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The 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry

Part of the International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors series
1–15 July 2021

Chemical/Bio Sensors, analytical methods, electronic nose/tongue, microfluidic devices, Materials for chemical sensing, medico-diagnostic testing
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Warmest congratulations on the success of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry (CSAC2021). Many thanks for your participation.

The winners of the conference awards have been announced on the part of 'Award Winners Announcement'.

All accepted extended abstracts will be published as one dedicated volume in MDPI Chemistry Proceedings(ISSN: 2673-4583).

Participants are cordially invited to contribute with a full manuscript to our Special Issue 'Selected Papers from 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry (CSAC2021)' in the journal Chemosensors (submission deadline: 31 January 2022).

See you at the next edition!

Welcome from the Chair

Welcome from the Conference Chairs of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry (CSAC2021)

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to join the 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry (CSAC2021) that will be hosted online from 1 to 15 July 2021 at

What can be foreseen is that chemical sensors will play a continued and critical role in our society. In particular, in recent years, the dangers posed by biological agents and naturally occurring agents like SARS-CoV-2 have fully materialized from just a conceptual threat on the horizon to the currently realized global pandemic. So how to monitor and detect these agents has been becoming increasingly important. There has never been a greater need for (chemo)sensors, and, just like every other technology we need to develop, it all starts with research and the dissemination and sharing of that research in a scholarly form.

The scope of this online conference is to get together worldwide well-known experts who are currently working in chemical sensor technologies and to provide an online forum for presenting and discussing new results.

Throughout this event, we aim to cover, among others, the following topics:

  • Electrochemical Devices and Sensors
  • Optical Chemical Sensors
  • Mass-Sensitive Sensors
  • Materials for Chemical Sensing
  • Nano- and Micro-Technologies for Sensing
  • Chemical Assay and Validation
  • Chemical Sensor Applications
  • Analytical Methods
  • Gas Sensors and Apparatus
  • Electronic Noses
  • Electronic Tongues
  • Microfluidic Devices
  • Lab-on-a-chip
  • Single-Molecule Sensing
  • Nanosensors
  • Medico-Diagnostic Testing

We hope you will join us and present your work at CSAC to be part of this stimulating online experience.

Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Nicole Jaffrezic-Renault

Conference Chairs

Institute of Analytical Sciences, UMR CNRS 5280, Department LSA, 5 Rue de La Doua, 69100 Villeurbanne, France


Conference Committee

Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, AIBN, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia

Research Keywords
Biosensors; Bionanoprobes; Chemosensors; Bioimaging; Theranostic Nanomaterials; Bio-/Nano-interface

Sensor Lab, Department of Information Engineering (DII), University of Brescia, Via Valotti 9, 25133 Brescia, Italy

Research Keywords
Metal Oxides; Nanowires; Chemical Sensors; Gas Sensors; Heterostructures; Functional Materials; Material Synthesis

Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Garibaldi 107, 82100 Benevento, Italy

Research Keywords
Optical Fiber Sensors; SERS; Plasmonic Sensors; Nanostructures; Lab on Fiber

Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin Dublin 2, Ireland

Research Keywords
Optical Characterization of Condensed Matter; With an Emphasis on the Analysis of the Composition, Stoichiometry, Molecular Orientation, Stress and Strain in Amorphous solids, Liquid Crystals, Photonic Crystals and Semiconductors

University of Gdansk, Gdańsk, Poland

Research Keywords
quantum chemistry; computational chemistry; chemistry in silico; chemosensores; electrochemistry; electrode modifications

National Research Council (CNR), at the Istituto per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Plasmi (ISTP) - seat of Bari, Bari, Italy

Research Keywords
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy applied to environmental materials, fertilizers, plants and cultural heritage, laser-matter interaction, laser spectroscopy, morphological characterization techniques and nanocrystalline diamond films

Institute of Chemistry and Processes for Energy, Environment and Health (ICPEES), University of Strasbourg and CNRS (UMR 7515), 25 rue Becquerel, 67087 Strasbourg, France

Research Keywords
air quality; atmospheric chemistry; analytical chemistry; volatile organic compounds; microfluidics; miniaturized devices; sensors

Department of Electronics Engineering, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

Research Keywords
modeling interaction of light with nanostructures at the nanoscale; nanoengineering of the optical and geometric properties of nanoporous materials; biotechnological applications of nanoporous materials

Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology (CIBIO)University of Trento, Italy

Research Keywords
nucleic acids sensors; biosensors; medical biotechnology

IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, 48011 Bilbao, Spain,
IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science and Department Advanced Polymers and Materials, University of Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Spain

Research Keywords
Advanced Magnetic Materials; Amorphous, Nanocrystalline and Granular Magnetic Materials; and Sensor Applications; Hysteretic Magnetic Properties; Magnetic Wires; Magneto-Electric Effects; Giant Magnetoimpedance Effect; Magneto-Resistance Effect

Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, via Torino 155, 30172 Venezia Mestre, Italy

Research Keywords
molecular electrochemistry; electrochemosensors and biosensors; environmental electroanalysis; nanoelectrodes and bio-nanoelectrochemistry

Biosensor National Special Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yuquan Campus, Zhouyiqing Building, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

Research Keywords
biosensors and bioelectronics; electronic nose and electronic tongue; Cell-based biosensors (CBBS) and Organoid chips; Bio-MEMS and Bio-NEMS; Biomimetic sensors

Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry, University of Barcelona, Martí i Franquès 1-11, 08028-Barcelona, Spain

Research Keywords
electrochemical sensors; screen-printed devices; chemometrics; persistent and emerging pollutants; electronic tongues; liquid chromatography; food authentication

Institute of Medical Engineering, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University, No. 76, Yanta West Road, Xi’an, China, 710061

Research Keywords
cell- and molecule-based biosensors; DNA biosensors; microfluidic chips; molecular diagnostics; micro/nano devices for chemical sensing; electrochemical sensors

Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Seville, Prof. García González nº 1, 41012 Seville, Spain

Research Keywords
nanomaterials; polymers; physical chemistry; Kinetics; thermodynamics; carbon nanotubes; dna; gene therapy; micelles; liposomes; nanoparticles; dendrimers; Surfactants

Sensors & Biosensors Group, Department of Chemistry, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Edifici Cn, Campus de Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallés), 08193 Barcelona, Spain

Research Keywords
automation in analytical chemistry; bioinspired analytical systems; FIA systems; SIA systems; chemical sensors; biosensors; genosensors; aptamer sensors; Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy; multisensor systems; electronic tongues

Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao, Spain,
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain

Research Keywords
Optical sensors; Image analysis; Hyperspectral Image; UV-VIS; NIR; MIR; Raman; RMN; Chemometrics; Machine Learning

Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Polytechnic University of Bari, Bari, Italy

Research Keywords
photonics; optoelectronics; sensors; chemosensors

Laboratoire de Bioelectrochimie et Spectroscopie Faculte deChimie, UdS), 1 Rue Blaise Pascal 67008 Strasbourg Cedex, France

Research Keywords
bioelectrochemistry; biosensors; membrane proteins; nanomaterials

CAP/INESC TEC—Technology and Science and FCUP—Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal

Research Keywords
physical, chemical and biological fiber optic sensors; plasmonics; nanocoatings; optical spectroscop

CSIC - Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), Barcelona, Spain

Research Keywords
potentiometric ion sensors; Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy; interdigitated electrode arrays; impedimetric chemical and biosensors

Sheffield Hallam University, Biomolecular Sciences Research Centre, Sheffield, UK

Research Keywords
analytical chemistry; colorimetric biosensors; bioremediation; atomic spectrometry

DTE-FSD-DIN, ENEA National Agency, Portici (NA), Italy

Research Keywords
nanostructured materials, gas sensing, e-nose, graphene, experimental physics, air quality, artificial olfaction

Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program and Research School of Chemistry, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Research Keywords
electrochemical devices; nanomaterials; transmission electron microscopy

Applied Chemometrics Laboratory, Institute of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg 198504, Russia

Research Keywords
chemical sensors; multisensor systems; sensor arrays; data processing; chemometrics; signal processing; multivariate statistics

Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

Research Keywords
Biosensors; Chemical Sensors; Biomaterials; Nanomaterials; PoCT Devices

Department of Engineering, Messina University, Messina, Italy

Research Keywords
nanostructured materials for chemical and electrochemical sensing; metal oxide semiconductor-based gas sensors; biosensors; fabrication of chemical sensors; environmental sensors; automotive gas sensors; biomedical sensors

Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Chemical Biology, Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, uOttawa Brain and Mind Research Institute, University of Ottawa, STEM Building, Rm. 358, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Research Keywords
Fluorescence sensing; Molecular Imaging; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Positron Emission Tomography; Radiotracers; Activity-based Sensing; Enzyme Activity; Oxidative Stress; Aldehydic Load; Photoacoustic Imaging; Nanosensors and Nanomaterials

College of Chem. and Materials Science, South-Central University for Nationalities, 182# Minzu RD, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei province, 430074, China,
Senior Research Scientist, Dept. of Chem. and Biotechnology, School of Science, Tallinn University of Technology, Akadeemia tee 15, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia

Research Keywords
sensors; induced chirality; chirality transfer; supramolecular chirality; chiral chromophores; circular dichroism; chiral materials and surfaces

Functional Nanomaterials and Interfaces Lab, Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems - ISASI, National Research Council (CNR), Via Pietro Castellino n.111, 80131 Napoli, Italy

Research Keywords
nanomaterials; hybrid interfaces; photoluminescence; optical biosensors; drug delivery systems

State Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science, Department of Chemistry, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China

Research Keywords
immunosensors; electrochemical sensors; chemically modified electrodes; biosensors;

CEFITEC, Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal

Research Keywords
organic thin film devices and sensors; effect of radiation/particle beams on biological molecules; biomimetic membranes and rudimentary cells; encapsulation of molecules in liposomes; nanoparticles; drug delivery systems

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ITB-A216, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1, Canada

Research Keywords
soft and hard materials integration; wearable electrochemical sensors; sweat pH and glucose sensing; glutamate sensing; cannabis sensing; water pH and heavy metals sensing; two-dimensional nanomaterials; energy harvesting; surface activated nanobonding

Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Crystallography and Mineralogy, University of Malaga Campus de Teatinos s/n, 29071 Málaga, Spain

Research Keywords
Nanoparticles in Analytical Chemistry; Spectroscopy and Material Science

Università degli Studi di Teramo, Agriculture and Environment, Teramo, Italy

Research Keywords
electrochemical sensors; enzyme sensors; affinity sensing; rapid methods in food quality and safety; sample preparation; nanomaterial-based sensing; gas sensor arrays for detection of VOCs

Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata Roma, Italy

Research Keywords
gas sensors; piezoelectric sensors; electronic nose; electronic tongue; multivariate data analysis

Dpartment Química Física y Química Inorgánica, Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales, University of Valladolid, Paseo del Cauce, 59. 47011 Valladolid, Spain

Research Keywords
electrochemical sensors; chemically modified with electrocatalytic materials and nanomaterials; biomimetic biosensors dedicated to the detection of components of foods; antioxidants; electronic tongues based on nanostructured biosensors

Tecnología de Sensores Avanzados (SENSAVAN), Instituto de Tecnologías Físicas y de la Información (ITEFI), CSIC, Serrano 144, 28006 Madrid, Spain

Research Keywords
chemical and biological sensors; electronic noses; nanomaterials; sensor technology

Department of Mathematics and Physics “E. De Giorgi”, University of Salento, Via Arnesano, I-73100 Lecce, Italy

Research Keywords
proteotronics; biosensors; electronic transport in biological matter; modelling

Nano Institute of Utah, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

Research Keywords
chemical sensor; organic nanomaterial; molecular self-assembly; photocatalysis

Inorganic Chemistry Department, Universitat de València, Doctor Moliner, 50, 46100 Burjassot, Spain

Research Keywords
sensors; optical chemosensors; dyes; nanomaterials; optoelectronic noses and tongues

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche –Institute Superconductors, Innovative Materials and Devices (CNR-SPIN), via Giovanni Paolo II n.132, I-84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy

Research Keywords
carbon nanotubes and graphene based Nano-devices; 2D materials based electronics; Fowler-Nordheim tunneling; Arrays; Nanowires; Nano-sensors; scanning probe techniques for Nanotechnology; superconducting nanostructures

Sheffield Hallam University, Department of Engineering and Mathematics, Materials and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield S1 1WB, UK

Research Keywords
organic thin films; nanostructures; chemical- and bio-sensing

Centre for Applied Photonics, INESC TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science, Porto - Portugal

Research Keywords
advanced spectroscopy; signal processing; artificial intelligence; optics and lasers; point-of-care technology

Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy

Research Keywords
metal oxide nanostructures; carbon-containing nanomaterials; organic–inorganic composites; surface chemistry and surface physics; gas- and biosensors; flexible functional devices; cyber chemical systems for health; food and environmental monitoring

Institut Européen des Membranes, IEM – UMR 5635, Univ Montpellier, ENSCM, CNRS 300 Avenue du Professeur Emile Jeanbrau, 34090 Montpellier, Cedex 5, France

Research Keywords
electrochemistry; electrocatalysis; nanomaterials; electroanalytical chemistry; (bio)fuel cells

Department Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, University of Manchester, UK

Research Keywords
electrochemistry; ORR electrocatalysis; Platinum-free catalysts; bioelectrochemical systems and sensors

Department of Chemistry, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire L11 3TU, UK

Research Keywords
photocatalysis; nanomaterials; thin films; metal oxides; electrochemistry; electron transfer; energy generation and storage; energy materials

ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Department for Sustainability, Division of Sustainable Materials, Laboratory Functional Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Applications - Brindisi Research Center, km 706, Strada Statale 7, Appia, I-72100 Brindisi, Italy

Research Keywords
sensor materials; functional materials; gas sensors; air quality sensor systems; sensor technology development; environmental measurements; urban air quality sensor networks; smart cities applications

Université de Paris, ITODYS, CNRS, UMR 7086, 15 rue J-A de Baïf, F-75013 Paris, France

Research Keywords
skin sensors; flexible; Wearable; sweat; smart dressings; smart tattoos; diabetes; printed electronics, organic transistors; pressure sensors; humidity sensors

Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, Gliwice, Poland

Research Keywords
nanotechnology of electronic materials, characterization of their surface properties

Chemistry Department ITODYS laboratory UMR-CNRS 7086, Université de Paris, Paris, France

Research Keywords
Electrochemistry; surface grafting; ionic liquid; scanning electrochemical microscopy; electrocatalysis

National institute of Optics, National Research Council (CNR-INO), Brescia, Italy

Research Keywords
gas sensors; metal oxides; nanowires, nanoparticles; electronic nose

Polymer Research Group, Facultad de Ciencias (Faculty of Science), Universidad de Burgos (University of Burgos), 09001 Burgos, Spain

Research Keywords
polymers; polymer sensors; high performance polymers; polymers for advanced applications; design and synthesis of advanced polymers; monomers; monomer synthesis; chemical sensors; supramolecular chemistry

Department of Physics, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University University of Saratov, Saratov, Russia

Research Keywords
gas sensor, multisensor array, electronic nose, low-dimensional structure, metal oxide

Department of Science and Technology (ITN), Campus Norrköping, Linköping University, SE 60174 Norrköping, Sweden

Research Keywords
materials; synthesis; characterization; material application for energy harvesting; devices for sensing; optical and electrical devices

Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany

Research Keywords
chemical sensors; biosensors; fluorescence; nanomaterials

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto per la Microelettronica ed i Microsistemi (C.N.R.–I.M.M.), Via Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy

Research Keywords
chemical synthesis; gas sensors; nanomaterials; metal oxides

Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Faculty of Sciences and Environment, Department of Chemistry, Physics and Environment, Galati, Romania

Research Keywords
sensor; biosensor; multisensory systems; electrochemistry; chemometry; food analysis; nanomaterial

Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Complutense University, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, Madrid 28040, Spain

Research Keywords
optical (bio)sensing; bioinspired materials; biotechnology; analytical chemistry

Laboratoire IMS, Universty of Bordeaux, Talence, France

Research Keywords
cantilever and MOX gas sensors, printing technologies, MEMS, piezoelectric components, energy harvesting, assembly

Keynote Speakers

Université de Paris, ITODYS, CNRS, UMR 7086, 15 rue J-A de Baïf, F-75013 Paris, France

Title: ‘Electrolyte-gated field-effect transistors for monitoring photosynthetic activity’ Electrolyte-gated field-effect transistors (EGFETs) are now well-known, in particular for biosensing applications. They are capacitively coupled i.e., driven by changes in capacitance at the electrolyte/gate or electrolyte/semiconductor interface. As for all field-effect transistors, any current flowing at the gate electrode is seen as a drawback. However, it is interesting to compare the operating principle of such transistors to that of organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) that switch on and off triggered by a gate current caused by a faradaic reaction. We will demonstrate here that not only the gate potential can trigger the source-drain current of EGFETs, but that the current flowing at the gate can also be used. Because EGFETs can work directly in water, and as an example of application, we will demonstrate the possibility to monitor photosynthesis from microorganisms, through the electroreduction, on the gate, of the oxygen produced. Two materials were used: an organic semiconductor, to make an EGOFET, or reduced graphene oxide to make an EGGFET. Also, two architectures were used: a liquid electrolyte (simply water), or a hydrogel immobilized onto the gate. In this case, the cyanobacteria were entrapped into the hydrogel. A final application could be the detection of water pollutants. The presence of herbicides such as diuron or glyphosate, which strongly affect the cyanobacteria’s photosynthetic activity, were efficiently detected using these devices. We will also show that such devices can be entirely obtained by fabrication processes such as printing.
Benoît Piro is full professor in Université de Paris (France), Chemistry department. He developed various kinds of electrochemical biosensors directed to target molecules such as miRNA, proteins, peptides, antibodies, organic pollutants and participated in their economic valorization through several collaborations with biotech companies. Beyond conventional electrochemical sensors, he developed organic electronic devices e.g., organic field effect transistors and more precisely electrolyte-gated OFETs and graphene FETs (GFETs) able to operate in aqueous media, paving the way for applications in the medical or environmental fields. He also developed a number of flexible printed devices using inkjet-, screen- or dispensing- printing, for chemical and physical sensing.
Research Keywords
skin sensors; flexible; Wearable; sweat; smart dressings; smart tattoos; diabetes; printed electronics, organic transistors; pressure sensors; humidity sensors

School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia

Title: ‘Ingestible gas sensing capsules’ Ingestible sensors are powerful tools for monitoring human health. Such ingestible sensors have been developed for monitoring pH and pressure readings or monitor medication. As a breakthrough in the field of smart ingestible sensors, we have developed and commercialized an ingestible capsule that can assess the chemical compositions of the gut. Here a series of human pilot trials of an ingestible electronic capsule that can sense oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide will be reported. The capsule uses a combination of thermal conductivity and semiconducting sensors, and their selectivity and sensitivity to different gases is controlled by adjusting the heating elements of the sensors. Gas profiles of the subjects were obtained while modulating gut microbial fermentative activities by altering their intake of dietary fibre. Ultrasound imaging confirmed that the oxygen-equivalent concentration profile could be used as an accurate marker for the location of the capsule. Regional fermentation patterns could be defined via hydrogen gas profiles. Our gas capsule offers an accurate and safe tool for monitoring the effects of diet of individuals, and has the potential to be used as a diagnostic tool for the gut.
Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh is a professor of Chemical Engineering at UNSW and one of the Australian Research Council Laureate Fellows of 2018. Prof. Kalantar-Zadeh is involved in research in the fields of materials sciences and sensors, has co-authored of ~450 scientific papers and is also a member of the editorial boards of journals including ACS Sensors, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Advanced Materials Technologies, and ACS Nano. He has received many international awards including the 2017 IEEE Sensor Council Achievement, 2018 ACS Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship awards and 2020 Robert Boyle Prize of RSC. He also appeared in the Clarivate Analytics most highly cited list since 2018.
Research Keywords
gas sensors; liquid metals; electronic materials; medical devices and microfluidics

ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Department for Sustainability, Division of Sustainable Materials, Laboratory Functional Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Applications - Brindisi Research Center, km 706, Strada Statale 7, Appia, I-72100 Brindisi, Italy

Chemical Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring
Michele Penza, Degree in Physics in 1990 from University of Bari, Italy. He worked with CNRSM SCpA (IT S&T Park) and then joined ENEA in 2001. He currently manages research projects (regional, national, international) and teams on materials science, sensors and solid-state devices at the Research Center of Brindisi, Italy. The research interests are in sensor materials, functional materials, nanomaterials, gas sensors, portable sensor-systems, functional applications, environmental technologies and measurements. He was awarded with E2-Excellence ENEA 2008 for a Special Mention in Environmental Research. Author of 2 filed national patents and 180 scientific publications, 30 invited speakers, 7 book-chapters, coorganizer of scientific meetings, chair of conference-sessions, member of international scientific committees (EUROSENSORS, EMRS, TRANSDUCERS, IMCS, IEEE SENSORS), international expert for FP7 and H2020 projects and national research agency/council, international reviewer, research manager with SMEs partnership, Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member for Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, Journal of Sensors, Frontiers in Materials, Sensors, Chemosensors, Guest Editor of several special issues (Elsevier, IEEE, ASP, Hindawi, Copernicus, Beilstein Institute, AMA Science, MDPI). His H-index: 37 (March 2021).
Research Keywords
sensor materials; functional materials; gas sensors; air quality sensor systems; sensor technology development; environmental measurements; urban air quality sensor networks; smart cities applications

Sensor Lab, Department of Information Engineering (DII), University of Brescia, Via Valotti 9, 25133 Brescia, Italy

Research Keywords
metal oxides; nanowires; chemical sensors; gas sensors; heterostructures; functional materials; material synthesis

IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, 48011 Bilbao, Spain,
IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science and Department Advanced Polymers and Materials, University of Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Spain

Magnetic microwires for magnetic sensor applications
Research Keywords
Advanced Magnetic Materials; Amorphous, Nanocrystalline and Granular Magnetic Materials; and Sensor Applications; Hysteretic Magnetic Properties; Magnetic Wires; Magneto-Electric Effects; Giant Magnetoimpedance Effect; Magneto-Resistance Effect

State Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science, Department of Chemistry, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China

Huangxian Ju, Changjiang Professor, the director of State Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science, Nanjing University; Fellows of the International Society of Electrochemistry and the Royal Society of Chemistry. He received B.S., M.S. and Ph.D degrees from Nanjing University in 1986, 1989 and 1992, and then became a lecturer, associate professor and professor at Nanjing University in 1992, 1993 and 1999. His research interests include analytical biochemistry and nanobiosensing, focusing on signal amplification and life analytical chemistry. He have published 745 papers (451 papers in journals with IF>5), 6 English books, 7 Chinese books, 20 chapters and authored 27 patents with more than 35000 citations in SCI journals with an h-index of 96 (GS h-index 105). He won the first outstanding achievement award of Chinese chemical sensors in 2019, 3 first-class S&T prizes from Jiangsu Province Government, 3 first-class prizes in natural science from Education Ministry of China, 3 first-class S&T prizes from Chinese Association for Instrumental Analysis, 3 second-class and 2 third-class S&T prizes from Jiangsu Province Government. He is also the director of Electroanalytical Chemistry Committee, vice director of Chemical Sensors Committee, and vice president of Analytical Instrument Branch Association, Chinese Society of Instruments; vice directors of Analytical Chemistry Discipline Committee and Organic Analysis Committee, Chinese Chemical Society; vice director of Biosensor Biochip Nanotechnology Committee of Chinese Society of Bioengineering; vice director of Analytical Pharmacology Committee of Chinese Pharmacological Society; chief editor of Frontiers in Chemistry: Analytical Chemistry (, associate editors of Sensors, Telomere and Telomerase, and Journal of Analysis and Testing.
Research Keywords
immunosensors; electrochemical sensors; chemically modified electrodes; biosensors;

Invited Speakers

Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, AIBN, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia

Responsive Probes for Background-free Luminescence Bioassay and Imaging
Dr. Run Zhang received his PhD from the Dalian University of Technology in 2012. He was a Postdoc Research Fellow at the Department of Physics and Astronomy in Macquarie University (MQ) in 2012, then a Macquarie University Research Fellow at the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science in 2013-2015. He joined the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of Queensland, as a Research Associate in 2016. Here, he was awarded the Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (ARC DECRA) Fellowship in 2017-2019 and is now a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Emerging Leadership Fellow. He is currently a team leader of the biosensing and bioimaging, working on the development of responsive molecules/nanomaterials for bioassay, imaging, early disease diagnosis and treatment. He has published more than 110 research papers since his first publication in 2010, and his publications have attracted more than 3500 citations and returns an h-index of 33.
Research Keywords
Biosensors; Bionanoprobes; Chemosensors; Bioimaging; Theranostic Nanomaterials; Bio-/Nano-interface

CSIC - Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), Barcelona, Spain

Impedimetric transducers based on 3D-interdigitated electrode arrays for bacterial biosensing applications
Andrey Bratov received his Ph.D. in physical chemistry in 1987 from the Leningrad (now St.Petersburg) State University. Till 1993, being a senior researcher in the Laboratory of Chemical Sensors of the St.Petersburg University, he was working on the development of ISFET-based sensors. In 1993-1995 he was invited as a Visiting Professor to the Sensors and Biosensors Group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. From 1995 he works at the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona currently being a senior researcher of the BioMEMS Group. His main research activities are concentrated on application of microelectronic technology to the development of chemical and biochemical sensors based on potentiometric and impedimetric transducers.
Research Keywords
potentiometric ion sensors; Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy; interdigitated electrode arrays; impedimetric chemical and biosensors

Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg-Sweden.

Nanoscale amperometry reveals that only a fraction of vesicular serotonin content is released during exocytosis from single beta cells
Amir Hatami, senior researcher at department of chemistry and molecular biology university of Gothenburg, Gothenburg-Sweden. He graduated in electroanalytical chemistry in 2014 from University of Shahid Chamran, Iran. The research interests are in sensor materials, Nano-micro-macro-scales sensors, nanomaterials. He was awarded Wallenberg Scholarship-Sweden 2017, Marie Curie grant-EU 2019 for single cell analysis at diabetes research. Author of 33 scientific publications and 5 review papers, 1 invited speaker, 1 book-chapters, co-organizer of 2 scientific meetings, a guest editor of Biosensors journal, member of international scientific societies (Swedish Chemical Society, International Electrochemical Society (ISE), Iranian Society of Chemistry).
Research Keywords
Single cell and vesicle analysis, diabetes, Intra-extracellular electroanalysis, Nanoscale electrode, Bioanalytical chemistry

Live Sessions


01 July 2021

Webinar Chair: Dr. Manuel Algarra

Speaker Title Time (CEST)
Prof. Dr. Nicole Jaffrezic-Renault Opening Ceremony 9:00-9:05
Prof. Dr. Huangxian Ju In situ detection of cell surface glycans with amplified biosensing strategies 9:05-9:35
Dr. Michele Penza Chemical Sensors for Air Quality Monitoring 9:35-10:05
Dr. Verónica Serafín Gold nanoparticles-based nanonetworks for improving electrochemical immunosensing of candidate biomarkers in this century diseases 10:05-10:20
Mafalda Pereira Unravelling plant-pathogen interactions: proximal optical sensing as an effective tool for early detect plant diseases 10:20-10:35
Open Discussion 10:35-10:45

05 July 2021

Webinar Chair: Prof. Dr. Nicole Jaffrezic-Renault

Speaker Title Time (CEST)
Prof. Dr. Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh
Ingestible gas sensing capsules
Dr. Andrei Bratov Nikiforov
Impedimetric transducers based on 3D-interdigitated electrode arrays for bacterial biosensing applications
Alice Mieting
Precipitationof iron oxide in hydrogel with superparamagnetic andstimuli-responsive properties
Rebeca M. Torrente-Rodriguez
Sars-cov-2 total neutralizing immunoglobulins (igs) electrochemical quantification for reliable covid-19 immune response tracking
Open Discussion 10:35-10:45

08 July 2021

Webinar Chair: Dr. Núria Serrano

Speaker Title Time (CEST)
Dr. Arcady Zhukov
Magnetic microwires for magnetic sensor applications
Dr. Run Zhang
Responsive Probes for Background-free Luminescence Bioassay and Imaging
Dr. Amir Hatami
Nanoscale amperometry reveals that only a fraction of vesicular serotonin content is released during exocytosis from single beta cells
Guzel Ziyatdinova Sensitive and selective voltammetric sensors for the simultaneous quantification of natural phenolic antioxidants in cognac and brandy 10:25-10:40
Open Discussion 10:40-10:55

12 July 2021

Webinar Chair: Dr. Tatiana S. Perova

Speaker Title Time (CEST)
Prof. Dr. Elisabetta Comini

One dimensional metal oxides: growth and strategies for boosting sensing performances


Prof. Dr. Benoît Piro

Electrolyte-gated field-effect transistors for monitoring photosynthetic activity

Open Discussion 10:00-10:20

Ana Carolina P. Afonso

Luís Pinto da Silva

Carbon Dots as a Fluorescence pH Nanosensor by Application of an Active Surface Preservation Strategy


Márcio Caracho

Essential oils as possible candidates to be included in Active Packaging Systems and the use of sensors to monitor the quality of foodstuff


Amall Ramanathan

New half metal perovskite NbScO3 for spintronic sensing applications


Open Discussion


Prof. Dr. Nicole Jaffrezic-Renault Live Session Ending Conclusion


Live Sessions Recordings

Live Session 1

Live Session 2

Live Session 3

Live Session 4

List of accepted submissions (132)

Id Title Authors Presentation Video Poster PDF
sciforum-044822 Applications and properties of lanthanide complexes , , , , N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-045077 Room Temperature Hydrogen Sensing Based on Tapered Optical Fiber Coated with Polyaniline (PANI) , , , , , , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-045102 Optical characterization of acetone-sensitive thin films of poly(vinyl alcohol)-g-poly(methyl acrylate)

, , , ,

Submitted: 24 Mar 2021

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , , , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-045531 Core Modulation of Porphyrins for Chemical Sensing


Submitted: 06 Apr 2021

Abstract: Show Abstract
, Video Thumbnail Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-045582 Towards Low Temperature VOCs Chemoresistors: Graphene Oxide versus Porphyrin-based Materials , , , N/A N/A Show Abstract

Award Winners Announcement


Feasibility of Total White Blood Cells Counts by Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy


Teresa Barroso, Lénio Ribeiro, Hugo Gregório, Filipe Santos and Rui C. Martins


Portable electrochemical detection of illicit drugs in smuggled samples: towards more secure borders


Marc Parrilla, Robin Van Echelpoel, Noelia Felipe Montiel and Karolien De Wael


2D layered pnictogens: Promising materials for the development of voltammetric sensors for metal ion determination


Clara Pérez-Ràfols, María A. Tapia, Rui Gusmão, Núria Serrano, Zdeněk Sofer and José Manuel Díaz-Cruz

Event Awards

To acknowledge the support of the conference esteemed authors and recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishments, we are pleased to launch the Best Contribution Award, Best Presentation Award and Best Poster Award.

The Awards
Best Contribution Award

Number of Awards Available: 1

For One Candidate: 500 CHF+ 1 free paper + A Certificate
Best Presentation Award

Number of Awards Available: 1

For One Candidate: 800 CHF+ 1 free paper + A Certificate
Best Poster Award

Number of Awards Available: 1

For One Candidate: 500 CHF+ 1 Free Paper + A Certificate
Terms and Conditions:
Best Contribution Award

The Best Contribution Award is given for the submission judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.

Best Presentation Award

The Best Presentation Award is given for the oral online presentations/video presentations judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.

Best Poster Award

The Best Poster Award has been established to recognize the scientific merit exhibited in poster presentation and preparation.

Posters should have the following information.

  • Title (with authors and affiliations)
  • Introduction / Objectives / Aims
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Acknowledgements
  • Contact information

Criteria of judgement on the presentation shall be the ability of summarizing the content of the work and motivating the interest in looking at the poster. Criteria of judgement on the poster should be clarity of poster and appearance quality.

Call for Submissions

The 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry (CSAC2021) will be held on 1st–15th July 2021. CSAC aims to promote and advance the exciting and rapidly changing field of Chemosensors (ISSN 2227-9040, IF: 3.108). All proceedings will be published online at and in the Chemistry Proceedings journal ( (ISSN 2673-4583) for free. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Electrochemical devices and sensors
  • Optical chemical sensors
  • Mass-sensitive sensors
  • Materials for chemical sensing
  • Nano- and micro-technologies for sensing
  • Chemical assay and validation
  • Chemical sensor applications
  • Analytical methods
  • Gas sensors and apparatus
  • Electronic noses
  • Electronic tongues
  • Microfluidic devices
  • Lab-on-a-chip
  • Single-molecule sensing
  • Nanosensors
  • Medico-diagnostic testing

CSAC is a virtual conference sponsored by Chemosensors. Participation is free of charge for authors and attendees. Accepted papers will be gathered in the proceedings of the conference.

Selected extended versions of the papers will be published in a Chemosensors conference Special Issue: 'Selected Papers from 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry (CSAC2021)' with a discount of 20% on the article processing charges. CSAC offers you the opportunity to participate in this international, scholarly conference without having the concern or expenditure of travel—all you need is your computer and access to the Internet. We would like to invite you to “attend” this conference by presenting your latest work.

Abstracts (in English) before 16 May 2021 online at For accepted abstracts, the proceedings paper can be submitted by 14 June 2021. The conference will be held on 1st–15th July 2021.

Paper Submission Guidelines

For information on the procedure for submission, peer review, revision, and acceptance of conference proceedings papers, please refer to the section 'Instructions for Authors'.

Critical Dates

Deadline for Abstract Submission (CET): 16/05/2021
Notification of Acceptance (CET): 24/05/2021
Deadline for Full Paper Submission (CET): 14/06/2021
Conference Open (CET): 01/07/2021

Instructions for Authors


Submissions should be made by authors online by registering with, and using the 'New Submission' function once logged into the system.

  1. Scholars interested in participating in the conference can submit their abstract (about 200–300 words) online on this website until 16 May 2021.
  2. The Conference Committee will notify the acceptance of the abstract by 24 May 2021.
  3. In case of acceptance, authors will be asked to submit their manuscript, along with a presentation and optionally a video presentation of his/her paper (only PDF), until the submission deadline of 14 June 2021.
  4. The manuscripts and presentations will be available on for discussion and rating during the time of the conference from 1-15 July 2021.
  5. The open access journal Chemosensors will publish a Special Issue: 'Selected Papers from 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry (CSAC2021)' of the conference proceedings papers.
  6. All accepted extended abstracts will be published as one dedicated volume in MDPI Chemistry Proceedings series journals (ISSN: ISSN 2673-4583,
  7. After the conference, the Conference Committee will recommend manuscripts that may be included for publication in this Special Issue.
Proceedings Paper

Manuscripts for the proceedings issue must have the following organization:

First page:

  • Title
  • Full author names
  • Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors' e-mail addresses
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • (Acknowledgements)
  • References

Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word or any other word processor and should be converted to PDF format before submission. The publication format will be PDF. The manuscript should count at least 3 pages (including figures, tables and references) and should not exceed 6 pages.

Presentation Slides
Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint or similar software, to be displayed online along with the manuscript. Slides can be prepared in exactly the same way as for any traditional conference where research results are presented. Slides should be converted to PDF format before submission so that our process can easily and automatically convert them for online display.

After the acceptance of abstract, please upload the PDF format in the field "Presentation PDF (optional)" accompany with extended abstracts.

Video Presentations

Authors are also encouraged to submit video presentations. This is an unique way of presenting your paper and discussing it with peers from all over the world. Video should be no longer than 3-5 minutes and prepared with one of the following formats: .mp4 / .webm / .ogg (max size: 250Mb). It should be submitted with the full manuscript before 14 June 2021.

After the acceptance of abstract, please upload your presentation video file in the field "Presentation video (mp4 / webm / ogg - max250Mb) (optional)" accompany with extended abstracts and other supporting files.

Presentation of Posters

Posters will be available on this conference website during and after the event. Like papers presented on the conference, participants will be able to ask questions and make comments about the posters. Posters can be presented without an accompanying proceedings paper and will be available online on this website during and after the e-conference. However, they will not be added to the proceedings of the conference. For detailed instructions on how to submit a poster, please contact us at

Proceedings Template
Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted online at by registering and logging in.
Accepted File Formats
  • MS Word: Manuscripts prepared in MS Word must be converted into a single file before submission. When preparing manuscripts in MS Word, the Electronic Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces Microsoft Word template file (see download below) must be used. Please do not insert any graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) into a movable frame which can superimpose the text and make the layout very difficult.
  • LaTeX: Manuscripts prepared in LaTeX must be collated into one ZIP folder (include all source files and images, so that the Conference Secretariat can recompile the submitted PDF). When preparing manuscripts in LaTeX, please use the 6th Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications LaTeX template files.
Potential Conflicts of Interest

It is the authors' responsibility to identify and declare any personal circumstances or interests that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of clinical research. If there is no conflict, please state here 'The authors declare no conflict of interest.' This should be conveyed in a separate 'Conflict of Interest' statement preceding the 'Acknowledgments' and 'References' sections at the end of the manuscript. Financial support for the study must be fully disclosed under 'Acknowledgments' section.


MDPI, the publisher of the platform, is an open access publisher. We believe that authors should retain the copyright to their scholarly works. Hence, by submitting a Communication paper to this conference, you retain the copyright of your paper, but you grant MDPI the non-exclusive right to publish this paper online on the platform. This means you can easily submit your paper to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher (if required by that publisher).

Conference Secretariat

M.Sc. Fancy Zhai

MDPI Branch Office, Beijing


Ms. Betsy Wang

MDPI Branch Office, Beijing


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Media Partners
