches
Iván Garrido, Eva Barreira, Ricardo M.S.F. Almeida, Susana Lagüela: Building facade protection using spatial and temporal Deep Learning models applied to thermographic data. Laboratory tests
Joel Johnson, Janice Mani, Mani Naiker: Infrared spectroscopy for the quality assessment of Habanero chilli: a proof-of-concept study
Sandra Pozzer, Marcos de Souza, Bata Hena, Reza Rezayiye, Setayesh Hesam, Fernando Lopez, Xavier Maldague: Defects segmentation in concrete structures combining registered infrared and visible images: a comparative experimental study
Ryohei Fujita, Kotaro Katsukura, Hosei Nagano: Micro-scale Fatigue Damage Assessment of CFRP Laminates Using Lock-in Thermography
Jan Verstockt, Simon Verspeek, Filip Thiessen, Thierry Tondu, Wiebren Tjalma, Lieve Brochez, Gunther Steenackers: Dynamic Infrared Thermography (DIRT) in biomedical applications: DIEP flap breast reconstruction and skin cancer
David Perpetuini, Andrea Di Credico, Chiara Filippini, Pascal Izzicupo, Daniela Cardone, Piero Chiacchiaretta, Barbara Ghinassi, Angela Di Baldassarre, Arcangelo Merla: Is it possible to estimate average heart rate from facial thermal imaging?
Oscar Papini, Marco Reggiannini, Gabriele Pieri: SST Image Processing for Mesoscale Patterns Identification
Giuseppe Dell'Avvocato, Davide Palumbo, Maria Palmieri, Umberto Galietti: Evaluation of effectiveness of heat treatments in boron steel by laser thermography
Session 2 – NDT – Virtual Cochairs Giovanni Ferrarini and Takahide Sakagami
Wu zhuoqiao, Tao ning: Prediction of the GFRP flat-bottom hole depth in the cooling process of square-heating thermography
Takuya Ishizaki, Ai Ueno, Hosei Nagano: Measurement of Line Distribution of Thermal Contact Resistance Using Microscopic Lock-in Thermography
Michal Švantner, Lukas Muzika, Alexey Moskovchenko, Celeste Pereira, Shumit Das: Repeatability study of flash-pulse thermographic inspection of CFRP samples
Daiki Shiozawa, Masaki Uchida, Yuki Ogawa, Takahide Sakagami, Shiro Kubo: 4D reconstruction of leaked gas cloud based on computed tomography processing of multiple optical paths infrared measurement
Paolo Bison, Gianluca Cadelano, Giovanni Ferrarini, Mario Girotto, Maurizio Gomez Serito, Fabio Peron, Monica Volinia: Evalution of moisture diffusion by IR thermography
Jaime Gonzalez, Guillermo Garcia-Torales, Marija Strojnik: Numerical analysis of microlens array to the mid-IR range
Session 3 - Remote sensing and environmental monitoring – Virtual Cochairs Valentina Raimondi and Xavier Maldague
Juan Forero-Ramirez, Bryan Garcia, Hermes Tenorio-Tamayo, Andrés Restrepo-Girón, Humberto Loaiza-Correa, Asfur Barandica-López, José Buitrago-Molina, Sandra Nope-Rodriguez: Detection of legbreaker antipersonnel landmines by analysis of aerial thermographic images of the soil
Diksha Rana, Maya Kumari, Rina Kumari: Quantitative estimation of Land Surface Temperature and its relationship with Land Use/Cover around Sonipat District, Haryana, India
Valentina Raimondi, Luigi Acampora, Massimo Baldi, Dirk Berndt, Tiziano Bianchi, Donato Borrelli, Chiara Corti, Francesco Corti, Marco Corti, Nick Cox, Ulrike Dauderstädt, Peter Dürr, Alberto Fruchi, Sara Francés González, Donatella Guzzi, Detlef Kunze, Demetrio Labate, Nicolas Lamquin, Cinzia Lastri, Enrico Magli, Vanni Nardino, Christophe Pache, Lorenzo Palombi, Giuseppe Pilato, Alexandre Pollini, Enrico Suetta, Dario Taddei, Davide Taricco, Diego Valsesia, Michael Wagner: Designing a compressive sensing demonstrator of an Earth Observation payload in the visible and medium infrared: instrumental concept and main features
Cinzia Lastri, Gabriele Amato, Massimo Baldi, Tiziano Bianchi, Fabrizia Buongiorno, Chiara Corti, Francesco Corti, Marco Corti, Enrico Franci, Donatella Guzzi, Enrico Magli, Vanni Nardino, Lorenzo Palombi, Tiziana Scopa, Malvina Silvestri, Vito Romaniello, Diego Valsesia, Valentina Raimondi: SISSI project: a feasibility study for a super resolved compressive sensing multispectral imager in the medium infrared
Paula Andrés-Anaya, María Sánchez-Aparicio, Susana del Pozo, Susana Lagüela: Correlation of Land Surface Temperature with IR Albedo for the analysis of Urban Heat Island
Session 4 – Materials - Virtual Cochairs Gianluca Cadelano and Gunther Steenackers
Shunsuke Kishigami, Yuki Matsumoto, Yuki Ogawa, Yoshiaki Mizokami, Daiki Shiozawa, Takahide Sakagami, Masahiro Hayashi, Noriyasu Arima: Quantitative deterioration evaluation of heavy-duty anticorrosion coating by near-infrared spectral characteristics
Lukas Muzika, Michal Svantner, Milan Honner, Sarka Houdkova: Laser scanning thermography for coating thickness inspection
Paolo Bison, Stefano Boldrini, Federico Cernuschi, Alessia Famengo: Laser Flash experiment on semitransparent optically thin sample
Hui Sun, Ning Tao, Sen Wang, HenShun Luan, Xue Yang, Cunlin Zhang, Jiangang Sun: Measurement of thermal diffusivity by pulse thermography under non-uniform heating
Yuki Ogawa, Taiju Horita, Naoki Iwatani, Kota Kadoi, Daiki Shiozawa, Takahide Sakagami: Evaluation of Fatigue Strength Based on Dissipated Energy for Laser Welds
Gabriele Inglese: Identification of the Thermal Conductance of a hidden barrier from outer thermal data
Ritchie Heirmans, Olivier De Moor, Simon Verspeek, Sander De Vrieze, Bart Ribbens, Myriam Vanneste, Gunther Steenackers: Improving quality inspection of textiles by an augmented RGB-IR-HS-AI approach.
Session 5 – Bio-medical - Virtual Cochairs Mario D’Acunto and Marjia Stroinjk
Eva Barreira, Ricardo Almeida, Maria Lurdes Simões, Tiago Sousa: Comparison of two IR cameras for assessing body temperature
Kiran Sankar Maiti, Susmita Roy, Renée Lampe, Alexander Apolonski: Detection of disease specific volatile organic compounds using infrared spectroscopy
Michal Švantner, Vladislav Lang, Tomas Kohlschutter, Jiri Skala, Milan Honner, Lukas Muzika, Eliska Kosova: Study on human temperature measurement by infrared thermography
Bardia Yousefi, Michelle Hershman, Henrique Fernandes, Xavier Maldague: Concentrated Thermomics for Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
Mario D’Acunto: Raman Spectroscopy and oncology. Multivariate Statistics methods for cancer grading
Session 6 - Image processing - Virtual Cochairs Davide Moroni and Antoni Rogalski
Wei Hng Lim, Stefano Sfarra, Yuan Yao: A Physics-informed Neural Network Method for Defect Identification in Polymer Composites Based on Pulsed Thermography
Stefano Sfarra, Gianfranco Gargiulo, Mohammed Omar: Learning thermographic models for optimal image processing of decorated surfaces
Nelson Pech-May, Mathias Ziegler: Detection of surface breaking cracks using flying line laser thermography: A Canny based algorithm
Qiang Fang, Clemente Ibarra‐Castanedo, Xavier Maldague: University Laval infrared thermography databases for deep learning multiple types of defect detections training

Sponsors and Partners



Event Awards

A best paper award will be assigned by the chairmen and the cochairmen in honor of Ermanno Grinzato, AITA co-chairman for a long time and known scientist in the thermography community.

The Awards
5th Under 35 years best paper award

Number of Awards Available: 1

The award aims at encouraging innovative studies of young researchers in some of the topics of interest for the workshop. The prize, reserved to under 35 years old main authors, shall be a money prize and an official certificate. The prize will be delivered to the winner during an online ceremony on the last day of conference.
Terms and Conditions:

Eligibility for the award

Candidates to the award should meet the following requirements to join the competition:

  • Age: the candidate must be under 35 years old (born after 30th October 1986)
  • Authorship: the candidate must be the first author of the submission
  • Registration: the candidate must be registered to the conference
  • Participation: the candidate must be present to the online sessions
  • Notification: after the submission of the extended abstract, candidates must notify by email the committee ( that they are eligible to the prize

Selection Criteria

The awarded paper will be selected by the Conference Committee according to the following criteria:

  • Scientific relevance
  • Pertinence to the Conference Topics
  • Novelty of the work
  • Clarity of presentation


Each registration includes:

  • the publication of one extended abstract on a special issue of MDPI Engineering Proceedings
  • the online access to the conference sessions streaming
  • the online access to the live events

The number of Student Registrations is limited. Participation to the conference is considered final only once the registration fees have been paid.

Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by anyone of the authors, denoted as Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. Covering Author registration deadline is 1 October 2021. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.

Submission and registration are two different processes. During registration, please provide us with the same email address you used to submit your abstract(s). Otherwise, leave us a comment in the registration form, providing the email address used during the submission process. In addition, and if possible, please use your institutional email address for both processes. Finally, if you are registering several people under the same registration order, please do not use the same email address for each person, but their individual institutional email addresses.

Early Bird
Until 8 September 2021
Until 12 October 2021
From 13 October 2021
Supported documents
AITA Conference 2021 registration (1 person, 1 paper) 80.00 EUR 100.00 EUR 150.00 EUR
STUDENT ONLY - AITA Conference 2021 registration (1 person, 1 paper) Free Free Free Student ID or other document proofing the student status
Payment methods

Wire transfer, Credit card

Instructions for Authors

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of up to 4 pages prepared according to MDPI Proceedings template. Please download the LaTex package or the Word template. Extra pages might be subject to additional fees.

The Proceedings of the Workshop will be published electronically in a dedicated issue of MDPI Engineering Proceedings;

All the contributions should then be submitted in the original format (MS Word, LaTeX) and PDF by using the conference website submission system.

Please, do not send any manuscript by email! However, in case you need any assistance or you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact us by writing to:

Presentation guidelines

Here are some basic instructions for presenters. We kindly ask you to read and follow them for a smooth-running conference.

For this virtual event, all oral presentations will be shown as a pre-recorded talks, accompanied with slides. There are several ways of recording your talk. You may use any software you choose, providing that you will send us a Mp4 file. Recording of a sound and video together with the presentation is, for example, provided by several webinar tools (Zoom) as well as newest version of MS PowerPoint.

  • Your talk can be maximum 12-minute long.
  • All presentations must be delivered in English.
  • File format: Mp4.
  • Audio and video recorded together with the slides.
  • Please make sure you record your slides in the slideshow mode.

Presentations not uploaded within the indicated time-frame may not be included in the Conference programme.

Special issue for selected contributions

Best selected contributions will be proposed to submit a full-length article to a Special Issue of Infrared Physics & Technology, which in the past has already published selected papers of the conference. Authors of the selected contributions will be notified by email after the end of the conference. Articles will undergo the reviewing process of the Journal.


Organizing Committee

P. Bison
Padova, Italy
G. Cadelano
Padova, Italy
M. D'Acunto
Pisa, Italy
G. Ferrarini
Padova, Italy
D. Moroni
Pisa, Italy
V. Raimondi
Firenze, Italy
M. Volinia
Politecnico of Torino
Torino, Italy

General Chair

L. Ronchi Abbozzo
Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi
Firenze, Italy

Conference Co-Cochairs

P. Bison
Padova, Italy
M. D'Acunto
Pisa, Italy
X. Maldague
Laval University
Quebec, Canada
D. Moroni
Pisa, Italy
V. Raimondi
Firenze, Italy
A. Rogalski
Military University of Technology
Warsaw, Poland
T. Sakagami
Kobe University
Kobe, Japan
M. Strojnik
León, Guanajuato, Mexico

Scientific Committee

D. Balageas
Chatillon, France
E. Dereniak
University of Arizona
Tucson, USA
C.T. Elliott
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh, Scotland
C. Maierhofer
C. Meola
University of Napoli
Napoli, Italy
H.N. Rutt
Southampton University
Southampton, United Kingdom
V.P. Vavilov
Tomsk University
Tomsk, Russia
G. Steenackers
University of Antwerp
Antwerp, Belgium
M. Volinia
Politecnico of Torino
Torino, Italy
* This event is managed by external organizers. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.