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Universe Webinar | keV Warm Dark Matter in Agreement with Observations in Tribute to Héctor J. De Vega

10 November 2021, 13:30 (CET)

keV WDM, Theory, observations, Sterile neutrinos, production mechanisms, particles, Detection, galaxies and cosmological structures, Evolution
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Welcome from the Chairs

2nd Universe Webinar

keV Warm Dark Matter in Agreement with Observations in Tribute to Héctor J. De Vega

Welcome to the Webinar "keV Warm Dark Matter in Agreement with Observations in Tribute to Hector J. de Vega".

keV-Warm Dark Matter (WDM) research is progressing rapidly; the subject is new and essentially works by naturally reproducing the astronomical observations over all scales: small and intermediate galactic scales and large (cosmological) scales (ΛWDM).

This webinar highlights the contents of the Special Issue devoted to keV Warm Dark Matter in Agreement with Observations in Tribute to Hector J. de Vega and the new results presented within it, with the aim of clarification and synthesis by combining theory, analysis, observation, and numerical simulations in a conceptual framework.

In this first webinar, we host five talks presenting new results from experts in this research field plus the Introduction. The main topics are 1) Sterile Neutrinos as Dark Matter: Alternative Production Mechanisms in the Early Universe ; 2) New Bounds for the Mass of the Warm Dark Matter Particles Using Results from Fermionic King Model providing strong support for the keV WDM candidate; 3) Axion-Sterile-Neutrino Dark Matter; 4) The Epoch of Reionization in Warm Dark Matter scenarios; 5) Fundamental properties of the dark and the luminous matter from the Low Surface Brightness discs.

Thus, this webinar offers an updated collection of results, recent progress and reviews, opening new research lines in this highly active field and its implications in sterile neutrinos, galaxies, and cosmology, both with theory and observations, analytical and numerical results.

We look forward to seeing many of you at the Webinar!

My best regards,

Norma G. Sanchez

Date: 10 November 2021

Time: 1:30pm CET | 7:30am EDT | 8:30pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 826 8544 0681

Webinar Secretariat:

In tribute to Hector J. de Vega


CNRS, PSL-Paris Observatory. Chalonge- de Vega Int. School Center, Paris, France

Professor Norma G. Sanchez is research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, institut national des sciences de l'univers (INSU) PSL-Observatoire de Paris, and the Chalonge - de Vega School. Norma conducts research in the physics of the universe, theoretical physics, gravitation, black holes, and their particle physics interplay. Her current projects are the new universe, the universe from large to small scales with inflation, general relativity, quantum field theory, the CMB, keV Warm Dark Matter, black holes, dark energy, and quantum physics at the Planckian and Transplanckian scales.

Invited Speakers

University of Pittsburgh, Department of Physics , Pittsburgh, USA

Professor Daniel Boyanovsky obtained his PhD degree from UCSB in 1982 under the supervision of Professor John L. Cardy. He then joined the department of physics and astronomy, at the University of Pittsburgh. Now, he is a professor of physics. His research program is truly interdisciplinary, merging not only cosmology and particle physics but also statistical and many body physics, including methods and concepts from quantum optics, to study early universe inflationary cosmology, the physics of quantum coherence in neutrino oscillations and sterile neutrinos as possible dark matter candidates.

Universidad Catolica del Norte, Dept. de Fisica, Antofagasta, Chile

Dr Luisberis Velázquez received a PhD degree in physical sciences from the Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences of Havana in 2007. Since 2008, he has been working at the Department of Physics, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile, where he is a professor of physics. He has specialized in statistical mechanics and its interrelations with other disciplines, such as astrophysics, condensed matter, computational physics and mathematical physics.

INFN, Phys Dept University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

After receiving a PhD from SISSA (Trieste) and holding research and teaching positions in various institutions in Switzerland, Spain, Italy and at CERN, Dr Alberto Salvio became a staff member of the physics department at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in October 2018. His active research fields and expertise are in modern particle physics (at and beyond the standard model), early cosmology, gravity, and their interconnections.

INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Rome, Italy

Dr. Nicola Menci is a staff astronomer at INAF. His chief research includes cosmology, galaxy formation, active galaxy nuclei and galaxy clusters. To date, he has published 100 more works. Due to his important contributions, he is recognized as one of the top Italian scientists in astrophysics.

SISSA/ISSAS, INFN, Trieste, Italy

Professor Paolo Salucci was born in Firenze (Italy) on April 12, 1958. In 1986, he was appointed Doctor Philosophiae in astrophysics at SISSA di Trieste. Today, he is an associate professor of the physics of galaxies at SISSA and coordinator of the INFN NA12-TS initiative. His fields of research concern cosmology, extra galactic astrophysics and physics of gravitation. In the field of dark matter in galaxies, he is one of the leading scientists in the world, and his talk “Dark Matter in Galaxies”, given in the context of the “Dark Matter Awareness Week” in 2010, was broadcasted to 143 institutions around the world.

Webinar Content

On Wednesday, 10 November 2021, MDPI and the Journal Universe organized the 2nd webinar on Universe, entitled "keV Warm Dark Matter in Agreement with Observations in Tribute to Héctor J. De Vega".

The introduction was held by the Chair of the webinar, Prof. Dr. Norma G. Sanchez. She is a research director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, and the Chalonge - de Vega School. She conducts research in the physics of the universe, theoretical physics, gravitation, black holes, and their particle physics interplay. Her current projects are the new universe, the universe from large to small scales with inflation, general relativity, quantum field theory, the CMB, keV Warm Dark Matter, black holes, dark energy, and quantum physics at the Planckian and Transplanckian scales.

The first speaker to quick off this webinar was Prof. Norma G. Sanchez with her presentation "keV Warm Dark Matter in Agreement with Observations In Tribute to Hector de Vega".

She was followed by Dr. Luisberis Velazquez Abad with his presentation "New bounds for the mass of warm dark matter particles using results from fermionic King model". He received a PhD degree in physical sciences from the Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences of Havana in 2007. Since 2008, he has been working at the Department of Physics, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile, where he is a professor of physics.

The third presentation was held by Dr. Alberto Salvio and its title was "Axion-Sterile-Neutrino Dark Matter". After receiving a PhD from SISSA (Trieste) and holding research and teaching positions in various institutions in Switzerland, Spain, Italy and at CERN, Dr Alberto Salvio became a staff member of the physics department at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in October 2018.

He was followed by Mr. Massimiliano Romanello with his presentation "The Epoch of Reionization in Warm Dark Matter scenarios".

The last presentation was held by Prof. Paolo Salucci and the title of his presentation was "Fundamental properties of the dark and the luminous matter from the Low Surface Brightness discs". He is an associate professor of the physics of galaxies at SISSA and coordinator of the INFN NA12-TS initiative. His fields of research concern cosmology, extra galactic astrophysics and physics of gravitation.

Each presentation was followed by a Q&A and a discussion, moderated by the Chair Prof. Norma G. Sanchez. The webinar was offered via Zoom and required registration to attend. The full recording can be found here on Sciforum website. In order to stay updated on the next webinars on Universe be sure to sign up for our newsletter by clicking on “Subscribe” at the top of the page.



Time in CEST/CET

Chair Prof. Norma G. Sanchez

keV Warm Dark Matter in Agreement with Observations In Tribute to Hector de Vega

1:30 – 2:00 pm

Prof. Daniel Boyanovsky

Light sterile neutrinos from the cosmological decay of pions in the Early Universe

2:00 – 2:30 pm

Dr. Luisberis Velazquez Abad

New bounds for the mass of warm dark matter particles using results from fermionic King model

2:30 – 3:00 pm

Dr. Alberto Salvio

Axion-Sterile-Neutrino Dark Matter

3:00 – 3:30 pm

Dr. Nicola Menci

The Epoch of Reionization in Warm Dark Matter scenarios

3:30 – 4:00 pm

Prof. Paolo Salucci

Fundamental properties of the dark and the luminous matter from the Low Surface Brightness discs

4:00 – 4:30 pm

Q&A Session and Closing of the Webinar

Chair Prof. Norma G. Sanchez

4:30 – 4:40 pm

Relevant SI

keV Warm Dark Matter (ΛWDM) in Agreement with Observations in Tribute to Héctor J. De Vega
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Norma G. Sanchez
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 November 2021

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