The First World Energies Forum
14 September–5 October 2020
Energy Fundamentals, Energy Sources, Energy Conversion, Energy Policy, exergy
- Go to the Sessions
- Event Details
- Closing Message from the Chairs
- Welcome from the Chairs
- Conference Chairs
- Conference Speakers
- Sessions
- Registration
- WEF Live online sessions Information
- Program WEF online sessions
- WEF Live and pre-recorded sessions
- Instructions for Authors
- List of Accepted Submissions
- Event Awards
- Best Oral Award Candidates
- Sponsors and Partners
Closing Message from the Chairs
Despite the very complicated situation in which we were placed by the persistence of the COVID-19 pandemic, through much effort and much dedication from all parties involved, we succeeded in running a successful conference. Originally, our target was to have approximately 100 presentations. The final number was 37: given the circumstances, and especially the short advance notice given to the authors, I think we can be satisfied. We have made every effort to make the submission/reviewing procedure smooth and speedy, and we express our special gratitude to the anonymous reviewers who have devoted their precious time to assess for us the quality of the submitted manuscripts.
Substantial support for organizers and attendees was offered by Sara Martinez, Ana Sanchis and Stella Mao of MDPI without whom this conference would have never happened. The preliminary agreements on the format, details, target, and the topics were decided together with Dr. Frank Vazquez of MDPI, to whom also goes my sincere appreciation for his professional and pragmatic approach.
We shall look to the future: WEF1-1 is over, let us start thinking about WEF-2, 2021!
Kind regards,
Enrico Sciubba
Welcome from the Chairs
Dear Colleagues,
It is our sincere pleasure and great honor to announce The First World Energies Forum—Current and Future Energy Issues, organized by the MDPI open-access journal Energies and Sapienza University of Roma. In light of the unprecedented circumstances, and the uncertainty due to the travel restrictions imposed by different countries, the Organizing Committee has made the decision to hold the conference virtually, from 14 September to 5 October 2020.
This new format will allow authors to share their papers and online presentations worldwide, making their work available for the audience to read and comment, and sharing ideas on the discussed topics. Moreover, during the conference, three internationally renowned speakers will share their current state-of-the-art research, through a series of live-streaming webinars, which will also include a Q&A session to allow audience participation.
The WEF-1 aims to provide a forum for direct communication between scholars, regarding advanced research and technical content spanning the area of mechanical engineering, with specific focus on energy issues and thermal sciences in both fundamental and applied engineering sciences. The main topics and sessions of the conference cover:
- Energy Fundamentals, Primary Energy Sources
- Secondary Energy Sources, Intermediate and Final Energy Use
- Energy Conversion Systems
- Energy Policy, Energy Research
- Exergy
All presented papers will be published in a dedicated issue of the MDPI journal Proceedings. Moreover, participants will have the opportunity to contribute with a full manuscript to an Energies Special Issue specifically dedicated to the Conference.
We look forward to having you join us at this exciting event.
Prof. Dr. Enrico Sciubba, Prof. Roberto Melli and Prof. Dr. Roberto Capata
WEF-1 Chairs
Follow the conversation on Twitter with #WEFROMA
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Conference Secretariat
Ms. Stella Mao
Ms. Angel Wang
Dr. Ana Sanchis
Dr. Sara Martínez
Email : energies2020@mdpi.com
Conference Chairs

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy
Scientific Committee

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg 9220, Denmark

School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, University of Brighton, Brighton BN2 4GJ, UK

Institute of Carbon Science and Technology, INCAR-CSIC, 26 Francisco Pintado Fe, 33011 Oviedo, Spain

Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Engineering, University of Derby, Lonsdale House, Derby, DE1 3EE, UK

Center for Research on Microgrids (CROM), Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University Pontoppidanstraede 111, Room 25, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark

Department of Vehicle Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, No.5 Zhongguancun Street, Beijing 100081, China

1: Department of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of Sharjah, P.O. Box 27272 Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
2: Mechanical Engineering and Design, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK

Department of Information and Electrical Eng. and Applied Mathematics, University of Salerno, 84084 Fisciano, Italy

Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9FE, UK
Invited Speakers

Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, United States Military Academy at West Point, West Point, NY 10996, USA
ON THE IMPORTANCE OF THERMODYNAMICS IN ENGINEERING Precise thermodynamics education is a requirement to discuss issues that one faces in global warming, energy conversion and other energy related topics that affect sustainability in the global sense. For this reason, learning, understanding and meaningful and relevant application of topics in thermodynamics are required. To accomplish this, educating students at the undergraduate and graduate levels in classical, statistical, and non-equilibrium thermodynamics becomes important. A short synopsis of fundamentals of classical thermodynamics will be discussed with the intent of bringing clarity to the laws of thermodynamics and their applications in design of experiments as well as applications in other fields such as heat transfer, and physical interpretation of the mathematical relations that are so useful in explaining why certain things happen in thermodynamics and nature. For all scientists and engineers, the courses that end in -ics must be studied and understood well with their correct and precise application, such as mathematics, physics, chemical kinetics, mechanics, and ethics. Of course, thermodynamics is one portion of mechanics that is very important in the education of all engineers but particularly mechanical and chemical engineers. It relates natural phenomena to some order and disorder. From a thermal energy point of view, therefore, thermodynamics is the science that dictates what happens in nature and what not and why. Thus, to better understand nature, we need to study precise thermodynamics.
A. Özer Arnas received his BSME-Robert College, Istanbul, June ’58, MSME-Duke University, June ’61 and the PhD in ME-North Carolina State University, December ’64. He taught at the California State University System’s Chico, January 1986-May 1987, and Sacramento, August 1987-May 1989, campuses and retired from San Jose State University in December 1992. Now he is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY August 1998 - Present. He has also lectured extensively at universities on topics of his research and teaching interests and organized over eighty conferences/sessions in the United States and Europe. As a Registered Professional Engineer in Mechanical Engineering, now inactive, he has served as a Consultant and Expert Witness for Attorneys in Louisiana and California. Recipient of many awards, he is a LIFE FELLOW of ASME, has been a Mechanical Engineering ABET Visitor, and is listed in Who’s Who among America’s Teachers. He has received numerous awards for teaching excellence and service.

Institute for Energy Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin Marchstr.18, 10587 Berlin, Germany
INTEGRATED APPROACHES FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING AND EVALUATING ENERGY SYSTEMS Exergy-based methods are powerful tools for developing, evaluating, understanding, and improving energy systems. The presentation deals with integrated exergetic, exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental evaluations, which identify the location, magnitude and causes of inefficiencies, costs and environmental impacts, respectively. This information is very useful in understanding the behavior and improving the thermodynamic, economic and environmental performance of such systems. Advanced exergy-based analyses consider, in addition to the corresponding conventional methods, (a) the interactions among the different inefficiencies, costs and environmental impacts within the overall system, and (b) the real potential for reducing these within each important system component. Splitting the exergy destruction, the capital investment cost and the component-related environmental impact associated with each single component of a system into endogenous/exogenous and avoidable/unavoidable parts and using a further splitting of the avoidable exogenous exergy destruction improves (a) our understanding of the processes that take place, and (b) the quality of the conclusions for improvement obtained from the analysis. In the presentation, some recent developments in the area of advanced exergy-based methods will be presented, and some applications will be discussed.

Polsinelli PC, Kansas City, MO 64112, USA
LEGAL AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS PLANNING AND CONVERSIONS ABSTRACT: This Lecture focuses on legal and regulatory requirements of power system planning and considerations utilities and Independent Power Producers weigh in construction and conversion of certain power generating systems. Focusing on internationally relevant climate change and “carbon free” power production resources we examine European Union (“EU”) and various national requirements and goals. Major utility providers are evaluating how they can migrate their electric generation fleets from a carbon based generation resource to a zero carbon future. Unfortunately many of these power plants are operating efficiently, at low cost and have many useful years remaining before retirement. What environmental, economic and resource planning mechanisms are taken into consideration to either retrofit these facilities or convert them to more environmentally friendly power generating resources? What environmental legal requirements are directing utility providers to manage power generation resources? What are the legal requirements for carbon capture and storage? What resource alternatives should be considered and what are the legal implications to convert power generating resources? We shall address Renewable Portfolio Standards; legal mandates on generation resource supply restrictions and requirements (Coal, Natural Gas, Oil and Nuclear), renewable development opportunities and initiatives (Wind, Solar and Geo-Thermal) and energy storage development and opportunities. In the U.S. we utilize Integrated Resource Planning (“IRP”) as the legal and regulatory mechanisms to study options in order to make informed economic decisions. Of the 50 U.S. states, 32 have IRP legal and regulatory reviews, with 10-year forecast plans filed at least every 2-3 years and updated annually. These IRP filings are a long-term strategy plan used to guide resource acquisition, conservation, and demand-side management decisions. The objective of a well-structured IRP is to find the lowest cos
Frank Caro is Chair of the national Energy Practice of the Polsinelli PC, law firm. Polsinelli is a U.S. national law firm with over 900 attorneys in 22 cities throughout the U.S. from New York to Los Angeles and Chicago to Miami. Based in the center of the U.S., Kansas City, Missouri, Polsinelli’s Energy Practice focuses on development of power production facilities, especially renewables, wind, solar and energy storage facilities. Mr. Caro serves his energy and utility industry clients as a partner in meeting their legal challenges, as well as a trusted resource for strategies that are built on his vast experience in business, regulatory and government affairs. Polsinelli’s Washington, D.C. office provides legislative and policy support to energy clients. As chair of Polsinelli’s national energy group, Frank has been representing clients in the electric and gas industries for more than 30 years, during which time he has assisted in structuring power plant construction projects, transmission systems and complex business, regulatory and legislative solutions to his clients’ most challenging legal problems. Frank supports clients that are involved in all facets of the energy industry from power producers to various power segment utilities, energy developers to end-use consumers. His energy clients have included independent power producers, energy producers, oil and gas gathering systems, pipelines, large public utility/energy industry organizations, renewable energy developers, rural electric cooperatives, municipal power, energy marketers and industrial and commercial users of utility services. His most recent work has involved the analysis and siting of new base load generating facilities, environmental retrofits of large power generating facilities and the acquisition and regulatory approvals of a 780-mile 600 kV HVDC electric transmission line extending from Southwest Kansas and into Indiana. Prior to joining Polsinelli, Frank served as general counsel for the Kansas Corporation Commission. He successfully argued the Northwest Central Pipelin
There is only one type of registration fee for all participants (authors): 50€ per each accepted archival/conference paper. The registration fee includes the publication of your paper in Sciforum and in a dedicated issue of the journal Proceedings, and priority for the registration (with no extra cost) to the live online sessions with our keynote speakers. Finally, only registered participants will be able to apply for the Conference Awards, and the 20% discount on the publication fees for the Energies Special Issue.
Participation to the conference is considered final only once the registration fee has been paid. Registration by at least one author per paper, denoted as Covering Author, is required to cover participation and publication of any accepted paper. Covering Author registration deadline is 3 September 2020. Your abstract and paper will be withdrawn if you do not complete the registration by this date.
Authors with multiple contributions: note that one author registration will cover only ONE accepted contribution. Authors presenting more than 1 contribution during the event need to select the additional submissions as an "Extra" during registration and will be charged 50 euro per additional submission.
When registering, please provide us with your institutional email address. This will accelerate the registration process. If you are registering several people under the same registration, please do not use the same email address for each person, but their individual institutional email addresses. Please note that, submission and registration are two different processes. During registration, if possible, use the same email address you used to submit your abstract(s). Otherwise, leave us a comment in the registration form, providing the email address used during the submission process.
Certificate of Attendance: Upon request, the participants of the event will receive an electronic Certificate of Attendance by email once the event is concluded.
Start date - End date | Price | |
Covering Author | 15th June 2020-4th September 2020 | 50.00 EUR |
Cancellation policy
Cancellation of paid registrations is possible under the terms listed below:
> 2 months before the conference | Full refund but 15 EUR are retained for administration |
> 1 month before the conference | Refund 50% of the applying fees |
> 2 weeks before the conference | Refund 25% of the applying fees |
< 2 weeks before the conference | No refund |
We will endeavour to present the program advertised. However, in the unlikely event that MDPI shall deem it necessary to cancel the conference, all pre-paid registration fees will be reimbursed. MDPI shall not be liable for reimbursing the cost of travel or accommodation arrangements made by individual delegates. Tours run by third parties may be subject to cancellation or alteration.
The organizers do not accept liability for personal accident, loss, or damage to private property incurred as a result of participation in the First World Energies Forum. Delegates are advised to arrange appropriate insurance to cover travel, cancellation costs, medical, and theft or damage of belongings.
WEF Live online sessions Information
If it is not completely full, the registration will be opened for unregistered participants. Registrations with academic institutional email addresses will be prioritized for the people who did not pay the conference registration fee.
Program WEF online sessions
Title Talk: Legal and Regulatory Considerations on Power Systems Planning and Conversions
Speaker: Dr. Frank A. Caro
Chair: Prof. Roberto Melli
Date and time: 14 September 2020, 3:00 PM (CEST)
Live session: Free Registration here
Title Talk: On the importance of Thermodynamics in Engineering
Speaker:Prof. Dr. Enrico Sciubba commenting on Prof. Özer Arnas slides
Date and time: 16 September 2020, 3:00 PM (CEST)
Pre-recorded session
Title Talk: Integrated Approaches for Better Understanding and Evaluating Energy Systems
Speaker: Prof. George Tsatsaronis
Chair: Prof. Roberto Capata
Date and time: 21 September 2020, 3:00 PM (CEST)
Live session: Free Registration here
See section below
WEF Live and pre-recorded sessions
Title Talk: Legal and Regulatory Considerations on Power Systems Planning and Conversions
Date and time: 14 September 2020, 3:00 PM (CEST)
Chair: Prof. Roberto Melli
Speaker: Dr. Frank A. Caro.
A response to the questions that remained unanswered during the live session can be downloaded here.
The full recording can be found below.
Title Talk: On the importance of Thermodynamics in Engineering
Date and time: 16 September 2020, 3:00 PM (CEST)
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Enrico Sciubba commenting on Prof. Özer Arnas slides.
The full recording can be found below.
The slides of Prof. Özer Arnas' presentation can be found in the link below:
Date and time: 21 September 2020, 3:00 PM (CEST)
Chair: Prof. Roberto Capata
Speaker: Prof. George Tsatsaronis
The full recording can be found below.
Instructions for Authors
- The papers should report original, previously unpublished findings in one of the topics listed below. Review-type papers are not accepted. All papers will be reviewed under the direction of the International Scientific Committee.
- NEW: Authors are also encourage to prepare a PDF file with some presentation slides to provide a more synthetized and graphical explanation of the research presented. This file can be submited along with the full paper or later, when submitting the revised version.
- NEW: During the time of the conference (14 September - 5 October 2020), all accepted papers and presentations will be available on Sciforum, allowing the audience to read, comment and discuss your work.
- After the conference, all accepted papers will be published within a dedicated issue of the MDPI journal Proceedings. Once published, the dedicated volume will be sent to the Conference Proceedings Citation Index for evaluation and, if accepted, it will be included in the Web of Science Core Collection.
- In addition, a Panel of Evaluators, acting upon suggestions by the Session Chairs, will select papers with archival value, i.e., those that contribute significantly to the state of the art and report final results of relevant research. These archival papers will be further reviewed for publication on a Special Issue of Energies (Impact Factor 2.702) dedicated to the WEF.
- Since one of the goals of WEF is to promote direct communication between researchers, perspective authors--especially young researchers--are welcome to submit papers that report work in progress without significant contribution to the state of the art: these will be treated as conference papers, and will receive less stringent review.
- Authors are urged to offer suggestion on classification of their papers as "archival" or "conference", when submitting them.
Submission process starts with the submission of an abstract in English, between 1500-2500 characters long. Such an abstract should summarize the entire paper; it is the only information for acceptance that will be examined by the Scientific Committee. It is therefore of the utmost importance for the Abstract to allow the reviewers to make an intelligent decision about its acceptance.
Abstract template and typical composition:
- Motivation for the paper
- Objectives
- What was done
- How it was done and validated
- Major results
- Conclusions
In writing the abstract, be quantitative, write it clearly and in good English, and do not exceed the imposed 1500-2500 characters length limit.
Abstracts can only be submitted online, and the accepted abstracts will be available online on Sciforum.net during and after the conference.
Improve your chances of success! Use the experience of previous Authors to gain some insight on successful submissions: before writing an Abstract, thoroughly review the papers that have already been published in Energies and in its special issues. This investment of your time will not only improve the quality of your manuscript, but also promote your awareness of the available information that exist in the Energies knowledge base. Please use the online databases for your literature review:Each paper to be published in the online Journal Proceedings and in the dedicated Special Issue of Energies must be presented at the Conference by one of the authors (presenting author). Please notice that papers can be presented only by its authors. Papers not presented will not be published in the online Proceedings or elsewhere, no matter what the reason for not presenting them is. Each participant registered as a “presenting author” will be obliged to present his/her paper orally at the Conference. Upon submitting an Abstract, Authors are encouraged to specify which type of contribution they are about to submit:
- Archival Paper (published in the online Proceedings, may be selected for the dedicated Special Issue of Energies);
- Conference Paper (published in the online Proceedings)
The papers with archival value (archival papers), meaning those that contribute significantly to the state of the art and report final results of research, with proper literature review, will be thoroughly reviewed and may be selected for publication consideration in the conference Special Issue (SI). The decision about the selection of the papers for the SI will be made by a Panel of Evaluators acting upon direct suggestion by the Session Chairmen. Any paper selected for the SI will be considered as a “new submission” and it will go through the customary review process enacted at Energies (regardless of the previous reviews obtained for acceptance at the WEF).
Conference participants will be granted a 20% discount on the publication fees of selected papers for the Energies Special Issue. Please note that no other institutional discounts will be applicable, except from reviewers’ discount vouchers.
To download the manuscript template for all accepted abstracts please click here.
NEW: Presentation Slides (Optional)
Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint (or similar) to be displayed online along with the manuscript. Slides can be prepared the same way as for any traditional conference. They should be converted to PDF format before submission.
Potential Conflicts of Interest
All authors must disclose all relationships or interests that could inappropriately influence or bias their work. This should be conveyed in a separate "Conflict of Interest" statement preceding the "Acknowledgments" and "References" sections at the end of the manuscript. If there is no conflict, please state "The authors declare no conflict of interest." Financial support for the study must be fully disclosed under "Acknowledgments" section.
MDPI, the owner of the Sciforum.net platform, is an open access publisher. We believe that authors should retain the copyright to their scholarly works. Hence, by submitting a Conference Paper to this conference, you retain the copyright of your paper, but you grant MDPI the non-exclusive right to publish this paper online on the Sciforum.net platform. This means you can easily submit your paper to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher (if required by that publisher).
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 April 2020
- Abstract Acceptance: 5 May 2020
- Full Paper Submission: 30 June 2020
- Reviews to Authors: 28 July 2020
- Final Paper Submission: 28 August 2020
- Energy Fundamentals
- Thermodynamics
- Energy quality
- Equilibrium vs. Non-equilibrium processes
- Primary Energy Sources
- Fossil: Coal, Gas, Nuclear, Oil
- Renewable: Geothermal, Hydraulic, Ocean, Solar Thermal, Solar Photovoltaic, Solar High-T, Wind
- Secondary Energy Sources and Energy Carriers
- Biomass and Biofuels
- Hydrogen
- Liquefied Natural Gas
- Microwave Energy conversion
- Waste-derived fuels
- Fuels for aerospace applications
- Intermediate and Final Energy Use
- Energy storage: methods and materials
- Distributed generation
- Energy and Buildings
- Power Transmission & Supply
- Energy Infrastructure
- Energy Conversion Systems
- Combustion: Conventional and Advanced
- Thermal Engines
- Boilers
- Heat Exchangers
- Electric-, Hybrid- and Hydrogen Vehicles
- Power Plants
- Co- and Trigeneration
- Domestic and Industrial Applications
- Aeronautical and Aerospace Energy Systems
- Energy Policy
- Energy Efficiency
- Energy conversion and management
- Environmental Effects
- Energy and Environmental Indicators
- Sustainable Energy Systems
- Resilient Systems
- Exergy
- Exergy Analysis
- Thermo-Economics
- Energy Research and Development
- Energy Transition
If you have any questions please contact the organizing committee at: energies2020@mdpi.com.
List of accepted submissions (37)
Id | Title | Authors | Poster PDF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sciforum-029056 | Multistage Power Amplification Storage Systems for Dedicated Photovoltaic Applications and Harvesting |
Simon Delalay
N/A |
Show Abstract |
The paper discusses the principle of power amplification, as it can be found in many systems powered by PV panels and buffered by batteries. Under different categories of application examples, one is given by compacting containers for plastic or other waste materials. The main goal of such systems is to supply high-power intermittent systems from low power sources. The studied example discusses an energy harvesting system using a low power solar PV collection system dedicated to energize a specific application, sequentially operated at high power. The transformation of the power level is achieved using intermediary storage, where the charging sequence is characterized by a very low power level for longer time, followed by a shorter discharge sequence of the storage means with a much higher instantaneous power. The performance of the PV harvesting system is discussed from the point of view of its energy efficiency. Several solutions are discussed, and finally, a new 2-stage harvesting system is introduced. The requirement of a multistage amplification system is related to the power amplification ratio itself. The design method for the system relies on the concept of the so-called “Modified Ragone Representation”, MRR, that is shortly introduced in the paper. A prototype realization of the two-stage system is also presented. |
sciforum-029092 | A Note on the “ Optimal ” Design of Disc-Shaped heat Exchangers | N/A |
Show Abstract |
The continuous quest for improving the performance of heat exchangers, together with evermore stringent volume and weight constraints, especially in enclosed applications (engines, electronic devices), stimulates the search for compact, high-performance units. One of the shapes that emerged from a vast body of research is the disc-shaped heat exchanger, in which the fluid to be heated/cooled flows through radial -often bifurcated- channels inside of a metallic disc. The disc in turn exchanges heat with the heat/cold source (the environment or another body). Several studies have been devoted to the identification of an “optimal shape” of the channels: most of them are based on prime principles, though numerical simulations abound as well. The present paper demonstrates that -for all engineering purposes- there is only one correct design procedure for such a heat exchanger, and that this procedure depends solely on the technical specifications (exchanged thermal power, materials, surface quality): the design in fact reduces to a zero-degree of freedom problem! The argument is described in detail, and it is shown that a proper application of the constraints completely identifies the shape, size and similarity indices of both the disc and the internal channels. Goal of this study is not that of “inventing” a novel heat exchanger design procedure, but that of demonstrating that -in this as in many similar cases-a straight forward application of prime principles and of diligent engineering rules may generate “optimal” designs. Of course, the resulting configurations may be a posteriori tested as to their performance, their irreversibility rates, their compliance with one or the other “techno-economical optimization methods”, but it is important to realize that they enjoy a sort of “embedded” optimality. |
sciforum-030812 | Closed Irreversible Cycles Analysis Based on Finite Physical Dimensions Thermodynamics |
Stefan Grigorean
N/A |
Show Abstract |
The paper develops generalizing entropic approaches of irreversible closed cycles. The mathematical models of the irreversible engines (basic, with internal regeneration of the heat, cogeneration units) and of the refrigeration cycles were applied to four possible operating irreversible trigeneration cycles. The models involve the reference entropy, the number of internal irreversibility, the thermal conductance inventory, the proper temperatures of external heat reservoirs unifying the first law of thermodynamics and the linear heat transfer law, the mean log temperature differences, and four possible operational constraints, i.e., constant heat input, constant power, constant energy efficiency and constant reference entropy. The reference entropy is always the entropy variation rate of the working fluid during the reversible heat input process. The number of internal irreversibility allows the evaluation of the heat output via the ratio of overall internal irreversible entropy generation and the reference entropy. The operational constraints allow the replacement of the reference entropy function of the finite physical dimensions parameters, i.e., mean log temperature differences, thermal conductance inventory, and the proper external heat reservoir temperatures. The paper presents initially the number of internal irreversibility and the energy efficiency equations for engine and refrigeration cycles. At the limit, i.e., endoreversibility, we can re-obtain the endoreversible energy efficiency equation. The second part develops the influences between the imposed operational constraint and the finite physical dimensions parameters for the basic irreversible cycle. The third part is applying the mathematical models to four possible standalone trigeneration cycles. It was assumed that there are the required consumers of the all useful heat delivered by the trigeneration system. The design of trigeneration system must know the ratio of refrigeration rate to power, e.g., engine shaft power or useful power delivered directly to power consumers. The final discussions and conclusions emphasize the novelties and the complexity of interconnected irreversible trigeneration systems design/optimization. |
sciforum-030908 | Performance, Emissions and Durability Studies on Diesel Engine fuelled with a Preheated Raw Microalgal Oil | , , | N/A |
Show Abstract |
Preheated Schizochytrium sp. raw MAO was evaluated as a fuel in a single-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine to produce a comparative study of MAO and DO critical parameters. In particular, brake power, brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, in-cylinder pressure, exhaust gas temperature, NOx and CO emission were investigated. Additionally, an engine durability test for longevity was undertaken over a 30 h period, using raw MAO as the fuel. The study demonstrated that the preheated MAO could be successfully used in a Diesel engine smoothly. The use of MAO reduced the engine brake power by 26% and increased brake specific fuel consumption by 20%. The most significant finding from this research study is that there was a significant reduction in NOx and CO emission by 42% and 60% when using raw MAO, respectively. Therefore, these findings demonstrate that algae oil is a highly credible fuel for use in diesel engines and offers a promising solution to diesel engine emissions. |
sciforum-030996 | Geothermal Repurposing of Depleted Oil & Gas Wells in Italy | , , | N/A |
Show Abstract |
The decarbonisation of the energy sector is probably one of the main worldwide challenges of the future. Global changes urge a radical transformation and improvement of the energy-producing systems to meet the decarbonisation targets and a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The hydrocarbon industry also contributes to this transition path. In a mature stage of oil and gas fields, the production of hydrocarbons is associated with formation waters. The volume of produced water increases with the maturity of the assets and the conversion into geothermal wells could be an alternative to the mining closure. In the described transition scenario, the geothermal energy seems very promising because of its wide range of applications depending onthe temperature of extracted fluids. This flexibility enables to propose projects inspired to a circular economy vision with the integration in the territory and social acceptance. In Italy, since 1985, 7246 well has been drilled for hydrocarbonof which 898 are located on-shorewith a productive or potentially productive operational status. The paper presents a preliminary investigation on oil and gas fields located on shore in Italian territory based on the available informationon temperature distribution at different depth. Then, taking into account the local energy demand, existing infrastructure, and land use of the territory, a conversion strategy for the producing wells has been proposed for three case studies. |
Event Awards
We are pleased to announce the availability of awards for young researchers conducting research in the field of energy research and who plan to attend the WEF-1 conference.
Applications and nominations will be assessed by Scientific Committee. Winners will be announced online after the conference.
The Awards
Number of Awards Available: 1
Award winner can publish the extended version of the paper submitted to the conference in Journal Energies, free of charge. The extended version will have a normal peer-review procedure.Number of Awards Available: 1
Winners will be selected by the Scientific Committee after evaluation of all selected video presentations display in Sciforum.net during the conference. The awards will consist of 300 EUR and a certificate each.Terms and Conditions:
Candidate's requirements for the both Awards:
- Applicants must be Postdoctoral Fellows or PhD/Master students undertaking energy-related research.
- The paper submitted by the applicants must have been previously accepted by the Chairs of the WEF-1 conference, and presented at the conference.
All the applicants are required to submit the following documents no later than 9 September 2020:
Application Form of WEF-1 Awards
Once filled in please submit the form by replying to energies2020@mdpi.com
Candidates for the Best Oral Presentation Awards will be required to submit a video presentation of their paper:
- The video should be between 5-10minutes and be prepared with the following formats: .MOV; .MPEG4; .MP4; .AVI; .WMV; .MPEGPS; .FLV.
- The video should be submitted via energies2020@mdpi.com before 9 September 2020.
Best Oral Award Candidates
The WEF-1 Conference is pleased to announce the Best Oral Presentation Award, which will consist of a prize for the winner of 300 EUR and an Award Winner Certificate. The Scientific Committee will evaluate the applications based on the oral presentations given by the following candidates on their submitted work. The winner will be announced online once the conference is concluded.
Candidate: Fangyu Zhang
Title: Characteristics of ammonia/hydrogen premixed combustion in a novel Linear Engine Generator
Candidate: Federico Ricci
Title: Investigation on the lean stable limit of a Barrier Discharge Igniter and of a Streamer-type Corona Igniter at different engine loads in a single-cylinder research engine
Candidate: Lorenzo Talluri
Title: Exergy analysis of a wood fireplace coupled with thermo-electric modules
Candidate: Luca Pratticò
Title: Analysis of radiation propagation inside a hierarchical solar volumetric absorber
Candidate: Rafael S. Salles
Title: Energy Storage for Peak Shaving in a Microgrid in the Context of Brazilian Time-of-Use Rate
Candidate: René Nsabimana
Title: Electricity sector organization and performance in Burundi
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S1. Energy Fundamentals
Energy quality
Equilibrium vs. Non-equilibrium processes
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S2. Primary Energy Sources
Fossil: Coal, Gas, Nuclear, Oil
Renewable : Geothermal, Hydraulic, Ocean, Solar Thermal, Solar Photovoltaic, Solar High-T, Wind
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S3. Secondary Energy Sources and Energy Carriers
Biomass and Biofuels
Liquefied Natural Gas
Microwave Energy conversion
Waste-derived fuels
Fuels for aerospace applications
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S4. Intermediate and Final Energy Use
Energy storage: methods and materials
Distributed generation
Energy and Buildings
Power Transmission & Supply
Energy Infrastructure
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S5. Energy Conversion Systems
Combustion: Conventional and Advanced
Thermal Engines
Heat Exchangers
Electric-, Hybrid- and Hydrogen Vehicles
Power Plants
Co- and Trigeneration
Domestic and Industrial Applications
Aeronautical and Aerospace Energy Systems
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S6. Energy Policy
Energy Efficiency
Energy conversion and management
Environmental Effects
Energy and Environmental Indicators
Sustainable Energy Systems
Resilient Systems
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S7. Exergy
Exergy Analysis
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S8. Energy Research and Development
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S9. Energy Transition
Studying past energy transitions
Quantification and Modelling of Energy Return on Energy Invested
Critical Analysis of Future Scenarios
Rational and Sober No-Go Analysis of over-sold technology solutions
Perspective Shift – quantification and analysis of the forward operating environment
Strategic Analysis of long-term transitions
Backcasting Analysis, Trigger Analysis (including pandemic) and Policy Implications for Transition
Exemplar Shift Projects or novel tools that are used to engineer shift projects
We understand that energy transition is a complex and system-wide endeavour. Thus contributions from a wide range of academic, professional, business and policy experts is invited. The theme is not limited to energy production, in fact energy transition is much more about end use, cities, transportation, businesses, policies and management innovations.